I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1108: Patch the sky【Four K】

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The light in Ji Xia's hand was constantly beating.

Circulates a strong Taoist rhyme.

The power of the Dao contained in it is mysterious and solemn.

Many gods' eyes fell on this divine light.

They stared at the divine light in a daze, seeming to see some indescribable sight.

Zhetianqi shrouded the world.

Surging and turbulent power flowed from the bodies of many gods and too strong.

For example, on the Six Scourges Canglong, the Canglong roars, and the purple aura spreads all over the world.

In the sea of ​​blood behind Bai Qi, seven hundred and seventy thousand black murderers mobilized dark and murderous power.

In addition to Xian Shen, the three righteous gods of Tai Cang each bloomed their righteous gods, and countless Tai Cang gods each stepped out of their dojo and constructed a light curtain of gods.

Eighty-one demon gods of Jiuli Tian condensed the great formation of demon gods of Jiuli, isolating the void.

Everyone who was too strong had already sensed that Ji Xia had intentions.

Everyone is working hard to completely isolate the Tai Cang from the boundless wilderness.

Another Tai Cang Jiuzhou artifact floated into the void.

The prosperous power gushes out from the Tai Cang Jiuzhou artifact.

The Haotian Pagoda suppresses the void, the Pangu axe isolates the space, the Eastern Emperor's Bell shakes away all the clouds and mist in the void, and the lingering sound of the Fuxi Qin and the piano obstructs all the exploration of the gods...

all in all.

All the strong in Tai Cang moved.

The sky and the earth began to shake.

Millions of billions of great common people also raised their heads and looked towards the void.

At this moment, under the blessing of Qiyi's magical power of Kyushu.

Ji Xia's figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

Seeing Ji Xia, the haze in their hearts seemed to be swept away, and their eyes were full of hope.

Wen Qiang and Luo Changshui stood in the void and looked at each other.

They came too long for too short a time.

Don't know what is about to happen.

"Emperor...what are you going to do?"

Wen Weak raised his eyes and looked at the sky.

Luo Changshui frowned: "The waves bursting out of the mysterious light in the hands of the emperor...mysterious and solemn, as if there is a great world hidden in it."

A bit of expectation flashed in Wen Qiang's eyes: "Does the emperor have a way to restore the broken mysterious sky again?"

Luo Changshui shook his head and said, "I'm afraid there is not much possibility. Huang Tian has been completely broken, and all the avenues in it have been shattered.

I heard that this too blue and yellow sky was transformed by the body of a strongest person in Tai Cang.

There is only one such strongest person, he has already died, how can Tai Cang create the second Huang Tian that entrusts the power of the country? "

Hear Luo Changshui's words.

The light in Wen Weak's eyes slightly converged a little.

Luo Changshui raised his eyes again to look at the more distant void: "The rules of the boundless wild world are constantly growing.

In this great catastrophe, the sky was shattered and the great roads flew around, and divine power flowed.

Perhaps, the rules of the boundless wild world have already been perfected again.

Even if Huang Tian was supplemented, Tai Cang could no longer rely on Huang Tian to surpass the boundless wild country Zuo system. "

Luo Changshui didn't agree with Wen's weak guess.

Wen Wei thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed the case.

Being able to walk a brand new path under the watchful eyes of the rules of heaven and earth is already very difficult.

Now this road collapses and is blocked.

It becomes even more difficult for Tai Cang to retake this path.

"But... the emperor in the early days can always do what others can't do.

For example, he was able to suppress the Purple Sun God Lord and Yuan Zhou Tianyin with his own power.


Weak thoughts and this.

Ji Xia has risen below the yellow sky.

The mysterious light in his hand was extremely radiant, and from it, a mist filled with celestial air flowed out.

These mists spread rapidly.

Landed on the mainland of Taicang Nine Prefectures, landed on the Dikong Xinghe, Zi Yaotian, and Shenxu Eighteen Realms!

The whole building is too pale, and millions of billions of dollars suddenly saw pieces of ancient visions.

The sight of many too strong people was also shrouded by these visions.

Wen Qiang and Luo Changshui also looked at what happened before them in surprise.

"This is... what era?"

The earth seems to have become a vast wilderness.

In that piece of land, I don't know how many powerful races inhabit.

The human race is weak and not many in number.

Overbearing dragons and phoenixes, as well as countless powerful monster races rampage the world.

Weak human races become blood food.

However, those ancient human races were not discouraged.

They are also fighting for the luck of heaven and earth with amazing courage.

A series of strange human race epics bloomed before the eyes of the Taicang race.

They saw the great catastrophe coming, flooding the sky, and destroying the magnificent worlds.

