I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 869: The tribulation of the sun and the moon, the bridge of the gods, the other shore; and

While swallowing the Profound Que Shen Pill, the rich Ling Yuan began to continuously refine the vigorous power in the pill.

The eighteen days in the middle world like Ji Xia's body were no longer hazy, no longer illusory.

Many sky domes are already real.

Ji Xia's strength also began to recover and improve rapidly.

Thanks to the terrifying sword intent in the saber picture of the mysterious strong man.

Although Ji Xia was seriously injured.

But at the same time, relying on the Ming Wu absorbed from the sword intent, Ji Xia's speed at the ascent of the robbery has been faster for many years.

At Ji Xia's original speed.

By the time Ji Xia has the power to kill, I am afraid that it will take two to three hundred years of wildness.

This speed is already incredibly fast

But now.

But only twenty or thirty wilds have passed.

The power in Ji Xia's body became more and more vast.

The eighteenth day of the middle world is like the eighteenth real sky, standing on the sixth day of the lower world.

It contains various peculiar powers.

Let Ji Xia have a deeper understanding about the Thirty-Six Heavenly Qiong Avenue and the Three Realm Avenue.

"My current strength is roughly comparable to the first calamity in the realm of calamity.

It is the Great Tribulation of the Sun and the Moon. "

Ji Xia asked Yu Lei Shenxiao not long ago.

As Tai Cang's first existence, Lei Shen Xiao achieved Shang Jie realm.

He has a clear understanding of Shang Jie.

In the boundless barbaric practice system.

The robbery is a very special state.

In this state, the most powerful practitioners also need to experience three calamities.

These three calamities are named Sun and Moon, God Bridge, and the other side!

Three catastrophes, one more dangerous than one, and one more miraculous.

Just step into the disaster.

The strength of the robbers will continue to increase.

But at the same time, it is also facing great dangers.

For example, under the sun and moon.

In the secret realm, there is a big sun and a bright moon.

There is a storm above the sun.

Above the bright moon, darkness, heavy rain, and cold kept coming.

This kind of calamity, I don't know how great the power of the rules of heaven and earth is contained.

The danger is extreme, and it will fall if you are not careful.

In the sun and moon calamity, he was suppressed by the catastrophe and could not survive the sun and moon calamity.

That means falling into the dust, and perhaps life and death.

The same is true for the two rounds of disasters at Shenqiao and the other bank.

Only through the bridge of God, set foot on the other side.

Only then can they have the qualifications to become gods.

"I rely on the various avenues in the sacred tree, such as Tianhe, Tianting, Tianqi, Three Realms...

You don't need to follow the rules of the boundless wild world, and you don't need to experience these three catastrophes to have the power comparable to the catastrophe.

It seems that the boundless and wild cultivation system is still a bit worse than the many avenues contained in the sacred tree. "

Ji Xia stood on the roof of the Shanggan Palace.

His power is still getting stronger, and the mysterious **** pill is still flowing out of medicinal power, allowing Ji Xia to return to the peak again.

This time.

Ji Xia's peak is not limited to the strength of the nine-fold upper sky.

"Of course... The reason why I can cultivate into the Three Realms Secret Treasure depends on my unparalleled aptitude.

There are also many mysterious avenues revealed by the sacred tree and gods, which made me embark on this unparalleled road that no one can match. "

Ji Xia took a deep blue and took another deep breath.

Eighteen days in the middle world is the second stage of the Three Realms Secret Store.

"If the Middle Realm is completely molded in the eighteenth day, I am afraid I will be able to have the strength of the peak of the calamity."

The so-called peak of the robbery.

It is not referring to the Great Tribulation on the other side.

It is after the three catastrophes of the sun and the moon, the bridge of the gods, and the other bank have been completely passed, but the supreme mundane realm of the gods has not yet been achieved.

"Conjecture based on the power displayed by these imperial forces today.

The lord of those imperial dynasties, I am afraid they have the power of the peak of the calamity.

The Emperor Qinhe of the Great Geng Dynasty was in this state.

Because of the three catastrophes, the tribulation was completed... also known as the realm of glancing at the gods.

The so-called peeping of the gods is the way of prying the gods.

Not all strong people have such qualifications.

"In the midst of the great calamity of the sun and the moon, the most notable feature of the cultivator's secret is the high hanging of a big sun and a bright moon."

Ji Xia groaned.

In a moment, the sky above the many heavens hidden in the Three Realms in his body.

There are a vast number of spiritual essences beginning to condense, and there are all kinds of magic and enlightenment, flowing from many avenues.

Immediately after...

Under the operation of Ji Xia's mind.

Countless rules of heaven and earth, many avenues of understanding, coupled with the vigorous spiritual power that is like a deep sea continue to condense.

Then a big day and a bright moon were constructed in the void.

The day and the moon are indistinct and hazy.

