I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1098: Please spread the fire to the sages, go to the temple [four K]

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The congenial temple is simple and solemn, and there are all kinds of wonderful atmosphere around the temple.

It has been a long time since Ji Xia obtained this divine object.

The upper limit of Xiantian temples is also extremely high. It can enshrine the true spirits of many ancestors, allowing them to live high in the temples and receive sacrifices.

The Xiantian Temple in Ji Xia's palm rose up against the wind and turned into a huge temple, suspended behind Ji Xia.

The gates of the temple are closed, but there are extremely unique avenues flowing out.

The masters of the hidden land of the human race who were caught in consternation became even more surprised.

At this moment.

Originally wanted to escape from the void of the two worlds and dissipate the incarnation of the master of the hidden land.

No matter how to communicate with the true body, how to dissipate the spiritual consciousness and spirit that construct the incarnation will not help.

They can only live high in the void, looking up at Ji Xia.

The surviving strong man in black robes beside Ji Xia also made them extremely surprised and suspicious!

The reason is that the power that this indifferent and domineering black-robed **** has just shown made them unimaginable for a while.

"The Void of the Two Realms is originally the place of nothingness, but the heaven and earth condensed by the original runes. In a sense, the Void of the Two Realms can only carry these incarnations of light, and cannot carry more powerful forces."

"However, this black-robed strong man solidified the void with great power, captured the non-existent void, and placed it above the earth.

This kind of power... has surpassed the personality that the Shangyu Dao realm can bloom! "

"Tai Cang...Tai Cang... Infinite Wilderness, this little-known human race imperial dynasty, is there such a strong man sitting here?"

"This black-robed **** seems to be a heavy minister of that young king!"


The masters of the hidden places of the human race have collided and communicated with each other.

They looked up at Ji Xia and others who were already above them.

There was not much anger on his face either.

The masters who originally wanted to dissipate the avatar also stopped struggling, looking at the sky, and didn't know what was thinking in their minds.

But Ji Xia looked down at them, and suddenly asked, "If there is a human nation in the boundless wilderness, and you want to rise against the trend, you will return the human race to a clear world.

I wonder if you are willing to help? "

Ji Xia spoke, and in a calm tone, she carried the mystery of the road again.

It's as if Ji Xia is not talking to these masters, but explaining the formation and existence of the Dao from his own perspective.

The master of the Jiuyuan human race heard mesmerizingly, and respected Ji Xia in awe.

Among the rulers of these human races, there is no lack of the ancient existence of Shangyu Daojing.

The power they possess is more powerful than that of Ji Xia.

However, Ji Xia’s perception of the avenue came from Tiangong, from the 33rd Heavenly Dome, from Tianhe...

These avenues that once stood at the top in the wilderness must also be the peak in the boundless wilderness.

Many masters, while communicating with the true body, deducing the magic revealed in Ji Xia's words, and saluting to Ji Xia.


They didn't answer Ji Xia's words. In addition to admiration, they were still inquiring and puzzled.

A young ruler took a step and said to Ji Xia: "Since the emperor can be surrendered by the gentle and weak ruler of the sacrificial sky, it means that the kingdom of the great blue must be amazing.

Tai Cang wants to achieve the boundless and wild central country, our old Yuan family of human race, naturally will not object.

When that day really arrives, we will also offer sacrifices to heaven, wishing Tai Cang, and respecting the emperor. "

The young man's words are not leaking, and he speaks like Ji Xia's salute, extremely polite and meticulous in etiquette.

Ji Xiaqu was able to clearly perceive the meaning in the words of Juvenile Domination.

"Tai Cang can naturally become the central country of the boundless wilderness, but the boundless wilderness has nothing to do with the old abyss.

The Jiuyuan human race will congratulate Tai Cang, but will not surrender to Tai Cang. "

Wen Wei stared at these masters and said: "Masters, if you are willing to support Taicang, then even if you can't completely compete with the gods, you can stand invincible against the gods if you are willing to support Taicang.

Now that you surrender to Jiuyuan, surrender to the demon clan, why is it a good choice? "

From the last incident, Wen Qiang had seen through the conspiracy to dominate the boundless savage dynasty.

Instead of becoming a tool of the gods, it is better to contribute to your own race.

However, the weak words, heard in the ears of these old masters, have not caused any waves.

Many masters remained unmoved.

In addition to the young master of the Upper Universe Realm, another girl with long hair and ankles stood on the head of a blue-black snake with a snake letter, and jumped out of the crowd.

She shook her head slowly, and said softly: "The boundless wild and human race is on the rise, I am the same blood, and of course I am very happy.

