I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 785: Thunder God [large

Ji Xia thoughtfully.

The corner of Emperor Mingjing's mouth showed a sardonic look: "The Omoyue Emperor Clan has human blood flowing clearly on his body.

But they are deeply ashamed, and never want the traces of the human race in their blood.

Even in a long time ago, the Omoyue Empire was the forerunner of suppressing the hidden places of the human race among many powerful dynasties.

Their methods are cruel. As long as they find a trace in the hidden place of the human race, they will decide that there is no possibility of surviving..."

Mingjing Zunhuang said in a few words.

Just let the three people of Ji Xia, full of disgust for this Ozy Moon Emperor Dynasty.

"This race is the most pathetic.

They desperately want to get rid of the human race, but the blood of the human race is flowing inside them. "

Bai Qi sneered: "Under the rules of heaven and earth, they can't abandon their human blood.

It can only intensify the persecution, oppression, and massacre of human races in behavior.

Thus, it completely broke with the human race, and cut off the world contact with the human race..."

Zhang Jiao also shook his head and said: "In the years I have experienced, such creatures are not uncommon.

Little do they know that they are the saddest race.

It can never be recognized on either side. "

There was turbulent hatred in the eyes of Emperor Ming Jing.

In an instant, her voice became weak: "In any case, the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty is still too powerful...

I don't know when the countless kingdoms of our human race will have a powerful emperor that can rival the Omoyue Emperor. "

When she said this, she paused, and continued: "Those who were active in the age of the Great Breath God Dynasty and the Great Ding God Dynasty, I don't know if they exist.

If they can take action for the human race, maybe the current situation of my human race can be much better. "

Ji Xia slowly nodded, then took a deep breath, and said again: "Also, please continue to protect this little hope for my human race.

And I am too pale, will destroy that shadow kingdom, pay homage to the Mirror, please wait and see! "

Emperor Mingjing stared at the extremely sincere expression of Ji Xia's incarnation.

The look has only softened a lot.

at the same time.

She informed Ji Xia of the location of this shadow dynasty.

Ji Xia looked around: "These Mingjing family members are heroic spirits of our clan.

They shouldn't sleep in such a mess. "

Mingjing's gaze was slightly startled, and the look seemed to regained his spirit.

"In the ruins of my palace, no shadow creatures have come to wander.

I will clean up here.

I dug up a tomb myself..."

"I will be here... waiting for the good news from the emperor. When the Shadow Dynasty dies, it will be when I clean up the shadow creatures on the ruins of Mingjing.

This is the day when my creatures can rest in peace! "


When the space gap slowly closed.

The mysterious space bridge also disappeared without a trace.

The many spatial rings floating behind Ji Xia seemed extremely redundant at this moment.

Among these spatial rings, they were originally valuable materials to be presented to Mingjing Dynasty.

Originally, according to Ji Xia's idea.

Mingjing Dynasty had these materials, and the remaining Mingjing creatures were able to live better.

But I didn't expect...

As early as a dozen or twenty years ago, the Mingjing Dynasty was completely destroyed.

"The Emperor Mingjing is indeed a hero of my human race."

Bai Qi sighed: "Ming Jing has suffered such a catastrophe, but she has never used the Limiao Orb to communicate too much.

It's about fear of putting pressure on Tai Cang. "

When he said this, a fierce light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"I'm willing to work with Shi Yang, Da Xian Liang Shi, Chao Long...together to lead Da Geng to destroy the Jin Divine Army, to that shadow country, and completely kill them!"

Zhang Jiao also said: "What Emperor Mingjing said is not without reason.

My current strength is still far away from the Omoyue Empire, so I can't be too high-profile...I'd better be able to suppress this dynasty in a thunderous time! "

Bai Qi agreed: "If this is the case, maybe I should try my best to summon many powerful men.

In addition, the emperor’s mysterious forbidden avenue, Yuzao’s illusionary magical powers to a higher level, and the great sage mentor’s peaceful secret technique...

In this way, it was possible to avoid the attention of the Omoyue Emperor. "

Zhang Jiao also whispered softly: "The Jade Qianniang has already taken a step forward again and achieved the extreme.

Now she is refining a brand-new terrestrial puppet, presumably her illusion avenue has already gone further. "

Bai Qi and Zhang Jiao seriously discussed how to destroy this shadow dynasty.

Ji Xia shook her head slowly

He said: "You don't need to pay attention to this matter for the time being.

I still have the foundation, and can destroy the Shadow Dynasty without fail. "

Bai Qi and Zhang Jiao showed doubts.

