I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 845: Too Cang's Backer【Large

   Mu Xing opened his eyes and looked to the side with difficulty.

   I saw a busy figure, holding a pen in his hand, writing something on the book.

   She frowned slightly, her cold face was still very cold.

This is where?

   Mu Xing was puzzled.

   The sharp pain in her brain made her feel a little stupefied for a while.

   After a long time.

   Xixuan Great Saint Mu Xing remembered what happened not long ago.

   The Great Saint never thought of it.

   That mysterious king of the human race was able to burst out such a terrifying sword light.

   If it weren't for owning the statue of his mother.

   I am afraid that the sword light will directly smash her body, divine consciousness, and true spirit.

   Let this divine body, which has always lived high in the sky, existed above the sky, and completely disappeared.

   But even if there is a statue of the mother sheltered.

  'S overbearing taboo sword intent still caused great damage to the Great Saint Mu Xing.

   Like this moment.

   Her mysterious, noble, and powerful body has become very weak.

   The endless vitality in the divine body was cut off by Jianguang.

   At the same time, that sword light still occupies her body with an aura of destruction.

   If it were not for the many secrets in the saint's body, he would be contending with this sword light.

   I am afraid that the great saint of Mu Xing at this moment is already very ill-fated.

   But these are memories.

   is even more troublesome for Saint Mu Xing.

   She stepped into the space opened by the statue of her mother.

   But I never knew it.

   Where did the door of the space send her?

   What greeted Mu Xing at this moment was a quiet and elegant house.

   Although the furnishings in the room are not luxurious, they are also quite exquisite and look very warm and beautiful.

at the same time.

   There are still a lot of calligraphy and painting hanging in the room.

   These calligraphy and paintings are full of a unique sense of beauty.

   But at this moment, the Great Saint of Mu Xing is not interested in watching these outstanding calligraphy and paintings.

   She wants to get up.

   affected her body, but it caused a sharp pain and made her cough...

"Are you awake?"

   A gentle voice fell into the ears of Saint Mu Xing.

   Mu Xing looked at what he said.

   is the young man who was struggling to write on the desk just now.

   This young man looks about twenty-five or sixteen years old.

   looks handsome and elegant.

   But between the eyebrows, there is a kind of old-fashioned calm.

The warm smile on   's face will even make people in contact with him feel a little warm.

   "I took my students out to go out, but saw you fainted in the woods.

   So I took the liberty to bring you back. "

   Wen Yaqing spoke in a young voice.

   Mu Xing thought for a while, enduring the severe pain in his body, and asked: "Here is..."

   "Huh? You don't know where it is?"

   The gentle young man frowned slightly and said: "This is the northwest border of Tai Cang. This city is called Xihuai City, and it is a city governed by Tai Cang Da Slaughter Qi Feng in the Jiuli Region.

These ones……

   Girl doesn’t even know? "

   Wen Ya youth thought that this girl was a human race who came to Tai Cang admirably. Later, an official from the city government came and told the youth that she was not a human race, and the young man thought that the girl was another divine creature who came to Tai Cang to take refuge.

  Unexpectedly, this girl didn't even know it was too dark.

   Mu Xing sighed slightly in his heart.

   But his face is still calm.

   Maybe I know that if I say too much, I will lose it.

   So Mu Xing simply stayed silent, just showing blankness.

"You do not have to worry about."

   saw the elegant young man smile freely and said: "The basic-level officials of the city have come to see it.

   There is no spirit element fluctuation in your body, nor is it a hostile race.

   So, you can live here temporarily at my request.

  Wait until you heal from your injury, go away. "

   Mu Xing nodded lightly, his face still in a daze, as if he had not adapted to it.

   The gentle young man was not half impatient, and continued: "You call me Nanhuai.

   You will live here these few days.

   Alternatively, you can also go to the Lumen Pavilion under the city house first.

   There is where the city government accommodates the wounded and refugees like girls, you can choose by yourself. "

   Muxing heard the words of the elegant youth.

   still looked extremely dazed, just staring at the elegant youth.

   The gentleman glanced at her in detail, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, you still live here for the time being.

   I see you look in a daze, and your face is pale, probably because of some hardship.

  Wait until you recover some, and then make a choice. "

   The Great Saint Muxing didn't appear too stupefied, and nodded towards Nanhuai.

   She lowered her head to think, then said, "Thank you."

   "I'll cook a bowl of porridge for you."

   Nan Huai sat up from the seat: "You can tell me what you want to eat.

   A man who is too pale always has a good craft. "

   Nanhuai left here.

  Mu Xing's face gradually became cold.

   She didn't expect that the door of the space would never pass through the sky.

   made her fall to the border of Tai Cang.

   was finally picked up by this gentle young man named Nanhuai...

   How should I leave?

