I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1125: To pay homage to the heroic spirit of Tai Cang with the honor of Xu Ze [four K]

The latest website: Xuze's great world collapsed.

The power surging out of him weakened sharply.

However, at this moment, Chi You still possesses peak-level combat power.

The God and Demon Tiger Soul Knife burns with raging flames, and inside the fierce spirit, the ancient lines are densely packed, shining with a mysterious luster.

Chi You's power erupted, thousands of sword lights appeared in the void, causing the universe to riot and the sky to collapse.

The space seems to have become a sea of ​​horror and light from the gods and demons.

The power has been weakened to the extreme, and the big world can't supply more Xu Ze from the gods.

Chained by the **** chain of order transformed by thousands of knives.

Despite Xu Ze at this moment, his combat power is still stronger than Shangyu Dao Realm, the divine light in his eyes turns into flaming avenue lines, and powerful divine power surges out.


At this time, Xu Ze was stronger than Shangyu Dao, but he was facing Chiyou, the great demon god.

The chain of order formed by the sword light is so terrifying.

Trapped and locked down, even thousands of worlds will be locked.

The fierce rays of light continued to condense, the divine glow bloomed, and the great supernatural powers diffused by Xu Ze were completely obliterated.

"Lock the world!"

Chi You whispered softly.

A world constructed by the sword light chain was born.

Xu Ze stood in it.

The gods and true spirits in the body are still completely trapped and locked.

There are hundreds of roads behind him, and no power can be gathered.

An ancient congenital **** was suppressed by Tai Cang.

Ji Xia walked out of the broken world.

The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand moved stupidly, exuding light.

The aloof power attracted the attention of the seven Shangyu Daojing in the Xuze Great World.

Daze Heavenly Soul, Daze Golden Dragon, Daze Silver Dragon, almost simultaneously broke out a certain rule, bringing an endless aura of killing.

A terrifying scene rose from behind them.

The worlds and stars all reincarnate in them, turning into brilliant and dazzling rays of light, coming towards Ji Xia's suppression.

Ji Xia stayed unmoved, wandering in the void, and came to Chi You's side.

Chi You only glanced sideways.

Never used the cosmic immortal level of combat power to block these three upper universe realms.


As the battlefield Tai Xian went to court, besides Jiufeng, Kuafu, and Xingtian, there was also Jiuli God and Demon Army.

The pale and skinny Queen of the Magic Star pulled away the **** cloud.

He dropped a hand, and an indifferent voice came.

"Great disrespect, suppress!"

The magnificent voice seems to be a deterrent, and it also seems to be a sentence.

The voice of his spiritual consciousness fell.

On top of the 9.8 million gods and demons army, another nine-sided roulette emerged.

The nine-faced roulette spins rapidly, and it freezes on top of an array of spirits.

"Essential Demon."

9.8 million gods and demons build a large array.

Transformed into a demon of origin, it burst out with mysterious majesty and terrifying aura.

How powerful is the fighting power of the Jiuli God and Demon Army!

Once they shot.

In addition, Jiufeng, Kuafu, and Xingtian are three strong masters of the Universe Realm.

Even the existence of the Seven Xuze Great World was completely suppressed.

Chaos is raging, like a wave erupting in the sea of ​​God, boundless.

Tai Xian went to court and turned into a vast battlefield, accommodating more than ten Shangyu Daojing battles.

The majesty of the Nine Hundred Eighty Thousand Nine Li God and Demon Army was thoroughly revealed first.

Enough to make the sun and the moon dull, and make Zhou Yu collapse.

A short time passed.

Ming Shen Zen and Ming Shen Lian were the first to fall, and were held in his hands by Kuafu, crushing the true body, restraining the true spirit and the gods.

Daze Jinlong and Daze Yinlong were captured by the phantom of the phoenix manifested by the nine phoenixes.

Daze Heavenly Soul had already become weak because of the destruction of the Guangming Shenhe in Xuze's Great World.

Faced with the shocking combat power of the Jiuli God and Demon Army, it has become extremely thin and will soon disperse.

Mingheri and Mingheyue all shattered, leaving only a ray of sunlight and moonlight.

Ji Xia looked at this scene with her hands on her back, her expression as calm as ever.

"There have never been branches, this time too blue plan, than imagined smoother."

Ji Xia thought in her heart.

The war finally ended.

This level of battle has not appeared in the boundless wilderness for a long time.

Too first to go to court outside.

Although there are already barriers imposed by all the strong, it is still affected by this war.

If it weren't for Tai Cang Siji Town God Army and many Tai Cang strong people, they would run their full strength and resist for a while.

I'm afraid that the entire Central Xuanyuan State will be completely wiped out.


The result of the war did not disappoint Ji Xia.

Except for the great power of Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​Kua Fu, and Jiufeng all suffered minor injuries.

Tai Cang won almost no loss in this battle.

