I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 840: Destroyer Tianhong【large

The bright sword light on the Xuanyuan sword shone out.

Void is white.

The world is illuminated.

The tyrannical Lingyuan fluctuations burst out like the sky and the earth.

The sword energy that runs through dozens of miles.

In the blink of an eye, he cut on the river of sword energy.

The river of golden sword energy collided with Xuanyuan sword light.

There was a fierce roar!

Quartet space violently shakes.

The countless bans that enveloped the Taicang Jiuzhou land finally came into play.

The aftermath of the collision fell on the great land of Kyushu.

They were all restricted by the gods of the heavens, and all were blocked and disintegrated.

In the void.

All kinds of unparalleled power, mixed with the vision of the sky and the earth, were clearly seen by the countless monks of Tai Cang!

Shengzi Wuling was originally indifferent and proud to the limit.

Finally changed.

The cold light in his eyes, the power bursting out wantonly, and the light bursting out from the golden sword in his hand, gradually merged.

The true body of the seven corpse dragon tens of thousands of feet long, also meandered.

A thick black mist came out of the mouth!

These black mists.

It seemed to come from the dark old abyss, from the desperate underworld, with a sense of horror, permeating it.

In addition to the rich murderous intent in the eyes of the Seven Corpse Dragon, there is also deep puzzlement!

The last time they came too far.

I thought that Ji Xia's combat power was but celestial.

But now.

When Ji Xia held the exalted Xuanyuan Sword, cut out with a single sword, slaying the sword of Wu Ling Shengzi.

They knew that Ji Xia had been hiding her strength before.

What surprised the Xixuan powerhouse present even more.

The boundless savage human race country.

Such a powerful Human Race Tianjiao unexpectedly emerged!

"At the beginning, you really surprised me...

The breath you exude now is extraordinary..."

Shengzi Wuling's divine consciousness surges!

And his figure flashed out in the void.

Golden lights shined on him.

The majesty of Shangqiong's existence is fully demonstrated at this moment.

There are seven dragons all over, and the smoke is full.

The golden pagoda in the hands of the captive general was once again suspended in the air, turning into a huge size.

The sun in the sky dimmed at this moment.

It seems to be suppressed by the power of three Xixuan Shangqiang powerhouses!

In the sky.

Constantly resounding loudly.

The earth-shaking sound also bloomed at this time.

There are also dozens of heaven and earth bipolar powers, and 128,000 Xixuan sunset guards.

Let's shout together.

"Xixuan sunset battle spirit formation!"

All of a sudden.

Twelve thousand and eighteen thousand-thousand-extreme realm gods of the abyss, all reveal the secret of the gods.

These divine abyss secrets have power as a bridge between dozens of heaven and earth.

Began to continue to connect.

The entire sky is shrouded by the hidden secrets of the abyss that cannot be seen at a glance.

The terrifying Xixuan war spirit formation, the mighty power also appeared at this moment.

It's almost earth-shattering.

In the space of heaven, earth and earth, space cracks that have spread for many miles are constantly emerging!

Above the stars of Xixuan.

All the combat power blooms at the same time.

Even the stars in the sky above tremble.


There was a loud burst.

The fateful general took the lead.

The golden pagoda crashed down towards Ji Xia.

Ji Xia's expression remained unchanged.

When exploring the hand, the Great Court Haotian Tower appeared.

Hit the golden pagoda fiercely.

There was a loud noise.

The heavens and the earth opened, shattering many spaces around.

The power of terror has spread thousands of miles.

Let this vast void give rise to waves and folds!

The spirit in Ji Xia's body roared.

He raised the Xuanyuan sword, his figure transformed into a dazzling light.

Ji Xia's calm face clearly shows how powerful he is at the moment.

He blinked in the blink of an eye.

He even wanted to use one person's power to shake more than a hundred thousand Xixuan experts here alone.

"I can't help myself!"

