I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 786: Geography, human world, Shura... [big

Ji Xia's mind.

Continuously flashing out a series of extremely extraordinary rules.

These rules may rely on 36 heavenly palaces and 72 palaces.

Or relying on Emperor Huang Zengtian, and the Tianhe that has been circulating for so many years and many universes!

Before Ji Xia was in the third eye of Jiutian Yingyuan Tianzun.

Clearly saw the many wonders in this Tianhe.

The supreme Tianhe is like a fusion of the magic between heaven and earth.

Crossed thirty-six days.

After this, many years.

As Ji Xia continues to deduced the Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra.

The supreme miracle of the fifth stage of the Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra has also begun to be shaped by Ji Xia's fusion of endless heritage.

Although the current Yuque Heavenly Court Classic is the fifth.

But it's just a prototype.


It has the prototypes of the three supreme and incomplete avenues of Tianting Avenue, Tianqiong Avenue and Tianhe Avenue.

It has exceeded Ji Xia's imagination!

And at the moment.

What Ji Xia had to do was to integrate the essence of many avenues.

Then build a supreme thirty-six days!

"I want to merge many avenues, and then according to the 36 sky domes that the Tianhe passes through in the eyes of Nine Heavens Yingyuan Tianzun.

Completely repaired into a secret.

From then on, the miracles of the heavens and the earth, and even the four secret storages of Shangqiong and Shangjie, have been fully condensed into a secret store! "

In Jiang Li's thoughts surging.

The many secrets in the body have already begun to roar.

Behind Ji Xia, there were also many hidden visions that bloomed with divine light, and they began to rotate slowly.

The subtle meanings in the fourth layer of the Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra are also fully revealed at this moment.

These exquisite secrets are constantly building a ladder to the fifth floor of the Yuque Heavenly Court!

It is also at this time.

Ji Xia slowly closed her eyes.

His divine consciousness is constantly haunting a rough frame.

In this framework, it simulates the Tianting Avenue constructed by the 36th Heavenly Palace and the 72th Throne.

Simulating the virtual shadow of Emperor Huang Zengtian, two realms of Shentai and Shenyuan condensed.

From Yang Ren's eyes, Ji Xia learned of the image of Emperor Huang Zengtian, from which he used the Yuque Heavenly Court Classics to deduced part of the Avenue of the Sky!

And finally.

A Tianhe is shining brightly.

From the countless worlds and countless planetary shadows that the Tianhe runs through.

Ji Xia not only came into contact with Tianhe Avenue.

Even more, he saw the unrestricted 36-day phantom in this unlimited Tianhe.


It is the cornerstone for him to open up a new secret realm!

He wants to build an unparalleled thirty-six-day secret!

Since then, the two poles of heaven and earth, as well as the two imperial realms, have been merged into one

"This 36-day secret store based on the three supreme avenues must be absolutely stable and must incorporate the essence and mystery of the true 36-days."

Ji Xia whispered in her heart.

Move lightly with his mind.

The Leizu Amber located between his neck suddenly burst into a strong light.

And the next moment.

Ji Xia clearly saw that he had once again had the **** Xiao Yuqing Mansion standing on top of the sky, towering in the void.

Among them, the ancient Tianzun sits on the throne of the throne.

Watching him.

Ji Xia never spoke, but slowly bowed to the ancient heavenly lord.

This time the ancient Tianzun never returned to Ji Xia.

On top of the Thunder Yuanbao of his Hua costume, there was a sudden entanglement of lightning.

Among these thunders, it seems that a kingdom of thunder gods has been established.

Countless creatures bred in thunder survive in it, build civilization in it, and seek truth in it!

When the thunder suddenly appeared.

An extremely terrifying and magnificent scene appeared.

Jiutian Yingyuan Tianzun's eyebrows suddenly cracked.

From this gap, a golden eye suddenly opened.

The third eye of Jiutian Yingyuan Tianzun looked directly at Ji Xia!

There was a roar in Ji Xia's mind!

The next moment.

Ji Xia came to a vast void.

This void does not know how deep and vast it is, as if countless avenues are always gestating in it.

Just like this void, it is the origin of all things, and it carries countless worlds.

It seems to be all-encompassing, there are always countless worlds!

"Da Luotian..."

Ji Xia immediately came to mind.

It is also at this time.

In the big Luotian, endless light began to bloom.

A layer of sky containing a completely different way is also revealed at this moment!

"The big Luotian encompasses thirty-five sky domes.

And among these thirty-five days, there are twenty-eight days, forming the Three Realms! "

The Master Chen Xing Faxiang in Ji Xia Zhihai was also recruited at this moment.

The Chenxing Wushen Code continues to flourish.

Make Ji Xia's consciousness sober like never before.

He began to frantically urge the Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra to deduct the Three Realms Secret Store!

"In my conception, the Three Realms Secret Store contains the universe, life and death, and Yunguo Retribution!

Even if such a huge world cannot be constructed at once, I am willing to spend thousands of years.

