I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1114: Crowned as the emperor, the central kingdom of the human race [four K]

Ji Xia did not hesitate.

He had never put on a ceremonial ceremony, but appeared in the sky above Shengwen Mansion after the young sage Taicang disappeared into the Choking Secret Realm.

Shengwen Mansion is called Mansion.

But it is bigger than many Tai Cang city pools.

Many magnificent buildings are arranged in it.

In these buildings, there are millions of Tai Cang scribes studying classics.

There are patches of ink-colored clouds in the void above the Saint Wen Mansion.

It can be vaguely felt that the words are constantly rising and falling.

These many texts are the results of Shengwen Mansion for many years.

Many Taicang sages and Taicang scribes entered the Tao with words, so as to communicate with Taicang Country Zuo and gain strength from Taicang Kingdom Zuo.

This is also the mystery that Tai Cang scribes can become stronger by studying.

Ji Xia walked down into the void with her hands on her back.

The countless buildings of St. Wen's Mansion immediately shined brightly.

Many building doors are also open at this moment.

The Tai Cang scribes who had been sitting in the building studying their knowledge stood up together and saluted Ji Xia.

And in the grand hall in the center of the Saint Wen Mansion, twelve real dragons of Wen Yun roared out.

If you look carefully, these twelve articles of Wenyun are all condensed by words.

The bottom of Wenyun Zhenlong.

Xian Shen with a long robe and a solemn face bowed to Ji Xia.

Then give up a step.

In the central hall of Shengwen Mansion, an ancient blue-gray book fell into Ji Xia's eyes.

The blue-gray classics are extremely heavy, half a person in length.

Over the classics, scenes of light and shadow are entwining.

In the entangled light and shadow, countless visions are fleeting.

The moment Ji Xia saw the blue-gray classics, her expression became very serious.

He landed on the ground of Saint Wen Mansion and straightened the crown on his head.

I personally took care of the clothes that were not wrinkled.

This was when he strode forward and walked towards the central hall of the Saint Wen Mansion.

Ji Xia entered the central hall.

The originally unknowingly heavy blue-gray classics seemed to be blown by the breeze, turning the first page.

"People, endlessly!"

The five characters fell into Ji Xia's eyes.

When Ji Xia saw this sentence, the pure human blood in his concrete began to boil in an instant!

A series of divine essences flowed out of him, mixed with the power of blood, and flew into the blue-gray classics.

The blood of hundreds of billions of human races in Tai Cang territory seemed to have some kind of resonance, and it began to boil.

A goddess sky soared from the classics, rushed into the sky, washed away the clouds and mist!



The astonishing roar continued to spread along with Ji Xia's thoughts.

Lord Yin, Lord Lei Shiyuan, Xu Ze, several **** emperors, and even Xianzhu, as well as other powerhouses of the immortal realm, felt the vibration from the sky at the same time.

The big world of Yin Monarch stands in the sky, shrouded in the sky.

The Great God Liao carried his hands on his back, and there was a divine fire burning on his body. He shook his head and said to the **** general Ye Xian next to him: "In any case, the emperor and emperor of the early days is a world-famous arrogant.

Even though the new path that Tai Cang has opened up has collapsed, he still wants to take on the human race's future.

This is admirable enough. "

The silver spear beside Ye Xian exudes cold light.

The young Tiance God had a bit of curiosity in his eyes, and his comments were too dark.

Xianzhu, who was far away in the old abyss, also sensed that the boundless wildness and extraordinary vibration came from Tai Cang.

A clearly visible smile appeared on the face constructed by the light.

"Not bad!

Originally, I thought that Tai Cang was going to die, and that it was too weak in the beginning, and it was bound to be depressed.

Unexpectedly, this human king is so courageous that he wants to proclaim himself the emperor, which is surprising. "

"Since then, there will be many more human races offering sacrifices to the Great Sun of Ten Thousand Realms in the future."

Jun Yin frowned slightly, he thought about it, and then looked up at another place.

In that place, there is another yin river that is constantly flowing.

Standing in the Milky Way, Xu Ze nodded towards Jun Yin.

Tianwu God Emperor, Nine Killing God Emperor, Frost Cinder God Emperor, and even the attention of many mysterious existences, have been completely attracted by Tai Cang.

Ji Xia didn't deliberately block these gazes.

He stood in front of the blue-gray classics, staring at the five characters.

"These five big characters come from the emperor of Emperor Huang Huang of the Kingdom of God."