Shengzi Wuling snorted coldly, "My name is Xinghai, my mysterious holy spirit tool. In the beginning, you can go and see the sharpness of Xinghai!

Wu Ling Shengzi, in the blink of an eye, greeted Ji Xia.

In an instant, the Xinghai Long Sword turned nine consecutive times.

Thousands of light followed, surging out one after another.

It's like a river of stars turning, shining brightly.

"Thousands of Stars!"

The sword light of the son of Wuling is unmatched.

Taotao is boiling like a sea of ​​stars.

All of a sudden.

The extremely sharp sword light stab at Ji Xia.

But Ji Xia is not afraid.

The Xuanyuan sword in his hand burst out with a more magnificent sword light.


Countless sword lights exploded from Xuanyuan Sword and detonated in the thousand-weight star sea.

The next moment.

Ji Xia has a body blessed by various stalwarts.

The sky over the Seven Corpse Dragon has arrived.

Between Ji Xia's fingers, a series of sword qi flew out, covering the true body of the Seven Corpse Dragon.

Around the seven corpse dragons, the quadruple domes have already appeared impressively.

The seven bodies above the real dragon opened their eyes one after another.

An extraordinary magical power, an extraordinary magical method, and countless rules surged out.

For an instant.

The demonic energy that overwhelmed the world burst out and fought against Ji Xia.

But Ji Xia still stood in the void.

Gently pointed towards the Seven Corpse Dragon.



A terrifying roar.

The distant Taixian went to court, bursts of light burst out.

Countless rays of light shone in the sky in a flash, fusing into a giant beast about ten thousand feet tall.

On the chest of this behemoth, there is a huge mouth that seems to be able to swallow the galaxy.

The magical rules surging, reaching the extreme.

The gluttony came, Tai went to court first, and all kinds of extraordinary rules were also surging.

The blessing is in the body of the gluttonous giant beast.

The gluttonous beast roared.

Before the Seven Corpse Dragon was alive, an abyss appeared immediately.

A terrible suction burst out continuously in the abyss.

It seems that the seven corpse dragons are to be swallowed alive.

The seven corpse dragon tens of thousands of feet of real dragon's body twists and turns, striking the sky.

The sky was shattered by its tail.

Countless dark magical powers burst out one after another, killing the gluttonous behemoth.

But the gluttonous behemoth is like climbing a peak.

Move up and down in the void.

In the blink of an eye, he went thousands of miles away.

From time to time, another devouring magic technique came and bombarded down.

Countless spaces have even been swallowed by gluttonous giants!

"What kind of beast is this?"

Seven corpse dragons were surprised and inexplicable.

The golden pagoda was smashed down again.

This time, the surrounding golden pagoda urged all kinds of rules and magic.

Or divide the world, or suppress the void, or ignite an inextinguishable fire, or shine with boundless thunder...

All kinds of rules and punishments, crashed down.

Ji Xia held a sword in her right hand.

Sticking out his left hand, Pan Gu axe appeared in his hand.

Ji Xia waved his long sword, slashing away from the setting sun and the battle spirit formation, bombarding an unparalleled magic.

Pan Gu axe homeopathically chopped.

Other artifacts are connected to each other, each transmitting boundless power and injecting Pan Gu axe.

Pangu waved.

The mountains and rivers shattered, the stars tremble!

With a single blow, countless rules and divine methods were broken into pieces!

The golden pagoda was also cut back by Ji Xiasheng.

Shengzi Wuling's complexion was gloomy, and on the Galaxy Long Sword, there were continuous bright Galaxy sword lights flowing out.

His burly body became upright in the blink of an eye.

The huge body slammed on the top of Ji Xia's head.

There are many unspeakable inscriptions lingering on the feet.

The power of these inscriptions is shocking.

If it falls on Ji Xia's head.

Ji Xia will inevitably be shattered in an instant.

Ji Xia looked serious, but there was no fear in her eyes.

