I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 841: Xi Xuan Mu Xing Grand Saint [Large

Destroying the world is like a torrent of time.

When that noble emperor, pointed out.

Shishi Tianhong rushed past with unpredictable power.

Those tyrannical Xishan Sunset Guards, as well as many Xixuan powerhouses at the extremes of heaven and earth, seem to have welcomed the disaster of heaven and earth and the baptism of time.

Between the unparalleled torrents of destruction.

All kinds of magical powers, all kinds of magical methods, all kinds of rules that they burst out.

All were disintegrated by the Exterminating Tianhong.

The endless torrent came crashing down.

There seemed to be raging anger, with endless killing intent!


Just blinking.

The 128,000 sunset guards, all turned into withered bones!

Their flesh and blood disintegrated!

Divine consciousness collapsed!

The true spirit has also been completely dispelled!

this moment.

When the son of Wuling, the Seven Corpse Dragon, and the captive general reacted in shock.

Those extraordinary Xixuan who have slaughtered countless human beings exist.

Even the bones turned into powder and went with the wind.

Immediately after.

As Ji Xia flicked her sleeves gently.

Another storm swept away.

Even the bone powder disappeared completely.

Since then it has completely disappeared.

"No bones..."

Ji Xia looked at the earth below.

There are many monks in the great earth, looking up at this scene.

Among these monks, there are also many human races from the mysterious realm of Zhan Qi.

Among them are men and women, old and young.

There are extraordinary powerhouses and ordinary practitioners.

But this time.

Almost all the creatures in the Zhanqi Secret Realm are shocked in their minds...

After being stunned, it turned into ecstasy again.

After ecstasy, it turned into grief again!

"Hundreds of millions of people in the strange and secret realm died in the hands of these Xixuan sunset guards.

Even the Son of Wuling, in order to force the mysterious realm of Zhan to reveal his traces, he refined the human moon dyed star in the ancient road of all stars! But now..."

"No need to say more!

Thinking of those past events, hatred fills my mind, and I can’t wait to die! "

"Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful human kingdom hidden in the boundless wilderness... We can't measure the power of the emperor in the beginning."


Many experts in the secret realm of Zhan Qi transmit the sound of their divine consciousness.

They were astonished at Ji Xia's strength.

Surprised by the complete destruction of Xixuan Sunset Guard.

It is even more sorrowful for the death of countless people of Zhanqi Secret Realm and Moon Dye Kingdom...

Ji Xia stood in the void holding Xuanyuan sword.

Watching the World Extinguishing Tianhong coming from the sky, it flows away.

His eyes fell on Wuling Shengzi again.

Shengzi Wuling's face was dull, and even his face became blurred.

Probably not wanting Ji Xia to see his expression.

He opened his mouth slightly and was about to speak.

Ji Xia yelled softly: "gluttonous."

The gluttonous beast in the distance gave a terrifying roar!

The body is tens of thousands of feet tall, almost flush with the shoulders.

An abyss stands in the void.

The gluttonous enthusiasm came running across the endless abyss.

Ji Xia's body suddenly raised.

Landed on the head of the gluttonous behemoth.

The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand stands horizontally.

Surprising killing intent exuded in his eyes.

He stared at Saint Wu Ling, and seemed to be muttering to himself: "Just killing Saint Wu Ling, how can the countless human beings who died in his hands rest in peace?"

When Shengzi Wuling heard his words, the galaxy sword in his hand bloomed again.

The Galaxy Long Sword pointed at Ji Xia, rising up to free up bursts of fighting spirit.

Ji Xia just raised her head and faced Wu Ling Shengzi.

However, he found that there was no fear in Wu Ling Shengzi.

Only listening to the son of Wuling is really pervasive, his voice roared: "In the beginning, you dare not kill..."


There was a loud noise, and it came!

The world was suddenly filled with golden.

The mountains, rivers and trees, the sun, moon, and stars, are turning around.

The gluttonous shadow at Ji Xia's feet also began to growl constantly.

Countless swallowing rules burst out from the gluttonous shadow.

Even swallowed the surrounding vanity.

Countless space fragments, supporting the body of the gluttonous virtual shadow.

Toward the Wuling Saint Son, the appointed general, blatantly kill.

"I have heard enough of your nonsense."

Ji Xia's eyes were calm.

The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, together with the Jiuzhou Divine Tool, burst out with unparalleled power.

Central Xuanyuanjian suppressed Central Xuanyuanzhou, which is also the center of Kyushu.

"Today, the multi-eyed **** locks the blood in the space...

Shengzi Wuling thought he had avoided the gaze of the three Shangjie existence.

But for me, Ji Xia.

Son of Wuling...

You created a perfect battlefield for me! "

Ji Xia's indifferent voice came from all directions.

Saint Wu Ling was not afraid, he snorted coldly.

The burly and stalwart body has become extremely mammoth.

The galaxy long sword in his hand also turned into a hanging galaxy, crushing towards Ji Xia and the gluttonous beast.

