I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1106: God form? Humanoid! [Four K]

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Ji Xia's face was still.

In his heart, he repeatedly considered the three words "Heaven and Human Race".

In fact, Ji Xia now, to a certain extent, has realized that this is not the first time she has come into contact with the so-called Celestial Race.

After this mysterious light appeared.

He felt waves of fluctuations that were not unfamiliar.

These fluctuations collided with his memory, which made him involuntarily think of Chengyigui.

All the time.

In many contacts with Chengyigui, Ji Xia has realized that Chengyigui has a unique aura on her body.

This kind of breath appears noble and lofty.

At the same time, it is full of solemnity and mystery.

At that time, Ji Xia had never guessed the origin of returning home.

From beginning to end, Chengyi Gui had never informed Ji Xia of this matter.

Many years have passed.

The moment the rune jumped out of the light gate.

Ji Xia had already guessed the origin of Chengyi's return.

"Girl Yigui has helped too many times, and she also has special feelings for the human race.

Now that I think of it, the root cause is that the girl in Yigui is also a human race. "

"It's just... is this so-called celestial race, and the boundless wild human race, really the same species?"

Ji Xia thought in her heart.

A little distance apart.

Although Ji Xia could perceive the fluctuations in the light gate and on the runes.

Can feel the mystery and power of this fluctuation.

But it was unable to capture any place similar to the fluctuation of the human bloodline.

"Since it's a human race, why is it called a celestial race?"

Ji Xia was suspicious.

But he thought of helping too many times before Chengyi returned.

"At least, the girl Yi Gui has absolutely no hostility towards Tai Cang or the boundless wild human race.

Many times have helped too much and never asked for anything in return. "

"Perhaps, the Celestial Clan was a member of the Human Clan at the time of Daduan Luojie before the Great Shattered."

Many thoughts flashed through Ji Xia's mind.

The rune was reorganized again to form the next line of text.

"The Celestial Race comes from the Daduanluo realm.

When Daoyan Tianzun ruled the Daduan Luo realm, when the tens of thousands of people were flourishing.

The Celestial Race was punished by Daoyan Tianzun for some past events, and was suppressed in the realm of fantasy sky.

The realm of fantasy lies between reality and illusion.

Relying on the Daduanluo world, it is not completely embedded in the Daduanluo world.

So when Daduan Luojie was destroyed, Dao Yan Tianzun fell, countless gods Yan Tian would die, and many star monarchs were sealed.

On the contrary, the realm of magic sky survived and inherited many great avenues from Tianzun. "

Lines of text continue to emerge and disappear.

In a few words, the origin of the Celestial Race has already been revealed.

Ji Xia knew.

This move of the Celestial Race is to express their sincerity to Ji Xia.

The information revealed in the rune text also made Ji Xia quite curious.

Not long ago.

Ji Xia once used the Tongshen Jinggou to pass Suixingjun.

From Sui Xingjun's mouth, he understood that the human race before the Great Annihilation was the ruler of Da Duan Luo Realm.

During the heyday of Da Duan Luojie, under the mysterious Heavenly Sovereign Supreme Avenue, it became more and more prosperous.

There is no deep hatred among the ten thousand races, all of them are controlled by the human race.

At its peak.

Da Duan Luojie even faintly detached from the supreme world, surpassed other supreme worlds, and reached a new level.

Only later...

Mysterious catastrophe is coming.

The ancient and mysterious existence stirs the situation behind the scenes.

Dao Yan Tianzun disappeared for some reason, and disasters came frequently.

The ancient war of gods broke out.

Ten thousand races join the battlefield.

The ancient rules fell, and Da Duan Luo World was shattered and turned into a boundless wilderness.

After more than 80 million years, the originally noble, powerful and extraordinary human race has become weak and humble under the new rules of the world.

Many of the ten thousand peoples that were strong in the past have gradually disappeared.

After all, the time when all laws stand side by side has passed.

The boundless wilderness has become a world bound by rules.

Just like the boundless wilderness now.

There are no more than three gods, and there is no more power to recast the glory of Daduan Luojie.

And now.

Ji Xia finally knew the Taoist name of the Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

Dao Yan!

"Is the so-called Tianzun just a respectful name, or does it represent some kind of mysterious realm?"

Ji Xia's thinking jumped, and she felt extremely curious in her heart.

"I don't know if I can fully construct the 36th Heavenly Vault, and whether I can step into the realm of Dao Yan Tianzun."

Ji Xia is full of expectations for her own path.

The current Ji Xia has completely constructed the thirty-one sky dome.

The thirty-one layer of heaven already represents the absolute combat power under the realm of immortality.

