I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1119: The body of Bai Zhou【Four K】

Daheishan once attacked the Emperor Hou Gao at the end of the Great Breath of God's dynasty.

The result was that Daheishan was defeated and was imprisoned by the God Emperor Hou Gao in the ghost forbidden domain for tens of thousands of years.

These tens of thousands of years.

On Daheishan's magnificent and noble body, blood is constantly flowing, as if under great pressure.

Suffering torments Daheishan all the time.

The source of this pain is the prosperous power of God Emperor Hou Gao.

The God Emperor Hou Gao is the last **** of the human race.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the power he possesses in terms of weeping ghosts.

Almost every ruler of the human race dynasty is a leader among the powers of the immortal realm.

The God Emperor Hou Gao was in the dominion of these human dynasties, and his combat power was at the top.

The Da Xi Shen Dynasty Guo Zuo had not even lasted for tens of thousands of years before it had collapsed.

But this does not mean that the Emperor Hou Gao is not strong.

In the long river of years.

After Gao, the **** emperor destroyed a **** dynasty and ascended to the position of **** emperor.

After the Great Breath God Dynasty lost the power of God Dynasty Kingdom Zuo, he defeated Dahei Mountain, sealed the ghost forbidden domain of God Lord Yuliu, and repelled the massive attack of God Emperor Frost Cinder from Old Abyss God Dynasty Frost.

Such a great feat, even now Ji Xia, also sincerely admires.


The Great Breath of God Dynasty was completely destroyed.

The history of Da Shi Shen Dynasty was completely erased.

Almost all the powerful people with great interest are also buried in the boundless wilderness, turning into scattered sand.

Those passing years are song and tear.

It represents the unyielding will of those who are in the upper ranks of the Great Breath God represented by God Emperor Gao in the future.


Tens of thousands of years have passed away.

The Emperor Gao, who had lost his whereabouts, finally appeared.

He used the appearance of a corpse to inform all the powerful under the world...After the demise of the gods, he also gave his last drop of blood and his life.

Only the immortal bones are the evidence that he once existed.

Ji Xia watched everything that happened in the desert from a distance, with a fierce light in her eyes.

Many too strong people also frowned.

For the boundless wilderness, race is the most identifying belonging.

For the rise of the race, for the creatures in the race to no longer be humble.

God Emperor Hou Gao, such as the eternal immortal realm, gave up his life without hesitation.

It is precisely because there are so many human sages in the boundless wild world.

The spiritual inheritance in the human bloodline is still so tough and still so indomitable.

But now...

The bones of such a respectable sage of the human race were suspended in the storm.

A dark mountain descended, and many simple runes rose up.

Rune manifests light and turns into pure symbols.

These symbols fell in the desert and became an ugly, stinking, hideous, and **** demon spirit.

These demon spirits are like the ocean, rushing towards the bones of God Emperor Hou Gao.

Ji Xia could clearly perceive that these demon spirits were mixed with extremely cruel resentment.

"Daheishan wants to swallow the corpse of God Emperor Hou Gao with resentment."

"Then use his own authority to drive Hou Gao's corpse, so that after his death, Hou Gao's **** emperor will completely become his...puppet!"

Ji Xia felt like beating a drum.

With solemn eyes, he ordered softly, "Where is the general?"

Bai Qi wore a life-long slaughter black armor, and there were seven hundred and seventy thousand black slaughter men in a **** hiding behind him that broke out with heavy murderous intent.

"The minister is here!"

Bai Qi responded loudly.

Ji Xia was about to give an order.

However, he saw Hou Gao Shenhuang Zhenling who had come out of the Xiantian Temple and turned his head and collided with his eyes.

The gaze was deep, mysterious, ancient, and full of peace.

"At the beginning...I didn't keep much memory, but vaguely felt that Tai Cang shouldn't make a move at this moment."

Ji Xia's divine consciousness flowed: "The eyes of many powerful people fell on the bones and tombs of God Emperor Hou Gao.

The tomb is too far away, and the **** of Yuliu and Dahei Mountain have descended in the great desert.

Even if Tai Cang sent troops at this moment, he waited until he arrived in the desert.

Daheishan has already succeeded.

At that time, taking back my bones was an excellent result.

However, those who are not too strong will inevitably become targets of public criticism. "

The remaining true spirit of Hou Gao in the Xiantian Temple nodded and said: "Tai Cang will send troops to the tomb, and will face the army of demon spirits in Dahei Mountain, and also face Yuliu Shenjun, and most likely face me.

There are three other gods who are eyeing each other, and there are many innate gods who are still exploring their own way.

Ether Cang’s current situation..."

Hou Gao Zhenling never continued to speak.

Chiyou walked out step by step in the heaven of Jiuli.

