I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 844: Worries about Returning in Clothing【Large

   fd, twenty minutes later, replace He Chengu under Ji Xia's Tian Zhao.

   suddenly became the Supreme Master Xuan Cang.

   At the beginning, the emperor's edict sounded within the territory of Tai Cang.

   In the heavy clouds and mist in the sky, the sun shines naturally on the body of He Chengu.

   In the blink of an eye.

The breath of    He Shengu became more profound and full of glory.

   Many great ministers around him, and even the Fang Lu of Tiandan Mansion all congratulated him.

   In just a few breaths, another imperial court commander came.

   respectfully present to He Chengu the residence of the master Xuanzhu in the future and the court clothes in the future.

   and Ji Xia sat on the Tianlong jade, returning to Tai Xian to go to court.

   After Kika breaks through this retreat.

   Every time he goes out to visit the palace and hunts, he never hides his deeds with magical spirits.

   So the most recent years.

   There are many creatures in Taidu, and you can always see the great honor of Taichu Emperor.

   The golden light paved the way, the petals dropped from the sky, and many court musicians played music, etc., and so on, let alone the solemn etiquette.

  光 is the heavenly dragon jade that is pulled by the eighteen heavenly gods of the polar world.

   is enough to make countless Taizangzi people rise in infinite awe of Ji Xiasheng.

   Originally Jixia's temperament did not like this kind of extravagance, nor did he like this kind of etiquette that he thought was meaningless.


   Whether it's composing a song, or zaili and long service, or even the Great God Hengyuan.

   all mean that this level of etiquette is essential.

   Composer Zhaoqu righteously said at the time: "The emperor from the beginning is now the pillar in the hearts of my Tai Cang people, and the living **** in the hearts of my Tai Cang people.

   The gods, gods and spirits! It is naturally good for the Emperor to be close to the people of our human race on weekdays.

   But at the same time, when you should be majestic, you can't be too restrained, otherwise it is not the way to be imperial! "

The principle of    Jae Li Chang Bong is even simpler: "Now that the Taicang country is strong, countless dynasty masters must be respectful to the emperor when they visit!

   And in my capital, nobles from other dynasties in the Zhujiang Plain are not a few.

   Therefore, I am too young to weaken the emperor's honor guard, otherwise it will be a kind of damage to the emperor's majesty. "

   Tai Cang Shang Yuan, the great **** Heng Yuan, stood on the stand of Tai Cang’s economic development and persuaded Ji Xia.

  "Appropriately extravagant, those Taizangzi people who have completed the accumulation of wealth will learn the same way.

  The luxury of extravagance, although undesirable, but within a controllable range, the necessary extravagance can boost the economy and make Tai Cang's wealth flow faster..."

   Under such persuasion.

   Jixia no longer insisted.

   So many days, as long as he is hunting too much.

   Eighteen roaring cloud dragons will appear on the sky.

   Makes countless people of Taichang, countless envoys and nobles from other countries, all raised their heads and sighed for the emperor's heroic spirit.

   The cloud heavenly dragon of the eighteen extreme gods, even if it did not deliberately show its boldness.

   is also enough to let the creatures who can see the heavenly dragon in the clouds cover the sky and obscure the sun, feel the unparalleled pressure and impact.

   Let them have endless awe of the Taichu emperor who has such a jade!

   Ji Xia returns to Tai Xian Yugan Palace.

  While his mind moved slightly, the incarnation of consciousness has appeared in the second-level sacred tree space.

  In the space of the sacred tree.

   The nine paths are full of magical vortices, still spinning slowly.

   Three of them have become gray and dark, and even the speed of rotation is much slower than the other six.

   The remaining six gods hide in the whirlpool.

  The most shining thing is the fourth way.

   "Unexpectedly, it took more than a hundred years of savage years to open the fourth sacred treasure."

   Ji Xia sighed slightly.

  The more the gods are behind, the more gods are needed to open the gods.

   The time it took to open the gods' storehouse has also become longer.

   "Let me take a look at how wonderful and strange the divine things contained in the fourth divine storage that requires eight thousand divine seeds to open."

   A smile appeared on the corner of Jixia's mouth.

   His avatar of consciousness moved towards the fourth **** hidden vortex.

   When Ji Xia stepped into the fourth divine vortex.

   A place different from the previous three divine vortexes appeared in his consciousness incarnation.

   The three previous gods are all filled with nothingness and mistiness, just like a space without anything.

   There are only six divine objects each time, shining brightly, floating above the void.

  The fourth gods of today are completely different from them.

   This **** hiding place is like the prototype of a world.

   Between heaven and earth, a vast land is gestating.

   This land is filled with some extremely mysterious energy.

