I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1099: Please congratulate Tai Cang from heaven and earth [Four K]

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Wen's doubts were solved by the scene after just a few breaths.

Under the watchful eyes of the masters of the hidden land of many human races.

Also in the curious eyes of God Emperor Frost Cinder.

As Ji Xia called softly.

In the void of Ji Xuan Tian, ​​the altars of millions of tombs began to tremble and began to vibrate.

Then suddenly it shattered!

The inherited debris blew a hurricane that exclaimed violently.

Millions of thirty-six sages of the gods and human races, lacking true spirits and bones, bloomed with hazy light, and flew towards the simple and solemn congenital temple behind Ji Xia.

The temperature and weakness that have guarded these tomb altars for an unknown number of years can be clearly felt.

Those crippled, unwilling true spirits are bursting out an emotion.

This emotion is rejoicing, comforting, and cheering.

Wenwei's complexion is stiff.

Even if she is a powerful person in Shangyu Dao realm, she doesn't know how to understand the scene at this moment.

In the ancient years, those who abandoned the boundless wilderness, stepped into the old abyss, and surrendered to the hidden land masters of the Great Frost God, also silently watched everything in front of them.

The Frost Cinder God Emperor is an existence of the Eternal Immortal Realm level.

At this moment.

Even the supreme being standing on the peak of Zhou Yu flashed deep surprise in his eyes.

He stared at Ji Xia, and stared at the Xiantian Temple behind Ji Xia.

The curiosity on his face has disappeared without a trace.

There is only peace.

And what kind of mood is hidden under that calm face is not known.

The sight of all this is not the end.

I saw millions of true spirits flying into the Xiantian Temple.

Strong power began to burst from it.

An indescribable unique power diffused from the congenital temple.

In a very short period of time, it has covered the entire Ji Xuan Tian.

Then flew out of Ji Xuantian, at a loss.

In the sky above the Xiantian Temple, rows of ancient characters are being written.

Each line of ancient characters is written, and it becomes a stream of light that flies into the Xiantian Temple.

Then an independent space was opened in the Xiantian Temple.

A true spirit and bones of human ancestors flew into it and turned into a complete statue, which was enshrined and sacrificed by the innate temple.

The human experts present, watching this scene, the brilliance in their eyes has become surging and turbulent.

Millions of true spirits turned into statues in this way.

Some of these statues have fuzzy faces, and some have sharp faces.

Some of the carvings are very detailed, some are rough.

"What kind of treasure is this... I seem to perceive that these heroes of the human race who have fought and sacrificed for the rise of the human race... seem to have a trace of will awakening."

"I also felt that although the will was very weak and there was hardly any power contained in it, it was indeed revived."

"It's incredible, it's just that these awakened human race heroes see the boundless wilderness at this moment, and see the human blood in the boundless wilderness.

They might feel sad, right? "

"Revived the will, but there is no power. For the once-dead powerful, it is not a torment."

The secret land dominator of the Jiuyuan human race, watching the scene in the Xiantian temple from a distance.

Their eyes were dim, as if they were reminiscing some of the past.

The Old Abyss Frost Cinder God Emperor also witnessed this scene.

Ji Xia could perceive that he was using the gods in his body to restrain his reaction, making his body, voice, and emotions unprecedentedly quiet.

next moment.

What surprised Jixia was.

The Frost Cinder God Emperor stood up and saluted the millions of heroic spirits in the Xiantian Temple.

And a trace of etiquette is not enough.

"In any case, fighting for race, fighting for inheritance, fighting for civilization, is worthy of respect if you want to save the blood, water and fire of the same race."

After the Frost Cinder God Emperor saluted, he spoke softly.

The light in his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

He looked at Ji Xia again: "It is indeed admirable to be able to restore a little bit of will to these powerful men who are completely dead."

"It's just... they have passed away after all. You want to use their will to make a fuss and let the Old Yuan human race return to the sky, I'm afraid it's not enough."

"Because the current world is the world of the strong, and the world of the Great Dao.

Tai Cang's power is not enough to compete with the gods, even if the Jiuyuan human race submits to Tai Cang, it is only a dead end. "

The Frost Cinder God Emperor had a solemn face, and his words were unceremonious.

Ji Xia smiled softly and flicked her sleeves slightly.


There was a violent loud noise.

The court of Ji Xuan Tianmen, unexpectedly opened in the middle of Ji Xia's casual sleeves.

It was also at this time.

The strange power that originally flowed from the Xiantian Temple has been rolled back.

This other power flew from the Xiantian temple to Jixuantian, and then flowed from Jixuantian to the boundless wilderness.

