I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1107: Dao Miao Xuan Guang [Four K]

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Lines of icy text.

Completely let Ji Xia's guess fall.

Ji Xia raised her eyes and looked at the void.

His gaze seemed to have crossed a long distance, falling on the vast and wild many races, civilizations, and nations.

There was a strange feeling in his heart suddenly.

In these three thousand years.

Ji Xia's perception of the boundless wild human race is constantly changing.


Ji Xia thought that the boundless wild race was synonymous with weakness and the weakest bloodline in the world.

Human inheritance is almost non-existent.

over time.

Ji Xia finally learned of the existence of the hidden place of the human race.

The mountains, the secret realm, and the outer heavens overturned Ji Xia's view of the human race.

I also began to understand that above the boundless wild and heavy sky, there must be many secrets hidden, as well as many conspiracies against the human race.


Three or four thousand years have passed.

Ji Xia finally realized that the human race before the destruction had an unimaginable glory.

Dadao cast a crown for the human race at that time.

Human race has the supreme position, dominating the world.

Even the old Daduan Luojie practice system was established by the human race.

Until now.

Big Duan Luojie has collapsed.

The mysterious and immeasurable Dao Yan Tianzun has also disappeared.

The human race became weaker and weaker, and became the target of the boundless barbarians.


The current practice system of Boundless Wilderness is also born out of the era of Daduan Luojie.

The human body's acceptance of the Great Dao and the degree of understanding are still the best among the ten thousand races.

As a result, the new rules of heaven and earth began to use the power of rules to evolve the bodies of many ancient races into bodies that resemble humans.

In order to erase the influence of the human race.

Such a race also has a new name.

That is the god-shaped race.

"So, thinking about it this way, in the past, many god-shaped races were unwilling to agree that the human race was also a god-shaped race. They deeply felt that with their noble blood, it was a great shame to be even like the human race.

As a result, the human race is the source of all this.

Even their transformed bloodlines and bodies are imitating the human race. "

Ji Xia took a deep breath.

He yearned for the world before Daduan Luojie more and more.

"How powerful are the human races before Daduan Luojie.

What kind of situation has the Dao Yan Tianzun reached around him? "

"How noble is the human race?"

"Even the innate gods with lofty personality have cultivated out of the human body.

This means that the human race in Da Duan Luo Realm is stronger and more noble than the innate gods..."

Ji Xia's thoughts are flying.

He has witnessed these histories through the runes of heaven and man, and his guard against the runes of heaven and man is no longer so strong.

The fundamental reason is also because of the various kinds of runes of heaven and man today, and even proposed to inherit a new path from the sky, but never asked for any return.

This gave Ji Xia some trust in the rune of heaven and man.

As a result, Ji Xia's expression finally eased, no longer like a calm lake, without the slightest waves.

A soft smile appeared on his face, and he said to the rune of heaven and humanity: "Please forgive me from the sages of the heaven and human race.

Before the Celestial Light Gate appeared, I had not felt any fluctuations in the human blood, and I felt a little hesitant in my heart. "

By expressing his apologies to Rune, Ji Xia once again expressed her doubts.

The reorganization of the runes of heaven and human: "More than 80 million years have passed, and the heaven and human race are still in the realm of the magic sky, unable to get out of the area divided by the gods.

It can only use some of the mysterious rules of the brand-new Tiandi Dadao to manifest an extraordinary heritage and not a weak power between the heavens and the earth.

The blood of the Celestial Race is still in the realm of the magic sky.

In the early days, the emperor never felt our blood, and it was normal. "

If the words enter Jixia's eyes.

These words were broken, and a light curtain was once again condensed.

In the light curtain, a girl in white appeared.

This white-clothed girl inadvertently entered the realm of fantasy sky, gained the inheritance of heaven and man, and then walked out of the realm of fantasy sky, becoming the will of the heaven and human race left behind in the boundless wilderness.

"Although the bloodline of Yigui is different from the bloodline of the Celestial Race, she represents certain choices of the highest avenue.

She has obtained special authority and can enter and exit the realm of fantasy sky at will.

Yi Gui has witnessed everything in the Realm of Fantasy Sky, and has seen the inheritance of the human race before countless destruction.

She once had an intersection with Tai Cang.

If the emperor believes in Yigui, he can of course also believe us. "

When Ji Xia saw the image of Returning in Clothing, she trusted this mysterious Celestial Race even more.

"This brief conversation still cannot confirm that the Celestial Race has no evil intentions towards Tai Cang.