   These energies are different from the spirit element, but they are more pure and mysterious than the spirit element.

   Ji Xia is in this vast world, can clearly perceive this energy, but can't use this power at all.

   "A strange land..."

   Ji Xia frowned slightly when he was conscious.

   Everything on the vast earth fell into his perception, as if he was the master in the cloud, and now he moved away from the cloud and looked at the world under his control.

   "There is no life in this land, but these strange energies seem to be endless."

   Jixia tried to communicate with the sacred tree, wanting to know the effect of this energy.

   But it turned out that Ji Xia was disappointed.

   His information flowed into the sacred tree, but there was no news.

   "Forget it...Since this divine treasure is different from the previous divine treasure, then one day, its mystery will inevitably appear."

   Kixia gently shook his head.

   Immediately afterwards, the incarnation of his consciousness slowly raised his head and looked at the void of heaven and earth.

   I only see above the void.

   There are still pieces of magical artifacts that emit light, shrouded in strange mists.

   appeared looming.


   The breath of these magical objects, in the perception of Ji Xia's consciousness incarnation, seemed mysterious and mysterious, which made Ji Xia amazed!

  "What terrifying power do the six gods of the fourth **** store contain?

   I haven't communicated with the sacred tree yet, the incarnation of consciousness is just looking up, and I can clearly feel the infinite ways from these gods! "

   Jixia sighed, the fetish information from the sacred tree flowed into his mind.

   Kixia's face was startled.

In the look of   , an extremely shocking look appeared again!

  "No wonder the fourth God Treasure needs 8,000 **** seeds to open the hole.

   The gods bred in it are too precious. "

   Yuki Natsume showed his energy and looked at these six gods.

   After a short while, his expression looked a little helpless.

   "Just these six gods, they are too expensive."

Ji Xia gently shook her head: "Even if Tai Cang suppressed the entire Cloud Heavenly Dragon Kingdom, Lei Shen Xiao once again made an effort to destroy the colossal Yin Demon Dynasty. Tai Cang has experienced more than a hundred years of development, and accumulated in my opinion. , An extremely impressive kind of god.

   But in front of the price of these gods, they still seem stretched. "

   Kixia thought of this.

   The number of sacred trees that can be controlled is now in his mind.

   Can control the **** tree **** seed: 34,865 **** seed!

   There are more than 30,000 disposable gods, for Ji Xia, it is already a very considerable number.

   also made Ji Xia eagerly want to see the gods of the fourth god.

  Such a large number of gods, most of them came from the battle between Tai Cang and the Cloud Heavenly Dragon Kingdom, and the destruction of the Yin Devil Dynasty by the Thunder Gods.

   A small part comes from the continuous development of Tai Cang.

   casting tools, alchemy, magic weapons, martial arts, urban construction, civilization...

   Many breakthroughs on multiple levels will be realized as gods.

   So there is such a considerable number of gods.

   There are close to 35,000 gods, which seems to be not many for the time span of more than 100 years and the collapse of two successive dynasties.

   However, in addition to these 35,000 **** seeds, it cost 8,000 **** seeds to exchange the nine days of Yingyuan Thundersound Puhua Tianzun.

   opened the fourth **** store, and spent another eight thousand **** seeds.

   Under all these kinds of things.

   Tai Cang has actually acquired more than 50,000 gods in this period of time.

   50,000 gods.

   is an extremely distant number for Ji Xia before.

   Unexpectedly, with the continuous development of Tai Cang's strength, it will continue to prosper.

   The number of gods that Tai Cang can obtain is getting faster and faster.

   This makes Ji Xia full of hope for the future of the Taicang race.

   Ji Xia thought for a while, shook her head slightly, and expelled all the messy thoughts in her mind.

   Then he focused his attention on the six infinite divine objects.

   "The price of each of these six gods is staggering."

   Ji Xia sighed: "There are close to 35,000 spiritual seeds, and there are only three divine objects that can be exchanged at the moment."

   Ji Xia thought of this, and his eyes fell on the first three artifacts.

  【Cast God Yuan and Wonderful Gold! 】

  【Wu Xuan Shen Lian! 】

  【Shennongding! 】

   The continuous fluctuations of the three gods made Ji Xia even a little excited.

   These three gods, each of them exceeded Ji Xia's imagination.

   As for the other three items, although the power is more exaggerated, they are too expensive for today's Ji Xia.

   Ji Xia’s 35,000 god-seeds cannot be exchanged at all.

   Therefore, Ji Xia can only suppress the throbbing in her heart, thinking carefully about which divine objects to exchange for 35,000 spiritual seeds.

