I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1109: Tai Cang should strive for change! [Four K]

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In Ji Xia's Hongyin.

The big hole in the center of the Tai Cang Huang Tian, ​​the speed of completion is getting faster and faster.

The power of the entire Tai Cang Guo Zuo continuously poured into the Tai Cang Huang Tian, ​​and then flowed out of it.

This is the power of Guozuo, and it is still closely related to the rules of the new world of the boundless wilderness.

Small changes are taking place in it.

With the blessing of Huang Tian's bizarre power, the Taizang people can almost feel the elevation of their blood personality.

Their vision becomes wider, everything becomes extremely clear wherever they look, and their thinking becomes more agile.

Those who are too strong perceive it more clearly.

They can clearly feel that their upper limit of cultivation has been raised by an indescribable magical power.

Many bloodlines are condensed together, and many inheritances are brewing in the sky.

The vision of Nu Wa patching up the sky traced back by Daoyuan Shenguang has completely disappeared.

Ji Xia carried her hands on her back and looked up at the pale yellow sky.

Many too strong men are watching Ji Xia's back.

Except for those who are too dark gods.

Many Taicang gods do not know the origin of the great **** Nuwa.

They can only attribute the infinite reverence to the great **** Nuwa to the great king in front of them.

For Tai Cang's future, there are also endless expectations.

Tai Cang Huang Tian finally repaired it completely.

In the suspended mysterious sky, there are waves of magical fluctuations constantly circulating.

Ji Xia's eyes were calm, and a thought flowed into the pale yellow sky.

Suddenly, there were many cracks spreading in the sky above the pale yellow sky.

The big hole in the middle of Huang Tian reappeared.

The sky is too blue at the moment, not so golden.

Instead, he became pale, dead, and extremely dark and lifeless.

Thousands of billions of human beings in Tai Cang watched this scene.

I just feel that their blood is still connected to Huang Tian.

The vitality of the yellow sky also flowed into their minds.

Immediately afterwards, Tai Cang Huang Tian had a unique Taoist rhyme flowing into their minds.

For a time, as long as the people of the human race connected with the blood of Tai Cang Huang Tian were all subject to certain restrictions.

Let them not have the slightest desire to talk about it.

"In this way, coupled with the magical power of the Tai Cang Huang Tian, ​​it is enough to cover people's eyes and ears, and many powerful beings in the heaven and the earth think that the Tai Cang Huang Tian has completely lost its effectiveness."

Ji Xia looked at the sky and chuckled softly: "Wait one day, the upper world rules want to harvest too much.

Tai Cang must be able to surprise them. "

Bai Qi, Six Disasters Canglong, Yu Zao Qian and many other gods and people who are too strong and powerful looked at each other and nodded one after another.

"Tai Cang's current situation is not easy.

If I want to come soon, the three great dynasties will inevitably send out troops to erase the existence of Tai Cang. "

Shi Yang looked into the distance with a low voice, and said, "Even if the too pale and innocent has really lost its usefulness, in the eyes of the three great gods, the richness of the too pale is still there.

They don't want to see Tai Cang become a god. "

Bai Qi's black robe fluttered, and said calmly, "Tai Cang has endured for too long.

It also needs a big battle to make the Tai Cang Erlang breathe out a bad breath. "

Yuzao was cautious in his previous life. She reminded Bai Qi, the six evil Canglong, and Shi Yang: "The power of Tai Cang is strong.

But compared with the three gods, there is still a huge gap.

For this battle, Tai Cang still needs to plan. "

Bai Qi looked at Ji Xia's back, and said casually: "The most peak planning of the emperor in the past three thousand years may be able to make those dynasties and the existence of the immortal realm feel horrible."

"Tai Cang does not need to be completely victorious in the next big battle, only needs to disturb the boundless turbid waters, so that when Tai Cang gains development, Tai Cang is already invincible."

Yuzao thought for a while, and found that it was indeed the case.

"The Choking Secret Realm has become more and more wonderful, and one day of the Uninhabited Wilderness is equivalent to 30 days of the Choking Secret Realm.

If Tai Cang can gain tens of thousands of years of development time.

That too Cang is in the boundless wilderness, and it is indeed fearless. "

The thoughts in Yu Zaoqian's heart surged: "It's just... the existence behind the sky that controls the boundless wild chessboard, I'm afraid it won't allow Tai Cang to become stronger so recklessly."

Ji Xia seemed to see through what Yuzao was thinking.

The high crown on his head was shining with light, and the mysterious clothes on his body fluttered slightly: "Then cut off their sight, and let them think that Tai Cang's strength is not that strong, and it is not yet the harvest season."

Yuzao was stunned, and then she thought of Taicang Huangtian and Taicang Nine States artifacts, only a trace of clearness flashed in her eyes.