Some kings were born, preaching the law of water control, and leading the unyielding people of the human race out of a way of life.

They saw ten rounds of scorching sun in the sky shining on the earth.

The rivers, lakes, and seas are dried, and the world burns for it.

The blood of countless people of the human race has dried up.

Human race is about to go extinct, and Dayi is born and shoots the sun!

They also saw familiar figures.

Pang but the ancient giant, chasing the scorching sun, across countless worlds.

Seeing the ancestor of the human race walked through countless mountains and tasted the herbs, let the human race through the most difficult era.

Scenes of strange scenes fell in the eyes of the great creatures.

Let the people of Tai Cang Zi boil with enthusiasm.

Because the protagonists of these stories are all human races.

The strange human race is unyielding and strong, and the spirit is indelible. After countless hardships, it has become the orthodox of heaven and earth.

Countless scenes just flowed away like this.

Many more light curtains emerged.

These light curtains no longer feature the strangers as the protagonist.

Many too old people saw the scene in the new light curtain... Suddenly hot tears were streaming down their eyes!

Many too strong eyes became extremely serious.

"The ancestors of the Tai Cang Jishi brought a mere tens of thousands of people to the Haixi River.

They cut away the thorns, moved away the scattered boulders, repelled the hungry beasts, and cast the sky with blood and tears. "

"At the beginning of Tai Cang's establishment, Tai Cang was enemies on all sides.

Many fierce beasts want to devour the human race, and the Dove Dog and Zhou Qing want to raise Tai Cang in captivity, taking Tai Cang as blood food. "

"Dove Dog and Zhou Qing perish, Qi Ling and all eyes are watching."

"Countless disasters followed one after another.

In the early days, the emperor led the people of more than 600,000 people, step by step to create classics, shape civilization, destroy powerful enemies, and fight for luck...

Opened up the Tai Cang Dynasty of hundreds of billions of human races today. "

"From beginning to end, I don't know how many calamities, how many difficulties and obstacles there are.

However, all of this was defeated by the unyielding blood of the Emperor of the Beginning and the unyielding blood of countless human creatures.

Until now, all Tai Cang people are willing to die for Tai Cang.

Having witnessed the darkness, Poop no longer wants to be shrouded in darkness forever.

Even if it needs to be at the cost of life. "

Many old people who have been in Tai Cang from beginning to end talk to each other.

The people of the human race also looked at the great history clearly revealed on the light curtain with a look of reverence.

These Tai Cang histories have long been known to them, and they also know how difficult it is for Tai Cang to go to the present.

But at this moment...

When these people see all the sights on this light curtain, they still have tears of pride and cherishment.

"Too blue forever!"

Many people whispered silently.

"Human civilization will also last forever."

"Human race is not weak, it should not be swept by killings, nor should it be swallowed by the world."

Hopes flashed in the eyes of millions of human beings.

This is the power of rules.

It is possible for so many individuals with different thinking to have the same idea at the same time.

Let the emotions latent in their hearts burst out completely.

There is a trace of blood flow in the body of almost all the too strong.

The rich bloodline power gathered together and turned into a multicolored **** stone!

The mist in the sky suddenly rose.

Many of the light curtains that were originally suspended disappeared in an instant.

And the mist gave birth to bursts of sight.


There was a strange brilliance in the eyes of many people who were too blue and strong.

Many human beings have gradually blurred their eyes.

Because they saw an amazing scene!

Too blue below the sky.

The curvy celestial energy rose into the air, lingering in the sky.

Everything in Tai Cang seems to have lost its luster.

Even the divine essence that bursts out of many powerful people has become ordinary.

A huge figure seemed to contain everything in the world.

The colorful sacred stone constructed by the blood of many human races suspended in front of the noble figure.

The hazy mist that enveloped the noble figure dissipated at this moment.

Several Tai Cang **** people.

Including the three Thunder Great Emperors of Tai Cang Lei Lu Tian Palace, they instantly appeared in the sky.

Their eyes were solemn, with a respectful look on their faces, and they slowly saluted the huge and noble figure!

Yang Ren, Yu Zaoqian, Bai Qi... many other Tai Cang gods also bowed and bowed with incomparable reverence.

"The Great God Nuwa..."

Yang Ren muttered to himself.

Except for these people who knew the identity of Nüwa.

When Nu Wa appeared in the void.

When her long hair fell on her chest, it fluttered in the void universe.

When her gaze turned into divine light, a piece of the world was reflected.

When she exhaled her breath, it turned into chaos, overwhelming the world.

Hundreds of billions of human beings all felt the blood in their bodies throbbing constantly.

