I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1111: Suspicious Tianmu Ye Xian【Four K】


Ji Xia raised her brows, and immediately thought of a long time ago, when Tai Cang was still very long and weak.

Cheng Yigui once told him the truth about the purpose of heaven.


Under the secret method of Chengyigui.

Ji Xia saw the demise of many hidden places of human race.

In those cruel scenes.

Just the process of the destruction of the Mysterious Realm of Human Minan.

Tianmu Shenchao arrested the monster island.

Put either island into that human secret realm.

The human races in the secret realm of Menan were all killed.

That secret realm was also occupied by Tianmu.

Now think of it.

The actions of the gods on the hidden places of the human race were not directly ordered by the gods of the sky.

Instead, the Tianmu God acts toward the local forces.

Because the mere hidden place of the human race, it is not worthy of the gods to send real grown-up gods.

But anyway.

In the original mysterious scene, the secret realm of Monan was indeed destroyed by the hands of the Heavenly Eye God Court.


Ji Xia didn't know the relationship between Chengyigui and Menan Secret Realm.

Ji Xia and Cheng Yigui no longer stayed in the center of Wucai God Bridge, and walked towards Tai Cang.

They walked extremely slowly.

Five-colored clouds and rising mist are also flying under their feet.

Chengyi returned and said: "Menan is a secret land of human races, but there are also many alien races in it.

The human race dominates the center of the secret realm, but it has never enslaved the aliens in the secret realm.

Even if Monan is very barren, although there are many strange treasures hidden in the depths of the secret realm, they are guarded by more powerful monsters.

The Moran tribe and alien races can only struggle hard, hoping to survive. "

"The same was true of that too small country at the time."

Chengyigui's tone was calm, but the gentleness in his eyes could not hide.

It is clear.

The years in the secret land of Menan made Chengyigui very nostalgic.

"Later, Tianmu became the beginning of the sacred dynasty, and many city masters and palace masters wanted to reap the hidden places of the human race.

The Secret Realm of Monan also suffered catastrophe.

I also accidentally stepped into the realm of magic sky because of this catastrophe. "

When Ji Xia heard Chengyigui's words, she was silent for a few breaths and shook her head and said: "After the devastation, the human race has experienced too many catastrophes.

Since I now want to call myself the emperor, I want to ask for an explanation for these human beings who died for no reason.

It is also to open up a world free from abuse for the human beings who are still struggling in the boundless wilderness. "

Ji Xia's eyes were very serious: "It's not just the human race.

In the era of Dao Yan Tianzun, the human race ruled the Da Duan Luo realm, and countless alien races did not kill each other, but jointly built the Da Duan Luo realm and participated in the grand feat of making the Da Duan Luo realm detached.

If the Boundless Wilderness can return to those times...Naturally it is the best. "

Cheng Yigui turned his head, took a deep look at Ji Xia, and then said: "Fortunately, the secret realm of Menan has already been occupied by the Heavenly Eye God.

It's just that the continent in the center of the secret realm has not been swallowed by the demon.

That piece of Menan Continent is now also in the realm of Magic Sky. When my cultivation base becomes stronger, I may be able to enter the isolated continent and meet... Those are my former relatives and friends. "

Ji Xia still had many doubts about Chengyigui's words.

Tens of thousands of years have passed since the Tianmu achieved the Secret Realm of Inner Mongolia that perished in the early days of the Shen Dynasty.

It is understandable that the Menan Continent was drawn into the realm of the magic sky because of some unknown mysterious accident. It may be because there is something unique about Chengyigui.

That's why she can freely enter and exit the realm of fantasy sky.

However, tens of thousands of years have passed, and most of the human races and alien races in a secret realm have long died of old age.

Only now can I return to the realm of the magic sky, the isolated human continent, I am afraid that it is also a matter of fact.

It is impossible for Chengyigui to not know this.

"It's probably because of the realm of magic sky, there are also many mysteries.

The Menan Continent has become a bit strange because of the mysterious powers of the Realm of Fantasy Sky. "

Ji Xia thought in her heart.

Cheng Yigui did not continue to tell Ji Xia about his past.

On the contrary, her eyes became extremely solemn.

"I'm returning this time, there are a few things I want to tell the emperor."

Chengyi returned to white clothing fluttering, and a few divine senses flashed by.

Suddenly there were scenes in Ji Xia's mind. These scenes allowed Ji Xia to clearly see the tomb of the underworld and learn about the secrets of the Emperor Yuan Yan.

This made Ji Xia surprised and delighted for a while.

What surprised Ji Xia was that the power of Hades completely surpassed Ji Xia's cognition.

The area of ​​burial grounds is so magnificent.

The places buried in those tombs are all ancient and tyrannical.

