I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 870: The Eucharist, the Eucharist, the Eucharist [Large]

Just when Ji Xia was discussing with the three gods.

Over the choke mystery, a little starlight suddenly shone down, turning into a star gate.

The Dikong Star Gate opened, and Jiang Xian's figure walked out of the star gate and stood in front of the Shanggan Palace waiting for Ji Xia's reception.

The look was quite solemn, but it didn't seem too anxious.

Ji Xia waved gently.

Jiang first walked into the Shanggan Palace and saluted Ji Xia respectfully.

Soon Dao Ming came.

Ji Xia and the three gods looked at each other.

At this moment.

Xin Ya also hurried over to play to Ji Xia.

Jiang Xian from Dikong Star Palace and Xin Ya, the master of the mysterious pavilion, came to the palace to report the matter.

It's actually one thing.

Ji Xia laughed and said, "I just mentioned Emperor Da Xang's pilgrimage to the Emperor Jing.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Shengjing would send an envoy to Tai Cang.

If what I expected is good, it is roughly to make our country that can fight against the Zi Yao Heavenly Dynasty surrender to him.

After all, the power of dragon, in the eyes of Emperor Shengjing, has the temptation to splash the sky for us. "

As Ji Xia spoke between.

The starlight cast down by the stars in the earth reflected a curtain of light.

Above the light curtain, two heroic and powerful cultivators came across the void.

They all have the strength of the celestial peak.

Each of them has completed the seven rules, and the seven rules are slowly reflected around the body, which looks quite extraordinary.

They span many countries in the Zhujiang Plain.

In this way, he stepped into the sky.

Their calm expressions became more and more curious at this time.

They lowered their heads to stare at the many magnificent cities in Tai Cang.

Watching the Taizangzi people who are dressed in gorgeous clothes and behave well.

The expression was full of curiosity.

Ji Xia was also very familiar with these two powerful men under the command of Emperor Shengjing.

Because of loneliness, Hou assisted Emperor Shengjing.

I couldn't understand the strength of Emperor Shengjing.

Therefore, the Tai Cang Xuan Secret Pavilion actually has detailed information on the powerful under Emperor Shengjing's son.

The moment they stepped into the Zhujiang Plain.

Dikong Star had already sensed their breath.

The Xuan Mi Pavilion relied on a powerful intelligence system, and Lonely Hou had just come to tell the story.

So I know the origins of these two powerhouses.

"Even if Emperor Shengjing has the support of Emperor Dazheng Dynasty.

The power in the Dazhen Emperor Dynasty is still not as good as the son of God Jue.

Therefore, from beginning to end, Emperor Shengjing continued to win over the dynasties other than Emperor Dazhen. "

Jiang Xian frowned and said, "Originally, the power displayed by Tai Cang and Zi Yaotian was actually not powerful.

Emperor Shengjing came to the Emperor Dazhen in person before, because the Emperor Shou of the Zi Yao Tian Dynasty steal the heaven and change the sun and steal the Guo Zuo of the Jue Sheng Dynasty.

It made him interested.

Later, he got a world-famous figure like Lonely Hou in the Zi Yao Dynasty.

Therefore, the previous trip to Zhujiang Plain by Emperor Shengjing was not a worthwhile trip.

But now... why did Emperor Shengjing send an envoy to Tai Cang? "

Xin Ya said calmly, "Now Tai Cang merchants are everywhere.

Coupled with the eyes and ears of the Dazhen Emperor Dynasty, it should not be underestimated.

The emperor Shengjing asked if he was thirsty, and sent envoys to win over Tai Cang, but it was not incomprehensible. "

Ji Xia's expression remained unchanged, and he casually said, "Emperor Da Xang competes for the crown prince.

Tai Cang could not stand on any side with a clear-cut stand.

Whether it is the Emperor Shengjing or the Emperor God Jue, the forces behind them are extremely powerful.

Our current main enemy is still Xixuan Shengting. "

After Ji Xia finished speaking, a strange light flashed in her eyes.

"Of course... Behind the secret scenes, Tai Cang can also plan something.

The turmoil of such a huge imperial dynasty was a good thing for Tai Cang. "

All the three gods present nodded.

They knew that Ji Xia's so-called chance was probably secretly assisting an emperor.

But anyway.

Just as Ji Xia said.

The weight of Yi Tai Cang in the eyes of many emperors is indeed not obvious.

This will cause other disasters for Tai Cang.

"In that case, I saw the messengers of these two holy kings.

You can also go to Taixian with me to go to court, and see what kind of conditions this extraordinary emperor who wants to ascend to the position of the Great Emperor Daxian wants to win Taicang. "

Chi Yu smiled slightly, and for a while, the light in the Shanggan Palace seemed much brighter.