Even Yu Jixia's stronger power can't see it clearly.

But it actually contains extremely turbulent power.

This made Ji Xia nod with satisfaction.

Immediately, he moved slightly with his spirit.

The big sun and the bright moon were completely disintegrated and completely disappeared.

In the next moment, Ji Xia was like a powerhouse of heaven and earth who had never achieved the realm of the sky.

Although there are many heavens in the secret, there is no wave on the sky.

"The Secret of the Three Realms is like my hands and feet to me.

I can create things in an instant, and I can also disappear in a moment.

Under such circumstances...it can also deceive the eyes and ears of the mindful. "

Ji Xia nodded with satisfaction.

Then he turned and returned to the Shang Palace.

In his body, the huge Three Realm Secret Vault is still in continuous operation.

It even simulates countless magical magic.

There are also many gods and men appearing, each confirming martial arts.

Let Ji Xia's combat power continue to improve.

It also allowed Ji Xia to have more control over her own power.


Time passed quietly.

Since Tai Cang made Kyushu.

It will not continue to expand outward.

One hundred and eight territories of Tai Cang Jiuzhou.

Within each state boundary, there are twelve regions.

I don't know where the city is.

There are countless human beings living in it.

A variety of industries are also flourishing among these human beings.

As time goes by.

Tai Cang is changing daily.

The Taicang race became more and more prosperous.

Because of the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce, many dynasties in the entire Zhujiang Plain traded with Tai Cang.

In other words.

The countless dynasties in the Zhujiang Plain support the Taicang race.

"Weak the trillions of living creatures in the Plains of Zhujiang Rivers, so that they can nourish them."

This sentence comes from Tai Cang Shang Yuan Tian Gong Heng Yuan.

That is, the great **** of Shangyuan, who is the head of the Tai Cang fortune

After Tai Cang established the Shangyuan Temple, Hengyuan became the great **** of Shangyuan.

Tai Cang's economy has indeed developed further.

Hengyuan has taken various measures to make the bloated Tianyi Chamber of Commerce have more complete rules.

For the trade conducted by Tai Cang, there is also systematic integration.

No longer blindly trade with all dynasties.

Nor will it blindly plunder all the wealth of the dynasty.

"For many years to come, Tai Cang's main trading area will still be in Zhujiang Plain.

Although Jianze Eryu was a method, it allowed these dynasties to continue to produce when it was not necessary.

Too Cang has long-term benefits. "

The concept of Hengyuan also coincides with the great national style.

Thus, Tai Cang unilaterally plundered many dynasties.

It has become a path of mutual support and common strength.

When Hengyuan made such a decision.

There were also ministers who did not understand the finances who came to meet Ji Xia.

Admonish Ji Xia with the famous words in Ji Xia Chuan Shi Lu.

"There are so many races in the boundless wilderness, so many nations that fear power but not morality. Why should they take into account their development? They only need to squeeze their value in a short period of time."

But Ji Xia didn't think about it for too long and didn't reject Hengyuan's plan.

Because Hengyuan once said in the memorial: "The majesty of Tai Cang is beyond doubt.

All the imperial families of the Zhujiang Plain who had stepped into Tai Cang had deep awe for Tai Cang.

The majesty of Tai Cang lies in Tai Cang's many extraordinary sharp men.

The Tai Cang sharp soldiers who appeared in the eyes of the imperial families of the Zhujiang Plain were just the city guards of the cities.

Therefore, these dynasties in the Zhujiang Plain were just small fishes raised in ponds by Tai Cang.

Even if they are full, there is no threat to Tai Cang. "

Ji Xia very much agreed with Hengyuan's words and approved Hengyuan's measures.

So in these years.

The biggest change occurred in Zhujiang Plain.

It was that many dynasties began to sincerely respect Tai Cang.

At the beginning of each year, they will send the noble presence in the royal family to come to Taidu to worship Ji Xia in person.

Some dynasty lords would even come in person, with many exquisite and rare specialties as gifts, and want to see Ji Xia.

The reason for carrying special products is also very simple.

Tai Cang has almost everything, maybe only rare things can make Tai Chu Shang Huang a little interested.

Just like this moment.

The foreign policy chief came to Shanggan Palace again and told Ji Xia: “Among the many foreign mansions of Tai Cang Foreign Policy, there are now a total of 76 dynasty masters waiting to be received by the emperor.

Is the emperor..."

Ji Xia is having a banquet with the three Taicang gods, Hengyuan, Xian Shen, and Chi Yu.

Hearing the report from the foreign policy chief, it seemed a little sad.

He thought for a while, waved his hand, and said, "When you have gathered a hundred dynasty masters, we will meet again."

The foreign policy chief bowed and left.

Xian Shen looked at the direction he was leaving, and said with emotion: "In just a few hundred years, these dynasties that used to regard the human race as a humble race can burst out from the bottom of their hearts with respect for Tai Cang, it is indeed rare."

