I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1124: The Emperor of the Sun, 9 Li God and Demon Army [Four K]

Latest website: Ji Xia's robe is flying.

Behind him, in the fierce mist, there was another Nine Li God and Demon Army shining with tyrannical power.

The prosperous power has dispelled the mist in the big world of Xuze!

Xu Ze gave birth to a vast world after a long time.

Countless creatures live in it, inherit, and develop civilization.

Many rivers and oceans crisscross.

Powerful races establish kingdoms and rules in it.

I don't know how many big world powerhouses were born inside.

Ordinary gods who enter this big world must sigh the greatness of the innate gods of the immortal realm.

When Ji Xia held the Xuanyuan sword and stepped into it.

I also saw scenes of the prosperous age and the inherent weaknesses.

There are many extra-worlds and secret realms in the big world, and many practitioners are struggling in it.

I don't know if they know that the world they are in is just a part of a big world.

I don't know if they know that this vast world was born from Xu Ze, the great power of ancient existence.

Ji Xia walked into it.

The Nine Li God and Demon Army turned into a **** cloud and followed behind Ji Xia.

The force of tyranny turbulence in the **** clouds.

The mount under the body of the God and Demon Army also made a low roar.

The saliva of these tyrannical sacred trees fell on the ground, and could easily wipe out a hundred thousand mountains!

After Tai Cang accumulated enough fierce power in many wars.

It is not only the upper-level powerhouses that Jiulitian has recovered.

There is also the most powerful force in the Jiuli Heaven except Chi You.

This force is the Jiuli God and Demon Army!

The Nine Li Gods and Demons Army are all of the blood of the Jiuli Human Race, and the reason they are named after the Gods and Demons is because they are brave and good at fighting, and they have to surpass the natural Gods and Demons.

In the battle of the race.

This army has also made great military exploits.

They resisted the extraordinary army of Yan and Huang, and created many miracles.

until now.

The Nine Li Gods and Demons Army are still mysterious, but the surging spirit that exudes from them shook the world of Xu Ze!

In the big world of Xu Ze, turbulence has already occurred.

The heaven and the earth shrank naturally, turning into a huge cage, trapping Ji Xia and the Jiuli God and Demon Army!

This cage not only isolates the complete world of Xu Ze, but also opens up a battlefield!

In the battlefield, a sacred river of light was surging to the sky, constantly beating the void, causing the void to continue to shatter, and countless big explosions were born from it. All magical powers seem to be unable to resist such a terrifying river.

Immediately afterwards.

After the blink of an eye, the monstrous Shenhe condensed, and a huge idol appeared in front of Ji Xia.

I don't know how huge this idol is. A whole galaxy is like dust in front of him.

The eyes of the **** statue are bright and bright, with hundreds of avenue lines, drawn out from the world of Xuze, and turned into hundreds of rivers.

These rivers seem to carry the secrets of certain cosmos and the history of certain cosmos, which is extremely heavy.


There was a loud burst of noise.

Hundreds of rivers are like dancing chains of gods, waving towards Ji Xia.

The power contained in it was huge yet surging, and could easily smash a corner of Zhou Yu.

Such a force, even the gods who are also in the immortal realm, dare not underestimate it.

"This is the power of the big world.

The big world carries the supreme power of Xu Ze. He is the uncrowned king of the big world.

Now that he is not in the big world, the big world has enough capacity to carry these remaining rules and reflect the power that Xu Ze possesses! "

Ji Xia stayed still.

The dragon turned into Brahma and turned around suddenly.

A real Brahma dragon appeared under Ji Xia's body.

Endless vitality passed from this real dragon to Ji Xia's body.

Let Ji Xia's body possess unpredictable strength in an instant.

The jade dragon surpasses the sky and the supreme eternal fusion of the sky, and even the Three Realms Secret Treasures are hunting.

The heavenly righteous gods emerged in the thirty-one layers of heaven, each focusing on their own dojo palaces, evolving countless avenues, accumulating a lot of power, and passing them to Ji Xia's body.

Ji Xia's spirit became more and more vast, and his strength skyrocketed!

Lock the sky!

Behind Ji Xia, the thirty-one layer of the sky exploded, and the flames of the gods ran across the sky and the earth.

The heavy Shen Yuan retained the Xuanyuan sword in Ji Xia's hand, and a sword light was shining, and the waves erupted like the universe of the vast sea, affecting the hundreds of river chains.

The divine light skyrocketed in an instant.

The initial chains were impacted by Ji Xia's tyrannical force, and instantly shattered.

Ji Xia was also able to withdraw.

Almost without hesitation.

Ji Xia flashed by with a divine sense, and the Jiuli God and Demon Army who was in the **** mist instantly stepped out of the mist.

"Nine Hundred Eighty Thousand Nine Li Gods and Demons Army, form a battle!"

