I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1129: Gale, brand new sacred tree, 5 days old [four K]

The latest website: It is like a loud noise coming from Zhou Yu's breaking, shaking all directions.

The gloomy palace is extremely huge, extremely huge.

There are many clouds and mist around it.

Between the clouds and mist, one can vaguely see the sky, the world, the galaxies, and the cosmos in an orderly manner.

This is Hades.

The most mysterious place in the boundless wilderness.

Ji Xia stared at Hades.

There are many thoughts lingering in my mind.

He had heard of Hades from the mouths of many powerful beings before.

Even some more ancient powerhouses speculate that Hades is the core of the boundless wild world.

After Daduan Luojie was destroyed, the Hades replaced the Ten Thousand Worlds Day.

Let this piece of world from the core of life to the core of death!

Although for Ji Xia, this is just speculation.

But there is no doubt that.

Hades controls unimaginable power.

Just like now.

Many immortal spirits of the universe fell silent when they saw the blood of the immortal spirit on the sword of Jisu Taibai.

In just a few hundred years, an ancient immortal realm innate **** was released from the endless prison by Ji Su, and then died in his hands...

Such a record makes them feel terrified.

In the pursuit of the avenue.

The gods and innate gods throughout the ages, and there are no unfeeling and inexorable people.

They also have all kinds of desires and fears.

However, this does not mean that Ji Su is invincible in the boundless wilderness.

This is the arrival of Hades.

In the endless dark spirit, there is a vast force surging.

From that cloud.

A strong god-shaped man wearing a mask with green fangs walked out of it.

Behind them, the blood vision floated, staining the sky red.

Behind the body of every strong green-faced man, there are various visions.

The vision seemed to be perplexed by how many remnants of souls.

The remnant souls are strong and weak, but they are all suppressed, swallowed, and then continuously digested by the magical power.

When Ji Xia saw these millions of strong men wearing cyan masks, her expression suddenly became a little startled.

"These powerhouses... come from the underworld?"

Ji Xia's eyes flickered.

The Supreme Everlasting Rongtian Avenue is running, falling on those with strong blue faces.

It seems to be looking for something.

"So... to save Tai Cang from the catastrophe of the dead country, even the strong man who has saved my life from the underworld?"

In the past three mountains and hundreds of domains suffered a great calamity in the dead country.

There was a real dragon phantom roaring behind him, and a strong man who also wore the exact same mask appeared in the Three Mountains and Hundred Regions.

The reason why Tai Cang was able to remain unscathed in the catastrophe of the dead country.

It is because this strong man has obtained two secret realm gate courts from the dead guard secret realm.

After the secret realm door court shattered, it became a skeletal secret.

These treasures saved Tai Cang from being attacked by the unconscious demon spirits of Fuliang Kingdom.

From beginning to end, Ji Xia remembered the strong man with the cyan mask.

For a long time, I also told the mysterious pavilion to look for it.

But thousands of years passed in a hurry.

Tai Cang never found this strong blue-faced man from beginning to end.

There are many stories that have been circulating in the boundless wilderness.

Unexpectedly, more than four thousand years have passed.

Ji Xia once again saw a strong man with the same characteristics, but he was in the underworld.

"Underworld Soul Swallowing General."

There was a little bit of surprise in the look of the family members who were not far from Ji Xia.

"Moreover, all of them are extremely tall soul-swallowing generals, which is rarely seen in the boundless wild history."

Ji Xia heard Chengyigui's words and turned to look at Chengyigui.

Chengyigui explained: "Most of the time, the underworld is isolated from the boundless wilderness.

There are also few strong men in the underworld in the boundless wilderness.

Only the Soul Swallowing General of the Hades, who often shuttles in this world.

There are traces of them in many ancient histories. "

"They do not participate in the struggle for the luck of the country, nor are they mixed into the boundless wild grievances.

Their mission is only..."

"Walking in a place of death, war, destruction...

Their purpose is to swallow those demon spirits and remnants of souls wandering in the boundless wilderness.

So he was named the Soul Swallowing General. "

Cheng Yigui continued: "The existence of the Hades is always a mystery to the boundless wilderness.

What is the purpose of Devouring Souls and devouring these remnants of souls and demon spirits is quite mysterious..."

Ji Xia came to understand now.

"Could it be that the one who helped me before was also a soul swallowing general?"

Such a conjecture made Ji Xia puzzled.

Underworld Soul Swallowing General, why would he help him, help Tai Cang?

While Ji Xia was thinking about it.

Waves came from the distant sky.

Millions of swallowing souls will seem to have spurred some kind of marvelous spatial force.

The vast world suddenly became hazy.

The whole sky seems to be dyed red by the sunset, as poignant as blood.

Millions of swallowing souls burst out a burst of darkness on their bodies.

Zhouyu was shaken.

It was like experiencing a breakthrough again.

It also seemed that there was a more powerful giant war, and Tianhe was stained with blood.

