I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 796: The cruel people [big

The Zuoshenlou slowly disappeared in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The smile on Ji Xia's face did not disappear.

Originally in Ji Xia's opinion, 1,500 pieces of Shen Yuan Jing were exchanged for information about two imperial forces.

It is a bit extravagant and expensive.

But if you don't buy it, you're afraid that Tai Cang will not do enough for Xixuan Saint Court.

Under all kinds of concerns, Ji Xia finally reluctantly chose to trade with Zuoshenlou, but Ji Xia's pain still existed.

But when Zuoshenlou sent all kinds of messages into Ji Xia's mind.

Ji Xia suddenly felt that it was too cost-effective to be able to exchange such detailed information with a mere 1,500 Shenyuan Crystals.

In the information provided by Zuoshenlou.

It not only includes information about the existing strong men in the Xixuan Shengting and Ozy Moon Empire, but also their current location, including their rules of the sky, including their powerful power.

In addition, there are many backgrounds for the existence of the two imperial forces...

Such detailed information.

Immediately let Ji Xiasheng think of value for money.

He sighed for a while.

The fourth saint son of Xixuan Saint Court was still thinking in his heart.

"The length can be two hundred years, and the short period is 30 years. This emperor realm saint child will inevitably face the situation of condensing the fourth layer of heaven.

He must have thought that there was no existence to know where he was, since that's the case...I too Cang would take the lead and kill this emperor realm existence.

Even if it was as strong as the West Profound Saint Court and died an emperor, it was an unbearable loss. "

Ji Xia sneered and disappeared into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Ji Xia appeared in the Upper Dry Palace of the Choking Secret Realm.

However, he discovered that the six evil dragons had already been waiting at the gate of Shangqian Palace.

With the circulation of Ji Xia's consciousness.

The stalwart body of the six evil Canglong slowly stepped into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

His breath became deeper and deeper, and his overbearing boldness also distorted the surrounding space.

A purple suit matched his majestic features, just like a peerless overlord, which is awe-inspiring.

Today's six evils Canglong has been cultivated into seven rules.

In the boundless wild rules of heaven and earth, the achievement of the six rules means the qualification and possibility of entering the realm of Emperor Qiong.

The more rules of cultivation and consummation, the more difficult it is to step into the realm of the Emperor Qiong, the lower it will be.

If you can practice up to the nine rules, then break through to the emperor realm and achieve Shangqiong.

So once the dome is established, it is possible to directly cast a double or even triple imperial world, and the combat power will become unparalleled.

The road to practice in the future will also be flatter and wider.

Under such circumstances, the Dragon is not eager to comprehend the emperor realm.

With his background and inheritance, it is enough for him to quickly cultivate the nine rules.

Achieving the nine rules will be as difficult as reaching the sky for many celestial beings.

But for the six evil dragons, it wasn't that difficult.

On the contrary, if he is to comprehend the imperial realm and achieve Shangqiong now, then after the first stage of the sky is cast, the time for the accumulation of cultivation base will be longer when he reaches the second and third stages.

In this way, the gain is not worth the loss.

But according to the exaggerated comprehension speed of the six evil dragons.

Soon he will be able to complete the nine rules.

At that time, if you hit the emperor realm, you will be more comfortable.

Wo Long stepped into the hall and saluted Ji Xia respectfully.

Ji Xia's spiritual consciousness flows.

Not long after, many female officials immediately served delicious food and wine.

As Tai Cang continues to prosper, the footsteps of the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce have fallen into many extremely distant possessions.

For example, the three dynasties, such as Tongtian Guhe, such as Liangjieshan...

Thanks to these hardworking Tai Cang merchants.

Tai Cang's properties are rapidly enriched.

Today's Tai Cang, even in the case of Ji Xia deliberately closing the country, has become the trade destination of countless dynasties in the Zhujiang Plain.

They could almost find everything they wanted in Tai Cang.

In addition to being expensive.

Can hardly find any shortcomings.

Although Ji Xia closed the country, he also opened one or two commercial cities such as Shangcang as trading ports.

It also allows specific caravans of other countries to enter the Taicang trade.

Although this greatly reduced the speed of Tai Cang plundering the infinite wealth of Zhujiang Plain.

But it also greatly reduces the risk of Tai Cang exposure.

On the other hand, before Hengyuan became the lord of Shangyuan Tiangong, he said that Zhujiang Plain would be shattered because of the infinite trade.

It also made Ji Xia wary.

Although Ji Xia doesn't care whether certain countries in the Zhujiang Plain are destroyed or not.