"Counting this way, I still have a lot of room for improvement, and I hope that one day I can sit down and talk with the existence of the Tianzun level."

Ji Xia remained silent.

Lines of text dissipated, and new text appeared.

"The Celestial Race is still in the realm of fantasy sky.

Although Dao Yan Tianzun punishes the Celestial Race and seals the Celestial Race.

However, the Celestial Race and the Human Race are of the same species after all.

Even if I waited for a grudge against Dao Yan Tianzun, Dao Yan Tianzun has fallen, and the grievances of the heaven and human race have dissipated.

Now... the human race is weak, and under the curtain of the former Da Duan Luojie, there are full of conspiracies, full of exploitation and utilization of the human race.

Therefore, the Celestial Race has been silently looking for opportunities for human rejuvenation for many years. "

"We once planted the ancestor of the demon in the old abyss.

We used to be the avenue of the human race before the savage heritage was destroyed.

We have dispatched many ancient human races to become the national teachers of the human race dynasties.

We also worked hard to pursue the avenue and opened up new roads. Later, the Celestial and Human races gained a little.

The Emperor Yuan Yun was selected by the Celestial Race, hoping to inherit this new path and let the race break the shackles of the rules.

It's just that... God Emperor Yuan Yan gained the inheritance, but he didn't have time to build a human road in the future. The great tripod **** dynasty and the **** cauldron collapsed, and the Emperor Yuan Yun died because of this. "


Lines of text fell into the eyes of Ji Xia and Xing Tian.

Xing Tian stood behind Ji Xia from beginning to end, watching all this.

Ji Xia was constantly thinking about it.

Finally, he asked: "So at this time Tai Cang was chosen by the Celestial Race?"

Rune flow: "Tai Cang can blaze a path independently.

Even if this kind of road has been destroyed, it is enough to prove that the future is boundless.

And by the great emperor in the early days, such a world-famous arrogant.

Perhaps the way of the heaven and human race will also flourish in Tai Cang.

Become the flame and beacon for the human race. "

Ji Xia asked in a puzzled way: "After the Great Destruction, a total of 36 dynasties have been born throughout the ages.

Among these thirty-six dynasties, there is another kingdom such as the Kingdom of Emperor Huanghuang, which is independently embarking on a new path.

In addition, there are thirty-five **** courts.

Among them, there is no shortage of heroes, and there is no shortage of strong and prosperous Guozuo, and the human race of the gods is not lacking in spirit and spirit.

Could it be that with a total of 35 dynasties, only the great tripod dynasty of God Emperor Yuan Yan is qualified to inherit the avenue of the Celestial Race? "

The runes of heaven and man did not hesitate, and immediately reorganized: "Thirty-five gods and arrogances come out together, and all of them are unparalleled.

However, when many early dynasties were prosperous, the Celestial Race did not blaze a new path.

Later, the Celestial Race opened a way, but the Celestial Race's road still has flaws, and it is still not flawless.

If you do not choose a human king with immeasurable talent, once you lose in this resistance.

The avenues that the Celestial Race walked out over a long period of time would be wiped out.

The new rules of Boundless Wilderness will also improve itself and become more powerful.

Therefore, the Celestial Race did not dare to inherit it rashly. "

Runes circulate again.

Ji Xia also understood.

He nodded slightly.

However, Ji Xia has always been suspicious, just a few lines of text, it is impossible to dispel the suspicion in his heart.

The boundless wilderness is vast, with countless creatures.

Many horrors have been born from generations of creatures.

These existences often have their own requirements.

They have been born in the long river of history, crisscrossing countless times.

Unsurpassed calamity cannot obliterate them, and their minds are beyond conjecture.

Even some ancient existences are in the overall situation of heaven and earth, constructing their own game, and want to calculate the heaven and earth.

The existence of Lord Yin and Xianzhu are living examples.

Except for them.

Ji Xia still remembered clearly.

When his defeated commander Zi Sun Shenjun shot him, he once told him that if in this catastrophe, Tai Cang would still be able to retreat.

Ancient Wu Shen Dynasty will withdraw from this turmoil.

In addition, at that time, Ji Xia wanted to punish the **** of purple sun and Yuan Zhou Tianyin.

The Emperor Tianwu came, but he never shot Ji Xia.

The combination of these is unusual.

Ji Xia could also guess that Tianwu God Dynasty must also have its own plan.

Even Ji Xia doubted.

Once the world is in great turmoil, as long as there is sufficient assurance, these dynasties will certainly be unwilling to become sacrifices, and will attack the existence behind the sky and fight against the fate of Guozuo.

Every powerful existence in the boundless wilderness can be said to be exhausted.

