I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1112: Taibai! [Four K]

Tai Cang's plan to achieve the central kingdom of the human race is in full swing.

In the Uncontrollable Choking Secret Realm, a kind of fairy qi of the Heavenly Palace is carried.

Many powerful people are deducing immortal ways on the floating altars.

On the altar where Bai Qi was located, 770,000 black murderers formed a large array.

Inside the large array, blood mist lingered, condensing a pair of blood-colored eyes, insight into the various wonders of the void.

Bai Qi stood behind these black murderers.

He seems to be evolving a unique immortal treasure, many ghosts and monsters are ups and downs in it.

Yang Ren was the former righteous **** of heaven and Tai Sui.

He and the Twelve Taisui of the Choking Secret Realm stood in another altar, and the stars continued to circulate around their bodies.

The immortal energy condenses into the Zhou Tianbao wheel, with the help of the power of the stars, strengthens the strength of its own body, thereby accommodating a more vigorous immortal energy.

There are also many powerhouses, such as Canglong, Yuzaoqian, Chaolongbo, and Chi Yu. The same is true.

Even Dangerous Chang, sitting in the Valley of the Evil God, is driving an Evil God who is incomparable to others, participating in the Heaven and Earth Immortal Dao.

Chengyi returned to his eyes, full of surprise.

She had never thought that there was such a place in the boundless wild world.

"In the past years, I have always been amazed by the rapid development of Tai Cang's strength.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many divine dynasties, even if they get the power of the divine dynasty and the country, it is impossible to accumulate such terrible power in just four thousand years.

I didn't understand the mystery of this mystery until I saw the Secret Realm of Choking. "

Cheng Yigui and Ji Xia walked side by side in the secret of Choking.

This is also the first time Chengyigui has entered the Choking Secret Realm.

The shock that Choking Secret Realm brought to her was almost unparalleled.

Even in ancient legends.

Existences that are stronger than the immortal realm of the universe can only gain immortality in time, but cannot control time.

The authority possessed by Choking Secret Realm obviously subverted Chengyigui's cognition.

"Even before the Great Shattered, there was never a **** who could control time."

Chengyi said sincerely: "I have acquired the long-standing inheritance of the Celestial Race.

Before the Great Destruction, Dao Yan Tianzun was infinitely powerful, but he never surpassed time. "

"Time is an incomprehensible way for Daduan Luojie, for the boundless wilderness, and even for other supreme great worlds."

Ji Xia wore a gold-patterned profound robe and said to Cheng Yigui: "Below the Choking Mystery, there is this ancient **** who can control time.

The Choking Secret Realm is his dojo. "

Chengyigui thought carefully, the heart of heaven and man kept beating, and many memories flowed into her mind.

She searched the massive inheritance and memory in the hearts of devas, trying to find out where the ancient **** came from, but she found nothing.

Chengyigui urges the hearts of heaven and humans, and Ji Xia can clearly perceive the vast aura that comes from the hearts of heaven and humans.

Ji Xia asked with some curiosity: "Can all the Celestial Races have such a treasure as a natural heart?"

Cheng Yigui nodded and said: "Every Celestial Race has a Celestial Heart since its birth. It has the inheritance of Celestial Race through generations, and it is sealed with the rhyme of Celestial Humanity. This is the strong foundation upon which the Celestial Race depends."

Ji Xia couldn't help being surprised.

The spirit spreading out of the hearts of the people who return to heaven by clothing is even more noble than the Eternal Immortal Dao Artifact, and it comes even more lofty and lofty.

If every celestial being has such a celestial heart... then I am afraid that the celestial race will become the most powerful race ever since.

It is even possible that a large number of immortal realms will be born.

Ji Xia cultivated to the present level.

He deeply understood...Even the supreme avenue of the supreme world cannot carry so many hearts of heaven and human beings.

"If I expected it to be right, the heart of the heavenly being returned by clothes must be the supreme treasure of the heavenly being.

The ordinary heavenly heart could not be compared with the heavenly heart of the girl in Yigui. "

"The girl in Yigui is not a celestial race, but she can have a celestial heart. This is a miracle in the first place."

Ji Xia speculated like this in her heart.

He remembered the words of Chengyigui, and asked Chengyigui: "Girl Yigui, in your natural heart, do you have the memories of many celestial sages before the Great Shattered?"

Cheng Yigui shook his head and said: "There is no clear memory, it just records many inheritances of the Celestial Race.

