I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1123: Emperor? Bugs! [Four K]

Jiufeng is holding a Phoenix sharp spear.

The two real dragons have turned into reliefs on the guns.

The nine phoenixes loomed behind Jiufeng, and kept humming.

Her two slender legs took one step, and in a blink of an eye they crossed an unknown distance.

The sharp spear in his hand was burning with sacred fire, and the mysterious symbol suddenly appeared, tearing the sky.

At this moment.

Wearing a short coat, but the mighty Jiufeng who does not know how surging, his power broke out!

She was surrounded by brilliant phoenix flames, burning the entire battlefield.

She raised her head and fell in love with Daze Heavenly Soul.

The vague phantom of Daze Heavenly Soul was also glowing, blazing and dazzling, looking extremely holy.

When Daze Tianhun was locked by Jiufeng.

Daze Tianhun seemed to feel a terrible threat, and blue lines spread across his body.

This statue was born in the bright **** river of Xuze Great World, between nothingness and reality.

He is true spirit and body.

He has a powerful god, but he has never possessed a god.


Undoubtedly, the power of Daze Heavenly Soul is extremely tyrannical.

This powerful man stretched out his hands and formed another knot.

The inscriptions are densely packed and gleaming with blue light, as if one by one Tianhe rushed over.

Daze Tianhun also had two phantoms of light and divine rivers in his hands.

Following the Daze Heavenly Soul, the phantom in his hand was thrown away.

These two sacred rivers were illusory, and immediately turned into two worlds suspended behind Daze Tianhun.

The two worlds are full of great power.

Daze Heavenly Soul disappeared in the same place in an instant, and so did the two Shenhe worlds.

Jiufeng stared at Daze Heavenly Soul, without any nervous expression in his eyes.

The phoenix sharp spear in her hand flicked, and the sound of the wind and clouds uttered divine might.

Jiufeng also disappeared in place.

Appearing in a void, the spear in his hand stabbed horizontally, seemingly invincible.

The spear pierced into the void.

The voice of Daze Tianhun appeared from that void.

The two heavy worlds brought a fierce blow and smashed them down towards Jiufeng.


There was a dull loud noise...

The flames on Jiufeng's body were burning, and various phoenix secret powers burst out.

Her gods, true spirits, and almost everything are burning.

It also brought almost invincible power to Jiufeng.

"Phoenix Daotian!"

The nine phoenixes behind Jiufeng suddenly became extremely clear, and the flames overflowed, burning the two Shenhe sky domes that crashed down.

The long spear in her hand, if it breaks through the void, one shot penetrates the void, collapses the void, and falls on the body of Daze Heavenly Soul.

Hundreds of avenue lines from Guangming Shenhe continue to emerge behind Daze Tianhun.

These avenue lines turned into a monstrous river, blocking the Daze Heavenly Soul.

Nine Phoenix God Xia collided with the Dao River, and a violent explosion occurred

The surroundings seemed to be boiling.

If this is in the boundless wilderness, I am afraid that many galaxies in the sky will be shattered because of this collision!

And this is not the end.

It's just a moment in 10,000.

Jiufeng had already blasted hundreds of thousands of phoenix sharp spear supernatural powers.

So many horror supernatural powers are sturdy to the extreme.

Shrouded the Daze Heavenly Soul.

Daze Tianhun raised his hands to the sky, and his mysterious light power flowed wantonly, almost boiling.


Jiufeng's power was still too strong, shattering everything.

This terrifying goddess with a long spear, a vigorous posture and crimson hair finally revealed all her strength.

As the phoenix divine power on her body fluctuated violently, everything around her was destroyed.

Even the mysterious symbols that flickered Daze Heavenly Soul were completely shredded.

Even as Jiufeng approached at the speed of creation lightning.

Just a short time.

Daze Tianhun still retreated steadily.

Ming Shen Chan waved his ten arms, and ten spears smashed the sky, breaking through the sky.

The young general in the golden armor stepped into the battlefield

Standing behind Daze Heavenly Soul, he shook his body, and his ten arms exploded.

All kinds of heavenly powers and all kinds of treasures are intertwined in the void.

Block Jiufeng and let Daze Heavenly Soul breathe!

Xu Ze, who fought with Chi You, had already sensed all this.

His consciousness flowed and turned into a pair of eyes, looking towards Jiufeng.

"What is the origin of Tai Cang Jiufeng Goddess, and the speed of her strength and diligence is unimaginable.

She herself seemed to carry a certain heavy majesty, just as her personality was almost supreme. "

Xu Ze thought in his heart.

At this moment.

Xuze Great World Mingshenlian, Daze Yinlong, Daze Golden Dragon, Mingheri, Mingheyue are five powerhouses in the upper universe.

Also suddenly retreated.

Ji Xia stood in place.

Originally, these five Shangyu Dao realm powerhouses wanted to use the power of the five powerhouses to suppress Ji Xia in one fell swoop.