They unanimously thought of the thunder **** man who showed signs when the Tianzhu Lingfang had an accident more than ten years ago.

Bai Qi stared at Ji Xia and said with satisfaction: "When I just descended into the boundless wilderness, the emperor had never had such a strategizing ability.

Unexpectedly, in just a few hundred years, the emperor has grown to where he is now. "

Zhang Jiao was silent.

Behind him, shadow monsters kept roaring.

Look carefully, there are three ways.

In these decades.

These powerful masters of the Supreme Cang veteran level have also made tremendous progress in their cultivation.

Bai Qi and Zhang Jiao retired together.

Ji Xia closed her eyes with her hands on her back.

In his mind, there are many ruins of Mingjing Dynasty and countless human bones.

at the same time.

Emperor Mingjing's powerless and extremely desperate look also made his mood uneasy for a long time.

After a long time, Ji Xia opened her eyes.

There was a raging murderous flicker in his eyes.

In the next moment, the Lei Zu Amber that Ji Xia hid in her robes suddenly emitted a bright light.

Under the bright light, a stalwart figure suddenly appeared in the void.

This figure is bold and unparalleled.

His whole body is constantly entwined with thunder chains.

There was a soft look on the fair and handsome face.

There is a little golden light on his eyebrows.

A slight bulge under the golden light seemed to hide unknown secrets.

This **** man stands in the void.

The profound and vast power is only confined to a three-foot radius.

In an instant.

Ji Xia keenly felt that waves of fluctuations came from the scorching sun over the Choking Secret Realm.

In Ji Xia's eyes, the stars and gods revolved, but he saw that the Tai Sui **** Da Huangluo had opened his eyes, revealing his figure from the scorching sun.

Is saluting this thunder god.

Although the other eleven Tai Sui gods have never awakened.

However, their bodies did not consciously salute this thunder god.

The thunder **** man in the void fell on the ground of Shanggan Palace from the void.

He first bowed to Ji Xia, and then returned to many Tai Sui gods.

This thunder **** was born in Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thundersound Puhua Tianzun, the incarnation of Shenxiao Cardinal Avenue.

His name is Thunder God Xiao.

It is a noble and extraordinary existence.

After Lei Shen Xiao saluted many Tai Sui gods.

The blazing sun also returned to calm again.

The Tai Sui **** man in the scorching sun also disappeared without a trace.

Thunder God is different from the emperor of disaster.

Although he is the incarnation of Thunder Avenue.

But above his face, there was always a slight smile.

And this smile is different from the soft smile on Bai Qi's face.

Ji Xia saw a little sly in Lei Shenxiao's smile.

He was puzzled for a while.

Why is the existence bred in the thunder not the majestic existence?

Lei Shenxiao stood in the hall and saluted Ji Xia again.

After the salute, his expression was somewhat restrained and shy.

But there was still the cunning in his eyes that Ji Xia had just experienced.

Under this contradictory state, Lei Shen Xiao looked at the furnishings in the Shanggan Palace.

It seems very curious.

Ji Xia's brows jumped: "This incarnation of Nine Heavens Yingyuan Tianzun, although noble and unparalleled, is very powerful.

But... it seems extremely simple. "

"The emperor... summoned Shenxiao today, don't know why?"

Lei Shenxiao looked at the palace for a while before asking Ji Xia.

When Ji Xia saw Lei Shen Xiao's contradictory appearance, she suddenly felt a bit interesting.

Many of Tai Cang's acquaintances, whether it is the Dragon of Fortune, Bai Qi Zhang Jiao, or even Yu Zao Qian, are lifeless.

Only Uncle Chaolong and Milongjun have been together for a long time, and their eyes still seem a little agile.

The other beings are deeper than the other.

Getting along for a long time made Ji Xia feel a little boring.

"I call you here to make you destroy a dynasty for Tai Cang."

Ji Xia did not hesitate and went straight to the subject.

The many expressions on Lei Shen Xiao's face suddenly disappeared.

His expression became extremely serious, and there seemed to be thunder flashing in his eyes.

Lei Shen Xiao spoke again, and his voice became much lower: "Please also the Emperor to order."

Ji Xia's spiritual consciousness flowed out.

Lei Shen Xiao immediately understood the cause and effect of the incident, and also understood the location of the Shadow Dynasty.

The thunder chain flashing all over his body is even more dazzling, and he respectfully saluted Ji Xia, saying: "Please rest assured that this shadow dynasty will quietly disappear.

