I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1128: Where is Ji Su? [Four K]

Latest website: The Golden Crow bird was left in the mysterious void.

It is not an easy task for the Golden Crow Divine Bird to completely devour the Bright Divine River.

No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to completely swallow a river of gods that existed before the chaos was opened in just a few hundred years, and that it hadn't completely died after the devastation.

Ji Xia was not in a hurry either.

Because hundreds of years have passed since.

The ancient Wu Shen Dynasty never responded to Shen Xuan Shen Dynasty Nine Killing God Emperor and Tianmu Shen Dynasty Great God Liao.

One of the three great dynasties is missing.

At present, the direct enemy country that could threaten Tai Cang only left Shen Xuan and Tianmu.

The power of these two gods is naturally beyond doubt.

In Ji Xia's mind, there is actually no difference between the three gods coming together and the two gods suppressing Taicang.

Once the background of the gods burst out.

Tai Cang's current strength must be unstoppable.

But for Shen Xuan Shenchao and Tianmu Shenchao.

Once the ancient Wu **** dynasty did not participate in this battle, then the other two kingdoms of God would be consumed more power by Tai Cang.

Gu Wu will also become the biggest winner.

"However, the attitude of the Guwu God Dynasty is too weird.

Once the ancient wu **** dynasty revealed its ambition to unify the boundless wildness.

The existence of the sky and the sky beyond the sky will definitely not let the ancient Wutianwu **** emperor break the balance of the boundless wilderness. "

Several of the strongest men sat cross-legged in the void.

Before their bodies was a jade case.

On the jade case, several light spots are constantly flickering.

Each spot of light represents the pinnacle power of the boundless wilderness, or the existence of the immortal realm.

It was Shi Yang who had just spoken.

After Shi Yang became the ruler of the Eighteenth Realm of Shenxu, his courage became more and more stalwart.

Because of the power of Tai Cang Guo Zuo is still constantly strengthening.

Let Shi Yang's originally lagging strength gain commendable growth.

Under such growth.

Shi Yang has also completely stepped into the Upper Universe Realm, and his strength is even stronger than the normal Upper Universe Realm.

Until now.

There are no longer a few of the great upper universe powerhouses.

Even with the exception of Jiufeng, Xing Tian, ​​Kuafu, Moxing Empress, as well as the two outer gods of the human race, Wenwei and Luo Changshui, and the elders of the Shangyu Dao realm such as the righteous gods on the list of the gods, the elders of the gods and the gods.

There are also several Supreme Supreme Beings of the Upper Universe Realm who have reached the pinnacle of this realm.

Maybe soon, they will be able to take it to the next level.

At that time.

As long as Tai Cang Guo Zuo's power can support, the number of Tai Cang Shang Yu Dao realm powerhouses will explode.

"This is my great advantage."

Ji Xia sat in the main seat, looking around the strong man present.

In other countries, even if they are gods, the posture of the sky is still only a minority.

With the blessing of the power of the gods and Guozuo, a large number of Shangyu Dao realms could not emerge.

Therefore, the Tianmu faces the bright face, but only reveals three Shangyu Dao realm powerhouses.

"There must not be too many Shangyu Dao realm powerhouses of the Tianmu God Dynasty."

"At most, there are more than ten statues, and these Shangyu Dao realm must have their own functions, so they can't easily make a move.

Once shot, it is a terrifying battle. "

Ji Xia nodded in satisfaction.

The attitude of the ancient Wu **** dynasty changed suddenly, giving Tai Cang more time for development.


In fact, there have been plans already.

It is the best to change the attitude of the ancient wu dynasty, but even if the ancient wu dynasty together with the other two gods attacked Taicang.

Tai Cang will not collapse just like this.

"Tai Cang is still at a disadvantage now, so he has to plan ahead, and he cannot pin the lives of hundreds of billions of creatures on good luck.

If you can win by letting go.

The past 36 human dynasties will not be wiped out.

Even the deity of the emperor has completely fallen. "

Ji Xia's eyes shifted to Chengyigui on the side.

On the slender jade fingers of Chengyigui, there are still a few wisps of fairy qi entwined.

These celestial spirits actually created many visions, and when you look carefully, it looks like a piece of beautiful jade, crystal clear, as if it can contain the world.

After Chengyi returned to Tai Cang, on the one hand, he devoted himself to cultivation and perfectly integrated the hearts of heaven and man.

On the other hand, he was fascinated by Ji Xia's idea of ​​immortality.

Maybe it's because of the natural talents and cleverness who have their own fate.

Perhaps it was the innumerable large-scale Luojie human inheritance in the heart of the heavens, which gave Chengyigui an advantage that other powerhouses could not match.