The unimaginable aura of killing and killing is like formulating some kind of death rule.

The incomparable magical power also broke out from it.

Ji Xia's eyes flickered.

In just an instant, the unpredictable **** breath condensed a gloomy figure.

This gloomy figure is an array spirit that will be constructed by millions of swallowing souls.

He looks old, full of turbulent battles and killing intent.

His body is pitch black, it looks like just a sacred spirit, but he seems to be a real powerhouse!

The bursting force burst out from it, making people tremble.

This power is too strong.

Let the gazes of the many powerful people who are watching this world dissipate in an instant...

A completely different level, flourishing in the boundless wilderness.

The heavenly gods made the yin wind and blood surging in the vast space, and countless galaxies stopped running, and even hung upside down in the universe.

The world was filled with blood, and various visions appeared.

But Ji Su stood still.

It didn't even seem to have seen these soul swallowing generals and the existence of the unstoppable spirits.

I saw him calmly, stretched out his palm, and took it towards the Wutian God Tree below.

Wutian Old Tree did not have any resistance.

There was even a bit of excitement in the breath that came out, just like this, and flew into Ji Su's palm.

The supreme dark array spirit had already shot at this moment, and there was an extra whisk in his hand.

Each silver thread of these whisks seemed to be refined by countless remnants of souls.

As he flicked the dust, it was like a galaxy blooming.

All kinds of magical light flowed, Zhou Yu collapsed, and everything was silent because of it.

The space became hazy.

Even this battlefield disappeared.

The sights of many powerful men who wanted to watch an unparalleled battle were completely cut off.

Ji Xia and Chi You looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Ji Su has a mysterious origin, and he has always wandered through the endless and wild ages, not knowing what he was planning."

"However, Ji Su and Wutian Ancient Trees must be involved in the core of Ji Su's plan to be able to provoke the underworld that hasn't been present for a long time."

Ji Xia and Chi You exchanged their spiritual consciousness and communicate with each other.

Then, Ji Xia's eyes locked on a certain place in time and space.

In that place, a deep and heavy power quietly appeared, and then disappeared.

"That kind of power comes from the gale."

Ji Xia sighed.

"The Great Wind's Slaughter World was also attracted attention by Ji Su and Hades, and appeared in the wild."

Maybe it's not appropriate to call it "the slaughter of the gale".

Once Lei Shiyuanjun said.

Dafeng turned into Slaughter World, he was Slaughter World itself.

"The situation in the boundless wilderness is getting more and more chaotic, and the Divine Tree of Misfortune fell into the hands of Gale.

Thunder God Xiao, Tianfu Dragon Thunder Lord, Chizhi Dafa Lord, and Thunder Face God Tu were all swept away by the slaughter world of the gale, and there has been no news so far.

Da Zun Chi You met Da Feng with me and asked Lei Shen Xiao to come back. "

Ji Xia flicked her sleeves slightly, her spiritual consciousness surged.

Chi You nodded in response.

They are about to leave.

But seeing the void, there was another big explosion.

After the big bang, the void was dim.

Ji Xia and Chi You both frowned.

Because they found that they had been completely unable to capture the trail of Slaughter World.

"The Slaughter World is different from other big worlds.

All other big worlds were bred from the existence of the Eternal Immortal Realm, and it was the most powerful divine treasure in the second realm.

But the Slaughter World is the gale itself. At present, it seems that this world is more difficult to track down than the big world. "

Ji Xia sighed long.

"Fortunately, Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion can faintly perceive the existence of Thunder God Xiao and the others.

This means that they are still alive today and never died. "

"It's just Slaughter that cut off the communication between them and Shen Xiao Yuqing Mansion.

Most of the power of Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion was used to gradually revive the supreme power.

Unable to break through the limits of Slaughter Realm. "

Ji Xia shook her head and sighed, "I hope Lei Shenxiao and the others can return safely."

Ji Xia was thinking of Thunder God Xiao, Long Lei Lord, Chizhi Dafa Lord, and Thunder Face God Tu.

Lei Shenxiao was wearing a cyan robe, looking down at the ground under his feet.

The thunder surging in his eyes, all kinds of strange fluctuations, constantly circulating.

Rays of light shone out from it.

"The Slaughter World of Gale is also the real body of Gale.

He is like a huge statue, and the creatures and civilizations bred in it are many times more than the great world of other congenital gods. "

Thousands of years have passed.

Whether it is Lord Longlei, Lord Chizhi Dafa, Lord Leimian Shentu, or Lord Longlei, they have all awakened from their coma.

They are walking in the Slaughter Realm, hoping to find a way to leave the Slaughter Realm.

However, the Slaughter Realm is extremely vast, and there are even all kinds of mysterious secret realms and outer heavens on it.

There are layers of deeper spaces all over it.