Just listen to her saying: "The power that Tai Tai Cang now shows is probably the carrot and stick method that the emperor often said.

Give some benefits and threaten it.

If it's too pale and weak, you can only compromise. "

Between Ji Xia nodded.

The stars and gods revolve in his eyes.

His eyes crossed the Secret Realm of Choking, looking towards the sky.

After the hidden spiritual forbidden that the ordinary strong cannot see.

The **** breath was still completely covered by the sky.

Covering the many earth-shattering fluctuations in Tai Cang.

It made Tai Cang seem a lot more ordinary.

"Unexpectedly, the multi-eyed **** general blood brought by Saint Son Wuling became a great help to Tai Cang."

Ji Xia couldn't help feeling a bit funny.

"With this multi-eyed spirit that completely covers Tai Cang's blood.

Tai Cang was also able to isolate many prying eyes and made Tai Cang a lot safer. "

Shengzi Wuling is now imprisoned in the Heavenly God Prison. If he knows that he has painstakingly sacrificed, he wants to cover up too much, so as not to let the existence of Princess Luoyu, the emperor Shenjue, and others know that he has returned to the too much blood.

Now Tai Cang has become more secure.

I don't know how to feel.

Many powerful beings captured by Ji Xia were imprisoned in the prison of the gods.

This embodies the role of the prison of heaven and god.

Ji Xia's **** sky can indeed imprison the strong.

But for a long time, many Shangqiang existences were imprisoned.

It is also a burden for Ji Xia.

After all, the **** sky must be operated all the time.

And in case of encountering a tyrannical opponent, the sky of **** is broken.

There will also be many hidden dangers.

But the prison is different.

Today's divine **** has been able to open the seventh layer of divine hell.

In the seventh-layer **** prison, Shangqiong can be imprisoned.

And there are no restrictions.

In addition to paying for the gods of the seventh floor of the prison on time.

There is indeed no flaw in the prison god.

The reason why these Shangqiong powerhouses were never killed by Ji Xia.

There are naturally reasons for this.

It is precisely because of these captured Shangqiang powerhouses.

Ji Xia had amazing confidence in Tai Cang's power.

Everyone was under Ji Xia's order.

At the same time, clasp your fingers between your eyebrows.

The light flickered on the choke secret realm imprint, and they appeared at the Supreme Harmony Hall at the same time.

And the messengers of the two holy king sons came before Taidu soon.


But only an hour passed.

The two envoys sent by Emperor Shengjing departed from Taidu in anger.

Ji Xia looked at their distant backs and shook her head slightly and said: "I originally thought that a strong person who has cultivated to this level would probably not be arrogant or domineering.

After all, if we surrender to Emperor Shengjing, we are also colleagues with them.

But I didn't expect..."

With an ordinary face, but with a very extraordinary aura around his body, Xian Shen shook his head and said: "The boundless wilds are strong and weak, strong and weak, strong and weak...there are various hierarchies.

Powerful races and even weaker races regard them as livestock.

Nowadays, Emperor Dazheng has sent two envoys for the pilgrimage of Emperor Jing, to bring the tribe of the human race into submission.

According to the thoughts in the hearts of the two envoys, the emperor only needs to pay his respects, and I am grateful for the emperor Hong En.

But the emperor boldly rebelled, and they would naturally be angry. "

Shangyuan Tiangong Hengyuan also said: "If I hadn't waited for a few people to be there, this man and woman would not be able to see our depth.

I'm afraid they will shoot directly and make a big fuss. "

Xin Ya's face was gloomy and said, "When they stay away from Tai Cang, they will naturally die suddenly."

Jiang Xian on the side also sneered, and said, "They are just two celestial poles, and they dare to come too far to be wild. I really don't know how to live or die."

"It's okay."

Ji Xia looked as usual, but looked at a jade slip placed on the table.

This jade slip was left by the two envoys of the Emperor's Son of the Holy King who had threatened and won too much fruit.

When the female messenger left, she raised her head high and said: "You don't want to wave the flag for Emperor Shengjing now, that's fine.

Wait until you see the scene on the jade slip too early.

You will know that the emperor Shengjing became a prince, it is the destiny of heaven and cannot be violated. "

"The two messengers are so confident that I will be impressed by Emperor Shengjing when I see the scene recorded in the jade slip.

That being the case, we might as well take a look at this jade slip. "

Ji Xia spoke softly.

Immediately a divine thought surged out.

The jade slip immediately suspended and stayed in the void of the Supreme Harmony Hall.

Another light burst out in it.

A figure loomed in the light.

The figure exudes vast aura, the divine light circulates in the body, and there are almost endless spiritual essence bursting out continuously.

A void.

The world is almost shrouded by tyrannical forces.

The rules of light are constantly manifesting and condensing.

