I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1120: Chi You shot [Four K]

All the strongest men who saw this kind of sight had solemn eyes and indifferent expressions.

A stream of murderous intent is constantly brewing.

There was no expression on Ji Xia's face.

Chi You had already walked out of the Nine Li sky and stood beside Ji Xia.

In the desert.

A short moment.

The bones of the Emperor Hou Gao were completely covered by black runes.

The black rune flows in the huge body.

The power remaining in the body of the Emperor Hou Gao is also being constantly restored.

Only a short moment passed.

Hou Gao's bones actually began to tremble slightly, after trembling...His limbs moved, slowly climbing up from the void.

at the same time.

The spirit pervading the bones of the Emperor Hou Gao looked more and more eerie and terrifying.

Look carefully.

There are many tiny demon spirits on each bone, climbing and moving.

It was these demon spirits that were completely embedded in the back of Gao's bones, and stimulated the power in them to drive this body.

Dahei Mountain is suspended in the sky.

A ray of light shone out, and the Hou Gaoshen emperor's bones walked towards Dahei Mountain step by step and stepped into the huge mountain body of Dahei Mountain.

The dust settles...

The bones of the Emperor Hou Gao finally fell into the hands of the gods Daheishan and Yuliu.

The crown prince Bai Zhou, who was wrapped in light, also flew into Yuliu Tian following the hand of Yuliu Shenjun.

Ji Xia's eyes became very cold...

Dahei Mountain and Yuliu Shenjun all disappeared in the desert.

Even Yuliu Shenjun looked towards Tai Cang when he left.

The gaze of Yuliu Shenjun collided with that of Ji Xia, without any waves, everything was the same.

Dahei Mountain and Yuliu Shenjun left the desert where the tomb was located.

A few breaths of time passed.

There are many strong people from other races swarming.

The goal of these powerful aliens is naturally the tomb of the Emperor Hou Gao.

The Emperor Gao Gao was the ruler of the Great Breath God Dynasty.

There must be many treasures left in his tomb.

The existence of the Eternal Immortal Realm may look down upon these treasures.

But for the monks in the upper universe and even the upper universe, it is extremely precious, and it is possible for them to take a step forward.

Ji Xia turned around and didn't seem to see this scene.

The smile on Bai Qi's face has long since disappeared.

He arbitrarily gave an order and said: "Immediately send the order to Luo Changshui, Wenwei, Shenfang Admiral, Exile God, and the Four Great Beasts.

Any monk who dared to steal treasures from the tomb of God Emperor Hou Gao will be cut down. "

Chi You flashed a divine mind.

Kuafu stepped out of the nine-li sky, surging with blood on his body, and ran towards the great desert.

The tomb of the Emperor Hou Gao will be transported to Tai Cang by Kuafu and will be enshrined by Tai Cang.

Many powerful people, such as Shiyang, Qin Wushen, Six Disasters Canglong, Yang Ren, Yuzaoqian, and the four great gods are all in a depressed mood.

It is clear.

They also felt a deep weakness.

The sages of the human race were humiliated by this, and Tai Cang obviously had enough power, but due to the eyes of countless enemies, he could not make a move.

This makes them extremely lonely.

Chi You saw what these powerhouses were thinking.

He suddenly spoke and said seemingly casually: "Hou Gao's bones still exist.

Dahei Mountain and Yuliu gods can never always surpass the bones of the Hou Gaoshen emperor.

Don't worry, the emperor's family has already begun planning. "

Even among the many too strong, Chi You is also a superior existence.

His personality is extremely lofty, that is the existence of the ancestor level of the human race.

The power he possesses is beyond doubt.

For many years, I occasionally went to the Secret Realm of Choking and preached for many too strong.

Most of the other times, Chi You was as mysterious as ever.

Chi You spoke at this moment.

The mood of many too strong people is slightly settled.

Six Disasters Canglong also nodded and said: "The emperor seems calm, but in fact he is already angry.

Daheishan and Yuliu Shenjun thought that with their current strength, they could sit back and relax at the boundless wilderness, like those innate gods, forever.

One day, they will be swallowed by their own arrogance. "

Other strong people also agreed and left.

Chi You, wearing a robe, also walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony with his hands on his back.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Ji Xia was sitting on the throne, bowing her head in thought.

Chi You took the seat, filled himself with some fine wine, and drank it in one sip. Then he said to Ji Xia, "Is the emperor also aware of it?"

Ji Xia looked at Chi You and said, "I have an incomparably surging human blood in my body. I am the emperor and I am extremely sensitive to the human blood.