But their strength has never been remembered by Ji Xia.

The stars and gods in his eyes revolved.

Staring at the void, deconstructing the battle between Chi You and Xu Ze.

The five strong men were repelled by two extremely stalwart figures.

The great **** Xing Tian held Qian Qi, and once slashed the giant axe to the emperor to exude divine light, with a desolate and long-lasting spirit, and with a bitter warfare, he ran across the sky.

It's as if the universe shattered at this moment.

All the stars have been swallowed.

Between the world and the earth, suddenly there was an abyss that one party could not get through.

And this abyss... is exactly the masterpiece of Xingtian Great God!


In the abyss full of **** mist.

An indomitable figure keeps getting bigger.

In the blink of an eye, it has become tens of thousands of miles away.

His long hair revealed that many runes were carved on his bronze body.

It is not the gods who drive these runes.

It is pure physical strength.

Daze Yinlong and Daze Jinlong were still roaring, they bit Xing Tian as if they wanted to swallow him.


The sound of breaking through the air came.

Kuafu suddenly appeared, and his hands fell.

The huge palm of his hand caught these two real dragons of the upper echelon realm!

Two real dragons are like two loaches, constantly struggling.

Their strength is extremely powerful, and the void bursts into pieces.

But he couldn't escape Kuafu's palm.

Xing Tian raised his shield and caught the lotus seed that had been smashed by Ming Shenlian.

The giant axe in his hand smashed horizontally, the extreme combat power was twisted out, and the surrounding void was twisted.

The stars of Minghe Sun and Minghe Moon were instantly shattered.

At this moment!

Tai Cang unexpectedly used the three powers of Shangyu Dao realm to forcibly hold the seven Shangyu Dao realm existence in Xuze Great World.

Among them is the Daze Heavenly Soul, such a peak-level Shangyu Dao realm.

This power.

Let Xu Ze's pupils shrink slightly!

Follow his thoughts to flow.

Behind him, the big world flowed out like a stormy road.

Most of these avenues flowed into his body.

Many more flowed into the seven Shangyu Daojing spirits.

And this is not the full power of Xu Ze's great world.

I saw in this big world...

There is also a steady stream of Shangyu Realm and Taoism comes out.

They brought the heavenly soldiers born from the big world into the battlefield where Tai Xian went to court.

For an instant.

Three battle formations were constructed by the Great World Shenhe Heavenly Soldiers.

I want to trap the three powerhouses Jiufeng, Kuafu, and Xingtian.

"Nine Litian!"

Ji Xia calmly ordered.

There were eighty-one demon gods in the sky immediately, and Fei Lian fierce star and iron-eating beast appeared.

Several strange figures loomed.

There was a strong wind, a heavy rain, and another bright star in the sky.

In addition, there seemed to be four extremely cruel and weird demon gods hidden in the clouds, staring at them.

The power of so many powerful people suddenly appeared.

Completely resisted the innate gods' power constantly emerging from Xuze's great world.

Many Upper Universe Realms were suppressed by these Fei Lian Fierce Stars, Feng Bo, Rain Masters, Iron-Eater Beasts and many other powerful people!

The Shenhe Heavenly Army, bred from the Xuze Great World, manifested three giant array spirits.

These three giant array spirits are powerful and terrifying, and their strength is not weaker than Shangyu Dao realm.

If the powerhouses like Jiulitian collide head-on, they will not be enough to contend.

So eighty-one demon gods built a large array, trapping these three giants.

There is another star of Fei Lian, another bright star, and four evil demon gods fall into it, transforming into four mazes, one after another.

Completely trapped these three giant formation spirits.

For a time!

The tyrannical combat power in such a powerful Xu Ze big world was completely dragged by Jiuli Tian!

The endless aura of murder is permeated, and all kinds of mysterious forces collide on the battlefield, just like galaxies collide.

The space inside Taixian's court was constantly obliterated, and then continuously regenerated.


Xu Ze walked in the void.

The river under his feet was shining, as if the great sun of ten thousand realms rose, rising into a blazing glow.

This breath is too vast.

It seems to be distorted when going to court too first.

If it is an ordinary strong person, facing such a breath, I am afraid that the bone marrow will collapse, which is not to be looked at directly.

The same is true for Chi You.

The **** and devil tiger soul knife in his hand exudes a divine might that can suppress the nine heavens and ten earth.

The fierce courage continued to manifest visions.

Endless stars, endless galaxies, even a fierce cosmos, or a dark heaven, are constantly showing up.

At this moment, the great demon **** Chi You's combat power is fully deployed.

It's like a supreme.

His courage alone can obliterate everything.

There is a battle between these two immortal realms, and the scene is too shocking.

The **** and devil tiger soul knife shining crimson light.

Falling at will, like Shenhai urging the waves, like endless thunder bursting suddenly, or like a big explosion in the vast Universe, and everything is back to zero.