Even with the power of a few powerhouses in the Heavenly Cang Lei Law Heaven Palace, they couldn't walk through this vast slaughter realm in a mere thousand years.

The will of Gale must have sensed their arrival.

But it seemed indifferent, allowing them to act in the slaughter world.

"In Slaughter Realm, there are also a small number of human races.

These human races were not born in it, but migrated here after the devastation.

No... Maybe the place where these human races migrated at that time was the big windy world.

This was later, there was a certain change in Gale World, Slaughter World was born, and they were moved here again. "

The long beard of the Chi-knowing Dafa Sovereign is fluttering.

Rune spells constantly appear on the white robe.

He looked up at the void and said softly: "The gale must be hiding a secret that is different from other innate gods.

Only when we are in Slaughter Realm can we feel the strength of the gale.

This level of mighty power can't be matched by Lei Shiyuan or Xu Ze. "

Lord Long Lei was silent, and Thunder turned into a divine dragon, wrapped around his body, constantly roaring.

Leimian Shentu doesn't have facial features, so he can't see his face clearly.

But his spiritual consciousness is extremely keen.

After a short moment.

Leimian Shentu seemed to perceive something.

He turned to look at the void.

In the void, a thunder is freezing in the sky.

Look far away.

In that road of thunder, there is actually a kind of thunder.

The thunder kind is still beating, the power contained within.

The three thunder masters of the well-informed Lei Department, as well as Thunder God Xiao, looked solemn.

"The gale is not the thunderbolt, why can you see such thunderbolt species in Slaughter Realm?"

Lei Shen Xiao frowned slightly.

The other three Thunder masters also looked at each other.

Just at this time.

The thunder dao seeds in the solidified thunder, a wisp of information flowed into their minds.

"This is the will of the Slaughter World, this level of intensity of the Thunder Dao Seed, still can't meet the needs of the Slaughter World.

Gale...Where did you get such Thunder Dao Seed, and what do you want to do with Thunder Dao Seed? "

Master Chizhi Dafa was particularly puzzled.

However, in the next moment.

The will of the world seemed to perceive their doubts.

All kinds of visions appeared.

The four thunder gods of Lei Shen Xiao stared attentively.

But seeing the void, there are a few more kinds of Taoism!

"In addition to the Thunder Dao seed, Gale also gave birth to the Shenhuo Dao seed, the Storm Dao seed, and the Xuanshui Dao seed!"

The silence was like a **** of thunder, and he couldn't help being shocked.

He transferred his spiritual knowledge and said: "If these Dao seeds are all bred from the Gale Slaughter Realm.

Then... Gale is very likely to open up a new path to break through the immortal realm! "

"He wants to perfect these four great ways, and achieve a thorough acquired Taoist birth, leap into the third realm."

The other three Thunder masters were also silent.

There is worry in my heart, because I don't know whether the gale in the future will stand on the opposite side of Tai Cang.

There is also reverence for such a worldly existence.

Tai Cang has developed to where it is today.

Even the righteous gods of their Thunder Ministry, their power has returned to the peak of the previous life, and they are even getting stronger.

However, these infinite wild and ancient existences are stronger and more noble than them.

Even in the heaven where the strong are like clouds, it is also an extraordinary god.

"Gao Feng... wants to learn from the Thunder Avenue."

Lei Shen Xiao had already understood at this moment.

He exchanged glances with the other three Thunder masters.

After a few breaths, Lei Shenxiao saluted the thunder road, but his consciousness was calling for the will of the gale.


Hundreds of years have passed in a hurry.

God tree space.

Ji Xia looked at the new God Treasure that had already begun to open up.

Looking at the gloomy Sixth God Zang again, his heart became calmer.

"Tai Cang has a greater chance of winning."

His mind flickered.

Suddenly in the sky, a white-haired young man walked step by step.

The white-haired boy had a numb face and a cold look in his eyes.

The vigorous spirit circulated on him, enough to stir the galaxy.

When Ji Xia saw this young man leave, she shook her head with some regret.

"The prince Bai Zhou seems to have completely changed into another person."




...The Emperor's Bell, which shook Tai Cang, rang.

Ji Xia stood up and came to Taixian to look at the rooftop.

But seeing the void, five old men appeared in the sky.

Their faces were kind, and there was a faint reverence in the eyes of Xiang Ji Xia~www.readwn.com~ There was still surging ancient power flowing on their bodies.

This kind of power is sacred, noble, and full of powerful destructive power, which is shocking.

"The Celestial Race is five days old."

Ji Xia naturally knew the identity of the visitor.

Chengyigui stood behind him, with a bit of reminiscence in his eyes.


Ji Xia frowned slightly.

Behind him, the supreme Chang Rongtian was spinning vigorously, and Ji Xia's expression instantly changed.

There is the blessing of Tao Miao power that can break through the heavens, and the power of the human emperor's blood in the body explodes.

Ji Xia looked at the five-day old again, but saw a terrifying scene!

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