I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1113: Classics come out, Ji Xia is about to be crowned [Four K]

This sword is majestic and amazing.

In Universe, the light of thunder exploded, the light of fire emerged, and the thunder and flames soaring to the sky burst out from the sword light.

There are also all kinds of extraordinary runes and supernatural powers.

The sword cut out by Ji Su standing in the void gleamed brightly and turned into a divine rainbow.

Going toward Chenxing fiercely.

The surrounding stars became dim in an instant!

The void was boiling, and in just an instant, all kinds of destruction were intertwined in the void, filling every inch of the universe.

The star masters who had been staring at them turned into hazy, no longer bursting out of light.

In the center of the boundless universe.

Except for Ji Su and the Prison God.

Only Chenxing left.

On the vague face of Si Yu Tianshen, an indifferent gaze appeared.

From his body, nine dark abysses leaped out.

The nine dark abysses were suppressed by Ji Su's sword light.

Ji Su looked still.

And Taibai Xuying next to Ji Su suddenly rose with red clouds.

He suddenly differentiated into tens of thousands of incarnations, and each incarnation operated a kind of heavenly power!

The vast world is clamoring, tens of thousands of heavenly merits, combined with the unparalleled record.

The void exploded one after another, and the nine abysses were also temporarily blocked!

What made Ji Xia unexpected.

As Ji Su Jianguang, Chenxing seemed to be suddenly recovering.

He did not. Above Chenxing, a phantom of a young man wearing a blue robe and holding a jade wat appeared.

The whole constellation star began to burn, and the extremely rich spiritual essence flowed out from it.

The divine essence, like the long river of Universe, turned into an astonishing storm.

But the goal of this terrifying storm was not Ji Su Jianguang who was slashing at him.

But... the nine dark abysses of the Prison God!

The few too strong men who watched the battle came from many mysterious existences in the void, and they were all startled.

Even though they were far away, they could clearly perceive how powerful the sword of Ji Su, with a mysterious origin, was.

Even if this sword fell on the Eternal Immortal Realm powerhouse in its heyday, it would give birth to great horror.

Chen Xingjun has been transformed into a star for many years.

His power was constantly suppressed, many of his supernatural powers had been wiped out, and the gods he had conceived had collapsed.

In other words.

The power that Chenxing possesses now is weaker than the heyday before the Great Destruction.

Ji Su's sword fell on Chen Xing, and Chen Xing might be crushed to pieces immediately.

The consciousness of Lord Chenxing inside will also disappear, completely dissipated.

This means that Lord Chenxing will fall.

"Mr Chen Xing turned into a jail after he was utterly shattered.

A strong man who is no weaker than Lei Shiyuan and Yin Jun must be imprisoned in Chenxing.

At this moment, Ji Su appeared in endless prison, perhaps to understand Wushuang's existence in Savior. "

"Chenxing is also clearly aware of this, and he should also know some kind of secret...

That's why he will give up his life without hesitation and release the existence in the stars. "

Ji Xia fell silent for a while.

He suddenly remembered the reason why the five-star king turned into a star.

"After the devastation, they incarnate as stars, in the name of the human race's atonement, and retain some of the human blood.

Let the people have the opportunity to rejuvenate again. "

"They have never died in the ancient war, but they are more painful than living.

Once aloft, the incomparable Dao Que powerhouse was to be enslaved by the enemy, which in itself was a kind of painful calamity. "

Ji Xia took a deep breath.

Chengyigui beside him also fell into silence.

Many forces collided, and a corner of Zhou Yu cracked.

The scene of the sky and the earth shattered the sky.

The bursting power of Lord Chen Xing and Tai Bai Xing Jun collided with the nine dark abysses of the Prison God God, obliterating countless runes, and many avenue lines disappeared.

A very short moment.

Only Ji Suchao stood still, and Xueyi was flawless.

The sword light flowing from the long sword in his hand has completely submerged into Chenxing.

The stars above the stars sit cross-legged.

He nodded and saluted Ji Su from a distance.

He turned his head and looked at Taibai.

"I hope you can bury my dust in my homeland after this catastrophe passes away."

Monarch Chen Xing's thoughts flowed, his expression was extremely calm, and there was never any fear in his eyes.

Juvenile Taibai's face, the original fighting will to the sky has disappeared.

There is only grief in his eyes.

His body even trembled slightly, and tears kept streaming down.

"Brother..." Taibai muttered to himself.

Mr. Chen Xing shook his head and said, "Don't blame yourself."

