I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 795: The death of the son of Xixuan has come [big

With Zuoshenlou gently brushed his sleeves.

There were six spiritual artifacts in the void immediately.

Although these phantoms are not real objects, under the magical power of Zuoshenlou, they exude a surging aura equivalent to real treasures.

Ji Xia personally sensed the dreadful aura from these six spiritual artifacts.

In my heart, I suddenly understood the extraordinary power of these six treasures.

"These six treasures are all powerful mysterious spirit artifacts in my hand, you can choose one of them."

Zuo Shenlou chuckled and said, "If you don't like these profound holy spirit tools, you can also tell me.

Like this class of extremely holy spirit instruments, I have many more here, you can choose at will. "

Ji Xia was not surprised at the treasure inventory of Zuo Shenlou.

Zuo Shenlou does not know what kind of road he is practicing.

In the unknown and infinite years, he kept sending countless incarnations to trade with countless existences.

Although Ji Xia didn't know the reason, Zuo Shenlou's actions were definitely not just because of boredom.

"From the light curtain of Xian Wufeng's memory, in the scene I saw, this sacred man claimed to be a creature of Shenxuan Shenting.

But these two touches came down.

But I think it's just ridicule by Venerable Shenlou.

His race and country are still a mystery. "

Ji Xia thought to herself in her heart.

But his gaze fell on these six profound holy spirit artifacts that exuded violent spiritual fluctuations.

Although these six profound holy spirit weapons were extremely powerful, if Ji Xia could obtain any of them, his combat power would also be greatly improved.


Ji Xia still seemed to be dissatisfied.

He raised his head and said to the Zuo Shenlou floating in the air: "I wonder if the Lord Shenlou has the Profound Sage Long Sword?"

Hearing Ji Xia's words, Zuo Shenlou's expression on his face remained unchanged, almost without any hesitation, and he flicked again.

Originally suspended in the void, the six different mysterious spirit artifacts disappeared.

Instead, there are three swords with different powers.

The phantoms of these three swords were suspended in the void, and the sharp aura suddenly overflowed, and the powerful aura also radiated from the sword, pressing the surrounding space, revealing almost infinite sword intent.

Ji Xia's expression suddenly became more serious.

His eyes moved on the three long swords.

At the same time, the two ancient stars in his eyes still rose, shining golden lights, falling on the phantoms of the treasures.

Even if these are only the phantoms of the three Profound Sage long swords, the sharp sword intent they exude is all taken from the real swords of Zuo Shenlou.

Therefore, when Ji Xia's stars and gods eyes were shining in the void, he could see the profound power contained in the sword intent, and the sharp and sharp aura that kept shining.

Almost only a few breaths passed.

Ji Xia pointed to the last sword and said softly: "This long sword of the Profound Sage..."

"It's called a keel."

Zuo Shenlou introduced: "This dragonbone divine sword is an extraordinary caster, cast from a piece of keel obtained by chance.

The power of urging the Dragon Bone Excalibur, naturally there is the dragon soul lingering, and the dragon's voice is shaking the sky.

The sharp sword aura will also bring the unparalleled domineering aura of this long sword.

For a king like you, it is extremely suitable. "

Ji Xia was not surprised that Zuo Shenlou knew his king status.

Every time he summoned Zuoshenlou, he was in the magnificent palace.

Ji Xia is very honorable and beautiful.

Under such circumstances, it would seem a little strange if Zuo Shenlou could not see through Ji Xia's identity.


Ji Xia's expression seemed a bit unexpected.

No wonder, under the gaze of the star gods, around this dragonbone divine sword, the phantom of a white real dragon is constantly entwined.

The real dragon is constantly roaring and wailing.

Ji Xia frowned slightly, and asked Zuo Shenlou casually: "Venerable Shenlou, I don't know which dragon clan belongs to this true dragon?"

Zuoshenlou looked slightly regretful, and replied, "This dragon is named Xianglong, and it is almost destroyed now."

When Zuoshenlou was talking.

Ji Xia suddenly noticed that the real dragon phantom that kept circling and roaring around the Dragon Bone Divine Sword seemed a bit familiar.

Especially the peculiar lines on his dragon's horns made Ji Xia a little surprised.

In between.

Ji Xia remembered that after Tai Cang broke through the Royal Sheep Court, he obtained many precious books from the Royal Sheep Court.

One of the classics records an earth-shattering event.

About a thousand years ago.

It is located in the area where the Ancient Tree of Misfortune is not far from the Royal Court of the Furious Sheep.

Once there was a dragon corpse that fell from the roots of the tree.

At that time, there was dragon's blood, the void was crying, and there was a majestic and unparalleled real dragon, and the shadow descended, groaning sadly!