This throbbing comes from their bodies, their blood, their truth!

Let them feel awe... and kindness from their hearts to the indescribable supreme **** before them.

The face of the Great God Nuwa was not fully revealed before everyone's eyes.

The chaotic cloud and mist that suddenly appeared in the sky concealed her face.

But it couldn't hide her mysterious spirit as if she came from the primitive.

She just appeared in the boundless wilderness, before everyone's eyes.

Tai Cang was shocked.

Ji Xia, who is not far from Nuwa, also respectfully salutes to Nuwa.

There was a little excitement in his eyes.

"I can clearly perceive the blood in my body, and I feel excited and excited because of the encounter with the **** Nuwa!"

Although Nuwa is not a human race.

But in the ancient mythology, she is the creator of the human race, and she has repeatedly protected the human race!

"One of the two daoyuan sculptures of the first divine light, the myth that can be reflected is..."

Ji Xia took a deep breath.

The indescribable gaze of the Great God Nuwa collided with that of Ji Xia.

Then he turned his head and landed on the colorful sacred stone suspended in the air.

A masterpiece of colorful **** stone light.

The scene inside the sacred stone is also unobstructed.

The last trace of Ji Xia's affectionate divine light, turned into a circulating light, fell into the colorful divine stone.

Inside the colorful sacred stone, lines suddenly appeared.

No... this is not the pattern of the road of seal carving.

Rather, it records the veins of the blood of hundreds of billions of human races.

Ji Xia stared intently.

Vaguely from these blood lines, I saw faces full of infinite hope for the future of Tai Cang and full of infinite longing for the future of the human race.

Ji Xia and Nu Wa looked down at the same time.

The faces hard-photographed by the blood of hundreds of billions of human races completely overlapped with the faces of Tai Cang's many creatures.

Except for the children who cannot control themselves, the millions of human races all salute sincerely toward Nuwa, toward Ji Xia, and toward Tai Cang Huang Tian!

All of a sudden, the world quaked.

Nu Wa stretched out her palm and waved gently.

The colorful sacred stone began to spin rapidly.

Ji Xia stepped out, and the thirty-one sky behind him rang loudly.

Countless avenues reveal many heavenly righteous gods.

They also mirrored the avenue and landed on the colorful stone.

Ji Xia's eyebrows also squeezed a drop of blood and fell on the colorful **** stone!

Wen Qiang and Luo Changshui stared at the sky blankly.


A brilliant fairy light bloomed.

Countless great powers burst out from the colorful divine light and the great **** Nuwa.

I saw the great **** Nuwa flicking the void.

A burst of majestic aura that did not belong to the boundless wildness spread out from his hands.

The multicolored bloodline **** stone was instantly refined.

In between.

The divine stone that had been refined turned into a stream of liquid, flowing towards the sky too blue!


The sacred stone liquid seems to contain infinite Tao and mystery that is unimaginable.

Under the gaze of all the strong, under the hope of all the creatures of the race.

An amazing scene happened.

It was originally fragmented, with dense and dense patterns, all over the sky, and it was completely covered by Dao Miao purple qi.

The sky shines...

The broken crack road was completely repaired by the bloodline power in the colorful **** stone!

"One of the mysterious roads has been completely wiped out, Tai Cang Huang Tian, ​​unexpectedly started..."

Wen Weak was dumbfounded.

Luo Changshui suppressed the admiration and excitement in his heart.

He didn't even dare to look directly at the supreme **** in the void, and the eyes towards Ji Xia began to be mixed with clearly visible enthusiasm.



"The bloodline of so many human beings can resonate, this supreme god... must have been before the destruction, or even earlier..."

Luo Changshui's thoughts were flying.

The gap where the sky was broken has been completely repaired.

The power of Nuwa is so powerful, the strength of the blood of hundreds of billions of human races is unparalleled.

The big hole in the center of the yellow sky has also begun to shrink.

at the same time!

All the Taicang strong and Taicang people in Taicang territory, UU reading www.uukanshu.com all feel their own blood, and they have established a certain inseparable connection with Taicang Huangtian.

Within the territories of Tai Cang, the same strong Guo Zuo force rushed to the mended mysterious sky madly.

Patch the sky!

Ji Xia opened his arms, and there was a gleam of divine light. With the blessing of the new Guo Zuo, his courage also became prosperous.

"Since then, Tai Cang has changed! Huang Tian has changed!"

"The Unbounded Wild Rules are no longer shackles."

"Tai Cang jumped out of the Guozuo system, and the road ahead is no longer the road of the gods."

"It's the road to the immortal dynasty!"

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