It's just... more than 80 million years have been flowing.

Too many human dynasties have risen, and too many human dynasties have perished.

We have been very difficult along the way, and we are unwilling to make unnecessary sacrifices.

And...the Tai Cang still hasn't ascended to the gods.

There is still a long distance away from those human gods after the great destruction, Haiwang Emperor Haihan.

Perhaps the future path of the human race is no longer infinite and wild. "

The big snake girl has no pearls in her eyes, which is quite special.

She whispered, with a clear tone, neither overbearing nor overbearing.

Ji Xia frowned.

Jiufeng, who was silent on the side, suddenly turned his head and asked, "Does it seem to you that the human race can only become a race under the rule of the Great Frost God Clan?"

The big snake girl, the juvenile master, and other powerful masters looked at each other and did not answer.

At this moment.

Suddenly a divine light shone in the void of the two worlds.

In the center of this divine light, there is a picture of mountains and rivers floating high.

The pictures of mountains and rivers rumbling!

Ji Xuantian Void, it is constantly shaking like encountering an endless divine wind.

A great power descended on the heaven and the earth.

It's as if this outside world will disintegrate at any time.

Ji Xia raised her eyebrows.

He could clearly perceive that an invincible general trend came violently, suppressing Ji Xuantian.

at the same time.

In the picture of the mountains and rivers, a world-famous existence walks out step by step.

He raised his head high, and the heavy spirit on his body seemed to carry the mountains and rivers, not knowing how proud it was.

The majestic breath rushed up into the sky, surpassing the understanding of countless creatures, magnificent and beautiful.

A hint of curiosity flashed across Ji Xia's eyes.

I saw him snap his fingers!

A vast jade platform appeared in the sky above Ji Xuan Tian.

On the jade platform, the stars are lingering, the sky flows, and the gorgeous scenes are presented.

Many thrones grew out of them.

Ji Xia did not hesitate, he took a step forward and sat on the central throne at one end of the jade platform.

Chi You and Jiufeng also sat beside Ji Xia.

Ji Xia reached out a palm, made a gesture of inviting each other, and said to the person who came: "God Frost Cinder, would you like to have a drink together?"

The visitors seemed to be carrying mountains and rivers, and the heaven and the earth resonated and roared constantly.

His spirit is fierce and domineering, and he has a young and sunrise-like aura.

It can be described as unattainable, and the mighty power is like prison.

He is the Great Frost God Emperor Frost Cinder.

This **** emperor was also in his prime of life. Seeing Ji Xia's invitation, he strode forward, stepped into the jade platform, and settled on the other end of the jade platform.

It's just that the eyes of the Frost Cinder God Emperor were not entirely on Ji Xia's body.

He stared at Chi You beside Ji Xia, the light in his eyes was so bright and hot that it was impossible to look directly.

"The Frost Cinder God Emperor comes across the border, isn't he afraid of dying in the boundless wilderness?"

Chi You stretched out his hand, and immediately added a cup of magic head cup in his hand.

He toasted to the Frost Cinder God Emperor.

The Frost Cinder God Emperor also emptied his hand, took out a glass of wine and drank it.

The Frost Cinder God Sovereign rudely wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, and said casually: "As long as I don’t take the initiative to take the initiative, the three great dynasties will not dare to take action against me. Sacrifice of heaven and earth."

Chi You looked towards the sky with some emotion, shook his head and said: "The game that exists in the upper ranks always has so many restrictions, and it is not hearty."

When he said this, he turned his head and looked at Ji Xia.

Ji Xia calmly said, "That's why the three great dynasties want to erase the greatness eagerly.

The reason is that a weak country like Tai Cang, and later the country, doesn't need to care about those illusory rules.

He has never been deep in the shackles.

This is a good thing for Tai Cang. "

The Frost Cinder God Emperor did not agree with Ji Xia's statement: "Even though I am far in the old abyss, I have heard of Tai Cang being strong.

However, as long as Tai Cang was in the boundless wilderness for a day, he would never break out of the shackles of the rules. "

Speaking of this, the Frostcinder God Emperor added his tone: "In the Guozuo system, even those human dynasties in the past have already been put on shackles."

Ji Xia was unwilling to explain to God Emperor Frost Cinder carefully, she smiled slightly.

The Frost Cinder God Emperor stared at Ji Xia, the imprint of a snowflake on his forehead that seemed to be burning, reflecting a dim light.

"Emperor, now these human race masters are already subjects of my Jiuyuan.