At that time, Ji Xia knew from the appearance of the true dragon recorded in the phantom that this true dragon race was the same family as the ten thousand zhang bone dragon that broke out from the bottom of the earth.

Because on their dragon horns, there are almost the same mysterious lines.

And now, the lingering white real dragon phantom on the dragon bone sword, the double horns on the head, also have this mysterious pattern...


Ji Xia repeated Zuo Shenlou's answer in her heart.

After thinking about it, he raised his head and asked Zuo Shenlou and said: "Venerable Shenlou mentioned the death of Xianglong. Compared with this Xianglong race, it was destroyed about 1,400 years ago?"

Zuoshenlou is not surprised.

He smiled at Ji Xia, nodded slightly, and looked around and said: "Speaking of which, this wild and barren land seems to have a lot of origin with Xianglong.

The invincible Xianglong ruler seemed to be suppressed here.

Although he sacrificed the true spirit to Yinlong and escaped the shackles, he also completely turned into a zombie who only wanted revenge, unable to become a big climate. "

Zuo Shenlou's tone was somewhat emotional.

He was talking to himself rather than talking to Ji Xia.

Only then did Ji Xia understand that the bone dragon was a mysterious powerhouse suppressed by Taidu.

It was not as he thought, that Wanzhang Bone Dragon just lived underground and suddenly recovered.


When Ji Xia heard this name many times, she couldn't help but feel quite curious about this ancient creature.

He asked Zuo Shenlou and said, "Venerable Shenlou, I once got the method of offering sacrifices to Yinlong by accident.

But I am extremely strange to this ancient god.

Yinlong... what kind of existence is..."

Zuoshenlou is not the existence of wild goose plucking hair.

In addition, what Ji Xia asked was only some secrets that were not very precious and full of value.

So Zuo Shenlou did not hesitate to answer.

Just mentioning Yinlong, his expression gradually became serious.

"Yinlong is an ancient god, and his personality among the gods is extremely noble.

At the same time, it is also one of the few dragon gods.

In the ancient years, he was recognized by the world and practiced a wonderful way.

He kept trading with extraordinary powerhouses, robbing them of their true spirits, bodies, spiritual knowledge, talents, and blood...The reason came from that kind of strange road. "

Zuo Shenlou said: "At the same time, this ancient **** can still descend into the boundless wilderness.

Its ancient body, entangled in the void, turned into a huge outer space, in which countless creatures multiply and countless civilizations are bred...

His stalwart power is not comparable to ordinary creatures. "

"Because of a wonderful avenue, and constantly trading with powerful existence?"

Ji Xia suddenly glanced at Zuoshenlou weirdly.

Zuo Shenlou's face remained unchanged: "Are the guests sure about this dragonbone sword?"

After getting Ji Xia's permission.

Zuo Shenlou waved his sleeves again.

In front of Ji Xia's eyes, there was a void that collapsed inch by inch, and then turned into a spatial vortex.

A pitch-black divine sword slowly protruded from that space vortex.

The dark sword appeared in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there were bursts of dragon roars.

On the Divine Sword, an extraordinary real dragon relief was also engraved. The dragon head has spread beyond the hilt, making it extremely hideous and majestic.

Ji Xia looked at this keel sword.

He seemed to clearly feel waves of sadness, pain, and resentment from the phantom dragon lingering around the Dragonbone Divine Sword.

"The reason why this Dragonbone Divine Sword is so powerful is that it carries countless Xianglong's negative emotions."

As Ji Xia thought about it, slowly stepped forward, holding this keel sword!

In an instant!

A wave of waves shaking the heavens and the earth erupted from the Dragon Bone Divine Sword.

Extremely tyrannical power entered Ji Xia's body from the Dragonbone Divine Sword.

A roaring dragon arbitrarily broke into Ji Xia's body secret.

Wandering among Ji Xia's many bodies.

His eyes were filled with fierce light, as if he wanted to swallow everything in front of him.

At this moment, the Zuo Shenlou looked at Ji Xia with interest, and even whispered in her mouth: "The divine sword made of the dragon bones with resentment and anger is not so easy to surrender.

If the guests need help from the Shenlou, the price can also be negotiated..."

Zuoshenlou's words are not finished.

But I saw that Ji Xia didn't change her face, running the fifth stage of Yuque Heavenly Court Sutra!

The Xianglong phantom that broke into Ji Xia's body was about to swallow up the secret in front of him.


A Tianhe rolling in from a distance, with a magnificent voice and endless mystery.

Stars and shadows of the world float up and down in the Tianhe River.

The sound of the rushing Tianhe River, accompanied by the sound of the sound, exudes unimaginable power.

This power seems to make the sky collapse and the earth sink!

The Xianglong phantom, perceives the principle of the Great Dao flowing out of the Tianhe.

