I Have a Mythical Tree

: The 1115th 280 trillion human beings [four K]

Tai Cang made the country of the central.

Standing on the altar above the Taidu, Ji Xia communicated with countless human bloodlines in the history books of the boundless wild human race, and under the power that burst out, under the worship of nine million human race sages, he became a human emperor.

All the existence of the immortal realm of the boundless wilderness watched this scene silently.

In addition to these alien gods and innate gods.

There are also many strong human races hidden in the void sensing all this.

In addition to Jiuyutian and Jixuantian, there are still five outer heavens in the boundless wilderness with powerful Shangyu Dao realm.

The five outer heavens have a long history and each has authority.

The power they possess is even more terrifying than many imperial dynasties in the boundless wilderness.


Even if it is such an outside world, it still cannot be compared with the gods.

So they stayed out of the world for a long time, hoping to preserve their blood.

But today.

They have also seen the long history of the human race and perceives the prosperous power contained in the blood of the human race.

The five outer heavenly masters gathered together, looking towards the void.

In the void, the phantoms of Ji Xia and Human Dao Ji exude surging power.

The five outer heavenly masters talked softly, their eyes becoming firmer and firmer.


There are also many hidden places where the human race shows reverence in their eyes.

They were silent, but their expressions became more determined.

"Tai Cang is a variable. Even if the plan I waited for has been planned for millions of years, I can't sit back and watch Tai Cang perish."

"Human Dao Ji has stimulated the deep power hidden in the human blood, and the upper limit of Tai Cang has been raised again.

Even if it cannot leave the Guozuo system, it is expected to become the thirty-seventh **** dynasty of the human race.

Save the Tai Cang, and the Tai Cang attracts the attention of the boundless wilderness, the dayless sky, and the underworld, and we are very likely to win. "

"Tai Cang Tai Chu Ren Huang Ji Xia... It is admirable. If there is such a human king, it is also a blessing for the boundless wild human race."

In the secret place of the Jiuyuan human race, there are many divine consciousnesses.

These divine consciousnesses are all exceptionally powerful, and the masters who were spurred by Ji Xia in Ji Xuan Tian will be much stronger from that day.

Ancient Wu Shen Dynasty.

The towering, magnificent and mysterious Tianwu God Tree is entrenched in the void.

If it is the Eternal Immortal Realm, there is a moving **** eye, staring at this **** tree.

You can clearly see that there are many rich worlds hanging on the crown of this sacred tree.

These worlds are vast, rich in spiritual origin, and many treasures.

It is precisely because of this sacred tree that the ancient wu **** dynasty can survive for 920,000 years and become the sacred dynasty with the longest existence of the boundless barbarians.

The Tianwu God Emperor stood on the branches of the sacred tree, and the illusory figure of a girl beside her was looming.

"Tai Cang Huang Tian was crushed, I originally thought Tai Cang would be silent.

When the army of the three major gods passed by, it was reduced to a ruin.

Unexpectedly, Tai Cang has so many capable people and strangers, and treasures such as the human Dao Ji can emerge. "

The voice of the girl's phantom was crisp, and there was a bit of surprise in her tone.

Tianwu God Emperor wears a high crown on her head and a light gauze covering her face. She shook her head and said: "It is true that you must not underestimate the greatness, and you must never underestimate the human emperor Jixia.

The path he practiced is special. He has not yet achieved the Eternal Immortal Realm, so he can fight against the Purple Sun God Sovereign and Yuan Zhou Tianyin alone, becoming the strongest existence under the Eternal Immortal Realm, which is enough to see his talent. "

The girl phantom sits playfully on the branch, her bare feet constantly swinging.

"The current Tai Cang has been accepted by the vast majority of human races in the boundless wilderness.

Tai Cang has become the central country of the human race.

How will those human races living in the dynasty be dealt with? "

The expression of the Emperor Tianwu remained unchanged: "The Human Race has been slaughtered for more than 80 million years, but the population has not dropped too much.

This delicate balance is naturally controlled by the rules of heaven and earth.

Presumably Shen Xuan and Tianmu would never kill all the people in the territory.

After all... even today's boundless wilderness, human race is needed. "

The girl Xu Ying thought for a while, and nodded solemnly.

"Although I don't know what the existence beyond the sky is planning, but more than 80 million years have passed by in a hurry, and I have already sensed something unusual.

Perhaps the boundless wilderness has long been abandoned. The real attraction of this heaven and earth to those supreme beings is actually the blood of the human race and the surging power that can burst out from the blood of the human race. "

The Emperor Tianwu fell silent.

After a few breaths of time passed, a piece of his divine consciousness circulated: "In a mere four thousand years, Emperor Ji Xia established a prosperous kingdom like Tai Cang.

This was extremely unusual in the previous years.