He looked at Ji Xia and shook his head slightly at Ji Xia.

Bai Qi was murderous, and the Six Scourges Canglong also stepped on the Canglong. Shi Yang sat in the clouds with murderous intent in his eyes, but he never lost his mind.

Bai Qi said: "The gods of Yuliu and Daheishan should die. They want to use the body of the gods as puppets, and they want to explore new paths from the blood of the human race. This is an unimaginable shame for the human race."

"But... if Tai Cang makes a move at this time, Tai Cang's three hundred trillion human race creatures might be..."

Shi Yang and the Six Calamities Canglong were silent.

Ji Xia was also stunned for a while.

He didn't know that if Tai Cang sent troops, Tai Cang would surely fall into a dangerous place.

Many plans for a long time will fall into the dust.

The three great dynasties will inevitably send the strong to come.

The innate gods who want to obliterate him will also seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Tai Cang has many powerhouses of the immortal realm, Yuliu Shenjun and Daheishan.

Let Tai Cang, who was already struggling, bear the pressure that was enough to crush Tai Cang again.

"The Emperor Hou Gao is a sage of the human race. In the era of the Great Breath of God, he sheltered the human race, treated the nation's tens of thousands of people kindly, and saved the lives of hundreds of millions of people."

"Before he died, he devoted himself bravely to fight for the blood and inheritance of the human race."

"Now that he is dead, his corpse will be swallowed by a despicable existence like Da Hei Mountain, and become his puppet, driven by him!"

Ji Xia couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"In the beginning, it was just bones. For the people who have already died, the safety of hundreds of billions of human beings was threatened.

This is not my style, and you, as the emperor, shouldn't choose this way. "

There is no sadness or joy in the eyes of Hou Gao Zhenling: "I have never completed my own mission, and the future of the human race will depend on you in the future.

If the future of the human race can be preserved, let alone my bones, even if I am still alive, I am willing to give my life again. "

After talking about it, Hou Gao Zhenling looked at the great desert in the distance.

There were tears in the eyes of the many great breath gods behind him toward the strong real spirit.

Their eyes were dead and numb, but at the moment they looked sad and helpless.

Ji Xia stood in the forefront, looking at the tomb desert from a distance.

His back looked extremely lonely.

Tai Xian went to court silently.

Many too strong men looked at the tomb desert with sincere reverence in their eyes.

In the tomb desert... the demon spirit like a tide ran towards the behemoth corpse of the emperor.

This is a demon spirit that is sly and evil.

A damp breath flowed from them, and the decaying power almost covered the desert.

Dahei Mountain is suspended in the void.

Yuliu Shenjun sat high in the Yuliu sky, and the golden light flowing from the jade seal above his head flooded the sky and the earth.

At this time, Yuliu Shenjun looked indifferent and raised his eyes to stare at the sky.

"You are slow..."

Shenjun Yuliu shook his head: "We blasted through the tomb and found the bones of the Emperor Hou Gao. You have been one step behind since the beginning..."

Just when Yuliu Shenjun's consciousness flashed.

Suddenly a rainbow light flew out from the Yuliu sky.

In the rainbow light, two primordial secret realms that had already died were faintly visible, and they were struggling to flow out of their gods.

Even the two original secret realms have begun to burn vigorously.

In the surging fire, there was a figure of a young man.

This is a gray-haired boy.

Once upon a time, the white-haired young man was full of death and despair.

However... when he appeared again.

The burning sounds of the two primitive secret realms seemed to have become the sounds of many gods chanting scriptures.

The sound is endless, louder than the sky thunder, and almost unparalleled in power.

The gray-haired boy's eyes were filled with sadness.

The breath of his whole person has become extremely sharp and fierce.

"Daxi Shenchao Prince Bai Zhou!"

A light flashed in Ji Xia's eyes, and she suddenly probed her hand.

Xuanyuanjian was withdrawn from the void by him.

The surging Guozuo power rushed into Xuanyuanjian frantically.

Chi You concealed into Jiuli Tian.

Jiulitian condensed a large array of demon gods, reflecting a black light!

Ji Xia swung a sword towards the distant desert at the right time.

The black light and the sword light traveled through many distances, and the big stars of the society fell in the great desert one after another.

at the same time……

There was also Lei Shiyuanjun's miraculous Thunder that turned into Lei Hai and was crushed down.

Lord Yin's shadow of the Yin River washed away.

The ancestor ten stars are shining brightly.

Even Yu Xuze's huge face appeared in the sky, blowing a sigh of relief towards Dahei Mountain!

One millionth, one millionth of an instant.

Ji Xia, Chi You, and the four Eternal Immortal Realms existed and shot at the same time.

In such a short time, they could not stop Dahei Mountain, which was already in the desert.