Chi Yu on the side smiled and said, "In my spare time, I also walked on the Zhujiang Plain.

Today, many dynasties in the Zhujiang Plain, the many psychic weapons produced by Tai Cang are extremely important.

Let many ordinary creatures survive.

The mirror image produced by Tai Cang is the favorite of other teenagers in Zhujiang Plain.

If a noble young man has a new Tai Cang mirror shadow in his hand, he will surely be sought after by other young men.

In the shadow of the Tai Cang mirror, the human race depicted is always so glamorous, always so magnificent, and the Tai Cang city depicted can always cover the mountains and rivers.

In this way, the young people of other races in Zhujiang Plain respect Tai Cang to the extreme. "

When Chi Yu talked about this, the smile on his disastrous face became a bit richer.

"If you continue to develop like this, maybe hundreds of years later, the words of Human Clan's humbleness will be raised by creatures outside the Zhujiang Plain.

I am afraid that many creatures in the Zhujiang Plain will be laughed at. "

Xian Shen also nodded slightly: "The emperor's "Records of the World" and other classics have also been circulated.

Although these imperial and wild dynasties, there are only tyrannical force, and civilized etiquette is not enough.

However, among the races in these countries, there are still some insightful people who regard many classics such as "The Record of the World" as classics.

Alien Taicang governance and civilized schools are also emerging in various countries. "

When Xian Shen said this, he turned his head to look at Hengyuan, and said in admiration: "Shangyuan Tiangong also makes the entire Zhujiang Plain feel the great kindness.

Tai Cang's many classics made Zhujiang Plain feel in awe of Tai Cang.

Tai Cang countless commodities, countless cultures flowed into Zhujiang Plain.

It also made these races realize how prosperous Taicang is, how powerful the Taicang human race is, and how vast is the prestige of Taicang country...

All in all, Tai Cang's current power in the Zhujiang Plain has unknowingly surpassed the Zi Yao Tian Dynasty. "

Speaking of Zi Yao Tian Dynasty, everyone's eyes flashed a funny color.

Zi Yao Tian Dynasty has been continuously expanding abroad for a long time.

They destroyed many ferocious races.

The Ziyao Heavenly Dynasty respected the emperor, and led the many powerful men under him, and showed extremely powerful power to the Zhujiang Plain.

For those ordinary dynasties.

When they saw the Zi Yao Heavenly Dynasty, there were even powerhouses at the peaks of heaven and earth.

All of them are more and more filled with fear towards Zi Yao Tian Dynasty.

Chi Yu said: "The Emperor of Misfortune has many powerful people, and Lonely Hou is now assisting Emperor Dazheng on his pilgrimage to Emperor Jing.

It also made the status of Ziyao dynasty rise.

I have also heard from the Emperor Fu mentioned that there were people in the Great Emperor Dynasty who wanted to please Lonely Hou.

Offered to help Zi Yao Tian Dynasty and destroy the weak human kingdom of Tai Cang. "

Ji Xia nodded clearly.

The emperor had also told him about this matter.

In the eyes of many dynasties and even many dynasties in the Zhujiang Plain.

There are now two tyrannical countries on the Zhujiang Plain.

One of them is naturally Tai Cang.

And the other one is the Zi Yao Heavenly Dynasty that is hostile to Tai Cang.

And in the eyes of many imperial powers.

Although Tai Cang is more prosperous than Zi Yao Tian Dynasty.

However, Zi Yao's combat power was even stronger than Tai Cang.

"This matter, Lonely Hou has been mediating and trying to postpone it.

Don't worry about it.

The one who wanted to help Zi Yao Tian Dynasty destroy Tai Cang was nothing but to please the relatives of Emperor Shengjing. "

Ji Xia's face was calm.

Then he turned his head and muttered to himself somewhat curiously: "The Emperor Shengjing assisted by Lonely Hou is also an extraordinary young man.

The forces under his command, although for the time being, could not be compared with the emperor Shenjue.


He has the support of the emperor of the Great Emperor ~ www.ltnovel.com~ The game between the two emperors is actually a little suspenseful. "

Chi Yu said calmly: "If there is too much difference between the two.

Then I am too helpless, it is icing on the cake.

Now that they are evenly matched, if we Tai Cang cut off the head of one of the emperors and support the other emperor on the throne of the emperor, it would be considered a charcoal in the snow.

If this is true, maybe the process of Xixuan's destruction... can also be speeded up. "

Ji Xia nodded calmly.

At this moment, the ambitious Emperor Shengjing, and the Emperor God Jue who wanted to have strong force to repel all resistance.

Never thought that in such a small human kingdom.

The emperor Taicang, the three gods are plotting to cut off the head of which one of them.

It can be said to be bold.

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