Even Ji Xia can only be on guard at all times, for fear of a certain way of existence.

Today, a celestial race suddenly appeared, telling Ji Xia of such a secret.

Even if the Yigui girl fluctuates equally, Ji Xia's defense is undiminished.

He pondered for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "So, what does Tai Cang need to pay?"

All the plans of many powerful men are bound to benefit themselves.

If Ji Xia could know what the Celestial Race asked for, he might be able to find clues.

"The Celestial Race is also the Human Race. When the same race is suppressed, the boundless wilderness has become a huge prison.

Even if the celestial race can completely step out of the realm of fantasy sky, it can only walk through another cage and put on other shackles.

What the Celestial Race has done for such a long time is also for the sake of its own race. It is hoped that one day, the Celestial Race will completely step out of the realm of the magic sky without being threatened by a stronger existence.

I hope that by then the boundless wilderness will also be a safe place. "

"So, the Celestial Race has nothing to ask for."

The flow of runes, the meaning expressed, made Ji Xia need not open her mouth.

This is a novelty.

For a long time, whenever he reached an agreement with Ji Xia, he and Tai Cang had cooperated, and they all wanted.

Even those hidden places of the human race in the boundless wilderness will make some unreasonable demands.

Just like the Celestial Race, the inheritance that can escape the shackles of heaven and earth is given to Tai Cang without asking for any return.

Only those who belonged to the Celestial Race returned in Chengyi.

For a while, Ji Xia fell silent again.

He still had some doubts about this weird Celestial Race in his heart, but he didn't know how to express his temptation.

A few breaths have passed.

Ji Xia asked: "Since you are the same human race, why are you named Tianren? Is your personality more noble than the human race?"

Rune didn't seem to have any emotions, just a mechanical and cold solution for Ji Xia.

But this time.

It's not just words.

After the runes were scattered, they condensed into a light curtain.

A dazzling light flashed on the light curtain.

Ji Xia and Xing Tian saw an amazing scene.

I saw that the scene revealed in the light curtain was countless sky domes.

Countless sky domes are suspended in front of a big sun that seems to be able to penetrate the world with a burning light.

This big day is the big day of the Ten Thousand Realms.

And in that innumerable sky, thousands of races are thriving and prosperous.

These ten thousand races are all ruled by the human god.

There are also many human races in the sky.


These human races are very different from the vast and wild human races now!

Ji Xia stared intently at a sky.

The human race in that sky, the blood of the human race in the body is very hot, obviously to the extreme, and the inheritance in the body is different.

It's just that they are born in human form, and when they move their spirit essence, a thick layer of scales grows on their bodies.

The scales are different from the dragon scales, closer to the skin color, but there is an incomparably strong aura flowing from these dragon scales, which is amazing!

"This is the Zunlin Human Race!"

There is another sky dome, the human body in this sky dome is huge, standing on top of the earth, and the newborn baby is full of tens of thousands of feet.

"This is a giant race!"

There is another sky, in which the human race runs the bloodline power, will grow a third eye, this is a sky eye, can see through the emptiness, can see the illusion!

There is another sky dome, and the shape of the human race in that sky dome is no different from the current human race.

But their breath is deeper and their lifespan is longer. Since their birth, their hearts have become stronger, and there are all kinds of ancient divine consciousness flowing in their hearts, which seems to be full of endless inheritance.

"This is... the Celestial Race."

As Ji Xia's eyes fell.

There will always be words appearing in the light curtain.

Ji Xia and Xing Tian were in a complete shock.

"These human races... are different from the current human races."

"Because after the destruction, the new world rules completely sealed the blood of countless human races."

"Our name is the Celestial Race. It's just a branch of the Human Race, not the superior of the Human Race."

Runes flow out lines of text at the right time.

Ji Xia stared at the sky on the light curtain, and suddenly had a crazy guess.

They suddenly asked: "I saw the Ten Thousand Races before the Great Destruction. There were not many god-shaped races, and they were completely different from the human races~www.readwn.com~Could it be..."

Rune replied stiffly: "There is no such thing as a **** shape.

After the Great Destruction, the so-called transformation of countless monsters into the form of a **** has actually been transformed into a human form.

Because in Daduan Luojie’s avenue of practice, the human body is the most suitable for practice. "

"The so-called god-shaped race is just a way to use the rules to reshape many other races after the establishment of the new world rules, allowing them to evolve, allowing them to acquire human forms, and thus grow up faster."

"It's just... the human form can be shaped, but the bloodline can't."

"In other words, the powerful god-shaped race today is just for the Daduan Luojie human race before the Great Shattered..."

"Bad imitation!"

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