But it can pave the way for the prince Bai Zhou!


When the prince Bai Zhou shot.

Dahei Mountain was furious, and the universe in the void was detonated, and the dark spirit enveloped everything, like a vast ocean, one after another.

This kind of sight was so terrifying that the Sun, Moon, and Galaxy were completely wiped out.

The world has become dark and shattered, and it seems to be returned to nothingness.

Daheishan shot the prince Bai Zhou and wanted to suppress the prince Bai Zhou!


Ji Xia's sword light suddenly arrived, having consumed most of his power to travel through.

The same is true for Chi You, Lei Shiyuan, Yin Jun, Xu Ze, and Ten Stars.

All kinds of power have become many times weaker because of the pursuit of extreme speed.

Full of six powers blasted at the same time, and the dark spirit that Daheishan ran out also exploded with terrible power.

The power of many powerful men was completely shredded by the dark spirit of Dahei Mountain in the middle of the great desert.

However, Bai Zhou, the prince who turned into a rainbow, was one step ahead of those demon spirits and appeared before the bones of the Emperor Hou Gao.

There were continuous tears in the eyes of Prince Bai Zhou.

In the two original secrets on his shoulders, there is still a cloud of darkness, which is constantly flowing.

Prince Bai Zhou seemed to be still struggling in pain.

It's just that his respect, miss and love for the Emperor Hou Gao had the absolute upper hand, causing him to explode with astonishing power.

He stood in front of the body of the Emperor Hou Gao.

The two original mysteries burned out instantly, turning into a river of flames that traversed the world.

The river burned blazingly, devouring many demon spirits.

The crown prince Bai Zhou forcibly endured the countless babbles that impacted his mind, and wanted to leave with the corpse of God Emperor Hou Gao.

Far away.

Ji Xia and Chi You sighed.

Through Ji Xia's field of vision, he stared at the distant Hou Gao Zhenling and lowered his head.

The world where Prince Bai Zhou is located.

A voice came from the top of Bai Zhou's head.

"You are now... my son."

A big hand like jade also fell in an instant.

With a devastating jade light.

The light fell, smashing the river of flames, and also smashing Bai Zhou's body.

Bai Zhou reported broken limbs.

The corpse of the Emperor Hou Gao, which was held by him, fell into the abyss.

Bai Yun's eyes were about to split, his eyes gushing out of the stars, like the stars of the sky, branded in the void, bearing the bones of the back of Gao.

As the jade seal fell, the starlight went out.

Bai Zhou's original deep and charming eyes also shattered.

Lines of blood and tears flowed out, turning into blood-colored crystals, extremely precious.

Hou Gao's bones fell again.

Bai Zhou wailed loudly.

His white hair grew longer and turned into a white-haired **** ship before he had to catch his father.

Yuliu Shenjun hummed coldly.

Divine splendor falls.

Bai Zhou's head burst immediately.

Countless demon spirits have already crossed the sea of ​​fire, climbed onto the bones of Hou Gao, and turned them into runes and imprinted on them.

Bai Yun crawled in the void, had lost his head and limbs, and was still running the gods, crawling towards the back of Gao's corpse.

Yuliu Shenjun sighed.

One after another divine consciousness passed into Bai Zhou's mind.

"Once the world was in chaos, you witnessed the enemy in the dark and saw the supreme existence."

"There have been countless Great Breathing Gods vying to die for the human race, but you have been devastated, thinking that the human race is hopeless."

"The God Emperor Hou Gao is a distinguished person in the world, with a posture of majesty, and a will of death, but he let you fake death, sealed you in a sarcophagus, and went deep into the forbidden realm of ghosts.

The love of licking the calf is eye-catching. "


Yuliu Shenjun's voice suddenly became extremely indifferent.

"But your home country has already perished, and the Emperor Gao God has fallen.

You can't even guard the corpse of your father now! "

"Bai Zhou, you used to be the prince of the Great Breath of God, and you are the Tianjiao of the human race who owns two original secret realms~www.readwn.com~ You are dead in the past, and now you are not worthy of being related to God Emperor Hou Gao.

I will give you a brand new blood.

As I said, you are now my son! "

Yuliu Shenjun's voice roared.

Bai Zhou's body was completely broken up, turned into fly ash and disappeared.

The bloodline power is completely wiped out.

The various human inheritances in his true spirit have also been completely erased by Yuliu Shenjun.

The jade seal on the top of Yuliu Shenjun’s head turned into bursts of light, enveloping the true spirit of Bai Zhou...

Ji Xia looked back at Gao Zhenling.

There were tears in Hou Gao Zhenling's eyes, and he turned and walked into the Xiantian Temple.

Never look at the prince Bai Zhou again.

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