Coupled with the entry point of Chengyigui, it is different from such powerful people as Bai Qi, Yang Ren, and Liu Mi Canglong.

The entry point of the immortal way of Chengyigui is the many ordinary and weak human races in the boundless wilderness.

"In a little while, the girl Yigui may start on the path of Tai Cangxian Dao.

If this road is smooth, the girl in Yigui will be the noble heavenly sovereign, paving the way for the human race. "

Ji Xia suddenly felt a little absurd in her heart.

Chengyigui is not a human race.

But at this moment, she is one step ahead of the other strong human races. "

Ji Xia sighed slightly in her heart.

It is at this time.

Chengyigui seems to have sensed some information.

She smiled at Ji Xia, her eyes still apologetic, and her divine consciousness flowed.

Ji Xia didn't seem to mind when he sensed the information contained in Chengyigui's divine consciousness.

"Since Wu Tianlao has encountered some difficulties and cannot get out of the realm of the magic sky for the time being, there is no need to worry."

The five-day old man of the Celestial Race in the realm of magic sky had promised Tai Cang long ago to pass on to Tai Cang the brand-new road they have opened up over the past 80 million years.

The originally promised time was only thirty years.

And now, hundreds of years are fleeting.

Five days old is still trapped in the realm of magic sky, there is no way to descend the incarnation.

Ji Xia naturally didn't pay much attention to this matter.

All the powerhouses and all the forces in the boundless wilderness think that the sky has been shattered.

Tai Cang's brand new road has been cut off.

But the fact... is not the case.

For a long time, Chengyigui had also faintly realized something, but she did not ask Ji Xia.

Everyone is looking down at the light spots on the jade case.


There was a sudden wave of waves in the distance.

Ji Xia suddenly raised her head.

However, I saw the phantom of a bare sacred tree appearing in the distance.

There are no leaves on this sacred tree.

Just like ordinary trees in a cold place, they look barren and withered.

Ji Xia Supremacy is always in harmony with the sky, and the stars and gods are surging with light.

But it can be vaguely seen.

On the canopy of the huge sacred tree, there are worlds, sky domes hung.

The shocking thing is...

"These worlds, these heavens, all withered completely.

It's like being cursed by the barren slaughter. "

Ji Xia's eyes moved slightly: "Ancient Wutian tree!"

Among the four sacred trees of the boundless wilderness.

The ancient wu **** dynasty is backed by the tianwu sacred tree, and there are even rumors that the tianwu **** emperor is inextricably related to the tianwu sacred tree, and the purple sun **** is a scorching sun hanging above the sky wu **** tree. .

The sacred mulberry tree was probably cut to life by Ji Su.

Ji Xiaju knew about the follow-up. Xianglong, who was imprisoned under the great blue, transplanted the sacred mulberry tree to the body of the emperor tens of thousands of years ago.

Later, Lord Yin came, and the emperor planted the Shangsang **** tree into the great world of Lord Yin.

The ancient tree was taken away by the sudden appearance of the wind.

Only the ancient Wutian tree has never appeared.

But today...

The phantom of the ancient Wutian tree suddenly appeared in the void.

The boundless wilderness was shaken.

The eyes of countless strong men fell on the ancient Wutian tree.

There are also many powerful horizontal air machines, which are locked in the ancient Wutian trees across a long distance!

But Ji Xia raised her eyebrows slightly.

There are also other powerful immortal realms who have realized why the Wutian ancient tree appeared at this moment.

"Could it be... Uncle Seven..."

Ji Xia's thoughts have not fallen yet.

The place where the illusory image of the Wutian Divine Tree erupted.

A figure in white is walking step by step.

He seems extremely slow, but his speed is unparalleled.

A short time that cannot be counted.

He has come above the Wutian God Tree.

It is Ji Su.

And behind Ji Su, there was another silver-clothed boy following.

The silver-clad boy looked harmless to humans and animals.

But Ji Xia knew his origins, and not long ago, he had seen this young man's unparalleled fighting spirit capable of assaulting the sky.

There is also a juvenile heritage in Ji Xia.

This silver-clothed boy is Taibai Xingjun.

In the early years of Tai Cang, it was precisely because of the inheritance of Taibai Xingjun that Ji Xia was able to crush the powerhouses of the same level at all levels.

Ji Su and Taibai stood above Wutian ancient trees.

They didn't play mystery, nor did they hesitate.

I saw Ji Su stick out his palm and drew a simple long sword from the void.

It is the true body of Taibai Xingjun now.

The silver-clothed boy turned into a streamer and flew into the simple long sword.

Ji Su shocked the Taibai Excalibur.

From the Excalibur Sword, a drop of blood flowed slowly.

In this drop of blood, runes flickered, vaguely revealing the aura of the immortal realm gods.