   Mu Xing thought for a long time, but there was nothing to do.

   Now that she has lost her spirit, her body is weak, and there is no way to travel across the vast area.

   Even if I can get out of the sky.

   Beyond Tai Cang is the vast Zhujiang Plain.

   Zhujiang Plain does not know how dangerous it is.

   If she rushes into the Zhujiang Plain.

   So with the current power of the Great Saint Mu Xing, it is very likely that she will be swallowed by the beast passing by.

   So completely desperate!

  "Then stay here for now, stay in Tai Cang.

   Wait until one day, the forbidden sword light in the body can be completely wiped out.

   Let's leave again. "

   The Great Saint Muxing made a decision.

   She was struggling to get up.

   Nan Huai was already holding a wooden plate in his hand.

   On the wooden plate is a bowl of porridge and some rare meat.

   "Don't get up yet."

   Nanhuai's complexion is as calm as ever: "The pharmacist on the street has also come to see it.

   once told you that your blood is weak, you need to rest, and you also need to eat some foods that contain essence.

   These meaty foods are not heavy, you can eat some. "

   While he was talking, he put the food on the table next to him at will.

   said again: "I am now a gentleman in a nearby school.

   Now it’s time for class, you have a rest alone.

   If you are tired, there are still mirrored jade stones, you can also take a look at it to relieve boredom. "

  While Nanhuai spoke, he left without any delay.

  The Great Saint Muxing frowned.

   I think Nan Huai's free and easy personality is quite similar to myself.

   She picked up the bowl of porridge.

   took a casual look.

   This bowl of porridge seems to be made with some kind of ling rice.

   is full of rich essence and spiritual energy.

   The light blue Lingmi color is very crystal clear and beautiful.

   Among them, there are a lot of equally good-looking adzuki beans.

   for a while.

   Mu Xing, who hadn't used food for a long time, actually smelled a tangy fragrance.

   "What's the identity of this young man?

   Can you afford to eat this kind of spiritual rice? "

   Mu Xing was puzzled, but did not hesitate.

   She knows that her body now needs some supplies.

   When the first porridge slipped into the throat...

   The look of the Great Saintess of Mu Xing had a rare fluctuation.

   She closed her eyes, feeling the fragrance blooming between her taste buds...

   "I haven't eaten mundane food for a long time... I didn't expect the taste of it, it turned out to be..."

   The Great Saint Muxing thought in her heart.

   A short half tea time afterwards.

   The Great Saintess of Mu Xing had eaten up this bowl of porridge and several kinds of exotic animal meat.

   She looked at the empty plate.

   suddenly felt that he had lived in the clouds for a long time. Today, because of these less precious common food, the sky that he walked down fell on the earth.

that's it.

  The Great Saint Muxing closed her eyes and rested for a while.

   After a long time, she struggled to get up and looked around the house.

   The house was very clean.

There are many images on the table beside   .

  These images are fixed on the jade and look extremely realistic.

   Above is Nanhuai and many young people.

   Nanhuai stood in the middle, the young girls, dressed in beautiful clothes, were smiling brightly.

   It was the Great Saint Mu Xing who was a little surprised.

   These Taicang races...

   Why do you look so happy?

At this moment.

   Muxing saw the jade neatly placed on the cabinet again.

   "That's what the youth just thought... Mirror shadow jade?"

   The Great Saint Mu Xing thought for a while, staggering forward.

   took out the mirror shadow jade, and lightly touched the bottom light spot.


   Mirror shadow jade burst out a ray of light, hitting the void, turning into a light curtain.

   On the light curtain, with a burst of gorgeous fireworks blooming.

The three words    appeared on it.

   "Heavenly Match".


   is between the boredom of the Saint Mu Xing.

   When I started to watch the rough road between Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies.

   Jixia and Chengyi are sitting in the Yugan Palace.

   Inside the Yugan Palace, a cloud of smoke lingers, there is gurgling water, and the sound of birds singing from time to time.

   seemed immortal.

   on a wooden table.

   Jixia and Cheng Yigui sat opposite each other.

   The light gauze on Chengyigui’s face could not cover the color of surprise in her star-like eyes.

   Although Ji Xia's face was calm, she whispered.

   But even if the origin of the clothes is very good.

   Even Chengyigui has witnessed many shocking things.

   But the return of the clothes is for Ji Xia to suppress Saint Wu Ling and kill the Grand Saint Mu Xing to flee in a hurry.

   was still surprised, very stunned.

   And Ji Xia is still wearing gorgeous robes.

   There was a little light bursting out of his body, which made him look extremely noble.


   At this moment, the noble King Taicang is making tea for Chengyigui by himself.

   When Ji Xia poured the brewed tea into the cup and gave it to Chengyi.

   After the surprise in Yigui's eyes, he slowly converged away.