Just a few moments.

The singular power carried a little bit of light, once again poured into the Jixuantian, into the Xiantian Temple.

Xiantian temple worship is radiant.

That little starlight flew into the nine million statues.

The statue glowed and the mist was hazy.

Immediately afterwards.

The Great Frost God, who was just talking about the Frost Cinder God Emperor, stopped abruptly, his expression involuntarily changed.

As for the many hidden land masters in the void of the two realms, they have completely fallen into a daze.

Even the warm and weak behind Ji Xia didn't know how to understand what was happening in front of her.

Because they found it surprisingly.

The statue of the ancestors of the human race, who had only revived a little will, suddenly condensed a heavy spirit.

The vigorous spirit burst out from the statue!

The statues of nine million human ancestors opened their eyes at the same time in such a short time.

The opened eyes are full of agility.

His gaze shot everywhere, instantly covering Ji Xuan Tian, ​​and even the penetrating Ji Xuan Tian, ​​fell into the vast expanse of wild wilderness.

There seemed to be reminiscences in their eyes, there seemed to be bleakness, there seemed to be pride, and there seemed to be incredible.

Their gazes also fell on the incarnation of the hidden land master of the human race in the void of the two realms.

Many masters have been at a loss for a while.

Some masters watched the trembling bodies of some ancient beings that had awakened.

"Xushan **** dynasty Da Si Yuan... the younger generation has decayed, and I am ashamed of Da Si Yuan's grace."

"Father... the seven sceneries of the gods collapsed, and the sons and ministers slept for three million years, lingering and panting, and died!"

"Three hundred generals of the Dafeng Fulong Army, Dazhao God Chaomu Tushan Mountain Lord, Jiuliuhe River God..."

…These hidden territories dominate, and many have spanned a long history.

When the eyes of the statue collided with their eyes.

Their expressions became extremely excited, but their eyes became extremely dim.

There are many hidden land masters of the human race shed tears and weeping silently.

There are also masters who turned their backs and dared not show their faces.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

The void of the two realms trembles slightly.

In the sky, Taoist sounds sang, and visions were born, clouds and mists obscured the sky.

The entire expanse of Jixuantian was completely shrouded by Dao Miao Wei Li.

The magnificent scenes one after another, the scorching sun in the sky is falling, and a brand-new scorching sun rises, the void is reversed, and the universe is shattered...

all in all.

The scenes before him were completely out of control.

Ji Xia was still standing before Xiantian Temple.

He opened his hands wide, and his broad black sleeves fell down, as if two worlds were hidden.

I saw him staring at the Frost Cinder God Emperor in front of him.

At the same time, staring into the void of the two realms, the masters of the hidden human races, suddenly said: "Taicang will establish the orthodox human race, and the past dynasties of the 36 human races will witness the rise of the human race.

Among the thirty-six human dynasties, the heroic spirits who have disappeared will also be the first to go to court, congratulate Tai Cang, and protect him! "

Ji Xia's words fell.

Nine million human ancestor sculptures stretched out a finger almost at the same time.

Said: "Please congratulate Tai Cang!"

Following these ancient or mysterious human race powerhouses said this sentence.

One after another, the symbols flew out from the Xiantian Temple and turned into patches of light and rain, transformed into many visions, covering the world.

The sky and the earth shook and roared.

The four poles of the world, the cosmos, all heard this violent shout.

The tyrannical and unprovoked power flooded the boundless wilderness, turning into golden vortexes, dazzling!

In the boundless wilderness, the old abyss, and even the sky, many existences opened their eyes.

Endless prisons, no day and no sky, underworld, all shake.

Very far away Tai Cang.

The phantoms of the nine million human ancestors flew out one after another.

It was like flying into the sky.

There is a ray of light from the sky of the blue and yellow sky, condensed into an inscription containing endless profound meaning.

The inscription crushes the nine heavens and merges with the phantoms of the nine million ancestors of the human race.

An amazing scene happened!

The clouds and mist over the sky began to become thinner.

Even the emptiness of the sky has turned into darkness.

Tianmu Shenchao Great God Liao, Yuanzhou Tianyin, and Tiance God will look towards Taicang.

The Great God Liao carried his hands on his back.

The flames on his body were soaring, and the two unquenchable flames in his eyes became more and more hot.

"Nine million dead human race powerhouses want to help Tai Cang formulate rules that belong to Tai Cang!"

The Great God Liao narrowed his eyes and whispered softly: "The Tai Cang is still very weak now.

Even if the rules have become the norm, there is no magical background.