In the golden pagoda of the fateful general, there is another golden light, turning into countless golden giants, blasting towards Ji Xia and the gluttonous shadow.


Ji Xia did not move.

Behind him, there is the Asura Sky Vault, just like this.

In the Asura Sky, there was an extremely ferocious and ferocious Asura army, walking out of it.

They formed the Shura War and fought those golden giants.

In Ji Xia's body, the middle world was far from being formed for eighteen days.

It is also constantly running, sending almost endless spirit elements to Ji Xia.

Ji Xia at this time.

It's like a **** descending to the earth.

He held the central Xuanyuan sword and cut it out casually, which was a rule of magic.

Feel free to wave your hands.

The void collapsed every inch.

Taidu and the surrounding Taicang City Pool.

I don't know how many Tai Cang monks have seen this scene.

Even with their power, there is simply no presence in the battle.

But they can see all kinds of visions emerge, can see the surging souls turn into a long river surging away, can see the space collapse every inch!

In the long years.

These monks, even though they knew Ji Xia's strength.

However, they didn't know that Jixia, the Beginning Emperor, who ruled Tai Cang for hundreds of years, was already so powerful.

Wei Chang, incarnate as that strange evil **** with six heads and eighteen bone wings, fights against the seven corpse dragons!

They fought farther and farther.

In the blink of an eye, he was far away.

But the dark aura they exude, but it hasn't disappeared easily at all.

The sky is full of waves.

Seven corpse dragons, the upper dome of the five layers of dome exists!

Compared to absolute power, he is many times stronger than Wei Chang.


The perilous power is too weird.

He has six heads, each of which is terrifying to the extreme.

Even the third head with only one huge eye gave the seven corpse dragons the feeling, as if Dangerously is the devil of the old abyss!

When Ji Xia set off on the Yuntian Dragon, he once inadvertently got an extremely powerful demon king in the body of the younger He Chengu who had become the Supreme Master Profound Master, but weakened for some reason.

Wei Chang was able to raise his power to such a terrifying level.

The reason must lie with this demon king.

and so.

Even the seven corpse dragons shattered the body of the dangerous evil **** again and again.

Even the body of the evil **** turned into powder.

These powders will also re-aggregate in the blink of an eye.

In addition, Ji Xia, who fought against the son of Wuling and the appointed general, still had more power, like a seven-corpse dragon from time to time, slicing a sword of destruction!

There are also nine phantoms of gods who transcend the celestial poles, who have emerged from Ji Xia's six desires, and together with Wei Chang, fight the seven corpse dragons!

This made Seven Corpse Dragons unable to defeat Wei Chang!

And the Seven Corpse Dragon became more irritable.

The seven corpses behind him became paler.


Seven Corpse Dragon clearly felt it.

The spirit essence in Ji Xia's body is like boundless, after countless magical surgings, it is still majestic and unparalleled.

However, Shengzi Wuling and the appointed general, confronted him, but they were already weak.

What is even more bizarre is that in the early days, Emperor Ji Xia seemed to have understood the extreme, whether it was the son of Wuling, the appointed general, or even him.

It seems to be able to perceive their magical trajectory and rule power in every gesture of action!

It's like...

Ji Xia has control of extremely detailed information!

"Shengzi Wuling, please enter my eighteenth **** for a while!"

Ji Xia's spiritual knowledge is horizontal.

The three stars in the body also opened their eyes.

All of a sudden.

Ji Xia's body suddenly rose up and turned into a million feet.

He is holding the Xuanyuan sword, the flame dragon secret pattern forbidden pattern around him, and he keeps entwining, and he will be a general ordained general.

But Ji Xia looked cold.

The left palm came down.

On the palm of the hand, a heavy sky floated unexpectedly...

Layer upon layer, there are twenty-four layers!

"Yongzhen Three Realms!"

Ji Xia snorted coldly and fell with a palm.


Shengzi Wuling looked up in astonishment.

He was horrified to see that there was a densely packed, twenty-four endless sky, appearing in the void!

These wonderful heavens seem to contain great principles.

For a while, Saint Wu Ling's eyes were blurred.

In this short moment.

Twenty-fourth heaven, suppressed!


The brilliant brilliance is earth-shaking!

Shengzi Wuling vomited blood, and his extraordinary body suddenly shattered.

The fateful general looked terrified.


Around the thousands of feet long Xuanyuan sword, a complete map of Tai Cang Jiuzhou began to appear.

Under the blessing of Tai Cang Jiuzhou Wushuang strength.

Xuanyuan Jian was cut down.

The commanded general communicated with the golden pagoda and urged hundreds of rules and magic to resist.



The gluttonous giant roars up to the sky.

The abyss swallowing rules in the huge mouth of gluttonous gluttons, surging out!

In the void, broken abysses stand horizontally.

The golden pagoda was suppressed and shattered many broken abysses...


Xuanyuanjian had fallen on the Fengming General.

The fate of the fateful general.

Same as Wuling Shengzi.

In an instant, it was cut to pieces.