The emperor wanted them to surrender, so he might ask me about it. "

The Frost Cinder God Emperor seemed to be questioning, but his tone was not stiff.

Ji Xia figured out the intention of the Frost Cinder God Emperor, and responded: "The God Emperor doesn't have to blame it.

The number of Jiuyuan human races is not large.

If one day, once Tai Cang rises, the human race will have the appearance of rising, I think they will also help the same race.

After all... blood is thicker than water. "

The Frost Cinder God Emperor glanced at the incarnation in those rays: "During these tens of millions of years, there have been countless humans who have migrated to the hidden places of the old abyss.

In the past, the old **** emperor of the Yuan was mostly suppressed and expelled.

Only I accepted them and let them have a place to stand in the old abyss in these millions of years.

Let them develop their own ethnic group, let them shape their own civilization, and let them continue their heritage.

I have great favors for these human races.

And too Cang... But the weak and small country, maybe soon, will be turned into ruins.

They follow you, do they want to die? "

The Frost Cinder God Emperor seemed to be talking about Yu Jixia, and he seemed to be talking about the Lord of the Hidden Land of Human Race.

Many masters, their thoughts are suppressed in their minds, and they do not show any signs, they appear very calm, and they are all ancient powerhouses.

Ji Xia smiled casually: "Tai Cang naturally doesn't think that, I will come forward and say a few words at will.

These human bloodlines who have lost confidence in the boundless wilderness will all die for Tai Cang's effect.

When they saw it today, it was just a face-to-face meeting with them. When Tai Cang became the central kingdom and even the gods in the future, they would naturally understand that the opportunity of the human race had arrived. "

The Frost Cinder God Emperor looked a little surprised.

He glanced at Ji Xia carefully, a bright smile appeared on his face, and the snowflake imprint on his forehead burned even more fiercely.

"Then I will make a bet with the emperor."

The Frost Cinder said: "These human masters under my command, no one will betray me, and will never be loyal to Tai Cang."

Ji Xia's eyes were clear: "What does God Emperor Frost Cinder want to bet on?"

"How about betting on an Eternal Immortal Realm Dao implement?"


Ji Xia nodded and said: "Maybe soon, the Frost Cinder God Emperor will prepare to give up an Eternal Immortal Realm Dao artifact."

The raging fire was burning on the Frost Cinder God Emperor, and he laughed.

"Why is Tai Cang so confident?"

"To become the central country of the boundless wild human race now, there is no threshold required.

The boundless wild human race is too weak, it is an emperor, and can stand on its own as a central country. "

The Frost Cinder said with a smile.

Ji Xia replied: "The central kingdom of the emperor's self-reliant human race will be wiped out by a more powerful kingdom in a blink of an eye."

"Therefore, Tai Cang does not want to be independent, but to let the three great dynasties of the Infinite Wild, let the many forces of the Infinite Wild, and let every human being in the Infinite Wild, sincerely agree that Tai Cang is the central kingdom of the human race."

When Ji Xia said this, she paused for a while, and then looked at the two worlds below.

"Even, by then, even the human races like Jiuyuan will regard Tai Cang as the central nation of the human race."

"Even Frost Cinder God Sovereign will regard me as Human Sovereign."

The Frost Cinder God Emperor looked quite surprised.

Even with the existence of the Eternal Immortal Realm, there will be doubts.

Perhaps this **** emperor wondered why Yu Jixia was so confident.

At this time, Ji Xia was also unwilling to cover up.

He was still looking at the masters of the many hidden territories of the human race: "After the great destruction, there are thirty-six divine dynasties of the ancient and modern human races.

The thirty-six sages of the gods will identify with Tai Cang, and will identify with...the emperor! "

Ji Xia's voice just fell.

In the sky, millions of ancient tomb altars began to tremble one after another.

Various mysterious and complicated runes rose up, and then shattered in an instant.


The blazing light spreads, and the consecration gate of the Xiantian Temple opens!

Ji Xia stood up.

The Black Jade Terrace ~www.readwn.com~ before Xiantian Temple worship still supports his body.

Ji Xia stood on the black jade platform of the Xiantian Temple, her clothes fluttering and her long hair shawl.

There was a scorching divine light shining in his eyes, and the divine radiance was shining all over, like a born emperor.

"Please pass on the fire to the sages, and attribute them to the Human Race Xiantian Temple!"

Wenwei was a little stunned.

She didn't understand what Ji Xia was doing now.

"The sages have already fallen, their true spirits have no will, even if they call them, they can't hear them.

What is the emperor doing? "

"It's just... why do those ancient ancestors' tombs tremble?"

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