But I have to admit that if a country is shattered and their creatures starve to death, the value they can create will also drop sharply.

In a simple sentence, if the hen laying the golden egg is killed and eaten, it will inevitably be a bit violent.

on the other hand.

Tai Cang never thought of dominating Zhujiang Plain.

A ten-day airspace is as large as one-third of the earth.

But now that Tai Cang's 108 domains are so vast, it goes without saying.

In such a territory, rivers, oceans, mountains, plains, basins and hills...

There is no shortage of any desired natural elements.

Moreover, in the eyes of Tai Cang today, there is no barren place that cannot be inhabited in the land of the Hundred Cang Territories.

No matter how barren the land was, it was transformed by many powerful cultivators, rune spiritists, spirit tools, spirit weapons... and many other aspects of Tai Cang.

Not to mention becoming habitable, even if it is becoming a piece of paradise on earth, it is not difficult.

In addition, there are not many places that are too barren and dangerous to live in.

Because under the mighty power of the God Xia Xuanbei, enjoying the rank of the emperor within the realm of Tai Cang kingdom, the spiritual essence is abundant to the extreme.

People who are not in the Tai Cang camp cannot enjoy it, but the Tai Cang land can enjoy the benefits.

Thanks to such various reasons.

In the early days of the imperial court's rough calculation, according to the current Taicang territory, even if Taicang has a population of more than one trillion, it can easily accommodate it, and it will not appear too crowded.

and so.

Ji Xia had no interest in ruling the Zhujiang Plain.

The country is not as big as possible.

Although the territory has become vast, more spiritual veins and treasures can be produced.

But in the eyes of Ji Xia.

Such things, plunder waits for him to mature much faster.

On the other hand, although Tai Cang never ruled the Zhujiang Plain, his influence on the countries of the Zhujiang Plain was not weaker than that of the dynasties whose rule was loosely deconstructed.

Tai Cang has a mysterious pavilion, which dynasty has produced precious treasures, maybe that dynasty has not found it, it has fallen into the treasury of Tai Cang.

At last.

There is a deep reason why Ji Xia deliberately kept the size of the land under control.

"I'm going to spend a lot of time to create a vast forbidden deity within the vast land of the hundred regions."

Ji Xia looked at the glass of Chinese wine and slowly said to the dragon blight: "The last battle between the heavens and the dragon in the cloud made me know how terrifying the fragile land can be destroyed by the extraordinary powerhouses and elite troops fighting."

An expression of approval appeared on the face of Woelong.

He said in a deep voice: "The Battle of the Peak Dynasty can destroy a radius of tens of thousands of miles, or even more than 100,000 miles.

And the existence of the Great Realm could even smash the stars with one blow!

Unless Tai Cang can always resist the enemy outside the border.

Otherwise, once a war breaks out, the fruits of Tai Cang's hundreds of years of hard work will surely be dispelled and destroyed, and countless human beings will also die. "

Ji Xia said: "That's right, when the cultivation base is strong to the extremes of heaven and earth, when the elite soldiers dominate a certain realm.

The aftermath of their every move can shatter the earth and melt the city.

What Tai Cang needs now is a complete defense system that can continue to withstand the aftermath of the war, and can also deal with the full blow of the great emperor! "

Fulong frowned slightly, and sighed: "How easy is it to resist the full blow of the great emperor?

Today's Tai Cang background, even with the prohibition of the emperor's profound mystery, I am afraid that this can't be achieved. "

Ji Xia showed a confident smile on her face, and said casually: "With my current cultivation base, I have constructed a huge forbidden god.

Then this prohibition can only play a role in icing on the cake.

As for the true subject of Tai Cang's defense system, I have found a solution.

Soon, the emperor will see. "

Six Disasters Canglong believes in Ji Xia's words like this.

He also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Since there is an emperor to take precautions, we don't need to worry too much."

Ji Xia looked at the Six Calamities Canglong somewhat unexpectedly, and joked: "The Emperor Woe has no sense of belonging to Tai Cang from beginning to end, and has never given much heart to things like the dynasty and the land...

Now he has become more concerned about it, which is an excellent thing. "

Six Disasters Canglong heard Ji Xia's words, but shook his head slightly.

He said sternly: "I still have no sense of belonging to Tai Cang...

Even if I established the Zi Yao Heavenly Dynasty, I just wanted to complete my ambition..."

Ji Xia was slightly startled by the calm words of the Six Scourges Canglong.

After waking up, he was about to speak.

But when I heard the Six Scourges Canglong said again: "I care about it now, but only the will of the emperor.