However, after their deaths, they couldn't escape the exploitation of the underworld.

What makes him happy is naturally because of everything he learned from the tomb of Emperor Yuan Yan.

"The body of the Emperor Yuan Yan is not in the tomb of the Underworld.

The underworld has never noticed it. This is enough to prove that there is a powerful and weird power that is continuously supplied to the tombs, allowing the tombs to play a role in the underworld! "

"The Emperor Yuan Yan has never fallen, or has already recovered.

As the most powerful human **** emperor since the Great Destruction, as the world's arrogant heaven and earth, if he has not died, he has not appeared in the boundless wilderness for a long time.

That means..."

When Ji Xia said this, her words paused slightly.

Chengyiguibei's teeth bit her red lips and followed Ji Xia's words and said: "It means that the Emperor Yuan Yan must be planning some earth-shattering plans."

Ji Xia suppressed his expression, frowned and thought, and then said: "The Emperor Yuan Yan has not dedicated himself for a long time. He possesses the power to blind the Underworld, and his combat power is bound to be tyrannical.

With his power, even without planning, he can make a comeback in the boundless wilderness and establish a **** dynasty..."

"He hasn't shown up for a long time, probably because... his plan is not only aimed at the three major gods.

I am afraid that Wuxitian, Hades, and the existence of chess behind the sky are all targets of his calculation. "

Chengyigui nodded in agreement, and said in a puzzled manner: "If you want to break the game, you must enter the game.

Millions of years before the Great Ding Shen Dynasty, the Emperor Yuan Yan was like this, and he established a majestic Shen Dynasty foundation without making a sound.

So where is the current Emperor Yuan Yan?

If you just blindly avoid the practice, I'm afraid it will not be enough to break the current situation. "

At this point, the two people suddenly looked at each other.

Returning to Chengyi and Ji Xia, both remembered the tactics used by the Emperor Yuan Yan.

Millions of years before the great tripod became a god.

The Emperor Yuan Yan once held important positions in several dynasties.

At its peak, Emperor Yuan Yan even served as Shang Yin and general of two sacred dynasties at the same time.

So... Is God Emperor Yuan Yan going back to his old job again?

"Are there any mysterious figures in the vast and wild kingdom of God now?"

Chengyigui asked Ji Xia.

Ji Xia thought for a moment, then shook her head and said: "The powers of the three great gods are known to all.

But Shenchao is after all Shenchao, hidden behind the scenes, hidden in the shadow of Shenchao, I am afraid that there are not a few strong people.

The powerhouse of the gods who showed up... Thinking about it carefully, there is no powerhouse who meets the characteristics of the **** emperor Yuan Yan. "

As Ji Xia spoke, she was still thinking about the powerhouses of the kingdom of God he knew.

For example, he defeated the Purple Sun God Sovereign and Yuan Zhou Tianyin, as well as the Longbow Wushuang of Shen Xuan Divine Kingdom.

"When I think about it carefully, Long Gong Wushuang has a mysterious origin and acts low-key, but it is a bit suspicious." Cheng Yigui analyzed.

Ji Xia suddenly remembered a strong man he had known for a long time, but had never met.

"Speaking of which, Ye Xian, the Tianmu God Chaotian Strategy God in the boundless wilderness, also left many legends."

Ye Xian was born in the declining branch of the Tianmu Protoss.

When he was born, the Great Ding Dynasty had already collapsed.

Tianmu is not yet a **** race, naturally it is not a **** kingdom.

Ye Xian rose in the ordinary, rising against the trend all the way.

Let the originally weak branch become one of the strongest families of the Tianmu God Dynasty.


Before the Tianmu achieved God's dynasty, Ye Xian had repeatedly made outstanding achievements, and his strength became stronger and stronger, and even gained the approval of the heaven and the earth.

"Ye Xian has already possessed such terrifying power in less than fifty thousand years.

His combat power realm is probably even stronger than Yuan Zhou Tianyin.

Even with the help of God's Kingdom and Zuo, this kind of cultivation speed is indeed very good. "

Once Ji Xia started to doubt, there were many memories in her mind.

In these memories.

Ye Xian looked more suspicious.

"Qin Wushen of Dageng dynasty once had an unexpected encounter with Ye Xian.

With Ye Xian's strength at the time, only one thought was needed to obliterate Qin Wushen.

The result was that Ye Xian did not kill Qin Wushen, but cut off one of Qin Wushen's fingers. "

"In the eyes of Qin Wushen at the time, it's just that his luck shouldn't be.

Thinking about it now, this might be Ye Xian deliberately. "

"Later, this severed finger also became the key to Qin Wushen's recovery.

This was probably Ye Xian's deliberate arrangement. "

The more Ji Xia thought about it, the more frightened.