The God Emperor Tianwu's divine consciousness has not yet fully flowed.

The girl who had originally looked indifferent suddenly became serious.

She stopped the Tianwu God Emperor: "Even if it is as strong as the Huanghuang Kingdom, it will be suppressed by that terrifying force.

Tai Cang's road has been destroyed, if you want to bet on Tai Cang, it is likely to be ruined. "


The Emperor Tianwu never spoke, but she was muttering to herself in her mind: "Under the current rules, all dynasties will perish, and they will become the boundless savage blood food.

Struggling hard is just lingering on.

In that case..."

Tianwu God Emperor seemed to be struggling in his heart.

Her eyes looked around, falling on the huge ancient wu **** dynasty, and on the many worlds hanging on the sky wu **** tree.

I don’t know how many creatures exist, and how many lives exist.

"In earlier years, the kingdom of God also resisted..."


The Emperor Tianwu stopped his thoughts and turned to look in the direction of Tai Cang.


Ji Xia, dressed in a profound robe, had already gathered a throne of blood.

He sat on the throne, the power of various bloodlines gathered behind him, and then turned into a sky.

Humanity exists in the sky, blooming brightly.

"Humanity discipline should not only be known to my people."

Ji Xia lowered her head and looked at the outside of the altar.

"According to my imperial edict, all imperial dynasties can send envoys to Taidu.

They want to take humanitarianism to countless places.

As long as there are living creatures in the world, there must be a humane manuscript.

The ancient glory of the human race, the ancient prestige of the human race, and the history of the gods of the human race will all be seen again! "

"And Tai Cang will be the central kingdom of the human race from now on, and all the human races in the world will be protected by the Tai Cang."

Ji Xia calmly ordered.

His eyes were silent, and he looked up to the sky.

"Unexpectedly, the rules like today have become the most trusted umbrella for human beings.

The three great dynasties can destroy the Taicang Kingdom Zuo, turn Taicang into ruins, kill the Taicang strong, and kill the vast majority of the Taicang people. "

"But you can't kill too many human races at once.

This is also the reason why the human race is still full of wildness after more than 80 million years of suffering. "

Terrans multiply extremely fast.

Although he was always enslaved, he was always considered a lowly race.

But it has never perished.

The upper powers of the gods vaguely know the importance of the human blood to the boundless wilderness, and they also have unconcealed orders from the will of heaven and earth.

They would never dare to slaughter the human race wantonly.

As for the imperial dynasties and dynasties under the gods, they are just a little trouble, and they can't hurt the foundation of the human race at all.

"But...just keep the human race from being extinct, but use the human race as a tool to continuously harvest.

The attributes of humbleness and weakness have been imposed on the human beings for more than 80 million years.

Humans are raised and banned like livestock..."

"Even... after the existences behind the canopy achieve their goals, the entire boundless wilderness will be abandoned.

Terran...maybe it is very likely to perish. "

"Too Cang is not perishable."

Ji Xia lowered her head and looked down at Tai Cang, and secretly made up her mind.


This change of the emperor did not trigger a big battle.

In the eyes of many high-ranking powerhouses in Tai Cang, this may be a bit unexpected.

But Bai Qi, Yang Ren and many other powerful people clearly understand...

The silence of the three major gods for decades is not the intention to live peacefully with Tai Cang in this way.

It is plotting an amazing war.

The calmer the three major gods now, it means that the war will be fiercer in the near future.

Tai Cang became the central country of the human race.

The most obvious change is that Guozuo's power within the Taicang territory has become stronger.

"The entire Taidu, and even the entire Central Xuanyuanzhou, the Lingyuan has been transformed into the Shenyuan."

Taidu Palace Lord Ronglou still looks like a young man.

Standing in the palace, he reported to Ji Xia: "The individual strength of the Tai Cang people has grown amazingly.

The ability to multiply may be a little weaker, but their burst of productivity and their enthusiasm for the establishment of a human dynasty has skyrocketed a lot. "

Ji Xia held a jade slip in her hand.

There are many proposals on the jade slip.

For example, Tai must be in the sky, opening up twelve secret realms.

These secret realms will surround the Taidu and become the guardian secrets of the Taidu.

The heavenly army will go to the mansion and will be garrisoned in it. If there is a real disaster, it can spread from the Taidu in the center to the entire Taicang to rescue and respond to the enemy.

There is also an application that Tian Dan Mansion will begin to refine the first Tian Dan.

When Ji Xia saw Tiandan Mansion's application, she was also a little curious.

He looked at the Fang Lu in the palace.

Fang Lu immediately understood and explained: "Tian Dan Mansion has been committed to mass production of Divine Pills and Extreme Holy Spirit Pills for the past few years, preparing for a major war that may break out in the future.