The resentment radiated out, unexpectedly began to gradually dissipate!

And this is not the end.

But in an instant, the hexagonal sky suddenly lined up neatly.

The world, hell, beasts, evil spirits, Shura, and six heavens!

In the six terrifying sky, each has indescribable rules, constantly rising.

Let that Xianglong deeply perceive his own insignificance...

Under these terrible rules.

Even Xianglong is entrenched in the void, his grief, resentment, and anger are slowly dispelling...

At this moment.

Zuo Shenlou clearly saw that the original pitch-black keel sword, although it was still pitch black, began to emit a golden shimmer, revealing pure majesty.

No more resentment as before.

Zuo Shenlou's words came to an abrupt end.

A thoughtful look appeared on his face, staring at Ji Xia.

It only takes a few breaths.

Ji Xia tied the keel sword to her waist and turned to look at Zuo Shenlou.

"I suddenly have an idea..."

Zuo Shenlou looked at Ji Xia: "I wonder if the guests want to listen?"

Ji Xia nodded in confusion.

Zuo Shenlou said: "When I saw a guest not long ago, the guest's cultivation base was extremely weak. It seemed that a gentle breeze could blow you to death..."

Ji Xia's face turned dark and she didn't know what Zuo Shenlou meant to insult him.

Just listen to Zuoshenlou continuing to say: "But this time the strength of the guests has grown a lot...

This level of growth in just a few hundred years is very surprising to me. In addition, it is so easy to see guests today, and it has overwhelmed the resentment of this powerful Xianglong and made him completely recognize you as master...

All of this made me suddenly have an idea. "

When Zuo Shenlou said this, he paused slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Since the guest wants to know the Emperor Ozy Moon Dynasty and the Xixuan Saint Court, these two extremely powerful imperial dynasties, there is not enough wealth trading.

I can deliver the goods temporarily, but the customer does not have to pay the treasure immediately..."

When Ji Xia heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched: "Is this going to let Gao Lidai's rhythm?"

In the next moment, Zuo Shenlou continued: "But after ten thousand years, the customer needs to pay me 1,500 Shenyuan Jing.

Every 10,000 years overdue, I will pay me 500 more Shenyuan Jing...

I wonder if this method of transaction is acceptable to customers? "


The twitching of Ji Xia's mouth became more intense.

After a long time, Ji Xia nodded helplessly.

The information of the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty and the Xixuan Saint Court is extremely valuable to the current Tai Cang.

The Omoyue Emperor Dynasty is second.

Today's Xixuan Saint Court is like a guillotine, hovering brightly on the neck of the hidden place of the human race and the powerful kingdom of the human race.

Tai Cang is no exception.

This makes Ji Xia extremely uncomfortable.

Let's not mention Ozuki, only Xixuan.

Xixuan is a closed holy court.

There is no way to know the combat power and background of Xixuan Saint Court.

This makes it impossible for Ji Xia to defend or plan.

Under this premise.

Ji Xia finally chose to make a deal with Zuo Shenlou~www.ltnovel.com~ Zuo Shenlou smiled, and said: "In a dynasty, within ten thousand years, I want to gather 1,500 Shenyuanjing. It seems This time, I can also make a lot of money within the scope of the highway."

But Ji Xia said in her heart: "Thousands of years are so long, I have been in the boundless wilderness but less than four hundred years.

If you give me another 10,000 years, let alone 1,500 divine essence crystals, even 15,000 divine essence crystals will not be in my eyes. "

The two exist to make a deal.

Between the movement of spiritual consciousness in the left **** building.

In Ji Xia's mind, an extremely detailed message suddenly appeared.

Ling Jixia was a little surprised: "It's so detailed?"

Zuo Shenlou sincerely smiled and said, "Doing business requires genuine goods at a fair price."

Ji Xia nodded deeply and smiled very brightly.

At this moment.

Countless lights and shadows flashed in Ji Xia's mind.

He accurately captured a light curtain.

On that curtain of light, a burly, majestic, and courageous existence is on a barren star, closing his eyes and practicing...

This existence is precisely the existence that left its mark on the seven masters of the Phoenix Secret Realm and the Zhinan Saintess.

Unexpectedly, his true body, so stalwart, will soon become the fourth sphere of the sky.

Even the mere incarnation can make the Phoenix Secret Realm dominate so fearful.

"He is the fourth son of Xixuan Saint Court, one of the most powerful sons, and one of the sons at the core of Xixuan's power...

He is in retreat and wants to build the fourth dome..."

The killing intent in Ji Xia's heart surged: "Dare to practice in retreat in a barren place so far away from the Xixuan Saint Court.

Then wait until his fourth dome is about to condense!

His death date is coming! "

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