I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1126: The cause of Xu Ze’s death, Guangming Shenhe [four K]

Latest website: Ji Xia's spiritual consciousness is like a supreme thorn, piercing Xu Ze's mind fiercely.

Xu Ze was stunned for a while.

He had never thought that his greatest reliance would be seen so easily by Ji Xia.

In a ten-thousandth of an instant.

Xu Ze even extremely doubted what Ji Xia said was true or false.

The reason why the Eternal Immortal Realm is the Eternal Immortal Realm and the pinnacle of the second realm is because of its immortal characteristics.

The so-called immortality, it is not too exaggerated to describe it as immortal.

Especially the innate gods with vigorous vitality.

Compared with the **** emperor who grew up under the Guozuo system, his combat power may be insufficient. When it comes to vitality, the **** emperor is simply not enough to compare with the innate gods.

This is the case with Xu Ze.

He was born before it was opened, and he can survive such a long time, enough to see its vitality.

His body is about to be destroyed by Tai Cangzhen, which is equivalent to death. It will take a very long time to be able to breed a true spirit and body again, but he has not really died, and still has a ray of life.

Ji Xia's words pierced Xu Ze's remaining expectations.

After Xu Ze was shocked, endless fear grew in his heart.

"Eternal Immortal Realm will also be afraid?"

"To deal with Tai Cang, you must be prepared for complete fall."

Ji Xia waved the butcher knife!

The world is shaking!

Stunning courage, while being able to traverse the sky.

The clouds and mists were all dispersed.

The killing intent was like a huge wave, hitting the sky, as if to completely cover a corner of Universe.

The Zhetian flag was deliberately unveiled.

Ji Xia's killing thought suddenly burst into the sky, shaking the vast world.

For a time!

Many terrible beings have opened their eyes.

The three great dynasties, the distant old abyss, several innate gods, and even Wuxiantian, Hades...

All were shaken by Ji Xia's killing intent.

From the beginning to the end, the expression was so calm that the Great God Liao's expression became gloomy, looking towards Tai Cang.

Lord Yin was already furious, and the big world appeared behind him, turning into an aurora, breaking through the space and heading towards Tai Cang.

The Nine Killing God Emperor and the Tianwu God Emperor stare at nothing...

Xu Ze still couldn't determine whether what Ji Xia said was true or not.

Ji Xia's butcher knife fell, and the light of the knife dilutes everything, and the sword shines like a rainbow, sweeping his body, true spirit, divine consciousness, and avenue!

Xu Ze's body suddenly disintegrated, the true spirit dissipated, the avenue collapsed, and his divine consciousness turned to ashes.

All kinds of visions bloomed from him, shining heaven and earth, it seemed to be a funeral for him!

It's the moment.

In Ji Xia, another divine sense flowed into Xu Ze's remaining consciousness silently.

This divine consciousness announced to Xu Ze that Ji Xia knew.

Xu Ze's mind was violent, full of despair, full of perseverance, and full of fear...

As an existence at the level of the Eternal Immortal Realm, his remaining thoughts even began to regret why he wanted to deal with Tai Cang and ruin himself.

However, it's done...

Tudao pierced through the sky, golden fierce light bloomed.

Xu Ze exploded and filled the prison.

Lord Yin, who was not far from Tai Cang, also stepped into Tai Cang, standing inside his own big world, staring at Ji Xia.

The butcher knife in Ji Xia's hand dissipated, and she bowed to Lord Yin.

Jun Yin looked cold and didn't know what he was thinking about.

A few breaths of time passed.

Lord Yin took a deep breath, turned and stepped into the great world of Lord Yin, and the great world dissipated.

Only then did Lei Shiyuan speak, shook his head and said to the ancestor Shixing: "As a man in the beginning, he is not deliberately humiliating Xu Ze and insulting the innate gods."

"As the human emperor, in his eyes, these human spirits who died for the sake of being too blue are more noble than the innate gods."

The ancestor Shixing listened, and suddenly bursts of murderous intent broke out on his body.

At the same time, the Great God Liao, the Nine Killing God Emperor, and the ancestor Ten Stars across the distance echoed each other, all exuding surging majesty.

But Ji Xia didn't panic, he looked at the ancestor Ten Stars and smiled slightly.

in a blink.

A dazzling light appeared in the void.

Another big world slowly emerged, in which rays of light were everywhere, and countless bright creatures were all burning and glowing, bursting out with a strong will to war.

Sit on your throne first.

His beard is like a waterfall of bright light, flowing down.

Xianzhu looked at the ten stars of the ancestor with no expression on his face.

The ancestor Ten Stars hesitated for a moment and turned into ten stars.

The courage of the Great God Liao and the Nine Killing God Emperor also came to an abrupt end and disappeared.

Ji Xia glanced at Xianzhu somewhat unexpectedly.

In his mind, he also had realistic conjectures as to whether Xianzhu and Ten Stars of Ancestor were connected.