This time Tai Cang became the central country of the human race, and the human emperor was crowned.

The power of Zuo in Taicang Kingdom is more and more prosperous, and the power of Shennong Cauldron is further strengthened, providing many alchemy ideas for Tiandan Palace.

The one thousand eight hundred god-level alchemists in Tiandan Mansion wanted to go further, casting the Tiandan, and let Tai Cang's refining skills go further. "

Just as Fang Lu said.

Since the Secret Realm of Choking has been upgraded, a year of wildness, and 30 years later of the Secret Realm.

To Tiandan Mansion, Tiangong Mansion, and Tianfu Pavilion, these pavilions of Tai Cang Mansion are no different than adding wings to a tiger.

They dispatched a large number of caster spiritists, alchemy spiritists, and rune spiritists to conduct research in the Choking Secret Realm all the year round.

The output of many treasures such as Taizang Pills and Spirit Instruments has also been greatly improved.

Ji Xia naturally agreed to this kind of proposal, but also reminded: "Tiandan Mansion, Tiangong Mansion, of course, can't stop.

But there must be a big battle in Tai Cang, and more divine pills and more divine tools need to be mass-produced.

Therefore, you must not spend all your energy on studying higher-level casting tools and alchemy methods. "

A happy smile appeared on Fang Lu's face. After worshipping Ji Xia, he stepped into the ranks of ministers.

The meeting lasted for a long time.

After the meeting was over, many ministers left.

Only Shang Yin Luyu, the master of the mysterious pavilion Xin Ya, and General Taicang were left in the palace.

Ji Xiaduan sat in a high position and asked Xin Ya, "Over the past few decades, the Mysterious Congregation has continuously infiltrated the three great dynasties.

Now, the war is imminent.

Xuan Mi Pavilion should sort out the information about the gods as soon as possible. "

Xin Ya meticulously salutes: "The Mysterious Pavilion has tried its best to find where the human races gather in the territory of the three dynasties.

The power composition of the three great dynasties is still unclear. "

Ji Xia also knew the difficulty of such tasks.

He reminded Xin Ya again: "The task of evaluating the power of the three gods can temporarily remove the Tianmu gods.

Focus on putting strength on Shenxuan Shenchao, and Tianwu Shenchao up. "

As for the power of the Tianmu Divine Empire, Ji Xia can actually be regarded as very understanding.


The gods of the gods and the abandoned gods have been named righteous gods by the emperor, and the true spirits and names are on the list.

The Shangyu Dao realm such as Shenfang Shangchen and Liuqishen existed, although because of the overwhelming power, it would never be possible to fully understand the hidden secrets of the Tianmu.

But he also knows the army establishment of the Tianmu God Dynasty and many hidden powerhouses.

Bai Qi has long understood these contents.

He had already started to cultivate power against the terrifying army of Tianmu God.

"In any case, be very careful."

A rare trace of worry flashed in Ji Xia’s eyes: “I’ve sent Jiuyu Heavenly Lord Luo Changshui, Jixuan Heavenly Lord Wenwei, and abandoned God and Shen Fang’s superiors, four powers of Shangyu Dao realm, to lead Tai The chaos, the gluttonous, the Qiongqi, and the 梼杌 are scattered among the three great dynasties."

"The three major gods are obstructed by the rules, although they will not kill the human race wantonly.

It's just that now the too blue power is flourishing, and the power of the human race is becoming more and more magnificent.

The three great dynasties will inevitably take action on the Terran practitioners and Terran Tianjiao within the territory, weakening the future of the Terran. "

"These powerful men and murderers have only one mission, and that is to rescue human practitioners and move human subjects as much as possible.

There are many dangers in this, and the Supreme Heaven Army's upper mansion should elect the strongest of the army, scattered in the boundless wilderness to respond. "

Bai Qi respectfully took orders.

Ji Xia sighed: "If the human beings don't want to live forever as livestock and all for blood, then these are the hardships they will experience.

But it’s too pale to be ignored~www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, how can it be called the central kingdom of the human race? "

Bai Qi said: "The emperor can rest assured that Wei Chang has restored many human bloodlines based on the Humanitarian and Immortal Catalogues.

In addition, there are nine million human sages enshrined in the Xiantian Temple.

There are also many inheritances in the true spirits of these sages.

Because of this, all kinds of strange blood veins have continuously emerged in Tai Cang over the years.

It is not very difficult to find some bloodlines that are good at hiding in these bloodlines. "

"They can't avoid the gaze of the strongest of the gods, but they are enough to rescue some people of the human race on the border of the gods first."

Ji Xia nodded.

With his hands on his back, he looked at Tai Cang outside the temple: "Today there are 280 trillion human beings in Tai Cang..."

"It's just... it's not enough."

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