I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 916: The battlefield of the gods【large


The consciousness of countless gods at the rank of powers is concealed under various rules.

Even Ji Xia's star **** eyes could not fully see the real bodies of these powerful men.

Only blurry shadows can be seen.

These phantoms may turn into dim pupils.

Or turned into an unparalleled mirror, illuminating the world.

Or, turn into a **** with only one eye on his face, with divine light in his eyes, watching two supreme gods.

These two gods paid no attention to these existences.

But Ji Xia knew.

Those who dare to peep into the gods must come from the three great dynasties, or other secret unparalleled forces.

Ji Xia descended into the boundless wilderness for hundreds of years.

But this was the first time he had seen the stalwart body of a **** with his own eyes.

Gale, Xu Ze, Heitian...

The three noble and extremely noble gods of the boundless wilds are extremely strange to many powerful emperors.

This is even more true for Ji Xia and Tai Cang.

And now.

When many are too strong.

A light curtain reflected by the rules of the Earth Kong Star.

Seeing these two gods come to the world.

Their looks also have a lot of solemnity.

Even if it is very far away.

Many too strong people present can still perceive the almost endless coercion from afar.

This kind of coercion is different from the coercion of the mundane strong.

As if born with unparalleled dignity, born with endless majesty, and born with immense power.

This is a higher personal coercion.

Because these two gods are born to be more tyrannical and supreme than all mundane powers!


The world is shaking.

Many powerful gods did not reveal their true bodies, but just watched the Lord Yin descend through the phantom!

And the **** and fierce beasts that were turned into inexplicable fragments were still running continuously, surpassing the vast expanse, and coming toward the Zhujiang Plain.

When the sang mulberry is cut, the life is dead...

no doubt.

Through this divine prophecy that Ji Xia has repeatedly heard.

Ji Xia is almost certain.

The goal of these **** fierce beasts was the sacred mulberry tree planted on the great emperor's body by that tens of thousands of zhang bone dragons!

Although I don't know what the reason is.

But Ji Xia's expression didn't seem relaxed at all.

The reason is that these **** beasts are extremely fast.

They are like aurora, galloping in the sky at extreme speed.

Countless streamers are extremely shocking and extremely bright.

Wherever they passed, the earth shattered and the city melted.

Even the spirit element between heaven and earth is constantly boiling!

If they enter the Tai Cang territory.

Merely banning the gods and spirits of protecting the sky, and other bans, can hardly stop these giant beasts' footsteps.

Many strong people in Tai Cang must take action to stop it.


Lord Yin descended into the boundless wilderness, and these **** beasts acted as the forerunner of Lord Yin.

Tai Cang shot these **** fierce beasts.

Then what Tai Cang is about to face must be the anger of the gods!

Many strong men are silent.

But it is also ready.


If Tai Cang really had to bear the impact of these blood-light behemoths.

Then they can only make a move and have no other choice.

The **** fierce beast is still running.

Above the light curtain, the two unparalleled gods once again moved.

I saw the river of blood that was originally wrapped around Lord Yin, otherwise the waves were turbulent and flowed vigorously, flowing in front of Lord Yin.

Immediately afterwards, this river of blood suddenly stretched out.

It seemed to be transformed into a blood-colored world, suspended in the void.

The vast dilapidated world behind Lord Yin was shattered and turned into real fragments, blending into this blood-colored world.

In the eyes of countless existences in astonishment!

In this blood-colored world, a tyrannical and incomparable blood-colored powerhouse was constantly born.

These strong men were bred from this blood-colored world.

It also seems to exist, just awakened, the number is dense, endless.

right now.

They stand in the sky of the Scarlet World.

Staring at the screen from afar, behind the void, the eyes of so many strong doubles.

Then, in the eyes of the Scarlet Powerful, a piece of magical light suddenly began to burst out.

The light flashed, and the eyes of the inexhaustible powerhouse shattered in an instant, turning into countless fragments.


The divine consciousness fragments of these powerful gods have not disappeared, but continue to reorganize, and once again become rules for peeking into the world, reflecting on the earth.


all in all.

Everything in front of me is amazing.

This is undoubtedly the boundless wilderness, the most prosperous force confrontation.

Including the Yin Jun who just descended.

Including the appearance of pupils, looking at Yin Jun's Xu Ze.

At the same time, there are also three great dynasties, as well as many powerful secretive forces that exude fear, descending...

Gathered in Jiezu Mountain.

And summoned the black robe powerhouses of Yin Jun.

At this moment, it is not worth mentioning, can only stand in the cracks of the earth, shivering.