The vitality in the blood is extremely blazing.

Ji Xia saw this drop of blood and felt the vitality in it, plus he had only witnessed Xu Ze's immortal spirit not long ago.

So I understood in an instant...

"This drop of blood... must be the immortal spirit of the Wutian Majesty."

"Sure enough, my Seventh Uncle released the Wutian Majesty at the cost of completely extinguishing a star, not to save him.

But to... kill him. "

"The ancient Wutian tree, the great Wutian...the connection must be very different."

Many eyes fell in the distance.

When the spirit of this drop of blood diffused out.

A burst of loud noises came from all over the boundless savage void.

Immediately afterwards, there was complete silence.

Even many of Ji Xia's familiar existences have retracted the qi that radiated.

"Tai Cang wants to kill Xu Ze, but also needs the power of the Golden Crow bird, and it will take a long time.

Unexpectedly, in just a few hundred years, the Wutian Great Venerable who escaped with some magical power would be killed by Ji Suzhen.

Even the immortal spirit has been integrated with the Taibai Excalibur.

This power..."

Chi You appeared behind Ji Xia, glanced at Ji Xia, and then at Ji Su in the distance.

Ji Xia helplessly explained: "The mystery of Ji Su is far beyond our imagination.

He is six or seven years older than me, but he is active in almost every age.

He was even in the Da Duan Luo world under the Dao Que era. "

Having said this, Ji Xia guessed and said: "Maybe, my Seventh Uncle comes from the Da Duan Luo Realm under the rule of Tianzun, and is a world-famous ruler of the human race.

Ji Su is one of his countless reincarnations. "

"It's just... Ji Su has been strong and weak throughout history, and even if he is reincarnated, I am afraid that he will not be able to return to the cultivation base that can kill the immortal realm in just a few thousand years..."

The silent Chi You might have guessed something suddenly.

He turned his head and said, "Maybe... Ji Su has gained some kind of temporal power.

Able to swim in the long river of time. "

"If this kind of power is not controllable, it is impossible to determine the weakness of oneself when it travels for a long time.

Then there may be such a situation. "

Ji Xia's eyes were slightly bright, and her expression was a little bit of surprise.

"The authorities are fans."

Ji Xia couldn't help but sighed in admiration: "In the vast world like the boundless wilderness, the power of time is simply hard to comprehend.

This may be the will of the supreme world, and it may even come from a higher rule.

As strong as Tianzun, it is impossible to return to the eve of the collapse of Da Duan Luojie and turn the tide.

I have been in the boundless wilderness for a long time, preconceived, and obsessed with the authorities, I have never had such speculations. "

Ji Xia's eyes shone more and more.

He stared at Ji Su's back, and felt that Chi You's guess was extremely possible.

"Under such a conjecture.

Ji Xia's seventh uncle is indeed a relative with blood.

It is not some reincarnated powerhouse, nor is it some supreme heavenly sovereign. "

Ji Xia took a deep breath: "More than four thousand years ago, in fact, it is very likely that he sensed something, so he resolutely left Tai Cang...

No... It is more likely that Ji Su did not leave Tai Cang, but stepped into the long river of time and disappeared. "

"In our opinion, only four thousand years have passed.

But Uncle Qi, it is very likely that in time after time, tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years have been spent..."

"Time traveler?"

Just when Ji Xia's thoughts were surging.

The blood of Wutian Great Immortal Spirit on the long sword in Ji Su's hand, so slowly dripped into the Wutian ancient tree!


There was an earth-shaking voice.

The sky is turned upside down above the Wutian old tree, and it is gorgeous.

All kinds of mysterious rays of light burst out from the ancient trees and penetrated the heaven and the earth.

The silent ancient trees of Wutian seem to have become a universe of divine origins.

The surging gods burst into astonishing fluctuations, emitting infinite rays of light, looking sacred and powerful!

The ancient Wutian tree regained its vitality, and the leaves with sacred light grew from the bare branches.

For an instant.

Wutian old tree has become mysterious and powerful, super yet solemn!

"What does Ji Su want to do to revive the ancient Wutian tree?"

Ji Xia raised her eyebrows slightly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

He was still thinking, an even more amazing scene happened.

In the depths of the void, a dark and dense symbol was suddenly intertwined, drowning everything.

An ancient palace emerges from these symbols.

In this palace, there are countless kinds of gloomy spirits pervading, the monstrous and storm-like swallowing power, surging from it.

A strong man with a mask of green fangs slowly walked out of those symbols.

Even Ji Xia and many too strong men have never seen such a palace.

At this moment, they have also thought of the origin of this palace.


In more than four thousand years, the Hades appeared in the boundless wilderness for the first time, for Jisu.

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