The **** of Yuliu smashed the real body of the prince Bai Zhou, and the mysterious jade seal floating above his head was recast into the body of the prince Bai Zhou..."

"Shenjun Yuliu claimed that he wanted the prince Bai Zhou to become his son, so that he would completely abandon his human blood.

But... Inside the mysterious jade seal that the **** of jade stream turns into streamer, there is a secret and rich human blood power! "

Chi You nodded and said, "The power of the human bloodline seems to come from before the ancient times, and it is thicker and more secretive than the human bloodline after the Great Destruction.

Maybe even the **** of Jade Liu didn't know that the jade seal contained such a profound human blood power. "

The lines on Chi You's forehead flashed by from time to time, which seemed quite mysterious.

He had another flow of divine consciousness, and it fell into Ji Xia's mind.

What is contained in it is Chi You's second conjecture.

Ji Xia pondered for a long time before shook her head and said, "No matter what kind of conjecture it is, it is a good thing for the prince Bai Zhou.

Although he was weak, his state of mind had been shattered by the acceptance of Daxi Shenchao.

But in any case, he was the prince of the Daxi God Dynasty, and the son of the Emperor Hou Gao.

His ability to protect the bones of the Emperor Gao with a mortal ambition proved that the crown prince Bai Zhou was not hopeless. "

Chi You nodded and said: "The emperor once told me that Princess Bai Xiang of the Great Breath Goddess wanted you to find the prince Bai Xiang and send the Liuyan Secret Tower to Bai Yun's hands.

The secret building of Liuyanyan contains such secrets. If the prince Bai Wan is really so decadent, how could Princess Bai Xiang let the emperor send the secret treasures such as Liuyan secret building to him. In hand? "

"There must be a lot of hidden secrets in Bai Zhou. Maybe in the future, these secrets will be revealed."

Hearing Chi You's words, Ji Xia's mood gradually calmed down.

At this moment, Chi You had a broad body and a majestic face. The mysterious lines on his forehead suddenly turned into rays of light.

These rays of light constructed several figures that existed in the immortal realm.

Among them are Lord Lei Shiyuan, Lord Yin, Ten Stars of the First Ancestor, and the Great God Xuze.

Chi You said: "The three great dynasties did not stop Daheishan and Yuliu from obtaining the bones of the Emperor Gao.

The reason is not difficult to guess, probably because it wants to hinder the Taoism of many too strong people.

Daheishan and Yuliu gods are also enemies of the Human Race, making them a little stronger, and it is also a big threat to the Human Race. "

"The four existences of Lei Shiyuan, Yin Jun, Ancestor Ten Stars, and Xu Ze are ancient innate gods.

Even sometimes, they have reached certain agreements with Shenchao.

But from their point of view, they don't want Yu Liutian, who originally possessed two powers of the immortal realm, to become even stronger. "

Chi You whispered.

Ji Xia showed a somewhat cold smile on her face.

"The existence of these immortal realms all have their own plans.

Since they had once attacked Yu Liutian, Tai Cang could also use this flaw to open up a battlefield. "

"This tomb may be able to explore the secrets of Yu Liutian and Bai Zhou, and it is also enough to find opportunities to bury Xu Ze!"

Ji Xia's voice echoed in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and Chi You also pours himself again.


Several years passed.

Another distinguished guest in Tai Cang came, and it was the first ray of light between the heavens and the earth after the destruction... Xianzhu.

Xianzhu hurried forward, then left with a solemn expression.

Ji Xia sat on the throne, writing something.

When will time pass.

Ji Xia had already written a few letters.

He signed Taichu in the letter again, which was called Wenwei.

"In these letters, my spiritual consciousness is circulating.

You take the letter to the outside of Tai Cang, and walk all the way to the deserted land in the south.

Naturally, you will see a few extraordinary existences. "

"You will hand these letters to them at that time."

Warm and weak led the way, and walked towards the deserted land in the south.

Wen Wei is a strong person in Shangyu Dao Realm, and her speed is naturally not slow.

Going all the way, years have passed again.

On this day, Wen Wei came to an abyss.

I don't know how vast the abyss is, there are many stars and rivers turning, and there are not many creatures living in it.

Ten stars shone shiningly in the dark place of the abyss.

A pair of galaxy condensed eyes suddenly appeared, looking down at Wenwei.

Wen Wei saluted and silently raised a letter from Ji Xia over his head with both hands.

The handwritten letter slowly flew up and fell between ten stars.

Ten stars disappeared with that letter.

Wen and weak continue to move forward.

A few days later, he encountered a sea of ​​thunder again.

A seemingly immature teenager in Lei Hai is fishing.