"The clothes of these black-robed powerhouses are very familiar, especially the breath they can't help but exude, which gives me a familiar feeling."

Ji Xia frowned slightly.

Suddenly, he remembered that when the son of Wuling invaded Taicang, the princess Luosheng, the village of Extinction Demon, descended to Taicang.

At that time, the aura exuding from Princess Luoyu in the realm of Tribulation was much similar to the aura exuding from these black-robed powerhouses.

"Devil Land of Extinction... built a blood river bridge for Lord Yin, allowing him to descend into the boundless wilderness from other worlds..."

Ji Xia thought of this, her eyes flashed.

"These ancient gods are really scheming."

Lord Yin wanted to make Tai Cang sacrifice to him before, to welcome his arrival.

But Ji Xia, who saw the scene now, finally knew that Tai Cang was in the eyes of Lord Yin at that time, but it was just a backup option.

Demon Township has already started offering sacrifices to Lord Yin.

If Ji Xia agreed to Lord Yin's request, if Exterminating Demon Land failed, Tai Cang might be able to play a role.

If the village of Extinction of Life and Demons succeeds in offering sacrifices to the Yin King, it will build a bridge between the two circles.

So for Yin Jun, there was almost no loss.

While Ji Xia was thinking about it.

In the world of Yin Jun's blood, more and more powerful people appeared.

These powerhouses also linger with the coldness of Yin Jun!

Among them, there are even the existence of the realm of God, and their power is constantly increasing and improving at every moment!

"The great world condensed by Lord Yin just appeared, and it was stronger than the most powerful imperial power.

Moreover, the power of the strong in the big world is still rapidly increasing, and it may not take long before the gods of the palace of life can be born. "

Six Calamities Canglong frowned slightly: "Moreover, the Yin Monarch world seems to have been hit hard, and the origin of the world is far from the peak.

Even many continents and many stars are broken. "

"Mr. Yin is not a creature born from the boundless wilderness." Ji Xia said: "Even if he has peak strength, he can only break his big world, never enter the boundless wilderness, and then grow slowly.

Otherwise, the Wushuang rules of the Infinite Wilderness would not allow a big world to blend with the Infinite Wilderness. "

"Of course, the big world behind Jun Yin is broken, perhaps because of other existence, not because Jun Yin himself deliberately shattered it."

Ji Xia pondered the words and spoke slowly.


A bang...

Divine light shines in the sky, all kinds of strange inscriptions are constantly jumping, and countless rules of heaven and earth are shattered and reorganized.

As if to shake the ages.

At this moment, Lord Yin was standing on the bridge of the blood river, staring at Xu Ze in the sky from a distance.

The two gods looked at each other.

There does not seem to be any communication.

And those blood-light gods who were constantly bred from the great world of Yin Monarch, and the phantoms of the powerhouses shattered by the gods, in the constant reorganization, exposed waves of indifference and waves of expectation.

"They are looking forward to the battle between these two gods."

Ji Xia thoughtfully.

Then his eyes lit up slightly, and he muttered to himself in a low voice: "Just like Lord Yin, a **** who can nurture the world comes to the world, Lord Yin will also enter the boundless wilderness.

Under the powerful power of Lord Yin, at such a rapid growth rate, this big world must be able to grow very quickly.

By the time……

The three great dynasties may no longer be the ultimate three masters of the boundless wilderness! "

Monarch Yin doesn't even care about the vast land and the territory of the country in the boundless wilderness.

However, Lord Yin's strength is a shining divine sword, which may collide with the gods at any time!

"Mr Lei Shiyuan also controls a world of Thunder.

Once Mr. Lei Shiyuan wakes up, this world of thunder will also manifest itself.

At that time, it must be another turmoil. With such a vast world in front, Tai Cang may be able to take a breath. "

Ji Xia thought to herself: "Thinking of it this way, the arrival of Lord Yin is an excellent thing for Tai Cang."

Many people who are too strong are trying their best to perceive the power of Taoism emanating from the two gods!

At this moment.

The world has changed again.

Just when countless **** fierce beasts ran towards Zhujiang Plain.

The Dahuang Mountain, which was originally in the territory of Tai Cang, suddenly disappeared!

The many too strong people present felt the departure of the great emperor at almost the same time.

They looked at each other, a little puzzled.

Only Yang Ren stared at the light curtain...

Following Yang Ren's gaze, Ji Xia also looked towards the light curtain.

On the light curtain...

Farther away from the two gods, above the **** sky!

A mountain exuding an unimaginable chaotic atmosphere is looming.

In an instant.