The blood mist filled the air and turned into a weird rune, flashing through the void.

The blood lines on the face of the 9.8 million gods and demons became clearer.

All kinds of fierce skills circulate at the same time.

A huge roulette wheel appeared above their heads.

The roulette is divided into nine pieces, and in each piece of roulette, there is a world ups and downs.

In every world, there is another Array Spirit imprisoned!

"Nine Li's evil slaughter array!"

The 9.8 million gods and demons army and the same ferocious beasts under their bodies exploded with vast power at the same time.

The mysterious roulette began to spin, and then stopped shortly afterwards.

"Evil Xuan!"

The nine-faced roulette rested on a demon array with a grimace, octagonal anise, and blue flames burning with hair in all four eyes.

For a time, the hair of the 9.8 million gods and demons burned with blue flames almost simultaneously.

Behind them, an evil profound formation spirit gathered together.

The power of the sky was finally revealed in its entirety.


The frenzied fighting spirit and the murderous intent all over the ten directions instantly locked the **** of Xu Ze.


A round of shining stars rose from the Nine Li Heavenly Gods and Demons Army.

The stars flicker into human form.

I saw a general of Jiuli Tian who was wearing a starlight armor with a rotating star on his forehead suddenly descended.

"The Queen of the Magic Star sees the emperor!"

A divine sense fell into Ji Xia's mind.

Demon Star Houqing is Jiulitian's third fierce star besides Fei Lian Fierce Star and Evil Lai Fierce Star.

His personality is even higher than that of the Lian Yuxing Star and the Evil Laying Star, and his power is far more powerful than those two fierce stars.

Because the Queen of the Demon Star is the general of the Jiuli God and Demon Army, and the core of the God and Demon Army.

His own strength is far inferior to Xing Tian and Kuafu.

But when he was in the Nine Li Gods and Demon Army, he was a demon **** who could not be defeated!

The appearance of the Queen of the Demon Star means that the power of the 9.8 million Demon God Army has climbed to a certain peak.


The Demon Star Empress snorted coldly, the light of the stars in the center of his eyebrows skyrocketed, and the surging fierce power flowed in his body, and then, under the evil profound formation spirit.

His power is completely integrated with the power of the 9.8 million Demon God Army.

"The Demon God Locks the Sky Great Formation!"

The Queen of the Magic Star gave the order immediately.

The Jiuli Demon Army turned into a giant net to lock the idols of the great world!

The idol was happy and not afraid, and slapped it with a palm at will.

The black waves became the carrier of the avenue, making waves of the avenue roaring.

The world was trembling, and the unrelenting power burst out.

At this moment.

The rules contained in the big world have evolved to the extreme, and the power of the bright river is surging.

The Jiuli God and Demon Army is still not afraid.

They all blasted a blow towards the distance.

In an instant, the sky broke and the earth shattered, and the void shook.

Strands of black light, filled with weird spirit and fierce power, burst out.

In the void riot, the two forces collided suddenly, causing a big explosion.

A dazzling light flashed.

Ji Xia suddenly walked out of the light.

The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand trembled violently, and his body became extremely huge.

Swinging a sword at will, the sword light rumbling loudly, shaking the big world of Xu Ze.

"The dragon turns into Brahma! Unbounded!"

Ji Xia is like the supreme king at this moment.

The thunder in his eyes is like a sea, and the flames are astonishing.

The almost terrifying majesty bloomed from the void.

Cut down with a fierce sword, the runes are intertwined, and the kamikaze screams.

The big world idol, who was completely attracted to the offensive by the Jiuli God and Demon Army, had already sensed Ji Xia's sword light, but had no time to react.

The expressionless idol suddenly roared.

Because of Ji Xia's sword...

Destroyed dozens of major river lines.

A bright smile appeared on Ji Xia's face.

"Xu Ze is the immortality of the universe, no matter how powerful the rules of the big world, it can no longer guarantee the orderly operation of the big world, once again create an incarnation of the universe of immortality."

"Xu Ze believes that even if it is not a complete victory of the immortal realm, it is enough to be wiped out by me.


I am not an ordinary Shangyu Daojing.

The power of the Nine Li God and Demon Army... Xu Ze has never speculated. "


Ji Xia's body shone brightly, like a bright scorching sun rising slowly.

Between the opening and closing of his eyes, a terrible killing intent was coming.

Shake the world.

The Nine Li God and Demon Army seemed to be grateful for Ji Xia's murderous intent.

The Queen of the Demon Star turned into a star again, illuminating the army of the gods and demons.

The Nine Li Gods and Demons Army shattered the huge space, and the sky was still!

The nine-faced roulette continued to spin and fell on the second Array Spirit.

"Blood Dragon Array Spirit!"

A true dragon cast entirely with blood, exuding an evil aura, appeared in the heavens and the earth.

The 9.8 million gods and demons army also completely turned into blood, and then merged.