  "The magical gold of the gods is worth 15,000 gods, and the enlightened **** lotus is worth 18,000 gods.

  And the **** seed needed by Shennongding is even more exaggerated. It needs 33,000 **** seeds..."

   Jixia's expression of excitement gradually faded, and a little embarrassment appeared on his face.

  "Needless to say, the Shennongding Ding is extremely effective, and it can even raise the level of the great alchemy to an unknown state.

   But the Shennong Ding is too expensive. The 35,000 **** seeds I have are only enough to exchange for one Shennong Ding. "

   Ji Xia pondered carefully: "The power of enlightening the mysterious lotus and casting the magical gold is not weak.

  Especially Wuxuan Shenlian, can greatly increase the number of too strong within a thousand years..."

   Ji Xia thought of this, and suddenly shook her head.

   He muttered to himself: "Today's Tai Cang is still digesting the alchemy secrets he obtained from the Luchen Secret Realm.

   And too Cang's second **** pill has been put on the agenda.

  Under such circumstances, there may be room for Tai Cang Dan Dao to settle..."

   Kixia thought for a long time.

   finally turned his gaze again on the magical gold of casting gods and the **** of enlightenment.

  【Cast God Yuan Miao Qi Jin

   The required **** species for exchange: 15,000 pieces

   Message 1: The strange **** gold generated from heaven and earth contains extremely special power.

   Message 2: Casting God Yuan Miao Qi Jin will be spontaneously cast into a powerful spiritual weapon according to Ji Xia's will.

   Message 3: After the magical gold of the gods is cast, the mysterious rules in the magical gold will give the magical power extraordinary power! (Based on the will of Ji Xia). 】

   This magical gold forging the gods is worth 15,000 gods.

   Even compared to Jiutian Yingyuan Puhua Tianzun, it is almost twice as expensive.

   Although its information seems simple.

   But Ji Xiaguang can clearly know from the price of the gods of the gods.

  The magical tools cast by the magical gold of the gods are bound to be extremely mysterious.

   Ji Xia thought for a moment, then suddenly thought of something.

   This matter is extremely important to Tai Cang today. Tai Cang has made a lot of preparations over the years, but because of Ji Xia's retreat on the way, he has not yet implemented it.

   "Maybe...casting magical gold can make this thing more perfect."

   Ji Xia thought of this, and suddenly decided to exchange for the magical gold of the gods.

   So he stopped hesitating.

   When his ideas communicate, make a statement.

   The divine object floating in the distance in the distance suddenly burst into light.

   The mist suddenly dissipated.

   reveals the true face of the magical gold in it!

   Jixia can perceive the surging magical power with just one glance.

   He smiled slightly.

   In the next moment, the magical gold of casting gods disappeared in the unknown world of the fourth god.

   Ji Xia looked at Wu Xuan Shen Lian again.

  【Wu Xuan Shen Lian

   Required **** species for exchange: 18,000 pieces

   Message 1: The strange **** lotus bred by Dahuangtian and Taoism contains extremely peculiar Taoism rules and supernatural powers, which can help the strong break through the bottleneck of the realm.

   Message 2: Being in the enlightened **** lotus, under the realm of the tribulation, will be affected by the magic of the enlightened **** lotus heaven and earth, within a month, understand the rules of the world and break all bottlenecks!

   Message 3: Wuxuan Shenlian can only accommodate one creature at a time, and understand the magic! 】

   Ji Xia perceives the attributes of the God Lotus of Wu Xuan constantly passed from the tree ~www.ltnovel.com~ and marvels at the power of the tree.

   Comprehend the magical power of the Profound God Lotus, to describe it in one sentence, since then, the tyrannical beings under the great calamity have no realm bottleneck.

   When their cultivation reached the peak of a certain realm.

   With the existence of Wuxuan Shenlian, he can naturally break through to the next realm.

  "With the enlightenment **** lotus, the number of strong people in the Great Blue God Abyss will be greatly increased in a short time...

   Even those strong men who are trapped on the pinnacle of the earth and the pinnacle of the gods of the extreme world will go further! "

   Ji Xia's eyes are clear: "And Tai Cang Humerus such as Ji Qianqing, Que Le, Ji Lin, Milongjun, etc., will also greatly improve their strength.

   Tai Cang’s mid-to-upper-tier combat power is about to explode and increase! "

   "This is the horrible thing about the God Lotus of Wu Xuan."

   Thinking of this, Ji Xia couldn't help but look forward to Tai Cang's future even more.

   The opening of the fourth God Zang means that the speed of Tai Cang's strength is further accelerated.

  Perhaps, within a thousand years, Tai Cang's comprehensive combat power can completely reach the level of the imperial dynasty!


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