In the void, many powerhouses of the gods who were still peeping bowed to the emperor, and then all disappeared.

The Yin Lord on the Bridge of the Blood River.

And the eyes of the Great God Xu Ze in the void.

They all looked at that mountain.

Everything in the world fell silent.

And the **** fierce beasts all turned around and ran towards the emperor...

Ji Xia and others took a closer look.

Awesomely saw a dilapidated and withered sacred tree on Dahuang Mountain, emitting a faint light.

This kind of light is extremely dim and extremely weak.

On the huge trunk body, the unparalleled sword marks are still exuding infinite deterrence.

On the Dahuang Mountain, a burst of glow filled the sky.

Those blood-light beasts that were still running were shrouded in the glow of sunlight, traveled countless distances, and came under the sacred mulberry tree.


There are no earth-shattering visions.

There is also no powerful magic operation.

These countless blood-light fierce beasts turned into a little bit of light, and disappeared completely!

The emperor is still shining a divine light.

The two gods stared at the emperor...

next moment……

Dahuang Mountain was filled with chaos again.

Xu Ze's indifferent eyes suddenly softened.

He glanced at the emperor and never looked at Yin Jun again.

The void was suddenly distorted, and the huge pupils disappeared just like that.

On the light curtain, only Yin Jun and Great Emperor were left.

There are many strong people in Tai Cang.

Even Ji Xia was relieved.

"The personality of the great emperor, I don't know how noble..."

Bai Qi said: "When Xu Ze left, his eyes were no longer indifferent. It must be because of the appearance of the emperor that he gave birth to other moods."

Ji Xia naturally knew that the emperor had an extraordinary personality.

The Lord Yin in the void still covers the sky and the sun, which is shocking.

At this moment, Lord Yin still stared at the emperor, his eyes dim, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

A few breaths of time passed...

The emperor came out with another burst of glow.

Jun Yin suddenly bowed to the emperor.

Then... step out!

Countless black runes that are so complicated that it is difficult to predict appear in the sky!

The black fireworks burning on Jun Yin's body bloomed with brilliant brilliance.

One after another brilliant rays of light, just like the ancient gods and devils, spraying divine light, letting the void resonate, and letting the rules tremble!

In the newly-born Yin Monarch world, the divine light is like water, and the blazing light continuously gushes out, turning into a divine light waterfall!

For an instant.

The extremely cold breath, overwhelming the sky.

The emptiness was in a moment, and was completely frozen.

An unparalleled treasure leaped out.

It seems to carry the vicissitudes of the ages, and carry all kinds of principles.

The tyrannical spirit is constantly boiling.

Unparalleled treasures split, reflecting the ten divine light containing the breath of the yin monarch, with incredible, unimaginable, and endless mystery.

In this way, the sacred mulberry tree that fell on the body of the emperor.

The sacred mulberry tree was swallowed by these ten divine lights, and then melted into nothing.

The great emperor was exuding all kinds of colorful haze from beginning to end, but he didn't stop Yin Jun!

The ten gods of Yin Jun swallowed the upper mulberry tree.

The Great World of Yin Monarch behind him, the broken stars that were originally hanging in the sky, suddenly fell continuously and fell to the ground.

The stars are dead!

Shocking sound broke out!

Even the dim sun is like this~www.ltnovel.com~ and...

In the surprised eyes of Ji Xia and many too strong people.

A sacred tree suddenly stood in the big world of Lord Yin.

The sacred tree does not know how huge it is.

The crown of the sacred tree almost turned into the sky.

There are many stars hanging on the canopy, which are extremely bright.

At one end of the canopy, there is another big day, exuding endless light, exuding a hot breath, so that everything in the great world of Yin Monarch begins to glow with vitality.

On the other end, there is a bright moon, which is extremely bright and shining with divine light.

Completely complement the Yinjun Great World into a complete Great World!

The power of Lord Yin also began to climb rapidly.

The emperor disappeared!

In the distance in the void, that complete Yin Monarch world also slowly faded into the sky.

But Ji Xia, and many too strong people know...

Since then.

Boundless Wilderness has a supreme god!

And the broken world of Lord Yin is constantly recovering.


It will be able to grow into an unparalleled kingdom of God like a **** dynasty!

"Great changes in heaven and earth!"

Ji Xia took a deep breath.

He looked into the sky and suddenly had a strange hunch.

"Shinto holes open, and those without gods may also give birth to real gods!"

"The boundless wilderness may turn into a battlefield for gods."

"No! You must press them all down before the powerful imperial dynasty, which is hostile to Tai Cang, is born before the gods are born!"

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