Thinking about it carefully, the Celestial Race just wanted to pass on the inheritance of another path to Tai Cang, so that Tai Cang's future path would be brighter and smoother.

That being the case, why should I be so defensive? Why not take a look at their heritage? "

Ji Xia thought in her heart.

that's the truth.

All the powerhouses and all the forces in the boundless wilds believe that the old road has been completely shattered.

From then on, Tai Cang could only exist under the Guozuo system.

With this layer of shackles, Tai Cang would no longer be able to become such a terrifying force in the Kingdom of Xing Huang.

Even the Celestial Race thinks so.

So they took the initiative to show up, wanting to help Tai Cang.


Ji Xia knew very well in her heart that the road Zhang Jiao had in exchange for sacrificing himself had not been completely obliterated.

On the contrary, after experiencing such hardships.

The path of Tai Cang will also be more complete, more flawless, and even flawless.

to some extent.

After the digital universe immortal realm shot.

There is no doubt that there is still a great road.

"Then I will take a look at the road opened by the Celestial Race. As long as Tai Cang does not embark on this path, even if there is a conspiracy in it, Tai Cang will not be afraid.

If there is a real path to explore, too Cang can also learn from each other's strengths. "

"In short, this matter can only be a good thing for Tai Cang."

Ji Xia figured this out without any hesitation.

He was silent, saluting to the rune of the man that day.

The rune of heaven and man understood immediately.

After the reorganization, a line of text fell into Ji Xia's eyes: "Soon after the five celestial beings of the Celestial Clan are old, they will use their life-long power to project their incarnations to come to Tai Cang.

They will bring the path of heaven and man.

I hope that Tai Cang will be stronger than Huang Huang Divine Kingdom and be able to reproduce the glory of the human race.

It also makes this dilapidated big end Luojie once again become a veritable supreme world. "

"The promotion of the world's personality represents infinite possibilities.

Dao Yan Tianzun was expected to make Da Duan Luojie the supreme world.

The human race at that time even had an idea.

I want all the creatures in Daduan Luojie to be born as gods and to be born to be immortal.

This is the ambition of the world, and it is also the contribution of the human race to the tens of thousands of people in the Daduan Luojie.

It's just that everything in the past has disappeared. "

The runes of heaven and man condensed lines of words, and finally dissipated.

The light gate disappeared.

Emerging from the gate of light, shrouded in the sky, the power that cuts off the perception of all the strong, no longer exists.

Ji Xia carried her hands on her back and looked at the void.

A few breaths of time passed.

Xing Tian suddenly said: "I can't feel any vitality in this heavenly rune.

What is certain is that the human race has indeed never appeared in the boundless wilderness on this day.

Even if he conveys his will, he can only rely on such stiff runes. "

Ji Xia nodded and said: "The rune of heaven and humanity just said that it will take a while for the five days old of the heaven and human race to be able to descend to the sky.

Perhaps it means that even if it is the supreme existence of the Celestial Race, it takes a long time to prepare if you want to incarnate and descend into the boundless wilderness. "

Xing Tian floated behind him, exuding a fierce spirit.

He looked up at the void.

In the void, there are still many too strong people flying up and down.

"Those scattered yellow sky fragments have been found.

It's just that... a part of the yellow sky has been completely wiped out.

Huang Tian has lost his vitality.

Despair has filled the minds of all the great creatures. "

"This is definitely not a good thing for Tai Cang."

Over the years.

Although Xing Tian was taciturn, he was often in the heavens of Jiuli.

But now, he is the **** of the sky.

In these many years.

He has also walked through the vast territory, and has seen countless people of the Taicang cherish this land and cherish his own blood.

Every time I see these ordinary and weak creatures.

Xing Tian always thought of his past.

He is a human race with mellow blood.

It was originally a general under Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang competed for the position of Emperor Yan, and Emperor Yan fell in the wind.

Later in the battle, the two departments of Yan and Huang formed an alliance and fought Chi You together.

Only in this process, Huangdi's majesty has surpassed Yandi.

Yandi Lieshan's Yiqi didn't have much desire to win, so he acquiesced to Xuanyuan's orthodoxy.

At that time, Xing Tian refused to accept Xuanyuan and respected the Yandi tribe.

This is why Xing Tian fought Xuanyuan Tiandi.

Huangdi cut off Xingtian's head, Yongzhen Changyang Mountain.

Later, the Great God Xing Tian recovered, but still dissatisfied with the Yellow Emperor, he became the Great General of Jiuli Tian and wanted to cut the sky.