Build it up completely, so as to completely make my foundation profound! "

Ji Xia thought so in her heart.

In his conception, and under the deduced Yuque Tiantingjing.

The so-called Three Realms.

Contains six days in the lower realm, 18 days in the middle, and four days in the upper realm!

And Jiang Li's short-term goal.

It is to use all of his own background to construct six days of the lower realm!

Then relying on the lower realms for six days, and constantly improving on this foundation, so as to build a complete 28 days of the three realms.

The Secret Store of the Three Realms will be born from this!

"The six days in the lower realm are Tai Huang Huang Zengtian, Taiming Yu Wantian, Qingming He Chongtian, Xuantai Pingyutian, Yuan Mingwen Jutian, and the last Qi Yao Moyitian!"

These sky domes have the functions of heaven and earth in the thirty-six days.

These six heavens carry hell, the world, asura, beasts, evil spirits, and the six heavens!

"Therefore, the Six Heavens in the Lower Realm can completely replace the two poles of the heavens and the earth, becoming a larger and more infinite secret of the gods!"

Ji Xia thought of this.

My heart is getting hotter.

His current background is already extremely powerful.

Now he has all his background, the huge Lingyuan accumulated over many years, and countless enlightenments.

Even just now, from the eyes of Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Tianzun, he saw the infinite 36 heavens.

All played a huge role at this moment.

"In that case!

Then completely build out of the lower realm for six days! Instead of the Secret Vault of Heaven and Earth, one step to reach the celestial pole.

Then, relying on the lower realms for six days, in the long years, the fifth repetition of the Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra was continuously deduced to perfection, thus building a complete Three Realms! "

The sparkle in Ji Xia's eyes.

In the blink of an eye.

Behind him is Huang Zengtian, the two secret treasures of Emperor Huang Zengtian, Shentai and Shenyuan.

There was a roar.

There is constant indescribable power, roaring on it!

Ji Xia flew out of the upper dry palace together.

Passed on to many too important officials.

And in the ears of many Tai Cang gods.

There are a lot of great officials and great gods.

They are also happy in the moment.

Uncle Chao Long was sitting on an empty plain, his shoulders were the stubborn Secret Dragon Lord.

At this moment, the Secret Dragon Lord is playing with the three twilight hunter wolves.

Their location is exactly the broad shoulders of Uncle Chao Long.

Uncle Chaolong closed his eyes and guided Lingyuan to practice continuously.

At this moment.

Uncle Chao Long's body suddenly stiffened.

Immediately after opening his eyes towards Uncle Long, a beam of joy flashed in his eyes.

The Secret Dragon Lord on his shoulder saw Uncle Chao Long's reaction.

He couldn't help but cracked his mouth and asked, "Uncle Long, but what good happened?"

Three Twilight Hunter wolves, three heads are also looking at Uncle Chaolong.

"The emperor has been in retreat. I am afraid that it will be 20 or 30 years, and he will not be able to leave." A sly smile appeared at the corner of Uncle Chao Long's mouth.

Secret Dragon suddenly laughed.

He was dressed in red, bare feet, hands on hips and raised his eyes to the sky and said, "Since the emperor is in retreat, aren't we free?

I have long heard that there are many treasures buried in the Jiezu Mountain. We might as well call them Ru Yin, Chi Fu, Ling Jian, and Qianqian.

How about going to Jiezu Mountain to hunt for treasure together? "

Three Twilight Hunter wolves, three heads nodded repeatedly.

Uncle Chao Long hesitated and said: "The Emperor's retreat must be to break through the ends of the earth.

If we leave rashly and we can't come back when he leaves customs, how will this matter end? "

Secret Dragon Jun Tian is not afraid, he glanced at his mouth and said: "The emperor has always loved us, plus the two emperor relatives, Ruyin and Chi Fu, there must be no major issues."

Speaking of this, Lord Milong smiled slyly and said: "And we are not going to play, we are looking for the supreme treasure in the Jiezu Mountain, and strengthen the strength of the great!"

Uncle Chaolong heard Milongjun's words, thought about it carefully, and finally nodded.

Ji Xia retreats.

Milong Jun, together with Chao Long Bo, Ji Ruyin, Ji Chijun and others, wants to escape from the sky again and play in extremely remote, extremely ancient and mysterious places...

And the other people of Tai Cang God, all of them smiled when they sensed the information in Ji Xia's divine consciousness.

They were also pleasantly surprised by this incident.

Time passed quietly.

Five years passed in a flash.

In these few days, Taidu Tai went to court first.

Two figures, one man and one woman, both look impressive.

They watched too first to go to court.

After a long time, the man and woman sincerely saluted Tai Xian in court.

These two figures are the heavy **** emperor Zi Zhongzhu, and his human wife Xilian.

After the two cleaned up.

Xilian's eyes twinkled with tenderness, watching Si Zhongzhu.

Si Zhong's face was gloomy, looking at the ground beneath his feet, unwilling to see Xilian's face.