He turned into a retreat, and in the blink of an eye, he went eight hundred miles away and appeared beside the Seven Corpse Dragon.

Xuanyuanjian cut down suddenly.

The Liuyutian cave opened, and the nine statues had already surpassed the celestial poles, but had not yet reached the dominion of the Emperor Realm, and suddenly walked out.

The four phantoms of the heavenly kings each have their divine powers.

The other gods of the Five Desires also urged the Wushuang Divine Law that belongs to the Six Desires to suppress the Seven Corpse Dragons.

Eighteen layers of **** holes opened, and the world became gloomy.

But Ji Xia's courage is constantly improving.

"Xixuan Sunset Guard!"

Wu Ling Shengzi's figure flashed, and he blasted.

At the same time, he still did not forget to circulate his spiritual consciousness and give orders.

"Smash the many spiritual bans on the ground below."

"Respect the life of the Son!"

Dozens of powers at the extremes of heaven and earth, 128,000 sunset guards should have been.

They are burning with endless spiritual essence.

Relying on the battle spirit formation, the strength in the body continues to skyrocket.

With the long knives and spears in their hands, powerful forces continued to blast.

Under such a crisis, the gods of the guardian spirit forbidden, and instantly faltered.

"At the beginning! I really underestimated you.

But you still can't stop the torrent of Xixuan, and you can't change Tai Cang's ending.

When these shelters were forbidden, they were all shattered.

The aftermath of our battle can destroy Tai Cang! "

The son of Xixuan laughed.

The sword light soaring to the sky, reflecting the sky and the earth, spread towards Ji Xia.

Ji Xia moved horizontally, and between her hands, Fu Xiqin in the distance began to play a burst of music.

The bursts of music seemed to be filled with endless sharp sword light.

Refining the star river sword light of the son of Xixuan into smash.

When Fuxi piano moves.

The spirit essence in Ji Xia's body has also become thicker, and the recovery speed is also fast to the extreme.

Ji Xia Xuanyuan sword stands horizontally.

A sword blasted the son of Xixuan.

In the midst of his thoughts, he controlled the Great Court Haotian Pagoda and severely suppressed the Fengming General!

The faces of Saint Wu Ling and the appointed general at this time became extremely solemn.

Although they never spoke.

However, from their expressions and eyes, it was clear that they were shocked and shocked!

Ji Xia.

An infinite savage human king.

Actually have such a combat power.

And the last time they came to Tai Cang, they never saw through the vast strength of Tai Chu Shang Huang Ji Xia.

"Too Cang, it must be destroyed."

Saint Wu Ling whispered in his heart.

His divine sense covers Xixuan Sunset Guard.

Xixuan Sunset Guard is constantly urging the surging power to attack the Heaven Protector Great Formation.

It's such a moment.

Ji Xia also had time to breathe.

Ji Xia's eyes were cold.

Look at the one hundred and twenty-eight thousand Xixuan sunset guards.

So many extreme realm divine abyss, condensed an unparalleled battle formation.

Coupled with the existence of dozens of heaven and earth poles, they are integrated in the sunset war spirit array.

At this moment, Xixuan Sunset Guard, even possessed the power to forcibly shake Shangqiong's existence.

They just blasted down a few blows, and the spiritual forbidden that Ji Xia had constructed seemed to collapse.

"When the spiritual ban is disintegrated, tens of billions of human race's ordinary people will be completely annihilated in this battle.

Annihilation is in the battle between us and you. "

Saint Wu Ling's figure flickered infinitely, and he confronted Ji Xia.

Xinghai sword intent, circulated: "You have to remember, too early.

The [www.boquge.xyz] of these human races died because of your death in the first place! "

Shengzi Wuling's eyes revealed madness: "When the tens of billions of living beings die, the multi-eyed **** will completely descend.

You have nothing left to resist..."

"Then, these spiritual bans cannot be broken."