   She raised her head and looked at Ji Xia carefully.

   Ji Xia didn't care at first.

   But more than ten breaths have passed.

   Chengyigui still looked at him motionlessly.

   actually makes Ji Xia surprisingly a little restrained.

   This kind of emotion shouldn't appear in Ji Xia, a superior emperor.

   But today, Ji Xia is indeed somewhat restrained.

   He smiled softly at Cheng Yigui and said, "Girl Yigui, I will trouble you to come in a hurry.

   On that day, I am not very sure that Saint Wu Ling will come to Tai Cang again.

   So I didn’t tell you about it. "

   Chengyigui sighed, with a strange tone: "I perceive Wuling Shengzi that day, heading towards Zhujiang Plain.

   I have already guessed that his goal is too dark.

   In order to protect Tai Cang, I communicated with Emperor God Jue and Princess Luo Yu to force her to retreat from Saint Wu Ling.

   I thought I saved too much.

   But what I didn't expect was that my move would have delayed your time to kill Shengzi Wuling. "

   There are several female officials presenting delicious food.

   Ji Xia personally handed the jade chopsticks to Cheng Yigui.

  " Ji Xia actually always remembered how many times the girl Yigui took care of me too much.

   It's just that the girl in the ordinary clothes is out there, I want to thank you, but there is no chance. "

   A breeze blew by, and the light gauze spirit device on his face in the clothes rose slightly.

   reveals the delicate and flawless face of Chengyigui.

  "My lord, I never imagined that a few hundred years ago, a very weak human nation with a population of only hundreds of thousands.

   will develop to where it is today in your hands. "

   Chengyigui's voice was soft, and even a little unbelievable in his tone.

   "I know that the emperor has inevitably experienced countless catastrophes and gained many opportunities in these hundreds of years.

   But when I came here today, what I saw was a prosperous and innovative Tai Cang.

   This is the second reason for my surprise. "

   There was a sincere smile on Kika's face.

   He said: "Tai Cang develops, and it's not just me.

   More of those people who are hardworking and kind-hearted. "

   Cheng Yigui shook his head and said, "I have been to many hidden places of human race.

   But any hidden place of the human race does not have such a thriving atmosphere.

   There are more, but it is full of dead silence, full of depression.

   This is true not only for the high-level, but also for the people.

  This is enough to prove your merits and ability to govern the country. "

   Ji Xia heard the praise from Cheng Yigui.

   I didn't know what to say for a while, and the cautious mood in my heart got worse.

   So, he can only smile calmly.

   Chengyigui saw his expression, and the corner of his mouth under the veil showed a smile.

   looked at him with interest and said: "Unexpectedly, a powerful king like you would feel restrained, even a little shy..."

   Ji Xia was pierced and looked a little angry.

   He thought for a while, shook his head and sighed softly: "I am a teenager, but now I am less than 500 years old. It is understandable to be shy and restrained."

   Going back from Chengyi was stunned, frowned slightly and said: "Now, I am an old girl instead?"

   Ji Xiazhuang didn't hear the words of Chengyigui.

   pushed another plate of exquisite dishes to the front of Chengyigui, indicating that Chengyigui would eat the dishes.

   Chengyigui's brows stretched out, and after thinking about it, he actually took the jade chopsticks and added a dish.

   Unroll the light gauze and gently send the dishes into the mouth.

   The lips and teeth are full of beauty.

   Chengyigui is indeed like a goddess, she is flawless.

  "Now, you have suppressed Saint Wu Ling, and repelled the Great Saint Mu Xing.

   Even though the Great Saint Mu Xing dragged her severely wounded body, she had never returned to the Xixuan Saint Court.

   I am afraid that the West Profound Sacred Court has also passed many secret communication techniques to transmit Lingbao.

   Knowing the new and powerful human kingdom of Zhujiang Plain~www.ltnovel.com~Sovereign...If the Xixuan army has a real strong coming...

   Too Cang, how should I resist it? "

   Jixia heard Cheng Yigui's worried question, and didn't think too long.

   He also put a piece of dish in his mouth, and took another sip of spiritual tea.

   looked into the distance, and said, "The boat will be straight at the top of the bridge...

   Unless Xixuan is really too Cang, and he goes out. "

   "Otherwise, today's too pale, there is no need to worry too much."

   Chengyigui frowned, wondering why Ji Xia was so confident.

   More than ten breaths later.

   Chengyi returned to the eyebrows and stretched, shook his head and said: "No, the difference between Tai Cang and Xixuan Shengting today is still immeasurable."

   While she was talking, she stood up and said to Ji Xia: "Maybe...Tai Cang should find a backer."


   Jixia is puzzled.

   Chengyi Guiyou Ran said: "This patron is still asleep now.

   Just... I don’t know if the emperor can get him out of trouble. "


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