This time, the three great gods must not let the opportunities in front of them pass. "

The **** of Tiance bowed Ye Xian's head.

The white gun was suspended behind him.

This one with the gods of the heavenly eyes towards the strongest, at this moment, is silent, not knowing what he is thinking.

In the ancient wu **** dynasty, on that sky wu **** tree, there was a purple scorching sun hanging on the branch, burning blazingly.

Perceive the scene of Tai Cang's eruption.

The purple scorching sun couldn't help but tremble gently.

A gentle, full of vitality, maternal power, flowing from the sacred tree of Tianwu, conveying ideas to the purple scorching sun.

"Don't worry, a brand-new human kingdom has risen, and after a while, I will invite the Great Emperor Taichu to discuss the truth with him.

If Tai Cang is another Zhuanghuang God Kingdom, what about the ancient Wu God Dynasty's destruction? "

There is no day.

The two immortal beings are sitting and talking.

One of them had guarded the stars of the past, guarding the endless prison.

The other is the God who has no day and no sky.

He doesn't know how many star-gazers, how many star-gazers, and how many are worthy of Su Tianjun under his command.

These two beings noticed Tai Cang's changes.

But there is no solemn color in his eyes.

The God of No Day uses the stars as chess pieces and lays a piece on the Galactic chessboard in front of him.

He casually said: "This human kingdom called Tai Cang has brought too many surprises to the boundless wilderness."

But the prisoner **** shook his head.

"The present is too pale and weak, and it's not worth harvesting.

But...the revival of these human races should not be underestimated.

Just like the Kingdom of Zhuhuang, once Tai Cang found a certain way, it quietly accumulated power comparable to the third realm.

Well, you and I are both negligent. "

Wu Zhoutian frowned: "But for more than 70 million years, can the human race be able to give birth to a second **** emperor?"

The shadow of the Prison God enveloped Zhou Yu: "Don't fail to prevent it."

The God of Wutiantian said: "As long as you have not crossed the boundaries, the stronger the Taicang, the more beneficial it will be to the boundless wilderness."

The Prison God was silent for a while, first nodded, then shook his head and said: "However, I am afraid that this so-called limit is not easy to control."

The Lord of Dayless Heaven crushed a star and lowered his head, as if he was thinking about something.

After a few breaths, he then raised his head and asked, "So what should you do in your opinion?"

The Prison God fell behind a son: "The foundation is set for the greatness now.

Maybe...Even without this primordial emperor, he can still survive.

Under the consumption of the foundation, it can also become a **** dynasty..."

Shen Xuan Shenchao!

God Emperor Jiu killed his head and said to Long Gong Wushuang: "Use the origin, use the divine bow, use the Shenxuan Guozuo's divine power, use the Tao fruit, use the divine power of the four pillars, and shoot the piece that wants to seal the rules. It's too heavenly!"

Long Gong Wushuang was silent, and took off the divine bow behind him.

The Frost Cinder God Emperor, who was close to Ji Xia, was stunned for a short time.

An indescribable look flashed in his eyes.

Ji Xia caught the look of the Frost Cinder God Emperor, but couldn't understand the meaning at all.

Ji Xia didn't have time to think about it.

Soon, the strange eyes of God Emperor Frost Cinder disappeared completely.

In its place is the fear of life!

Between he waved his hand, the two worlds were completely wiped out.

The incarnations of the hidden land gods of the human race that were pinned in the void of the two worlds were also forcibly dispersed.

At the same time, that picture of mountains and rivers is reflected!

This mysterious picture of mountains and rivers, I don't know how precious it is.

All sorts of shocking scenes appear from the pictures of mountains and rivers.

The picture seems to contain Zhou Yu's secret.

The magical power revolves, hanging stars to build a vast mountain.

The light flowing in the universe turned into a river of gods!

And all these things are condensed into divine light, seeming to be coming towards Ji Xia.

Ji Xia stood still.

Because beside Ji Xia, there is a world-famous existence.

The great demon **** Chi You is free to explore his hands, UU reading www. uukanshu.com's terrifying magic knife was held in his hand.

His black robe was fluttering, and there seemed to be endless wonders hidden in his eyes.

His long sword fell, covering the sky and the sun, and the black air was inexhaustible.

The invincible spirit came from this, and it became more and more terrifying.

The next moment.

The magic knife in Chi You's hand collided with the divine light bursting out of the mountain and river picture!

Chi You was in divine light, and his gestures were extremely domineering.

This is a kind of invincible self-confidence, is a kind of supreme demeanor.

Only Chi You, who was called the Great Demon God, Soldier, and Demon Lord, could do this.

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