Thirty years has passed by in a hurry.

On a quiet night, Ji Xia stood on the rooftop of Yugan Palace, wishing for the boundary of Taidu.

There, the Twelve Articles of Wenyun Golden Dragon is roaring and flying.

There are also three thousand disciples of Saint Wenfu dressed in white, strolling in the sky.

They were chanting scriptures, and they were constantly haunting their bodies with magical runes.

These Saint Wenfu powerhouses, every time they took a step, a page of the book appeared behind them.

"The Greatest Sage Master Xian Shen led the 3,000 scribes from the Saint Mansion to Jiuyutian to record the endless history of the wild human race.

Thirty years have passed, Shengwen Mansion... fulfills its mission. "

Xian Shen flew into Taidu with his foot on the real dragon of Wenyun.

With a heartfelt smile on Ji Xia's face, she ordered: "The Most Holy Master and the Three Thousand Scribes of Saint Wen Mansion can step out of the sky and come to Tai Xian to go to court."

Thirty years ago.

Ji Xia dispatched Xian Shen to take the scribes from the Saint Wen Mansion to Jiuyu Tian to seal carve the history of the human race after the devastation.

Thirty years passed in a flash.

Shengwen Mansion returned successfully.

When Xian Shen sits in the middle of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there is a brand-new real dragon of Wen Yun constantly brewing on him.

The original twelve articles remain unchanged, but there are 36 real dragons of Wenyun that are being conceived.

This can be seen.

The history of the human race recorded by Jiuyutian is of great help to the most holy ancestors who have become literary scholars!

It is not only the Most Holy Master who has benefited.

The three thousand disciples under Shengwen Mansion have become unprecedentedly powerful.

There was a deep light in their eyes, and they seemed knowledgeable and wise.

Ji Xia watched Xian Shen carefully, and praised: "The luck of Tai Cang is extraordinary, and the luck of the Holy Master is also not trivial.

Unexpectedly, in just thirty years.

The strength of the Most Sacred Master has completely surpassed Tai Cang's other three righteous gods. "

The Holy Master stood up meticulously and saluted Ji Xia seriously.

"Tai Cang does not lack the strong, even if Xian Shen is a hundred times stronger, it will not be commendable for the boundless and wild situation.

The biggest gain of Lao Yu's trip was not his cultivation, but his exploration of human history. "

Xian Shen bowed and said, "Give Saint Wen Mansion ten more barbaric years.

Shengwen Mansion can build human history classics after the devastation.

The glory of the human race reappears in the world.

Use this as the foundation for the human race to return to the orthodox world! "

There were smiles on the faces of those who were too strong in the field.

Qin Wushen, who had been in retreat for a long time, looked a little excited: "The guards of heaven and earth, and the rulers of the boundless wilderness.

They are sparing no effort to wipe out the human race's history and cut off the human race's civilization.

The human race exists in the boundless wilderness, but it seems that it has never belonged to the boundless wilderness. "

"This is not fair to the human civilization that gave birth to 36 dynasties.

It's just that this is what happened. The human race in the past had no historical heritage and no civilization.

Over time, the boundless savage human beings felt that they were just humble blood food.

Terran... it shouldn't be so! "

Admiral Ji Ze also stood up. He took a fancy to Taixian going to court outside: "It's not just the human race attributed to Taicang.

Even many Taicang races, even if they are full of pride in their hearts, are full of a sense of belonging to Taicang.

In their hearts, they still felt that before Tai Cang had never risen.

The root of the human race is humble. "

"In the future, Tai Cang will rule the boundless wilderness, and the human race will return to the orthodox of heaven and earth.

This mentality needs to be corrected. "

Ji Xiaduan sat on the upper throne.

He nodded deeply.

After a moment of contemplation.

Ji Xia suddenly had an extra artifact in her hand.

This artifact is exactly the Kunlun Mirror, one of the artifacts of Tai Cang Nine Provinces.

The interior of the Kunlun Mirror shines brightly and is extremely transparent.

Ji Xia seemed to have made some kind of decision.

He stood up and looked around.

Many too strong men immediately stood up and saluted Ji Xia.

"The nobility of the bloodline does not only come from the bloodline itself.

It also stems from civilization, from the dignity of the race, and from self-identity.

It also stems from being different! "

Ji Xia looked solemn.

He bowed his head and said to the many too strong men: "So for a long time, I have always had an idea, and I want to talk to you all."

The eyes of many Tai Cang core figures immediately became extremely serious.

Ji Xia has never been so solemn for a long time.

In the hall, almost everyone stared at Ji Xia.

Ji Xia gently tossed the Kunlun mirror in her hand.

