I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1105: Family name Ji, Celestial race [Four K]

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The image from Tai Cang gradually dissipated above the demon sky.

Many ancient Qianghuang God Kingdom powerhouses are all worried.

"It is indeed an extraordinary nation of human races. I did not expect that the boundless wilderness was born with a powerful imperial dynasty that is enough to make the three great dynasties jealous at the same time.

And this imperial dynasty is very likely to be able to walk out of the road belonging to the human race.

So as to surpass the rules of the boundless wild world. "

Some of the sleeping Shenhuang gods of the kingdom of God came back, and the gods screamed loudly.

"But now, everything is over."

Another ancient powerhouse responded: "The three major gods that maintain the boundless wilderness and stability have already taken action at the same time.

The mysterious sky of the human kingdom, which is likely to create an extraordinary path, has been shot to pieces.

Now the country called Tai Cang is nothing more than a powerful emperor.

There are not enough qualifications to open a path outside the Guozuo system. "

"In the next step, Wuxiantian will live high in the void, hoping that Tai Cang will achieve God's dynasty.

And those three great dynasties will not help but erase the greatness. "

The Yuhuang Divine Kingdom beings who cared about the boundless wild human race were full of worries and regretful emotions in their words.

They can only sigh in their hearts at a very long distance.

"After the devastation, the tens of thousands of races that have been favored by the human race have forgotten the virtues of the human race.

They have become slaves to the new world rules of the country's Zuo system. They only want to stabilize their rule, and they don't want to see the rise of the human race. "

"What is ridiculous is that in their hearts they thought that the human race could no longer rise, so even if many races and gods have all become sacrifices for tens of millions of years, they can only strive to prolong the gods and kingdoms of Zuo.

Unwilling to resist those behind the sky. "

Some strong human race laughed hysterically.

As if mocking those powerful races in the boundless wilderness.

Both are of human blood.

What Tai Cang has encountered today is undoubtedly a shame for these powerful people who still think of the same race.


There are still many strong people in the Kingdom of Zhuhuang who still long for the human race, but not many.

The vast majority of the strong men of the Kingdom of Huang Huang who were born in the Tianyuan saw the Tai Cang Huang Tian being completely shot through by Dao Miao with an arrow.

Apart from the short-lived outrage in their eyes, there is nothing more to do.

Wait until Tai Cang's image disappears completely.

The attention of these powerful newcomers from the Zanghuang Kingdom of God also shifted to other places.

In their minds.

The Kingdom of Huang Huang should be in Tianyuan, and he should rule Tianyuan forever.

Even if the dynasty of the boundless wild human race suffered such a catastrophe, they could not touch their hearts.

The matter of the boundless wild human race, after all, is not a family affair.

Those weak and humble human beings have a huge gap compared to the bloodline of the supreme human race in the kingdom of Huang Huang.

Perhaps in terms of personality.

The Xuanhuang Divine Kingdom human race had already separated from the boundless wild and weak human race.

In the Kingdom of Zhuhuang at this moment.

The saddest thing is probably only Jing Yu, who is still on the forbidden old road.

Jing Yu looked at the sky from a distance, and the murmur in her ears could not attract her attention.

Her green silk is hanging down, fluttering slightly with the wind.

There was a mist in his eyes after a long absence.

Because Jing Yu also saw a scene where Tai Cang suffered a catastrophe.

Even in many people.

I saw my elder brother who has been classified as the shepherd of a state.

Jing Ye's eyes were anxious, and his expression was sorrowful, so Jing Yu on the ancient taboo road could only be silent.


Being able to see that his brother was safe and sound also gave Jing Yu a little relief.

It just worries Jing Yu even more.

Tai Cang suffered such a catastrophe.

In the scene of the light curtain, Ji Xia was never seen.

"The Lord... Where did he go?"

"The great calamity comes, and the Lord will never abandon it.

Maybe... the Lord has encountered something more difficult. "

Jing Yu took a deep breath.

When she was anxious to a certain extent, Jing Yu's thinking became clear.

She turned her head and continued to look at the Daotian Temple far beyond.

"I have to go back... the immeasurable and wonderful avenues in my ears may be able to make Tai Cang stronger.

Maybe it can make the country lord and brother easier. "

Just as Jing Yu continued to move forward.

The tower of the heavenly tower in the central part of the Kingdom of Zhuhuang.

The supreme personality of Zhang Huang, the **** of the country, was thoughtful.

"It can bring an imperial dynasty to the edge of a system of detached and boundless barbarians.

The lord of the country praised by Miss Jing Yu was surprising. "

"It's just a pity... it all seems to be over."