"In the old days, I was your elder brother, and I used to take you to repel the boundless darkness.

I once took you with me, with a fire, igniting the sacred fire of inheritance.

We have suppressed countless rebellions and wiped out the vitality of many creatures for the sake of the prosperity of our race.

I used to kneel down on my enemies and let them spare my children. "

"I was born for the Human Race, and now I die for the Human Race, and my life is complete.

You don't have to be sad. "

"I don't know why Jianzun Ji Su and you want to release Great Venerable Wutian, but I am willing to trust you."

"I am willing to die for this."

The spirit of Chen Xingjun is flowing in the sky.

Then the whole constellation was turned into ashes.

Inside Chenxing, an eternal firmness appeared in all the eyes that were watching.

This prison is like a sky.

Barren and barren, dark and dead.

In this sky, there is an ancient sacred tree phantom, sleeping.

In the center of the phantom of the sacred tree, a gray-haired old man with an old face was sleeping.

But when the stars burst.

The moment when Chen Xingjun's law disappeared.

The sleeping old man suddenly opened his eyes!

The phantom light of the sacred tree is a masterpiece.

The prison **** in the sky, as well as the many star masters, all shed a majestic spirit.

Various avenue lines flow in the sky.

Countless terrifying supernatural powers suddenly fell.

Maybe they recognized Ji Su's strength.

At this moment, their goal was no longer Ji Su, but the old man in the center of the sacred tree.

The old man's brown robe moved with the wind, and he rose into the void.

The brilliance of the sacred tree is getting brighter and brighter!

at the same time.

His real name resounded throughout the world.

Countless ancient beings have turned their attention.

"Wu Tian!"

This is obviously a very extraordinary Taoist name.

When the divine mind flowed away, the void was trembling.

A certain place in the boundless wilderness below, the most powerful fluctuations soared into the sky.

Echoes with Wutian Dazun.

The Wutian Great Lord is all over the void universe.

His speed seems slow, but he can travel through many spaces in the blink of an eye.

What surprises the attention-grabbing powerhouse is that.

Ji Su rescued Wutian Great Master.

After Wutian escaped from prison, he did not go towards Ji Su.

on the contrary.

Great Venerable Wutian glanced at Ji Su and Taibai Xingjun, then immediately turned around and walked in a direction contrary to them.

Ji Xia and Cheng Yigui looked at each other.

"Ji Su and Taibai Xingjun sacrificed Wutian Majesty at the cost of Chen Xingjun's life.

Originally, I thought that the Great Venerable Wutian must be in the same camp as Ji Su, or reached some kind of agreement.

But now it seems that Wutian Great Lord seems to be evading Ji Su and Taibai Xingjun! "

Chengyigui also nodded.

Ji Su and Taibai Xingjun did not hesitate.

The sword light shone, and the void was severely cut open.

The power of the Prison God and the power of many stars ruled suppressed.

The immeasurable divine light burst out again, covering the eyes of all spectators.

But Ji Xia vaguely perceives that Ji Su and Taibai... are pursuing Wutian Great Lord.

It is clear.

It was not Ji Su's goal to simply rescue Wutian Great Master.

"Ji Su hasn't shown up for a long time, but now suddenly there is such a big movement.

It is enough to see that the Great Venerable Wutian must be related to some secrets.

That's why my mysterious Seventh Uncle made such a big move. "

The light in the sky faded away.

The canopy that had been pierced once again overlapped.

Chaos became more and more hazy.

All eyes of existence are cut off.

That endless prison has disappeared.

After a long time.

Chengyi Guicai hesitated and said: "In my vague memory of the inheritance of heaven and man, this strong man in white seems to have appeared.

It's just that the accurate memory in Tianren's heart is very limited, and I have never dug up his name. "

"His name is Ji Su."

Ji Xia said calmly: "He is an ancient strong man who wanders through the world, through countless times, and even through many years."

"Ji Su?"

Chengyigui did not suspect him, nodded and said: "In any case, since he can use Taibai Xingjun as a divine sword, he can get Taibai Xingjun's approval.

That strong man must have no hostility towards the human race. "

"Ji Su... is also a human race."

Ji Xia explained: "After the Great Destruction, there were 36 divine dynasties, and there were many divine dynasty eras where he was present.

For example, the recent Great Breath of God.

Ji Su was the first national teacher of the Daxi dynasty. "

The thoughts of Chengyi return to the gods are surging, and there are many puzzles in her mind, Ji Xia answers one by one.

A few breaths of time passed.