The Kunlun mirror flew up into the void and gradually grew larger.

Ji Xia's voice also spread to everyone's ears: "Revising the classics and letting the boundless wild people know the race history is a long-established move.

This matter is done step by step, and no further discussion is necessary. "

"Presumably everyone present here already knows a thing or two about the history of the human race.

Before the Great Shattered, the Human Race was orthodox heaven and earth, and was the master of the Daduan Luo realm.

The cultivation system established by Dao Yan Tianzun is extremely stable, and it makes people powerful and unparalleled, and makes Da Duan Luo realm constantly detached! "

Ji Xia's spiritual consciousness flashed, whispering.

His tone suddenly increased a lot: "But when the terrible catastrophe comes.

The human race of Da Duan Luojie is still in decline. "

Ji Xia's tone was full of grim meaning: "The Great Sun of Ten Thousand Realms is shattered, Da Duan Luo Realm is shattered, and the rule of Human Race ends.

Dao Yan Tianzun and countless strong men before the Great Destruction have fallen one after another, one after another in the long river of history.

This means that... the cultivation system created by Dao Yan Tianzun still can't make people contend with truly terrifying disasters! "

Ji Xia's voice was loud and loud.

Many Tai Cang gods looked at each other.

They... seem to have guessed Ji Xia's intentions.

But the other great ministers were at a loss.

"What does the emperor mean?"

"I waited not long ago before I heard about Daoyan Tianzun through the mouth of the emperor, and heard about the era before the devastation.

Now all the creatures in the boundless wilderness, even those innate, are constantly advancing according to this Taoist Yantianzun's practice system. "

"The **** system is extremely stable and extremely powerful.

Cultivation to the extreme is the immortal realm, enough to transcend time, and the world can be destroyed in the blink of an eye!

This represents how noble the Daoyan Tianzun is, and how wonderful is the road he practiced!

However... now the emperor means..."

Many people who are too strong are quite puzzled for a while.

"More importantly, it is too strong now.

But if you want to reopen the practice system, I'm afraid it's just a dream.

Perhaps in the future, the emperor will be able to reach the level of Dao Yan Tianzun.

Only now... the emperor has never stepped into the immortal realm..."

Wen Wei and Luo Changshui thought so in their hearts.

In their minds, the divine spiritual practice system is the orthodox of heaven and earth, and when it is stable to the extreme, it is a smooth path to the great road.

What Ji Xia meant now was that he wanted to deviate from the smooth path opened by Dao Yan Tianzun and walk towards a path full of thorns, which made them really incomprehensible.

Ji Xia saw everyone's reaction, but her eyes became deeper and deeper.

He raised his eyes and said: "Above the immortal realm is the realm of transcendence.

The so-called transcendence is the old path of transcendence, which can also prove that the road opened by Tao Yan Tianzun has ceased to exist after the Eternal Immortal Realm.

All the strong must seek their own way in order to detach themselves and step into the third realm. "

"And after Xintiandi Dadao took control of the boundless wilderness.

Use countless wild creatures as sacrifices to maintain the movement of heaven and earth. "

"The Avenue of Gods has been preserved.

This means that... the Way of Gods is not a threat to the third realm being truly detached!

It also means that under the new rules of heaven and earth, it is not easy to go beyond the avenue of the gods. "

Ji Xia's voice was not passionate.

But listening to the ears of many powerful people, it is like being deafened and stunned.

that's the truth!

The Boundless Wilderness is governed by the new world rules, in which both humans and other races have become the blood food of the world rules.

If the Avenue of Gods threatened the rules of heaven and earth, it had already been abolished.

But now...

Even many Tai Cang **** people had never figured this out before.

They were lost in thought.

After a long time.

Bai Qi suddenly took a step forward and said loudly: "If Tai Cang only wants to dominate the boundless wilderness and suppress the three great dynasties.

So Tai Cang does not need to open up a new practice system, just stability.

But if Tai Cang wants to make people live forever, let civilization last, and smash all conspiracies in the dark.

That Tai Cang really had to strive for change and could not step into any existing trap. "

Everyone in the palace nodded deeply.

"It's just... Dao Yan Tianzun is so stalwart, his power is almost limitless.

The cultivation system he developed is still unable to withstand catastrophe.

Then the current power of Aether Cang... how can a stronger cultivation system be developed? "

Some ministers were worried ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ji Xia's face clearly showed a confident look.


The roaring sound rose from behind Ji Xia.

Thirty-one layers of heaven leaped out, layered on top of each other, with unlimited ways.

Ji Xia put out a finger again and pointed at the Kunlun Mirror suspended in the void of the palace.

In an instant.

The Kunlun mirror's divine light reflected, and an exceptionally strange breath flowed out like this.

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