"Perhaps, I should also project on the road as soon as possible, go to the boundless wilderness, and sit down with him.

Listen to his understanding of the Dao of Human Race. "

This Zanghuang God National Dao thought so in the heart of the fetus.

Except for him.

There are also many powerful people in the Kingdom of Huang Huang who have a heart for the boundless wild human race, and they have also thought about projecting on the road to go to the boundless wild and help Tai Cang.

However, avenue projection is not that easy.

It will take a long time to prepare and engrave many big arrays.


In the eyes of many powerful people in the Kingdom of Huanghuang.

Tai Cang...actually has died.

"The path that Tai Cang has opened up has already collapsed.

This human kingdom will inevitably become a sacrifice.

Just like the thirty-five human dynasties after Zhanghuang Divine Kingdom. "

"Even if Tai Cang can achieve God's dynasty, it will be of no avail to the fate of the boundless wild human race."

"Tai Cang, not the saviour country of the boundless wild human race."

There are also strong men who turned their heads to look at the ancient taboo road.

"The arrogance of that day came from Tai Cang.

The Tai Cang who was able to give birth to such a genius may also be able to create some miracles. "

"Is it possible for Tai Cang to open another path again?"

"Difficult! Difficult! Difficult! For more than 80 million years, only two human kingdoms, the Kingdom of Huanghuang and the Kingdom of Taicang, have opened up new paths.

Now that the great path has been erased, I want to open up a second... almost impossible! "


In addition to Tianyuan.

There are also many eyes of ancient existence, if there is nothing, falling on the sky.

They want to see where Tai Cang is going.

Xu Ze and Lei Shiyuan sat and talked.

Mr. Lei Shiyuan turned his head and looked in Tai Cang's direction, with a little bit of unbearable expression in his eyes.

Xu Ze chuckled and said, "Is it a pity that Yuanjun is the worldly king of the human race?"

Mr. Lei Shiyuan did not deny: "The great emperor in the early days of the posture, if his Dao Heart is damaged by this, there will be one less peak power in the world."

Xu Ze Junyi's smile remained undiminished. He shook his head and said, "The Great God Liao wants to attack Tai Cang.

My...Yin Lord personally took action to block, Yin Lord is not profitable, and if too Cang is worthless, the Great Emperor of the Beginning is worthless.

How could Lord Yin exist for Tai Cang? "

Lei Shiyuan glanced at Xu Ze, and asked, "Since you are so optimistic about Tai Cang and the Great Emperor, why do you have to shoot him repeatedly?

If in the future he is in control, your orthodox innate **** under the rules, I'm afraid it will be liquidated. "

"Today's Tai Cang is protected by the three Eternal Immortal Realms, the Great Demon God, Yin Sovereign, and Fengsu.

In the future, once Emperor Taichu achieves the Eternal Immortal Realm, the four Eternal Immortal Realm gods will be enough to suppress you... or even wipe out! "

When Lei Shiyuan said this, he paused, with a sigh in his tone: "The talents of the emperor in the early days are comparable to the dao tires, and even stronger than the aisle tires.

However, in just over three thousand years, he was already the strongest **** in the immortal realm.

Zi Sun God Sovereign and Yuan Zhou Tian Yin were both suppressed strongly by him, and could only escape.

If it weren't for the arrival of the Tianwu God Emperor, I'm afraid these two old and immortal existences would also fall.

With a weird existence like him, I have only seen one in the long history of the aftermath. "

"That's Ji..."

Jun Lei Shiyuan's voice stopped abruptly.

The strategizing expression on Xu Ze's face disappeared, and he frowned.

The two innate gods looked at each other.

Xu Ze said suddenly: "Ji Su and Ji Xia have the same surname... Isn't it a coincidence?"

Mr. Lei Shiyuan was also a little puzzled: "After the rise of Tai Cang, the origins of Tai Cang have long been taken away.

The history of Tai Cang Ji Shi is only more than three thousand years, even if the time of the continuous migration of Xia ancestors in the previous period is counted, it is not more than four thousand years.

But Ji Su has been active in countless times.

This existence is extremely mysterious, in many times, even many **** emperors did not know his Taoist name.

Even we have only heard of his supernatural powers before the devastation.

Could it be that Ji Xia is still related to this mysterious existence? "

Even Xu Ze was a little confused.

After a long time, he shook his head and said, "Ji Xia is very mysterious. The so-called 3,000-year-old Ji Shi is really untenable.

If the Great Emperor and Ji Su were inexplicably related in the early days, many things would be easy to explain. "

Lei Shiyuanjun sneered: "Ji Su has been active in countless times, and his power is unpredictable.

If his strength can really return to before the Great Destruction, he will kill you without a second sword.