But because of the source of these inheritances, they have also been passed down.

Ever since I resuscitated the Celestial Heart, many secrets flashed in my mind from time to time.

These secrets all come from the Da Duan Luo world before the Great Destruction. "

A bit of curiosity flashed in Ji Xia's eyes.

Cheng Yigui glanced at Ji Xia, thought about it, and said: "Before the Great Shattered, there was no god.

Dao Yan Tianzun only established a shrine called Shen Yan Daoque.

This human temple is much stronger than the divine dynasty after the devastation.

In that glorious era, the great sun of the Ten Thousand Realms dragon shone the heaven and the earth, and the Dao Yan Tianzun sat in the center of the Shen Yan Dao Que, preaching to the many creatures in the Da Duan Luo realm.

All races have benefited from this, and all races have become stronger as a result.

The avenue he is talking about is the road of immortality. "

"Dao Yantian is like a cloud, many star monarchs, and many gods and generals have established the rule of the human race.

Under the rule of the human race, countless cities, mansions, states, and borders were divided.

Thousands of people are thriving, and Daduan Luojie has become more and more powerful.

Countless human bloodlines are constantly evolving, and many divine inheritances were created in that era. The five star monarchs, 49 palace lords, and 90 million lords all believed that Da Duan Luo Realm would be detached. . "

Cheng Yigui's eyes were a little blurred, he was probably digging the secrets in the hearts of heaven and human beings.

She probably remembered something terrifying: "Until later, a dark place suddenly appeared in the sky."

"I can vaguely perceive that there is an immortal existence in this dark place.

And that immortal existence has ten arms.

On each arm, a place of great fierceness is held! "

"These terrible places may be the cause of the destruction of Da Duan Luojie."

Ji Xia fell into deep thought.

Chengyi returns to the heart of the heavenly people to inherit the joint memory, and it only ends here.

It seems only a few words.

But the secret revealed in it shocked Ji Xia.

"The immortal existence in that dark place is probably the **** who makes the rules behind the sky.

He must have transcended the immortal realm and entered the third realm.

The Da Duan Luo Jie, who was sheltered by Dao Yan Tianzun, could be destroyed.

The power he possesses is also very likely to have surpassed Dao Yan Tianzun. "

"I don't know what kind of enemy the Taicang human race will face in the future."

Ji Xia sighed.

The expressions on Chengyigui's face all converged.

Her eyes fell on the fairy avenue in the void.

Ji Xia's spirit flowed by, and Chengyi Guimenran turned her head to look at Ji Xia.

She admired Ji Xia very much.

Over the past four thousand years, Ji Xia has overcome all obstacles and developed the frail Tai Cang to its present situation.

This is almost a miracle in Chengyigui's view.

But even so.

Cheng Yigui found that he still underestimated Ji Xia.

"The emperor actually wants to re-establish the cultivation system, using this unprecedented substance as a bargaining chip to break the game."

"But...is this substance called immortal energy, the road that can be opened up is really farther than the spiritual essence and the divine essence?"

The marvelous blood in the heart of Chengyi returned to heaven condensed golden runes and fell into her eyes.

She looked towards Xianqi, but found that people could not see through the mystery of Xianqi.

Chengyigui had to turn to comprehend a great road carried by immortal spirits.

For a moment!

Chengyigui's eyes lit up slightly.

In the hearts of heaven and human beings, the almost infinite inheritance and Ming Wu are sensational!

Cheng Yigui's deconstruction ability has been improved almost a million times, tens of thousands of times.

At this moment, Chengyigui's deep eyes flashed, as if he had sensed something.

"This class of matter... is indeed more vigorous and more wonderful than Ling Yuan and Shen Yuan.

It's just... it's too thin.

Where did the emperor get this kind of fairy qi? Even if a brand-new practice system can be established, is immortal energy enough to support the practice of so many living things? "

Chengyigui couldn't help but look sideways at Ji Xia.

But I found that Ji Xia was also watching the fairy qi avenue in the void.

He has deep expectations in his eyes, as well as deep self-confidence.

Chengyigui saw Ji Xia's eyes.

She suddenly felt that she should also explore this path.

Because maybe it will be a long time... Da Duan Luo Jie will completely change the world!

Ji Xia raised her eyes and looked at the sky.

In the center of the many altars, his strong spiritual consciousness condensed an incarnation, sitting between the heavens and the earth, and constantly comprehending the calculations.

He already knows these heavenly avenues very well.