The true dragon body of the Seven Corpse Dragon is fighting Wei Chang and Ji Xia's nine gods of Six Desires.

And Ji Xia and Taotie Xuying joined the battlefield.

But in an instant, the results were already apparent.

Ji Xia held the Pangu axe in her left hand and cut the Seven Corpse Dragon into two pieces!

Wei Chang's third head had another huge vertical pupil opening, shining a golden light.

Suppress the Seven Corpse Dragons thoroughly!

In the eighteen layers of **** behind Ji Xia, ferocious demon gods were brewing.

Between their teeth and claws, they flew out of the eighteen layers of hell, swallowing all the powder.


With a golden light leaping.

Many orbs, shining brilliantly.

These treasure orb spirit weapons seem to want Saint Wu Ling to gather his body again.

But Ji Xia's expression remained unchanged.

Between his hands.

The Great Ting Haotian Tower appeared again.

The door of the Haotian Pagoda is open, and there is no orb driven by a powerful spirit.

It was easily swallowed by the Haotian Tower suppression.

At this time.

Shengzi Wuling has condensed a head.

At this time, Saint Wu Ling was looking at the eighteen layers of **** in horror.

"Why is there the breath of General Xixuan Santing in these eighteen layers of hell?"

Shengzi Wuling forgot his fear at this moment, and asked in a daze.

Ji Xia.

A surge of divine consciousness.

Shengzi Wuling immediately knew everything in that barren star!

"Xuan Jing, General San Ting, Xi Xuan Sheng Ting projection..."

At this time, Saint Wu Ling had completely lost his vigor.

"Emperor Jixia in the early days... is not Tai Cang's only Shangqiang existence..."

After being shocked.

Shengzi Wuling looked at Ji Xia in horror.

He seemed to see the rise of a Qin Wushen again, the prosperity of a Great Geng Dynasty!

"I won't kill you."

Ji Xia stretched out her palm and held it gently.

The condensed head of Saint Wu Ling immediately exploded and shattered.

Eighteen layers of **** opened again.

All the remaining true spirit and divine consciousness of Saint Wuling are trapped in it!

Shengzi Wu Ling found out again in shock.

In these eighteen layers of hell, there is already an upper vault with a series of inscriptions floating around, being suppressed!

There are seven corpse dragons and fate, which are being eaten by countless demon gods...

Shengzi Wuling didn't recognize the scene before him until then...

"I was defeated and imprisoned by the king of the human race."

Shengzi Wuling thought of this.

In my mind, there was a chill.

Eighteen layers of hell, at this time, has not completely closed.

The back of Ji Xia outside the eighteenth **** and the blood-red sky are all visible.

Shengzi Wuling gritted his teeth.

Push the remaining subtle consciousness to communicate the bursts of blood in the void.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Shengzi Wuling's mind was crazy: "What's the use of multi-eyed gods?

If it weren't for the multi-eyed **** to seal off the void, I would be able to communicate with the holy court during the battle.

But now...

It's too late. "

There were waves of fatigue in his heart.

But Wuling Shengzi, in his mind, still has a slight fluke.

"She knows that I have the blood of a multi-eyed general."

"As long as I, I will dissipate the blood and energy of the multi-eyed **** general.

With her strength, she must be able to find here. "

Saint Wu Ling was extremely crazy: "Mu Xing descends, and all the powerful beings here are not likely to survive..."

Among the multi-eyed **** general's blood, there was an extremely subtle one that scattered out.

Even Ji Xia's Star God Eye and Dikong Xing hadn't noticed that this was a power that was incompatible with the boundless wildness.

Ji Xia standing outside the eighteenth hell.

Roughly felt the crazy mood of Wu Ling Shengzi.

He frowned slightly and turned to look at hell.

With Ji Xia's mood moved.

The incarnation of Saint Child Wuling's consciousness appeared in hell.

Ji Xia glanced lightly.

Suddenly flashed.

A fierce punch hit the head of Saint Wu Ling.

Shengzi Wu Ling was shattered once again in the horrified eyes.

Escape a lot of spiritual knowledge and true spirits.

Ji Xia glanced at Void in disgust.

He whispered softly: "The last time I saw you, I wanted to blow your dog's head."

Ji Xia cursed, roughly thinking of her identity, and took a deep breath.

"As a man, you must not be so rude."

Ji Xia persuaded herself.

Between the sides, I saw the powder of Saint Wu Ling floating in the hell.

He waved his sleeves in disgust ~www.ltnovel.com~A **** demon once again condensed, swallowing all the powder into his belly.

"Blindness is clear."

Ji Xia shook her head and walked out of hell.


The moment Ji Xia set foot in the boundless wilderness.

Clearly perceive a terrifying spirit.

At an extremely terrifying speed...


Ji Xia frowned slightly, as the stars and divine eyes were moving.

But I saw an unparalleled goddess, stepping on the auspicious clouds and glowing light, coming here!

"Xixuan, Great Saint Mu Xing!"

Ji Xia sighed softly: "An extremely terrifying existence."

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