Xilian saw a wrinkle on Si Zhong's Chinese suit jacket.

He smiled and smoothed it carefully.

"You have lived in Tai Cang for more than three hundred years, and you must be used to Tai Cang.

Therefore, I have put many delicacies and many spiritual weapons in the separate space protection. Don't forget to take them out after you reach the Great God. "

"I specially invited an adult from Tiangongfu to build a small house for you.

It is exactly the same as our house in Baidi City.

If you return to the Great God and are not used to the Great God Palace, you can occasionally take a rest in it..."

"Also, although your true spirit vitality has been healed now, you still have to take many treasures to stabilize your true spirit after you go back. Master Fang Lu specifically told you not to forget about this."

"Also, avoid serious injuries. Although Tsui Xiao has been sealed by the emperor himself, if you are severely injured, you will not be able to continuously supply the spiritual element to the emperor's prohibition.

Although it is possible for Tsui Xiao to break through the prohibition..."

"and also……"

Xilian, always chattering.

Keep telling the same little things.

And Si Zhongzhu always looked at Xilian with clear tenderness and strong reluctance in his eyes.

The two marched all the way.

Finally came to a vast garden.

They stand in front of the garden.

Xilian suddenly fell silent.

Si Zhongzhu kept watching Xilian.

Finally, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Xilian, you go with me to the gods, can't you?"

Xilian looked at Si Zhong, but after a long time she shook her head slightly.

"You went this time to seek the position of prince regent. As a human race, my cultivation base only relied on many spirit pills to pile up to the realm of the spiritual palace.

If I go...inseparable from you, your fans, those who support you, will probably think that you..."

Xilian hasn't finished.

Si Zhongzhu interrupted her and said categorically, "It's okay! I return to the Great God. The forces that my mother used to run in the past don't care who I favor..."

Xilian's eyes changed slightly.

Everyone can see the expectations flashing in her eyes.

But the next moment.

Xilian still shook her head.

"Although I'm just an ordinary civilian, I have read many classics during these long years.

I know that a behemoth like the imperial dynasty has the power to grind to the extreme.

You are here to seek the crown prince. You must be cold-hearted and you must be on guard at all times.

Because of your experience, this is actually not difficult. "

When Xilian said this, she took a deep breath, and then said: "But... if I follow you.

Then the affection between us cannot be concealed.

Even if you and I don't speak, the tenderness in each other's eyes will run out.


You have weakness..."

Xilian looked at Si Zhong firmly, and said softly: "I'm waiting for you in Taidu.

I am waiting for you to overcome all obstacles and embark on the road to the emperor. "

I will wait for you to become the Prince Regent, and then come to thank the Emperor...

Come and marry me! "

Si Zhong advocated opening his mouth, then swallowed the words in his mouth and lowered his head.

His look was lonely, even better than the moment he was dying.

At this moment.

The courtyard of this garden was opened.

A figure walked out of the garden.

They respectfully salute Si Zhong.

Si Zhongzhu is not arrogant, but earnestly responds.

"This is going to be decades, and I invite all the heroes to try their best to assist me."

Si Zhong said in a deep voice.

This figure had dragon horns on the head, and the heroic existence with dragon scales on its cheeks also said sincerely: "Since the emperor has ordered me to wait for the emperor's son.

Then we will go all out, and please rest assured that the emperor. "

This existence ~www.ltnovel.com~ is a very important figure in the Zi Yao heaven.

Named Jitian Devil Dragon.

He is very good at disguising, good at incarnation of others.

He is also very good at laying in the dark to plan conspiracies and tricks, and is known for his careful thinking, calm and cunning.

He is an unparalleled ambition hero.

He is a military division of Zi Yao Tian Dynasty.

This shows that his layout skills have already entered the realm of transformation.

At this moment, behind the sacrificial dragon, there are six phantoms swaying constantly.

These six phantoms are his six subordinates, and each of them has a talent that is not weak.

At this moment, the sacrifice to the devil dragon, although only the existence of the gods of the extreme world.

In the imperial dynasty.

Although the gods of the extreme world can control a vast land and hold hundreds of millions of creatures.

However, if this kind of strength is involved in the torrent of the emperor's seizure, I am afraid that it will not be able to make a splash.

However, Si Zhongzhu went to the Great God Emperor's court to seize the protagonist, when the Great God Kingdom was inclined to him, and even once Zhang Bang pursued his whereabouts.

Si Zhong is naturally the one with the advantage.

In this situation.

How can Si Zhong master lack the strong?

However, such a resourceful military-master-level figure as offering sacrifices to the devil dragon is rare.

That's it.

Si Zhongzhu and Jitian Devil Dragon were in Xilian's continuous tears.

Slowly walked out of Taidu.

At this moment.

In the direction of their travel, a sunset shining with the last afterglow, stretching the backs of the two beings slender.

Si Zhongzhu turned his head from time to time to look in the direction he came.

Look at that magnificent capital city.

It seems that Taidu is very reluctant.


The world says I love Changan...

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