It's just that I'm not used to using immortal energy as a bearing, condensing these many heavenly avenues into a realm of cultivation.

Ji Xia's initial idea was to use Heaven as the first realm, but how to land this construction requires brainstorming.

When Chengyigui and Ji Xiaju were both thinking about it.

Outside of the Choking Secret Realm, the sky above the boundless wild wilderness.

A terrible force is blooming!

This power is like a comet, bursting out an infinite group of terrifying light.

The vast volatility has shaken all the many gods and powerhouses in the boundless wilderness!

Zhou Yu twisted and twisted, and the originally dark universe became extremely bright.

And the real place where this kind of light, this kind of fluctuation erupted.

But it seems like a chaos, a hazy, unrealistic.

This terrifying power has shocked many of the strongest.

Yang Ren Jindan's **** eyes turned, looking into the distance.

The same is true for Ji Xia, Cheng Yigui and other too strong.

Their gazes instantly penetrated the Secret Realm of Choking, and also penetrated the vast void.

Many strong people's eyesight is not weak, but they are concealed by a hazy chaos.

But Tai Cang still has a strong man who can see through the hazy.

Seeing what happened above the sky.

Even, the secret place that was originally hidden by the rules of heaven and earth.

Also because of this explosive power, it appears in front of many powerful people

For example, several existences in the Nine Li Heaven, such as Nine Phoenix, such as Ji Xia, and Cheng Yi Gui.

So several of the strongest men looked towards the sky and saw an astonishing scene.

I saw a place with countless stars.

The vast waves of power are constantly surging.

Countless dead stars hung in the sky without any waves.

In the hazy chaos.

A white cloth exists, holding a long silver sword, standing in front of a dark star.

The long-haired shawl of this white robe makes his breath frightening.

His complexion was calm, but simple runes flowed out on the long sword in his hand, combined together, turned into an endless sword light, fierce and domineering!

The moment Ji Xia saw the existence of this white robe, he had already recognized his identity.

Ji Su!

He has an inextricable relationship with Tai Cang and Ji Xia, but is very mysterious and very ancient, the supreme sword **** Ji Su.

Ji Su has been active in countless ages, and not long ago, he has repeatedly appeared in the boundless wilderness.

Now, after many years disappeared.

Ji Xia saw Ji Su again.

Now Ji Su is already standing on the sky above the dark star.

"That dark star is Chenxing!"

Ji Xia's eyes flickered, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.



A horrible sound came from a distance.

A banner covered by chaos drove above the sky, and many originally dark stars lit up one after another.

Above the stars, there was a dark figure sitting.

These dark figures are often as huge as stars.

They built a large array, various symbols flew out, and the universe was densely packed, as if the world was locked!

Another vague dark powerhouse turned into a prison.

His eyes hung high in the universe, staring at Ji Su.

This dark powerhouse was just a long time ago, when Ji Xia got the inheritance of Suixing, he dispelled part of the mysterious existence that was inherited.

His name is unknown, but his personality is incomparably lofty, he is the prisoner **** beyond the sky!

He guards the prison of unknown stars, his power is beyond doubt

The Prison God stared at Ji Su.

A light leaped from the long sword in Ji Su's hand, turning into a young phantom with a starlight as a cloak.

The young man's virtual shadow has red lips and white teeth, seemingly very immature.

But the fighting spirit on his body was almost monstrous.

Si Yu Tianshen's eyes fell on the young man, and he whispered, "Tai Bai!"

Ji Xia, who was watching all this from a distance, fell into a brief stun, and then suddenly realized in her eyes.

"It turns out that Uncle Qi is not Taibai Xingjun!"

"Last time, the black and white forbidden snake looked at Uncle Qi and whispered too white softly, not calling Ji Su, but the mysterious long sword in Ji Su's hand!"

This discovery made Ji Xia feel unsure ~ www.readwn.com~ Before the devastation, the extremely lofty Xingjun turned out to be just the long sword in the hands of Uncle Qi.

So how terrifying is the origin of Uncle Qi?

"Uncle Qi appeared outside the sky, in the sky full of stars, do you want to..."

Ji Xia looked at Chenxing, her eyes gleaming.

His thoughts have not fallen yet.

Ji Su Zhoushen's breath was extremely sublimated, a shocking power that rose from his body.

In the dazzling light.

Ji Su cut out a sword!

But it wasn't slashing towards the prison god, nor was it slashing towards the stars that filled the sky with Universe.

It's to the Chenxing not far away!

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