At this moment.

Tai Xian went to court and has been restored to its original state.

Ji Xia stood in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Watching Xu Ze who was suppressed by the Chi You God Demon Tiger Soul Blade and the seven Shangyu Dao realm powerhouses.

Xu Ze's body is still extremely stalwart, and the broken world behind him burst out with a dazzling light, which is being constantly repaired.

The inexplicable divine essence in the body exudes a roar, capable of sweeping everything.

Xu Ze didn't speak, his expression was extremely calm, and he met Ji Xia and Chi You across the prison.

Behind the seven Shangyu Daojing powerhouses, a series of marks cut through the void, repairing their injuries.

A few breaths of time passed.

Xu Ze sighed lightly, and said, "Just as Mr. Lei Shiyuan said, I made a shot against Tai Cang, and I was indeed liquidated by Tai Cang.

It's just that I never thought that Tai Cang's liquidation would come so quickly. "

Ji Xia's voice was low, and she asked with some curiosity, "Xu Zegui is an innate **** at the level of the immortal realm, why would he help the Heavenly Eye Divine Realm?"

Xu Ze didn't seem to intend to answer in detail, but just said casually: "It's just getting what you need."

Ji Xia didn't plan to chat with Xu Ze either.

I saw him twirling his sleeves slightly.

Tai Xian, who was originally closed, went to court, suddenly became transparent.

An altar appeared outside Taixian's court.

Ji Xia stepped forward and appeared on the altar together with the prison where Xu Ze was held.

Because the fear of leaving would cause the Profound Sky God Emperor Great God Liao and Lord Yin to notice, Lord Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor Shixing, who were still staying in the realm of Tai Cang, immediately felt it.

They pushed aside the clouds in the sky and looked down at this scene.

Both Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor Ten Stars were silent.

The reason is that although they know Tai Cang's plan, it is in their vision.

The possibility of Xu Ze being suppressed is as small as the possibility of Tai Cang ruined.

The greatest possibility of this major event is that Xu Ze was injured and escaped, and Tai Cang's plan fell into failure.

However, everything on the altar now proves that Tai Cang's plan has been completed.

Xu Ze, an ancient innate god, was defeated by Ji Xia.

And it is very likely that it will fall into the hands of Ji Xia!

On the altar.

Without any hesitation, Ji Xia gently raised her hand.

A simple and solemn attic appeared in the void.

This attic appeared.

Countless illusory images of attic appeared above the vast vast ground.

The moment many Taizangzi people saw the attic, their expressions were all startled, and then they turned into surprises.

The door of the attic suddenly opened.

From the attic... walked out a lot of true spirits!

The attic was extremely huge, and the overwhelming real spirit walked out at the same time.

They walked in the sky, and their eyes seemed infinitely nostalgic.

This attic is the Godly Wilderness Pavilion.

More than four thousand years have passed.

Tai Cang faced countless catastrophes and many wars broke out.

In these wars.

Many heroic Tai Cang Erlang sacrificed, turned into heroic spirits, and entered the Shenhuang Yingling Pavilion.

Every hundred years, they can walk out of the Godly Desolate Yingling Pavilion for one day and return to the Great Blue.

Meet your own descendants.

Although the current Tai Cang is too vast and magnificent, even with the current power of the Tai Cang, it is impossible for hundreds of millions of heroic spirits to spread all over Tai Cang in one day.

A hundred years have passed, when the heroes stepped out, they could only contact the dedicated heroes and get in touch with their families through the Heavenly Court network.

These heroic spirits often take a look at their descendants, then visit the Taidu, and taste the delicacies specially prepared for the heroes by the Imperial Food Division and the Heroic Spirit Division, before returning to the realm of the gods and the heroic spirits.

Such a simple itinerary has also become a special festival that the heroes and many Taizang people are looking forward to.

The Heroic Day, which is held every hundred years, is very precious.

"These heroic spirits are stubborn for Tai Cang and willingly sacrifice their lives for the revival of the human race.

In addition to being sacrificed by Tai Cang, they should also be ceremoniously worshipped. "

Ji Xia's voice came slowly.

Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor Shixing looked at each other.

They looked at the heroic spirits again.

These great heroic spirits looked extremely weak compared to the gods.

Among the many heroic spirits mixed in, they were only human races with supernatural powers and spirit control levels during their lifetimes.

The ancestor Shixing had a thick voice and frowned: "Just as Yuan Jun said, Ji Xia really will pay for it. He wants to use Xu Ze to pay tribute to these dead ants."

Jun Lei Shiyuan wanted to speak but stopped, but did not speak.

Xu Ze, who was trapped in the jail of the tiger soul, had cold eyes, and his spiritual knowledge flowed: "In the beginning, you must liquidate and kill me, and pay homage to these mortal races with my true spirit, gods, and avenues?"

Ji Xia reached out her palm.