Xianzhu had something to ask for Tai Cang.

Before I came to Tai Cang first, and then left in a hurry, it was because he had reached an agreement with Tai Cang.

The ancestor Ten Star once blocked the Great God Liao when the Three Mountain Gods were resurrected, and allowed Xianzhu to successfully attract the Three Mountain Gods into his great world.

This made Ji Xia suspect that the ancestor Shixing and Xianzhu had some inexplicable connections.

It also made Ji Xia feel a little worried about whether Xianzhu would keep his promise and stop Tai Cang's enemy if the ancestor Ten Stars made a move.

The end result is obvious.

Xianzhu revealed his figure, letting the ancestor Ten Stars, Great God Liao, and Nine Killing God Emperors retreat.

They forced their shots, and Tai Cang might still be at a disadvantage.

But... the two great kingdoms still have extremely powerful armies, so why take this risk?

The real body of Xu Ze was beheaded by Ji Xia, turned into a stream of light, and fell into the Divine Wilderness Pavilion and the bodies of many great heroic spirits.

These Tai Cang heroic spirits became extremely clear and bright, and they saluted Tai Cang together, and their hearts became more and more nostalgic for Tai Cang.

"Human Sovereign commemorates us with the life of the immortal strong man, which is enough to prove that although we are dead, Tai Cang has never forgotten us."

"The emperor is the hope of the human race, the creator of the great blueness, and the savior of hundreds of millions of people of the race. In the face of countless calamities, he has never given up the great blueness, and has he experienced behavior?"


Many heroic spirits have expressions of reverence and gratitude on their faces.

There are those who shed tears, and there are those who laugh with excitement.

Bai Qi stood behind Ji Xia, looking at these great heroic spirits: "Obtaining such terrifying power, after a while, the Shenhuang Yingling Pavilion may completely transform.

I don't know how it will improve. "

Ji Xia said: "I have always been expecting from the beginning to the end of the Shenhuang Yingling Pavilion.

Perhaps these dead heroes can finally return completely. "

"The emperor is saying... these dead heroes still have the possibility of recovery?"

Ji Xia thought of many ancient myths, thought of the six reincarnations, and thought of the great **** of the earth, and then nodded slightly.

A clear look of expectation appeared on Bai Qi's face.

He is the general of the Great Cang, and he has a deeper feeling for the soldiers of the Great Cang who died on the battlefield.

After a few breaths of time passed, Bai Qi raised his head and looked towards the sky again: "Unfortunately, the great sage mentor turned every divine sense, true spirit, and divine possession into a pale yellow sky. He has never entered the sacred and desolate heroic pavilion..."

Ji Xia also raised her head to look at the pale yellow sky, her expression softened a lot.

Bai Qi straightened his mind and asked Ji Xia curiously: "What is written in the letter sent by the emperor to Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor Shixing?

Isn't the emperor worried that they will ventilate each other and suppress Tai Cang together? "

Ji Xia said casually: "The letter I sent to Lei Shiyuanjun and the ancestor Ten Star is not the same as the letter to Xu Ze.

In the letter between Lei Shiyuanjun and the ancestor Shixing, I directly explained Taicang's two plans. "

"Two plans?"

Bai Qi suddenly realized: "The other plan must be against Daheishan and Yuliu Shenjun.

If they are willing to attack Daheishan and Yuliu Shenjun, Emperor Chiyou and Chiyou will not kill Xuze, but will move the spearhead to Yuliutian. "

Ji Xia nodded and said: "If they are unwilling to attack Yu Liutian, they will be profited by the fisherman of the gods.

The inconvenience was mentioned in the letter, so that they could communicate with each other and suppress Xu Ze together. "

"If Mr. Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor Shixing are still unwilling to sprawl, I will let them act on the scene and lead Xu Ze to come to Tai Cang, then they can sit high in the void and sit in the mountains to watch the tigers fight."

Bai Qi stroked his palm and said in admiration: "Unless the emperor Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor Shixing ignore the emperor's letter, no matter which choice they make, it will be beneficial to Tai Cang."

"Mr Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor Ten Star ignored the emperor's letters, and Tai Cang did not lose anything. The emperor just wrote a few letters."

Ji Xia's face was calm: "The boundless wilderness is too chaotic. These immortal realms have their own plans, and each have their own requirements.

In their eyes, any strong person may block their way.

It's normal to cooperate and plan for each other.

Therefore, Tai Cang was able to mess up the situation and destroy Xuze by relying on a few letters. "

"It's true."

Bai Qi agreed and said: "In this battle, the three great dynasties are plotting Tai Cang, several innate gods, and Jade Liutian.

Want to use the power of several innate gods and Tai Cang to consume Yu Liutian or even destroy Yu Liutian. "

"Mr Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor Ten Star want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. Whether Tai Cang and Xu Ze are defeated, it is good for them.