It reveals an extraordinary vast power!

Ji Xia's face changed slightly to stare at this figure.

Next Chi Yu took a closer look at the scene in the void.

His expression changed slightly, and he said, "This is the image of Emperor Shengjing? He has achieved a divine body?"

Hengyuan and Xian Shen all nodded slightly.

"It seems that the cultivation talent of Emperor Shengjing is not weaker than that of Emperor God Jue.

It may even be stronger than the Emperor God Juezi.

His current cultivation base is not as good as that of the Divine Jue, approximately because he has not practiced for a long time. "

Ji Xia's expression remained motionless: "In that figure, I don't know how many rules of heaven and earth are contained.

Emperor Shengjing's cultivation base was not celestial, and the reason why he could condense more than nine rules was probably the reason for this divine body. "

Hengyuan said: "No wonder the two messengers are so confident.

The celestial realm can have such a foundation, perhaps the day when the emperor of the holy scene achieves the upper sky, he will be able to directly connect to the nine-layer sky and construct the nine-layer sky.

From this point of view, his aptitude is indeed stronger than that of the Emperor God Jue. "

Xian Shen also said: "Moreover, his blooming spirit, with vast coercion, is like a natural ruler.

It is really impressive. "

But Ji Xia shook her head slightly.

"He is now fighting with the Emperor God Jue, his age is his weakness.

No matter how strong his aptitude is, today's Emperor God Jue sees him and he is dead.

Although the divine body is powerful, it is not enough to make up the distance between the celestial pole and the tribulation.

Therefore, in terms of personal combat power alone, a **** body in the celestial realm is far from the real powerhouse. "

Chi Yu chuckled lightly: "If it's an ordinary dynasty, let's not say that seeing a divine body is a sacrament, and it can also convince them.

But in Tai Cang, there is no **** body that has grown up, even if it is strong, there is no threat.


When Chi Yu said this, his tone paused slightly, and suddenly there was something intriguing in his words.

"Furthermore... The Emperor Shengjing wanted to use the power of the divine body to overwhelm many dynasties.

But he probably never thought that showing his qualifications in front of some dynasties might be jealous or obliterated. "

Ji Xia smiled slightly.

He knew what Chi Yukou meant by "some dynasties".

The jade slip rolled up and landed on the table again.

Ji Xia never looked at that jade slip again.

He looked into the distance and suddenly said, "Soon, Lei Shen Xiao and the others will return."

Chi Yu's face also showed a smile of joy: "Mianniang Yu had contacted me before.

She has now ascended the upper vault and has also constructed four vaults.

Coupled with the two adults, Zhang Jiao and Yang Ren, there are more and more of the upper firmament of the sky. "

"General Shi Yang, he will be able to ascend the dome soon."

Hengyuan thought for a while, and suddenly said: "General Shiyang's battle soul sacrament seems to be constantly becoming stronger because of the constant consolidation of General Zhansi's law.

Coupled with the life pattern **** pill that can increase the foundation of the sacred body...

Perhaps General Shi Yang may achieve Wushuang Eucharist. "

Having said this, Hengyuan looked at Ji Xia earnestly: "The divine essence crystal conceived by Yu Taicang is about to mature.

Perhaps, this Shen Yuan Jing could be bestowed on General Shi Yang.

General Shiyang has two souls, and the gods in the Shenyuan Jing will be absorbed by General Shiyang and Zhansi at the same time.

Then this Shenyuan Crystal is considered to be used to its fullest. "

Ji Xia was noncommittal, he also looked at Hengyuan and said, "Maybe Palace Master Shangyuan should take a trip to Qi Mingtian.

Qimingtian is vast, rich in materials, and has a very long history.

Perhaps it also contains many mature gods. "

Hengyuan immediately took the command.

The Wushuang spirit body owned by Shangyuan Great God Hengyuan is called Shengyuan Wushuang Spirit Body.

He has a more keen sense of heaven, material and earth treasures like the Taicang Kingdom.

at the same time.

His own unique power ~www.ltnovel.com~ can also make many natural treasures mature faster.

For example, the **** crystal that is deeply buried too deep.

Originally, there is still some distance from maturity.

But because of Shengyuan Wushuang Spirit Body, it was able to mature as soon as possible.

"Shen Yuan Jing is extremely precious, extremely rare."

Ji Xia shook her head gently.

During these many years, Tai Cang had only obtained two Shenyuan Crystals.

One of them was produced in Tai Cang.

The other one is a trophy from the conquest of the Cloud Dragon.

That divine essence crystal was used to sacrifice the secret world rules of Choking, in exchange for the secret world to open channels, so that Dahuangluo could take action.

"I hope Qi Mingtian will produce more Shenyuan Crystals."

Ji Xia thought to herself.

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