"It's most appropriate to start with these five characters."

Ji Xia's eyes were leisurely, the gods were still communicating bloodlines, and the bloodline power was continuously injected into the classics.

The human race history of more than 80 million years after the devastation also unfolded from this.

These histories are inextricably linked to the current bloodlines of the boundless wild human race.


An amazing scene happened!

The vast and infinite wilderness, almost countless human races, all ignorantly raise their heads!


In the distant dark canyon, a girl who was enslaved by a strong clan, as a medicine slave, could only grit her teeth, and suddenly raised her head in the thorns.

She clearly saw the emptiness not far from her, and the nameless classics were flipped and frozen on one page.

The girl drug slave who is illiterate can understand everything recorded in the classics.

The girl saw that 37 million years ago, the human race had a pharmacist who enlightened the Dao, used medicine to poison the powerful foreign race, and led the tribe to open up a secret realm, so as to escape the thorny hardship.

In a plain, millions of people live here, raising livestock for the strong, and the livestock is getting fatter, but they can only provide for the strong race.

For these human races, eating meat has become an ironic luxury.

They also saw that ancient book, saw the Lixuan God Dynasty millions of years ago, many human races, all bred celestial spirits, stubbornly!

Tianmu Shenchao Changshan Mansion, a human dynasty every hundred years will contribute geniuses in the dynasty to Changshan Palace Lord, for him to practice evil... not only to be a human dynasty.

Under the rule of Changshan Mansion, other alien races also did the same.


For other aliens, this matter is the darkness that completely covers them, never breaking.

But today, the creatures in the human dynasty suddenly looked up.

They saw with their own eyes that before the ancient years, a human dynasty was about to be slaughtered to death.

Among them, the royal family gave up their will, willing to become a puppet of a powerful existence, in order to take revenge!


Countless human beings have seen that blue-gray classic.

The pictures they saw in the blue-gray classics and the history they saw were all different.

But when these history pages are turned.

They saw... Ji Xia's figure!

In the eyes of all creatures in the boundless wilderness.

Ji Xia's phantom stood in the void, and below Ji Xia's phantom was the entire Taidu phantom.

The capital is so vast and prosperous.

When these human races realized that this is comparable to the location of the gods, it turned out to be a human race city.

The eyes of all the creatures of all races except the Taicang human race burst out with longing brilliance.

Ji Xia's bloodline power uses the blue-gray classics as the communication object, and clearly perceives their desire.

He saw the human life in the desert land, the water source was all controlled by the powerful cultivators, licking their lips, the longing in their eyes was the longing for Taidu's almost inexhaustible water source!

He saw a human race in the void. These human races are just slaves to a powerful race. Although they have never been killed or swallowed, they can only live forever as slaves and cannot be free.

He also saw the longing in the eyes of all the people, the longing for strong power, the longing for carefree life!

Ji Xia took a deep breath.

I saw Ji Xia, who was already suspended in the sky with the blue-gray classics, gently pointing towards the classics.

In between.

The blue-gray classics began to constantly turn pages.

Regarding the history of the 36 sacred dynasties of the Human Race after the Great Destruction, using blood as a channel, it has flowed into the minds of all human races in the boundless wilderness!

For a time.

Zhou Yu was quiet and lonely.

Many of the Human Race's eyes were blurred, and there was an incredible look in their eyes.

"This is... the history of my human race?"

"I have heard the legend of Tai Cang, but I only regard it as a beautiful myth like the kingdom of Huang Huang.

But today... The king I see is the king of the great blue, so does this history really come from the human race? "

"Thirty-six divine dynasties? What is the divine dynasty? It is always stronger than the Feng Rui dynasty? Then, where is our bloodline?"

"I don't understand... I only know that in those so-called gods era, our human race should be able to eat, right? Shouldn't it become food?"

Many people's minds are constantly surging.

The blue-gray classics are still turning pages, making them more shocked.

Even if it is a rough page turning, even if it is just looking at the flowers, it is enough to make these human beings extremely excited.

When the classics were turned to the last page.

I saw four characters clearly written on it!

"Too Cang, lasting!"

Then came the history of Tai Cang.

The eyes of many human beings became more and more sparkling.

Many human races have already heard the legend of Tai Cang.

In addition to the territories of the gods, in many countries with powerful civilizations, the status of the human race has also been rising because of the existence of Tai Cang.

In recent years, these human races have been protected by Tai Cang's prestige and will no longer be killed or enslaved.