"There is also the Siyang Dynasty, and the Siyang Dynasty must be the reincarnation of that existence.

He chased and killed Si Yang Chao, but was escaped by Si Yang Chao, who had only the strength of Shangyu Dao Realm..."

"The most suspicious thing is that Tai Cang has risen for many years.

The conflict between Tai Cang and Heaven's purpose was not a day or two, and now it is even more immortal.

The **** general of Tiance claims that one person is enough to suppress half of the kingdom of God.

As the general of the Third Eye, when the Third Eye repeatedly suppressed Tai Cang, he was not in the Third Eye by coincidence and never made any move..."

Ji Xia's eyelids twitched and found that she seemed to have guessed some amazing secrets.

His spirit flickered.

Cheng Yigui's look also became strange.

"These things are indeed very suspicious."

Chengyigui had a pair of smart eyes like stars, and she also said: "It's just that... I just listened to the description of the emperor, Ye Xian was already extremely suspicious.

The God Emperor of the Profound Sky God Liao does not know how powerful he is. If his mind is not deep, he will not be able to swallow the remnants of the Great Breath of God and let the Third Eye become a God of God.

Could it be that the Great God Liao hadn't noticed Ye Xian's suspiciousness for so many years? "

Ji Xia was also very puzzled about this.

None of these strong existences in the boundless wilderness are stupid.

They stand at the top of the boundless wilderness, knowing the situation in the boundless wilderness.

Some wrong decisions are also not made because of the situation.

Even Ji Xia and Cheng Yi Gui found Ye Xian's suspiciousness.

How could the Great God Liao not find out?

"Is it a fan of the authorities? Or, all the suspicious things about Ye Xian are indeed just coincidences."

Ji Xia thought about it, but couldn't guess.

He shook his head, and simply stopped thinking about it.

"In any case, the vast, boundless and wild human races are not alone and helpless.

There are also those who can stand at the pinnacle of the boundless wilderness.

They may be burdened with great disasters, they may have their own goals, or they may not be able to get out of the darkness.

But Tai Cang can trust them.

About some time in the future, these ancient powerhouses will appear one after another.

Let Daduan Luojie regain its former prosperity, and let the people rise again. "

Chengyigui often exhales.

She rarely smiled on her beautiful and flawless face.

She is dressed in white, and she has a refined charm of her own. In all these clouds, she appears to be extraordinarily free and easy and detached.

Ji Xia couldn't help turning her head and glanced at Cheng Yi.

Cheng Yigui noticed Ji Xia's gaze, and the aura became more refined and dusty, as if she had descended from the cicada palace.

Ji Xia hesitated for a moment, then coughed lightly, and he asked: "Too strong now is stronger, and the enemy he faces is getting stronger.

The three major gods are staring at him, and there are many secret existences watching Tai Cang.

Now Tai Cang lacks the strong..."

"This time, I probably won't leave anymore."

Chengyi Gui Qiong's nose is straight up, her peerless appearance is unparalleled, and her body is slender and perfect. She stands beside Ji Xia and speaks softly.

His eyes were a little cramped, and he didn't look at Ji Xia.

"Wu Tian Lao also told me not long ago that they can't completely get out of the realm of magic sky.

Even metamorphosis comes to the boundless wilderness, it takes a long time to prepare, and it can't stay for too long.

Therefore, the Celestial Race cannot provide other help on the path of Tai Cang's rise.

As the inheritor of the Celestial Race, staying in Tai Cang can also help Tai Cang defend against enemies. "

Chengyigui's words are calm and orderly, not rushing.

She gave many reasons to stay in Tai Cang.

Ji Xia felt very pleasantly surprised, he wanted to laugh out loud, but he was at the mercy of his face.

So he can only visualize the image of Emperor Chenxing and suppress the emotions in his heart.

Thousands of years passed in a hurry.

Ji Xia has become the emperor of millions of human beings.

In the future, he will become the supreme emperor.

He can face any powerful enemy without changing his face, and he can face countless courtiers with dignity and dignity.

Ji Xia's status is unknown how lofty it is.

But I don't know why.

Facing Chengyigui~www.readwn.com~, Ji Xia always has a kind of shyness and a kind of restraint in her heart.

Many times he was hesitant and stopped because of these shyness and restraint.

This makes Ji Xia feel a bit annoyed.

What Ji Xia didn't know was that the same was true of Chengyi's return.

Chengyi did not tell him anything because of the same shyness and restraint.

for example……

She stayed in Tai Cang, it was not the will of five days old at first.

Instead, Chengyigui took the initiative to mention the matter to the five-day old man of the Celestial Race, complaining about the interests, and fighting for it unremittingly. .

In other words.

The progress of this matter...actually came from the persistent efforts of Chengyigui.

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