These plays are all past events.

Undoubtedly, Xing Tian was a human race from the beginning and the end, and he also had a deep affection for the human race.

He descended into the boundless wilderness, and fought many times.

Although there are reasons for the rules of the sacred tree, it is more of the reason why he wants to say goodbye to the past and open up an eternal world to the human race in this wild place.

Just now.

The yellow sky has collapsed.

Many people of Taizang are under the protection of the rule of Huangtian for more than a thousand years.

The bloodline of the Taicang Human Race and Taicang Huangtian have been deeply connected.

This connection is not well known.

But when the catastrophe came and the yellow sky was broken, countless people wept bitterly.

Xingtian divine consciousness circulation.

I saw whether it was Tai Cang Jiuzhou native, or Dikong Galaxy, Zi Yaotian.

Even the newly formed Shenxu Eighteen Realms had been shrouded in a sad atmosphere.

Many children cried.

Many old men looked sad.

Many middle-aged people have returned to life. After all, the life at the bottom of the world still needs them to construct and maintain with their heart.

Xing Tian could clearly perceive the reluctance in the hearts of these mature men.

"I don't know what I lost, but it seems that I have lost the most important thing.

That's why they will be silently grief, cry out in pain, and endure in struggle. "

Xing Tian was naked, his eyes closed, his eyes deep.

He is different from these unknowing weak human beings.

Xing Tian knew what Tai Cang had lost.

And the many Taicang gods, Taicang generals, Taicang strong men, and Taicang soldiers all knew what Taicang had lost.

"In this way, even if Tai Cang becomes a **** in the future, he will be constrained by the rules of heaven and earth.

If the rules of heaven and earth want to cast off Tai Cang, Tai Cang's strength will fall rapidly.

Being in the boundless wilderness, in the Guozuo system, this is unavoidable. "

Six Scourges Canglong also looked up at Huang Tian.

The purple robe on his body was fluttering, and the blue dragon wrapped around his body.

"Tai Cang's many powerhouses were originally able to set foot on a more powerful realm by relying on the power of heaven, earth and the country.

Once Guozuo's power is completely lost, even the Taicang gods will be weakened as a whole. "

Bai Qi sighed and said: "And just as the Emperor Huang said, as long as they are in the boundless wilderness, the strong can't get rid of the power of the country."

The power of Guozuo is not just use it if you want to use it, or abandon it if you want to abandon it.

Under the power of the new world rules.

The boundless wilderness is full of Guozuo forces.

Even Lingyuan and Shenyuan are linked to Guozuo's power.

"Huh? Look, what are the emperor and Xing Tian Dazun doing?"

Yuzao suddenly spoke softly.

Many strong men turned their heads one after another and looked at the great land of Jiuzhou.

Xing Tian at this moment has turned into a young man with a cold face.

Ji Xia's face has not changed.

They walked in the cities of Taicang Kyushu.

Everything in these cities seems to have been restored.

The merchants are still running business.

Many factories are still under construction.

Tai Cang Xuan track is proceeding step by step, trade continues and life continues.

The only difference is.

In the eyes of many great creatures, it seems that there is no brilliance.

There are often people looking listlessly at the sky.

In a daze, they even saw a figure with a lofty position, dressed in yellow clothes, with a gloomy face, but with an extremely nostalgic look in their eyes.

Ji Xia walked step by step, and Xing Tian observed these Tai Cang people.

There was no expression on Xing Tian's face.

Ji Xia seemed very pleased.

They walked through the Wu Mathematics Classroom, where the voices of many human youths reading louder.

Terran monks have also become more hardworking.

In this inexplicable change, they also seem to have transformed, as if they also understand that Tai Cang's future path will become more difficult.

They can only work harder, protecting Tai Cang seems too empty, but they really want to protect this country that has given them dignity and gave them a safe and worry-free life.

"The power of Guo Zuo is so terrible."

Ji Xia stood in the middle of the street ~www.readwn.com~ and looked around: "When Tai Cangzi people work harder and harder, they make themselves stronger, and Tai Cang becomes stronger.

The power of Tai Cang's Guozuo will become stronger. "

"And all Lingyuan, Shenyuan, and even many avenues are connected with the power of Guozuo.

Under these circumstances, the hard work of Tai Cang people is no longer the key to Tai Cang's strength.

The reason for Tai Cang's strength was stolen by Guo Zuo's power instead.

It's ironic. "

Ji Xia shook her head and put out a palm.

On his palm, a mysterious light bursting with brilliant light was leaping.

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