Chengyiguicai said sincerely: "Human race actually has such strange and powerful people.

He appeared in many times, but his power was sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

If he can always maintain the same combat power as before the big bust.

The current human race does not have to break the game so hard. "

Ji Xia did not continue to speak.

He actually had a guess about Ji Su's mysterious performance.

The shock caused by Ji Su did not affect Tai Cang.

Those who are too strong are still delving into Immortal Dao.

Xian Shen led many disciples of the Sacred Mansion to compile classics and record the history of the human race.

This classic book played a pivotal role in Tai Cang's plan.

Ten years passed in a hurry.

It is difficult to make obvious changes in Tai Cang in ten years.

But it is enough to compile a classic.

This day.

Ji Xia was standing on the rooftop of Shanggan Palace, watching the void.

On the Void Altar.

All sorts of runes were beating in the void above a white robe.

In these runes, there was a clear flow of immortal energy.

These immortals are warm and endless, as if there is an immortal spirit in them.

Chengyigui continued to manifest these runes.

These runes are combined with each other, and they are expounding a unique idea of ​​immortality.

Seeing this scene, Ji Xia nodded sincerely.

With his vision, it was enough to see how extraordinary the runes belonged to Chengyi.

Chengyigui is using these runes to explore a path that can benefit countless creatures.

"Chengyi has jumped into the immortal way with many celestial and human inheritances.

Her path is aimed at those weak beings.

These weak beings are often impassable in practice.

Their bodies are so weak that they can't communicate with spirit and gods.

It would also be very difficult to directly arouse the immortal energy. "

"So, Chengyigui wants to start with the method of runes.

In the beginning, the source of the rune was actually wanted to be obtained through visualization.

This is indeed a whimsical idea. "

Ji Xia's eyes shone slightly.

Part of his divine consciousness in the sea of ​​knowledge is also in crazy calculations.

"Except for the girl in Yigui, the idea of ​​the emperor's misfortune is also quite extraordinary.

He wants to use the purple energy to enter the Tao, inspire the immortal energy to turn into purple energy, build the purple mansion in his mind, and then let the purple mansion carry more immortal energy. "

"This method is also extremely mysterious, but the threshold is much higher. Ordinary creatures are afraid that they will not be able to embark on this path from the beginning."

"Maybe... you can take the idea of ​​the girl in the clothes as the first step in the first realm. Wait until the body of the ordinary creature is strong and can provoke the immortal energy at will, and then open the purple mansion."

In addition to these fairy qi system roads.

There are also many too strong people who have been able to borrow immortal energy to construct extraordinary immortal methods.

These fairy methods are equivalent to magical powers.

Now, these supremely powerful people have begun to lay the foundation, and wait until the day when Immortal Dao is prosperous.

These immortal methods must be able to diligently once again, erupting with unprecedented power.

"Sure enough, the power of one person can't compare to the collective brainstorming.

There are so many strongest beings from many completely different worlds.

Their original background is deep enough.

The effect of building a fairy road with a detached and wild vision is naturally extraordinary. "

Ji Xia carried her hands on her back, with a smile on her face.

At this moment.

A scribe in Shengwen Mansion appeared outside Shanggan Palace.

He stood at the gate of Shanggan Palace and hurriedly saluted Ji Xia.

The joy on the scribe's face could hardly be suppressed.

Ji Xia understood instantly.

His divine thought flashed, the night lord appeared, and the scribe of the Saint Mansion was passed on.

The scribe looked young, but his eyes were extremely mature.

The clothes on his body are also very luxurious, and words continue to appear around him.

Obviously, he was a great sage, and his position in the Saint Wen Mansion was also very precious.

The young sage Taicang came to the Tiantiantai, not forgetting to respect Chao Ji Xia again.

Ji Xia gently raised her hand.

The prince Tai Cang stood up and reported to him: "The emperor Qizhen...The human classics are already complete. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

It's just that this book carries the history of the human race after the devastation. It is extremely heavy and cannot be carried to Tai Xian's court.

The Most Sage Master ordered me to come, hoping to allow the emperor to move and go to the Sacred Mansion. "

The joy on Ji Xia's face became more and more obvious.

Bursts of brilliance burst out in his eyes.

The Master Taicang was silent for a while, and continued: "This classic has been published, but it has not been named."

"The emperor is the ruler of the Great Blue, and the ruler of the Human Race Central."

"Emperor Wang can name the classics."

Name the classics!

This means... the coronation ceremony of Ji Xia is coming soon.

He wants to ascend to the throne and become the unique emperor in the world!

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