Even if Xu Ze escapes, this matter will not stop, and it can consume Xu Ze's power. "

When Bai Qi said this, his eyes lit up suddenly: "The Great Master Chi You made a shot at Yu Liutian. After such a long time, the broken Yu Liutian must have been repaired.

But Daheishan and Yuliu Shenjun were silent and did not move.

So in this plan, it must be Yuliutian..."

Ji Xia chuckled, "A letter written by me is also included in the knife that Great Zun Chi You cut to Yu Liutian."

"Daheishan and Yuliu Shenjun also knew of Tai Cang's plan at that time. They were just like Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor ten-star, lure Xu Ze into the game."

"Sure enough! After thinking about it carefully, Chi You Dazun appeared and shattered a corner of Yuliutian, named Locking Yuliutian's position, but in fact it was only transmitting a letter, but Yuliutian didn't have any loss."

After Bai Qi finished speaking, his heart became more and more amazed.

Ji Xia laughed and looked at a certain place in the void: "Is it really just to send a letter?"

Hearing Ji Xia's words, she suddenly opened her mouth, trying to say something, but finally fell silent.

After a long time, he slowly said: "So it seems that Xu Ze died unjustly."

In this plan to slaughter the innate gods, only Tai Cang seemed to be doing it.

But in fact, Lord Lei Shiyuan, the ancestor Ten Stars, Da Hei Tian, ​​Yuliu Shenjun, and even Xianzhu who made Tai Cang no worries were all murderers.

"The situation in the boundless wilderness is intricate and intricate, and Tai Cang will have to be careful in the future.

So as not to fall into the trap under these old immortal cloths. "

Ji Xia sighed in her heart, but finally smiled: "In any case, in this battle, Tai Cang's gain is almost unimaginable."

Xu Ze and the seven Shangyu Daojing never really died.

However, their true bodies with the power of the Eternal Immortal Realm and the Shangyu Dao Realm were completely wiped out by Ji Xia.

Ji Xia has gained an unknown number of Dao types, and the treasures of the gods in the **** tree are the harvest of Tai Cang.

Although Xu Ze never died.

However, in the eyes of Lei Shiyuan, the ancestor Ten Stars, and Yin Jun, Xu Ze is equivalent to falling.

After all, the powerful Eternal Immortal Realm he conceived was killed by Ji Xia, and when he recovered again and returned to the Eternal Immortal Realm again, the time required could not be calculated in the unit of "tens of millions" of years.

At this stage, in the path that Lei Shiyuan and the ancestor Shixing each planned, there is indeed a lack of a competitor such as Xu Ze.

This is also the cause of Lord Yin's anger.

not to mention……

Ji Xia was not prepared to let Xu Ze aside, giving him a chance to recover.

He knows the truth of cutting grass to get rid of the roots.

not to mention……

If Xu Ze and the seven Shangyu Dao realm were not truly dead, they would not be canonized by the Conferred God List.

This is too great a loss for Tai Cang.

Ji Xia's thoughts moved lightly, and the Nine Li Tianmen opened, and Chi You appeared behind Ji Xia.

Behind Ji Xia, the supreme Chang Rongtian had already captured something.

He said: "Tai Cang's real harvest is still in a secret place.

Let's take a look at how surging the ancient Shenhe River in Daduan Luojie was before the destruction. "

The sky-shielding flag shone to obscure their deeds.

Can perceive a path in the supreme courage to perceive all weaknesses and all details.

Ji Xia, Chi You, and Bai Qi set foot in the void and walked into the distance.

I don't know how long it has been.

Everyone crossed the space.

Travel through a barren star field and step into a dead mystery.

Ji Xia stood in the dilapidated place, without any treasures, and would not attract the attention of any cultivator, and looked down at the dewdrops on a weed.

Dewdrops are extraordinary.

Ji Xia's voice is low: "Guangming Shenhe..."

He took a step forward and stepped on the drop of dew.

Suddenly disappeared and plunged into an inexplicable space.

Both Chi You and Bai Qi are the same.

next moment.

The three of them stood in a dark void.

The darkness is empty.

There is only one broken river filled with the breath of death, and peacefully exists in it.

The light on both ends of the river turned into crystallization, scattered on both sides, but at this time it was completely extinguished, leaving only darkness.

"This is the Guangming Shenhe that used to flow in the Daduanluo world~www.readwn.com~ and even before the Daduanluo world was opened up, the Guangming Shenhe already existed in the unknown chaos."

"But now, Guangming Shenhe is broken and dead."

The supreme constant fusion of the sky continues to operate, and Ji Xia locks onto a cosmic immortal avenue pinned in the Shenhe.

That avenue came from Xu Ze.

Among them is the avenue of Xuze Great World.

The Great Avenue of Immortality exists in it, the river of light is immortal, Xuze is immortal, and the world is immortal.

The seven gods of Shangyu Daojing in the big world are also immortal.

Only now, Xu Ze's last vitality was also discovered by Ji Xia.

This is the real reason for Xu Ze's despair and fear before his collapse.

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