The magic star Houqing shines brightly, and the nine-faced roulette reappears.


The formation spirit named "Tu" was constructed by the 9.8 million Li God and Demon Army. It was a beheading sword.

"Giant Spirit!"

Ji Xiatian's Zhengshen Avenue is running, and his body rises in the wind...

But in a few moments, Ji Xia was already standing upright, not knowing how many miles high.

His huge palm fell, holding the beheading sword constructed by the 9.8 million Li God and Demon Army!

Xu Ze's pupils shrank slightly and suddenly became angry.

He raised his head and said: "The reason I and other innate gods are called innate, except for the brand-new life bred out of innate aura, all were born before the opening of the Da Duan Luo world!"

Xu Ze's voice roared, and he was extremely proud: "When the world is still open, I will wait for the birth.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have been conceived in obscurity, and his personality is extremely noble, and he is the real master of the Da Duan Luo realm.

The Human Race and the Ten Thousand Races are just latecomers!

Now that Tai Cang is victorious, he shouldn't pay me a tribute to these ordinary creatures, and shouldn't shame me in this way. "

Ji Xia held a decapitating knife, and in just one step, he had already come out of prison.

Chi You also glowed all over, and his fierce celestial powers were running to the extreme, and the surging power exploded, and all kinds of avenue lines once again turned into divine ropes, locking Xu Ze and the seven Shangyu Dao realms in prison!

Many of Tai Cang's people looked up.

Those heroic spirits who sacrificed for Tai Cang walked out of the Shenhuang Yingling Pavilion and watched all this silently.

Ji Xia never looked at Xu Ze, who was furious, and the light in his eyes fell on the heroic spirits.

He seemed to be talking to himself, as if he was speaking to those heroic spirits, and as if he was talking to Xuze.

"When these heroic spirits died, many people were in their prime of life."

"When these heroic spirits died, their families were waiting hard, looking forward to their return."

"These heroic spirits guard their homeland with mortal determination, and are unwilling to return to the barren and desolate human homeland."

"They are so noble and noble... even more noble than innate gods like Xu Ze."

Ji Xia whispered softly, while raising the long knife, the knife fell in her hand!


There was a loud burst.

Two dragon heads, one gold and one silver, soared into the sky, and the dragon's blood was spilled.

In an instant, the Shenhuang Yingling Pavilion became more and more expansive.

"Whether it is the Taoist God, the Shangyu Realm, the Shangyu Taoism, or even the Eternal Immortal Realm, none of them can offend the celestial beings, and be at ease."

Mingshen lotus and Mingshen cicada turned into a cloud of blood and dissipated.

"In the past, Xu Ze once attacked Tai Cang, adding a terrifying battle, and letting my Tai Cang many sons fall."

Sunlight and moonlight turned into darkness.

Mingheri and Mingheyue have never existed since then.

Daze Tianhun was also easily strangled.

A series of seven Shangyu Dao realm fell, and the heroic spirits and the godly desolate heroic pavilion who were commemorated by such power all exuded a strong fiery light.

These heroic spirits became extremely thick and strong.

The interior of the Shenhuang Yingling Pavilion was continuously expanded, and countless treasures of heaven and wealth were born in it.

Since then, the realm of the gods and the heroic spirits is not just a simple place to accommodate the heroic spirits!

This sacrifice did not end.

The Seven Upper Universe Realm Fallen...

Only Xu Ze remained in prison.

He was expressionless, staring at Ji Xia.

In Ji Xia's eyes, the divine light of the stars flowed, and the supreme Chang Rongtian shining brightly behind him.

"Xu Ze, in the name of Tai Cang's dead heroic spirit, I deprive you of all the possibilities of life, and deprive you of all your mighty powers. Your power will give birth to infinite possibilities in the gods and desolate heroic spirit world!"

Ji Xia's divine consciousness flowed, and the voice fell in the ears of all the creatures who were watching this scene.

Xu Ze's figure is still extremely honorable, with his head upright, his expression seems extremely angry.

But Ji Xia had another divine sense that fell, and it collided silently with Xu Ze’s divine sense ~www.readwn.com~ The Great Master didn't have to be pretentious.

Cut off your real body at this moment, cut off your sea of ​​consciousness, cut off your gods, or even cut off the true spirit in your real body, you will not fall. "

Ji Xia Wushang always melts into the sky, loudly, and cooperates with the stars and gods, as if he has seen everything.

"After you think that you are too horrible to kill you, after a long time, you and the seven powerful men under your command can still pin your true avenue to nurture the true body, the gods, the sea of ​​knowledge, and the true spirit.

But... your true body is still connected to where you were born. "

"This is your flaw. If I have never seen through this flaw and want to cut off the existence of an Eternal Immortal Realm, it will not be easy with Tai Cang's current power."

Ji Xia sneered and cut it down!

"Now that the time of death of the Great Lord is approaching, he can truly be angry."

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