Ji Xia's leisurely voice came.

He turned his head to look at Xixuan Sunset Guard, his body rose in the blink of an eye, standing proudly on the sky, looking down at these Xixuan sharp soldiers.

I saw Ji Xia in between.

Facing the more than one hundred thousand Xixuan Sunset Guards, he pointed out a finger.

"Xixuan has killed countless human races, and Xixuan Sunset Guard is the long knife and sharp sword in Xixuan's hands.

Now, you should be liquidated. "

Ji Xia's majestic and emotionless voice fell on the ground.

"Destroy the World Tianhong!"

With Ji Xia's voice came.

Above the capital, a strange mysterious monument appeared in the blink of an eye, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Saint Wuling, Seven Corpse Dragon, Fengming General, and all other Xixuan powerhouses...

Suddenly felt a burst of incomparable grandeur.

From the end of heaven and earth, surging.


They clearly saw that in the distant world, there was an extremely tall and indomitable king watching them from a long distance.

This king wants to be the king of the human race.

But even if it was just the spirit revealed by the phantom, it had already reached a certain level of dignity.

He is like a **** who lives with the sky.

Gazing at the earth from a distance, then he showed an angry face.

"When it's gone!"

The indomitable king also gently pointed towards Xixuan Luoriwei.


A series of dull sounds came from behind the Heavenly King.

In an instant.

The son of Wuling, the Seven Corpse Dragon, the ordained general

Even more than 100,000 Xixuan Ruishi's complexion changed drastically.

Because they saw...

At the end of the sky and the earth, there are torrential floods, just like coming from the sky!

Then in their surprised eyes...it came in an instant.

The son of Wuling Xinghai Jianguang, cut across, looking anxious.

The Seven Corpse Dragon roared a real dragon, trying to get rid of the gluttonous behemoth.

And the captive general also threw out the golden pagoda in his hand, trying to block the world-destroying sky flood.


Ji Xia smiled slightly, full of various glowing lights, burning between heaven and earth, as if it could illuminate eternity!

This kind of glow is a strong spiritual wave.

Xuanyuanjian cut horizontally.

The world is vast, and everything is silent.

The sword light of Saint Wu Ling shattered instantly.

As Wu Ling's body moved horizontally, he could only retreat temporarily.

The pagoda of the fateful general fell.

However, in the darkness, a terrifying creature appeared to the extreme.

This creature is evil, weird, terrifying, and extremely murderous.

The captive general has been fighting for many years and has witnessed countless murderous creatures.

But even the monsters of Jiuyuan were not so ugly.

The eyes on the six huge heads stared at Feng Ming with an icy breath.

Uncontrollable fear surged in his heart for such a majestic existence as the commanded general.

Eighteen pairs of bone wings opened, covering the world!

A burst of glances symbolizing death, matched with the sword-like skeleton on his arm, came here.

It blasted fiercely on the stalwart body of the appointed general.

In an instant.

Destroy the world and the flood, washed away.

Xixuan Sunset Guard tried his best to fight and destroy the world Tianhong.

However, when the surging surging Tianhong brought the anger of the heavenly king, Dayu, and Ji Xia from the beginning, agitation arrived.

These Xixuan Ruishi ~www.ltnovel.com~ only deeply felt...

Death has already come.

Wuling Shengzi's head is about to split.

Because he saw with his own eyes, the powerful team he is proud of.

Under the unparalleled majesty of Tianhong.

It was completely washed away.

The secret hidden behind those Xixuan experts collapsed suddenly.

The flesh and blood on their bodies was completely melted away, leaving only the battered bones.

Their true spirits and consciousness were also completely disintegrated by the Destroying Tianhong.

Until then.

Xuanwu Ling, the third son of Xixuan, and the other two Shangqiong exist.

Finally clearly felt...

In Ji Xia's seemingly calm eyes, the turbulent killing intent flowed out!

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