What made Wen Weak stunned was that the fishing rod in the young man's hand was a divine thunder that kept running.

The light of thunder flickered, and the light suddenly appeared, quite extraordinary.

Wen Qiang delivered the letter again.

The boy waved the fishing rod in his hand, and the letter was caught by the fishing rod and fell into the boy's hand.

That young man is Lei Shiyuan.

Mr. Lei Shiyuan did not disappear mysteriously, but opened the letter in his hand, carefully

Then he lowered his head and said to Wen Qiang, "In this case, in order to reply to the Emperor of the Beginning, I will naturally be there by then."

The weak and gentle salute respectfully, and then move on.

On the way forward, she encountered a gloomy river and a bright river.

The two rivers were extremely turbulent, and the water spewed out, both of them swept away the letters in the weak hands.

Only then did Wen Qian embark on the road to return to Tai Cang.

She returned to Tai Cang and reported all these things back to Ji Xia.

Ji Xia smiled and asked emphatically: "Does Lord Yin show up to greet you in person?"

Wen Weak shook his head and said: "Yin Jun didn't show up in person, and he swept the water like the Great God Xu Ze, and took away the emperor's letter."

Ji Xia looked at the void on the side.

Bai Qi appeared beside Ji Xia and smiled: "The emperor's expectation is not bad, and Yinjun is still thinking about the agreement he and Taicang have reached, and is unwilling to sprawl. Therefore, he is not willing to intervene in this kind of muddy water."

Ji Xia nodded casually: "The Underlord's plan is very ambitious. Although he doesn't know what his purpose is, he wants to open the boundless barren gates and attract other powerhouses in the supreme world, but he suffers from no chance."

"He must have a plan like this, and all his mind is completely occupied by this plan, so I wrote to him, and it is not difficult to guess his choice."

Bai Qi's expression was mild, and he guessed: "Presumably the emperor's letter to Yin Jun also mentioned that Tai Cang also invited Xu Ze.

Jun Yin and Xu Ze must have an unexplainable relationship, but what is certain is that they hate each other.

Tai Cang invited Xu Ze, and Lord Yin would not come. "

Ji Xia glanced at Bai with admiration, and explained: "Besides, I still wrote to Xu Ze in the letter, stating that Lord Yin would not come too far.

If it is true or false, Xu Ze will not suspect him. "

"So... what's written in the letter to the ancestor Ten Star or Lei Shiyuan?"

Bai Qi was quite curious: "We have jointly wiped out Yuliutian as a bait, and invited the ancestor Shixing, Lei Shiyuan, and Xu Ze to come to Taicang together.

Yi Xu Ze, who has survived for tens of thousands of years, will not easily enter the game. "

"The content of the letter from Lei Shiyuan and Ancestor Ten-Star is the same."

The smile on Ji Xia's face narrowed: "Xu Ze will definitely communicate with Lei Shiyuan Jun and the ancestor Ten Stars.

After getting a reply, he will come to Tai Cang with these strong men. "

"And not only Xu Ze, Lord Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor Shixing will certainly be suspicious of too much conspiracy.

So... Tai Cang still needs to do one thing to dispel the doubts in their hearts.

Let them all believe that Tai Cang never planned them, let them come to Tai Cang before. "

Bai Qi listened, his eyes became more and more curious.

Ji Xia didn't sell Guanzi, but turned to look at another existence between heaven and earth.

There is nothing in the universe.

"There is Yuliutian."

Ji Xia said: "After a few breaths, there will be a big battle there!"

Bai Qi stared at the sky carefully.


There was a loud burst of noise.

Very far away, the sky suddenly burst.

A dark sky high above, exuding endless ferocity, shows the majesty of the human demon god.

Fei Lian's fierce star illuminates the void.

Eighty-one human demon gods condensed nine Li Zhoutian formations, trapped in the void.

Kuafu, Xingtian, and iron-eating monsters have emerged one after another ~www.readwn.com~ bursting power, washed away the heavens and the earth, and opened the Yuliu Tianmen Court.

at the same time.

In the nine-li sky, the looming mist gradually dispersed.

A big demon **** Chi You with black armor and four magic horns shining brightly on his face helmet suddenly appeared.

His power does not know how surging.

The extremely tyrannical power was blessed on the long knife in his hand, which was surrounded by brilliant runes, easily tearing the sky apart.


An extremely terrifying scene followed one after another.

I saw the long knife in the hand of Chi You, the great demon **** Chi You, who was silently approaching Jade Liutian, burst out an indescribable power, and the chaos overflowed with fierce mist.

It's like breaking the ground, incomparable.

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