Fusion into a blood-colored real dragon.

This true dragon, and the true Vandus dragon at Ji Xia's feet complemented each other, entwining each other, roaring constantly, and biting towards the **** of the great world.

The mighty power of the Great World Deity, who would not hesitate to use the power to maintain the orderly operation of the Great World, force two real dragons.


Ji Xia's power is almost endless, just like a **** emperor descending into the world, invincible.

At this moment, he is a supreme king, extremely confident and infinitely sharp.

The Nine Li Gods and Demons Army gathered in a large array.

The nine-faced roulette is still spinning.

"Roar world!"

"Shan Yu!"




All the spirits of the Zun Formation are manifested.

Their different powers are completely exerted on the Jiuli God and Demon Army.

The idols of the Great World were constantly suppressed by these mysterious, ancient, and powerful forces, and unexpectedly began to fall apart.


And outside of the big world of Xu Ze.

Xu Ze's expression has become extremely cold.

All kinds of mysterious powers burst out.

However, the waves of waves in the big world made his body more and more fragile.

The divine essence supplied by the big world is getting thinner and thinner.

Chi You's power was already strong to a certain extreme.

The **** and devil tiger soul knife in his hand cut out countless rays of light.

It's like a catastrophe!

The light of the Heavenly Tribulation Sword kept falling, and Xu Zeqiang resisted himself.

Tai Xian went to court as if experiencing a doomsday, with unparalleled power in four steps.

The space has become chaotic fog, and the space storm from birth to dissipation does not even need a ten-thousandth of an instant.

With all the strength, the void collapsed, and all kinds of avenues were obliterated and changed.

This battle of the Eternal Immortal Realm level made Tai Xian go to the court as if he had re-experienced the age of the war of gods.

If this battle is in the boundless wilderness.

Countless creatures will be wiped out, and the aftermath of the war will be able to wipe out the world easily!

"Zhan Shenhe!"

In the big world of Xu Ze.

There was a boom.

At this moment, the Jiuli God and Demon Army turned into a caged world.

It is the power of the "prison beast" in the nine-faced roulette.

In the cage world, the statue of the Great World God has become dilapidated and completely trapped.

Ji Xia walked towards the idol without rushing.

With every step he fell, the shaking world was shaking.

The endless majesty, shining everywhere, made many big world powers realize something, and made their faces pale.

Thus Ji Xia walked to the statue of the Great World God.

He didn't have any nonsense.

He just raised Xuanyuan Sword and cut it down!


Xu Ze, who was outside the big world, kept trembling and wanted to return to the big world.

But Chi You, the great demon **** who had the upper hand, suppressed it, and various brilliant runes on the tiger soul sword rose into the sky, bright as the sun, the moon, and the stars.

The pressed Xu Ze couldn't breathe.

"Too heavenly edict, kill the town!"

Nine Hundred Eighty Ten Thousand Nine Li Gods and Demons Army showed fierce light and shouted at the statue of God.

The Queen of the Demon Star was pale and thin, like a **** corpse.

But the majesty in him, to inherit Tai Cang and Jiuli Tian, ​​is heavy and noble.

"Town kill!"

He also spoke.

Rays of light flew out and fell on the Xuanyuan Sword in Ji Xia's hands.

Ji Xia Xuanyuan sword continued to fall.

Many remnants of the rules of the great road of thank you, came flying by, trying to stop Xuanyuanjian.


There are no accidents.

The power that Ji Xia and Jiuli God and Demon Army possess is too surging.

The rules of the Great World Heaven and Earth had already rioted, and the aura of horror was permeated, and it was still easily smashed by Xuanyuan Sword.

Ji Xia seemed to have become a **** destroyer in the great world.

In the trembling void and twisted world.

Xuanyuan Sword finally fell, and the body of the Great World Deity shook violently, and then burst into pieces!

The image of the **** burst into pieces and turned into a river that was close to drying up. It was the bright **** river that Xu Ze had nurtured in his own big world.

Guangming Shenhe was trapped and locked in the world of "prison beasts" of the Jiuli God and Demon Army, unable to escape, and was constantly impacting the prison world.

Ji Xia flicked her fingers at will.

The Three Realms Secret Vault behind him crashed down, completely suppressing Guangming Shenhe.

Ji Xia looked calm ~www.readwn.com~ He stepped out of the big world.

Outside the big world at this time.

There was steaming mist on Xu Ze's body, and the ancient lines gradually faded away.

The marks of the roads are also close to dissipating.

Chi You stepped forward, straddling the distances and taking photos with one palm, shaking the universe, and countless profound meanings emerged one after another.

Xu Ze's consciousness surged, and he took a deep look at Ji Xia.

He has already lost.

Ji Xia stood not far from him, dazzling.

It's like an eternal round of scorching sun.

"The Emperor..."

Xu Ze muttered to himself.

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