That obscure moon dynasty would definitely not be able to capture any clues of the earth and human race. "

Ji Xia was determined in her heart.

After all, Thunder God Xiao is the incarnation of Tianzun, even if he is innocent, but he is still very serious when facing business affairs.

His mind moved slightly.

The Choking Secret Realm brand suddenly appeared on Lei Shen Xiao's wrist, and then disappeared.

Lei Shen Xiao stood upright.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

at the same time.

Ji Xia clearly perceives that there is a seemingly ordinary thunder above his attitude beyond the Choking Secret Realm, blooming away and disappearing.

This thunder is like a spring thunder.

Did not arouse the alert of any too strong.

Ji Xia said with emotion: "Shangqiong strong, I don't know how strong it is.

Destroying this shadow dynasty can also see one or two of them. "

Ji Xia thought of this.

My heart is much settled.

Shangqiang exists, and there is another name in the boundless wilderness.

It is the "Emperor Realm"!

Achieve the upper vault, adding a powerful sky vault to many secrets.

For the understanding of the rules of heaven and earth, there will be considerable progress.

Their power has surpassed the extremes of heaven and earth.

Have the qualification to sit in the sky and ignore the changes over time!

No matter how old and far away.

Shangqiong exists, and always stands on top of this world!

Although Lei Shen Xiao looked like an inexperienced young man.

But at this moment, Ji Xia was looking forward to Lei Shen Xiao's combat power.

With Ji Xia's current strength.

He couldn't see through the power contained in Thunder God Xiao at all.

"With the power of Thunder God Xiao, it is not difficult at all to destroy a shadow dynasty silently.

I just don't know what kind of person the Shangqiang existed in those ancient imperial dynasties. "

Ji Xia remembered the vast wilderness now, and most of the imperial dynasties that existed have experienced ancient and long history.

Among the existing imperial dynasties, most of them are extremely powerful.

They communicated with each other, and blocked the passage for promotion to the emperor in countless extraordinary dynasties with the extremely powerful force of the entire boundless barren land except the kingdom of God.

This has also led to the fact that countries like the Heavenly Dragon in the Clouds and Ninggong are in the rules of heaven and earth.

In fact, the conditions for promotion to the imperial dynasty had already been met, but he dared not be promoted for a long time.

of course.

Not all imperial dynasties are that powerful.

In many vast areas that have suffered disaster.

In many imperial dynasties, supervision was slightly looser.

Or in extremely marginal areas, there are still many weak emperors.

However, the area where Zhujiang Plain is located is obviously not in this list.

The three imperial dynasties entrenched all around, although they are not the strongest among the gods.

But it is definitely not weak!

And for various reasons.

This area has always been troublesome.

Whether it is the three resurrected Three Mountain Gods.

It's still a strange existence bred in the old Sanshan site. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Or the ancient tree that still stands on the Zhujiang Plain, and the holy palace of the dark king suspended next to the ancient tree.

All are the root cause of trouble.

"Perhaps, among the three kingdoms of Dazhen, Heavy God, and Tianqi, there may be gods and spirits."

Ji Xia pondered in her heart: "However, in any case, as strong as Xixuan, among the three dynasties, there must be an emperor Shangjie."

When Ji Xia thought of this, her eyes gradually became more determined.

"Today, it is what Tai Cang should do to continuously improve his strength. Fortunately, the **** Xia Xuan monument will not be too eye-catching.

When Si Zhongzhu’s plan is successful, I might not be afraid of the sudden arrival of Xixuan Saint Court. "

He took a breath.

Under the movement of the whole body, a secret store suddenly appeared behind him.

Many heavenly palaces and treasure halls circulate in divine light, and they are noble.

Emperor Huang Zengtian constructed the Shentai and Shenyuan.

Another heavenly river poured out, and there were many stars and world phantoms in it.

"The fourth stage of my Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra has been completely consummated, and my polar realm Tianhe has reached a state of extreme strength and cannot be improved."

Ji Xia's body continuously emits strong spirit element fluctuations, and the endless mysterious spirit is constantly revealed.

It is the existence of ordinary celestial poles. Seeing Ji Xia at this moment, he must be shocked by Ji Xia's strength.

"My deduction for the fifth stage of the Yuque Heavenly Court Classic has also reached its peak."

"In that case...it's time to break through the earth's poles"

When Ji Xia thought of this, a rare touch of contentment appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"No, I want fellow practitioners at the extremes of the heavens and the earth, and even the heavens and the robbery! Establish the Three Realms Secret Treasure, and compare with the Great Emperor!"

Start adding more tomorrow!

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