You have already offended too much, with Ji Xia's character, if you want him to rise, you must not relax. "

Xu Ze toasted and drank, and said casually: "Since Yuan Jun got a bargain, he doesn't need to warn me.

Tai Cang wanted to open up a new path and achieve another Zonghuang Kingdom.

If I didn't take action today, then Lei Shiyuan would definitely take action to suppress Tai Cang.

Tai Cang can be strong and can achieve God's dynasty, but it can't be too strong.

This is not a good thing for me to wait for the innate gods. "

Lei Shiyuan fell silent for a while.

Xu Ze said: "You and I both ask for something. When I ask for my way, everything can be solved naturally."


The boundless wilderness was shaken by the catastrophe of Tai Cang.

The eyes of many secret existences fell on Tai Cang.

However, Tai Cang was calm.

A concealing flag rose slowly, covering the heaven and the earth.

With Ji Xia's current gods, the power of Zhenwu Zao Carved Flag has been brought to the extreme.

Even the divine eyes that exist in the Eternal Immortal Realm can't penetrate the sky-shielding banner and see the scene of the sky.

But the emperor exists, but he is not in a hurry.

Because they have already recorded the fluctuations of the sky.

Once this wonderful sky dome changes, the concealing flag can't hide it at all.

As long as the sky is broken, they will sit back and relax.

The Sanjianghuang Kingdom of God only needs to continue to deploy troops and generals to wipe out Tai Cang in one fell swoop.

Other innate gods only need to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Everything has been planned by them.

The situation will continue to develop.

The stable boundless wilderness will also continue to stabilize.

The three great dynasties naturally continued their rule.

Tai Cang, after the yellow sky shattered, didn't think so.

Ji Xia was quietly meditating under the yellow sky.

In the void, a light gate appeared abruptly.

Ji Xia woke up, his eyes flashed, and he looked at the light gate.

The light door opens.

Vaguely you can see a heart beating vigorously and slowly.

The mysterious heart is full of blood vessels, and the same mysterious blood circulates in it.

A primitive, vast, thick breath spread out from those blood.

Ji Xia suddenly thought of... Returning in clothes.

Inside the light door, layers of lines spread.

The lines are transformed into a large array, covering the vast world.

Ji Xia raised her eyebrows, and never summoned the powerful ones.

Only Xing Tian stood beside him.

Xing Tian is a good listener and a very powerful guardian god.

He didn't say a word, and Ji Xia, who stood quietly behind her, turned towards the light gate.

at this time.

In the light gate, a blue rune flew out suddenly.

The various fluctuations revealed by the cyan rune are expressing to Jixia and Xing Tian... it does not have any malice.

Ji Xia didn't change her face, and stood still.

The cyan rune immediately rose up high and turned into a decree.

This decree was opened.

For a time, the mystic spirit flowed, flooding the world.

Many luxurious floating islands appeared around Ji Xia.

Ji Xia looked indifferent, and shook her head and said, "You don't need to play mystery, please tell me what you are here."

Many ghosts disappeared immediately.

There is an extra line of text in the sky.

"There is not only one way to break the Guozuo air transport system and break free from the shackles of heaven and earth. Ji Xia, would you like to try other ways?"

Ji Xia raised her eyebrows and realized more and more that this time the nine million ancestors of the human race respected Tai Cang and attracted the attention of many mysterious forces.

For example, the light gate in front of Ji Xia now.

Ji Xia asked calmly: "The Human Race is weak, you want to bet in the future of the Human Race, I'm afraid..."

The line of text in the sky was instantly shattered and turned into a mysterious rune again.

The rune was immediately reorganized and became another line of text.

"Don't worry, we... are also humans!"

Ji Xia frowned instantly.

He made no secret of the suspicion in his tone: "Are you also a human race?

Since there is a way to break the shackles of heaven and earth, there have been 36 dynasties throughout the ages, why not see your traces? "

"Could it be that the third-level **** emperor of the Kingdom of Emperor Huanghuang also set foot on your path?"

The second line of text dissipated, but no new text was condensed for a long time.

Ji Xia naturally understands what this means ~ www.readwn.com~ This means that the Kingdom of Huang Huang did not rely on the help of this mysterious force to open up a new path.

The **** emperor and spirit of the third realm in the Kingdom of Zhuhuang was not picking up the wisdom of other people's teeth.

Rune was silent, and Ji Xia stared at the void without speaking.

After a long time.

Rune reorganized again and said: "We are waiting.

Waiting for a civilization that can rejuvenate people. "

"The Great Emperor at the beginning, you are the second selected person."

"We are also the human race, the celestial race."

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