But the boundless wilderness is too grand...

There are many weak civilizations, and they don’t know the existence of Tai Cang.

On the larger land, no powerful civilization was born.

As for the human races within the territories of the three gods...under the circumstance that the superiors of the gods deliberately do so.

They didn't know that Tai Cang was antagonizing the powerful gods.

Even the vast majority of Shenchao human races do not know that they live in the kingdom of Shenchao.

The gods... are too huge.

But today!

As the blue-gray classics continued to turn over, these people of the human race finally knew that they were not born humble.

"On the contrary... Our ancestors established a glorious civilization in the ancient years."

"The inheritance hidden in our blood is more noble than those so-called strong races!"

Certain emotions have been awakened in the hearts of those people who pretended to be humble in the past.

They started blankly, looking at the figure of Ji Xia in the void.

I saw that the crown on top of Ji Xia's head turned golden light.

The light hovered in the sky.

In the blue-gray classics that communicated with countless people of the human race, a trace of blood flowed out and fell into the light.

The blood strength and light are intertwined, and once again fly into the crown of Ji Xia's head and neck!

"Treasure Crown of Human Blood."

"The Emperor's Crown!"

The blue-gray classics came one after another.

Under Ji Xia's feet, an ancient altar was condensed again.

The strongest men of the great blue have also appeared around the altar.

They looked up to the altar where Ji Xia was, and they only felt that the bloodline power in her body was beginning to be continuously uplifted!

Ji Xia landed on the altar and closed the blue-gray classics completely.

Then he lifted his fingertips and carved a line of text on the cover of the blue-gray classics.


The moment the three characters appeared.

The blue-gray classics trembled madly.

The power of horror flowed from the blue-gray classics and fell into the altar at Ji Xia's feet.

Ji Xia stayed quiet, and put out her palm.

The Xiantian Temple flew out, and the gate opened wide.

Nine million human spirits reappeared and bowed to Ji Xia!

With this worship, Tai Cang's Guo Zuo power was suddenly elevated.

The human beings who saw this scene seemed blessed to their hearts.

A long distance away, they saluted in the direction of Tai Cang.

"The Emperor!"

These human beings muttered to themselves, and then they became fanatical shouts.

"Human race shouldn't be so humble!"

"With Tai Cang before us, we shall be Tai Cang citizens and the Central Citizens of Human Race."

"Tai Cang is not the kingdom of Huanghuang, and it has not been sealed, but a real country. In the early days, Emperor Jixia will cut through the thorns and separate the mist!"

With a shout, it seemed to have passed a very far distance and fell into the sky.

The eyes of Tai Cang Zi people admired to the extreme.

All of them can perceive that Tai Cang's originally extremely strong Guo Zuo power is increasing frantically!

Ling Yuan, which had become richer, became more rich.

Many of the spiritual essences where they are located have become divine essences.

This means that Tai Cang is transforming towards God.

This change caused the Eternal Immortal Realm beings who were watching the transformation of the Great Blue to frown.

A look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

One after another divine consciousness collided in the void.

Lei Shiyuanjun's Thunder Spiritual Sense came first: "I was crowned the emperor in the beginning, this movement seems to transcend the rules of the boundless wild world."

Xu Ze said in a puzzled way: "This is strange. Ji Xia just built an altar by herself, but he compiled a classic called Human Dao Ji, which can increase the power of Tai Cang's Guozuo to such an extent.

The most important thing is...The power of the boundless wild country Zuo is constant, but the increase in the power of Tai Cang country Zuo seems to be an extra out of thin air. "

Jun Yin sneered: "Before the Great Shattered, the personality of the Human Race was unimaginable~www.readwn.com~ Perhaps the reason why the boundless wilderness existed at this time was also dependent on the existence of Human Race inheritance.

There is a strange power in the human blood, which is transformed into the power of heaven, earth, and the kingdom...not surprising. "

The three gods and emperors have never communicated, but their hearts are also filled with thoughts.

The smile on Great God Liao's face has disappeared.

The phantom of the nine gods behind the Nine Killing Gods is looming. He shook his head and muttered to himself: "The power of the human blood is truly breathtaking. Not far away."

"It's just... what is transformed by the strange power in the human blood is still the power of Guozuo."

"Even if Ji Xia is crowned the emperor, Tai Cang will become the central country.

Still never jumped out of the boundless wild country Zuo system. "

"Not a concern."

"But don't let Tai Cang continue to grow stronger."

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