If the emperor wants Tai Cang to survive, I will naturally do my best to Tai Cang and will do everything possible to make Tai Cang stronger, so the emperor does not have to worry. "

Ji Xia's stunned expression slowly converged.

He didn't entangle on this issue, and said: "You came to see me today, and there is a bit of dignity in your face. I don't know what it is?"

Fu Long replied: "I wonder if the emperor ever remembered that Emperor Da Xang came to Zi Yao Tian Dynasty on his pilgrimage to the Emperor Jing, and wanted Zi Yao Tian Dynasty to be loyal to him and help him seize his dynasty?"

Ji Xia nodded gently: "Naturally remember that I asked you to agree at the time. Now that many years have passed, is there any progress on this matter?"

The dragon's face was a little more solemn, and he said: "Emperor Shengjing left a token at the time.

In the early morning of this morning, the token suddenly changed, and there was a message that the counselor of Emperor Shengjing was suddenly intercepted and killed in a subordinate city of Emperor Da Zhang yesterday.

That vast city was razed to the ground and turned into a bottomless abyss.

It must be an extremely extraordinary existence shot. "

Ji Xia frowned: "The emperor of Dazhen Shengjing and the emperor of Shenjue are fighting for the throne.

Now that the counselor of Emperor Shengjing was suddenly killed, the biggest suspect was probably Emperor Shenjue. "

The complexion of the woe dragon gradually became more relaxed, and said: "No matter who makes the shot, it is a huge disaster for Emperor Shengjing.

At this juncture, Emperor Shengjing probably thought of my loneliness.

He wanted to allow Lonely Hou to enter the capital of Emperor Dazheng, and he wanted to formally worship him as a counselor, so that he could achieve orthodoxy on this road of seizing prostitutes. "

Ji Xia frowned slightly: "This is a rare opportunity for us Tai Cang.

But if Lonely Hou enters Luo Jing, perhaps, he will also face the assassination of the strong enemy.

Although Lonely Hou has taken a further step in his cultivation, he has already achieved the poles of the earth, but in the capital of the Great Emperor's dynasty, the poles of the earth exist, which is not an immortal existence. "

But the Dragon does not seem to worry about this matter.

He said: "The emperor can rest assured that Lonely Hou has been under my command for many years and assisted me with the Devil Dragon. They are both my military advisers and my fellow daoists.

A character like him, I don't know how many turbulences and killings he has experienced.

Since it can survive to this day, it is not Yun Qi that depends on it, so the emperor does not have to worry. "

Ji Xia's brows frowned when she heard Wolong's words, and perhaps stretched out.

He thought about it and continued: "This incident is indeed a rare opportunity for us.

Just as we set up a game of great gods, if Lonely Hou can successfully assist the Emperor Shengjing in the throne.

I am too old to be completely fearless of any forces outside of the boundless wilderness..."

When Ji Xia said this, his expression seemed a little hesitant: "It's just different from Si Zhongzhu. As far as I know, this Emperor Shengjing is not orthodox in Daxian~www.ltnovel.com~Many ministers and generals in the DPRK and extraordinary. Among the strong, only a few support him..."

The dragon is deeply convinced: "Therefore, Emperor Shengjing can only wander through the boundless wilderness and accommodate many powerful dynasty forces, hoping to ascend to the throne.

But... the dynasty is a dynasty after all, how can it have the power to control the emperor's position? "

Ji Xia sighed slightly: "So in my opinion, this emperor Shengjing is actually much weaker than the emperor Shenjue."

Wei Long also hesitated: "If Tai Cang wants to assist Emperor Shengjing to rise to the throne, I am afraid that Tai Cang has to pay not only Lonely Hou, but it may be a juncture. Tai Cang's many powerhouses must also make all their moves.

It's just...In this way, the emperor Shenjue would definitely know Tai Cang's existence.

If Emperor Shengjing wins, it's fine. Once Emperor Shengjing loses, I will face a terrible disaster..."

Ji Xia frowned and thought for a while.

Immediately, his brows stretched out, and he shook his head and said, "Without absolute certainty, we must not make a decision rashly.

Since Emperor Shengjing is weaker than Emperor God Jue, then..."

When Ji Xia said this, a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

He continued: "Then why do we support Emperor Shengjing?

If we take the head of Emperor Shengjing and give it to Emperor Jue... Is this matter more secure? "

Hearing Ji Xia's words turn around, Wo Long didn't look surprised.

Just listen to him calmly say: "If this is the case, then Lonely Hou should go to assist Emperor Shengjing...

Waiting for the day when Emperor Shengjing reveals his flaws! "

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