"God and devil robbery!"

Chi You walked indifferently in the void, like a god-king Lingshi.

Profound heavenly power erupted from the gods, demons and tiger souls, one after another.

Each knife light is a catastrophe light that can make the existence of the immortal realm be afraid of it, covering this place.

Xu Ze squinted his eyes, the river riots around his body, the power belonging to the innate gods was constantly stimulated, and unparalleled divine might erupted.

Clash with Chi You Dazun.

Their breath is permeated, and the ten directions are overwhelmed.

The fluctuations in Tai Xian's court were too violent, as if the world collapsed, destroying everything.

Outside of Tai Xian's court, the whole Tai was constantly shaking.

Even if there are countless heavy forces blessing on Tai Xian's court.

It is also difficult to isolate the collision of the strong at this level.

Xu Ze was clearly aware of this.

He flies in the air, looking at the whole situation.

The hair is put on the shoulders, like a king over the world.

The body of the **** and the river that entangles his body are both bright and mysterious symbols.

Standing among these symbols, Xu Ze flashed a fierce light in his eyes.

"Jiu Litian is ancient and mysterious.

Every time I see such powerful men as Jiulitian, I can clearly perceive their progress.

But... with the strength of nine Li Tian alone, I still can't stop the combat power that I have spent such a long time and nurtured in the big world. "

"It only takes a few more days.

Jiufeng, Xingtian, and Kuafu will be exhausted.

The Shenhe Heavenly Army will also walk out of the maze constructed by the four mysterious demon gods.

The war will break out in full.

All powers except Chi You will also be disintegrated. "

"Tai Cang... can't kill me!"

At this moment.

Only a few moments passed since this battle.

Ji Xia always stood on the edge of Tai Xian's court.

The countless righteous gods of the heavens in the thirty-one layer of heaven are all watching this battle just like Ji Xia...

The righteous gods built by Ji Xia and the Thirty-One Heavenly Sky Avenue were not just watching the battle.

A few breaths of time passed.

Behind Ji Xia, the twenty-ninth layer of supreme constant harmony burst out with a brilliant light like waves.

The supreme always melts the sky, and can see the enemy's weaknesses.

A strong man in the Eternal Immortal Realm has almost no weaknesses.

despite this.

Ji Xia also seemed to see through some kind of vain.

He was holding the Xuanyuan sword, the imperial robe on his body was flying, and the light appeared in his eyes.

At this moment!

Ji Xia finally shot.

Thirty-one layers of heaven slammed loudly, and every layer of heaven revolved out of extraordinary avenues.

Especially the supreme Changrong Rongtian, the Yulong Teng conquer the heaven, and the dragon turns into the Brahma!

The superposition of these three heavenly domes raised Ji Xia's power to an extreme.

I saw Ji Xia transform into a mysterious light, rushing towards the distance.

Ji Xia traversed countless layers of space.

Chi You also made a move, the God Demon Tiger Soul Blade blocked Xu Ze who wanted to kill Ji Xia with a single blow.

Xu Ze also frowned, coldly snorting and said: "Even if the human emperor's combat power is the strongest under the immortal realm, I am not eligible to participate in the battle between me and the big demon god!"

He no longer blocked Ji Xia.

The Dao Shenyuan on his body suddenly exploded, revealing an endless world, covering his body.

"Human Emperor? Insect! I will let you attack at will, so what can I do?"

Xu Ze's mood surged.

A weird scene just happened.

Ji Xia traveled through the space, but did not attack Xu Ze.

It was a few flashes that fell into Xu Ze's big world.

Xu Ze was startled.

Then an unbelievable smile suddenly appeared on his face.

I saw him snap his fingers and wiped out the great demon **** with a sharp light, and couldn't help but say: "In the beginning, my great world inherited my power.

I am in the big world, and I am the rule.

I am out of the big world now, and the rules of the big world will also project another me!

You think you see that the big world is the weakness of the innate gods, but you don't know how powerful I am. "

Xu Ze laughed loudly.

Ji Xia seemed to have never heard of it. He entered the big world with Jiuli Tian in his hands!

"Nine Litian?"

"Could it be possible that there is still a strong man in the immortal realm in Jiuli Tianzhong~www.readwn.com~?"

Xu Ze was puzzled.

Ji Xia gently tossed, and Jiuli sky flew into the void.

As the mist in the sky of Jiuli continued to disperse.

A heavenly soldier wearing a black armor, holding a giant axe, deliberately stained with blood on his face, and riding various ancient divine beasts under his body, just appeared on the battlefield.

The void seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure on them, and was almost torn apart!

The vast divine power fluctuates violently, covering every inch of the void!

"Nine Li Gods and Demons Army."

"God and Devil Heavenly General."

"Follow me to obliterate this big world!

Ji Xia gave the order coldly.

The terrifying heavenly army shouted: "No!"

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