I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 917: The Kuna clan, please watch the ceremony【大

  The arrival of Lord Yin has deeply shocked many who are too strong.

   also brought a certain silent shock to the boundless wilderness.

   at least.

   For the three great gods that dominated the boundless wilderness in the past, the power is almost endless, just like the three gods of the cloud kingdom.

   This is undoubtedly an extremely tricky thing.

  Yin Jun and Xu Ze were originally sharp-edged, facing each other.

   Their power and power are against each other, and even the world is gloomy.

   But the emperor suddenly appeared.

   Immediately afterwards, Xu Ze slowly retreated under the emperor's glow. When he retreated, his eyes were soft, as if he had reached some kind of agreement with the emperor.

   The sacred mulberry tree that grew on the emperor was also swallowed by the yin.

   Shang Sang allowed the formerly dilapidated Yin Monarch world to gradually complete and gradually become more and more expansive.

   And in Ji Xia's heart.

  The arrival of Lord Yin is definitely not a bad thing.

   Although many years ago.

   Ji Xia had some conflicts with Yin Jun.

   But later, this contradiction was returned to nothingness because of Ji Lin's body and ceased to exist.


   Jun Yin once swears to Father Lu.

   can make one shot for Ji Xia...

   Originally, Ji Xia had no hope for Yin Jun's shot.

  Because Lord Yin's true body has never come, only the body that Ji Lin once had, carrying some of his will.

In this situation.

   Ji Xia has always thought that even if Mr. Yin makes a move, it will not play a strong role.

   But it is different now.

  Miesheng Demon Township offers sacrifices to Yin Jun.

   Let Yin Jun’s true body descend into the boundless wilderness.

   Let Yin Jun’s big world blend into the boundless wilderness.

   Let Yin Jun's power continue to recover, and make Yin Jun's world continue to grow stronger.

under such a circumstance.

  Yinjun's promise has become precious.

   An existence in the realm of gods, once for Tai Cang...

   Moreover, Ji Xia could perceive that Lord Yin is definitely not an ordinary god.

   Since he can stand against the Great God Xu Ze and be able to nurture an unparalleled world, it is enough to prove the power of Yin Jun.

   It’s just that the current Yin Monarch world is incomplete, and I don’t know if Yin Monarch is in peak state at this moment.

   Ji Xia thought in her heart.

   But this time the Lord Yin descended without causing any suffering to Tai Cang.

   those **** and fierce beasts rushing forward.

   was also covered by the light of the great emperor in a flash, and disappeared.

  "Think of it carefully...Many God Kingdom powerhouses, when facing Yin Jun and Xu Ze, dare to peep...

   But when the emperor appeared, after they saluted respectfully, they completely dissipated and did not dare to stay for a long time.

   Can this prove that the emperor’s personality is more noble than Yin Jun and Xu Ze? "

   Ji Xia frowned slightly: "If this is the case, how could the emperor allow the Yin Lord to swallow the sacred mulberry tree?"

  I thought about it for a long time.

   Ji Xia has no results.

   simply shook his head and muttered to himself: "There may be many causes and effects among these ancient gods.

   Thinking about it carefully, the sacred mulberry tree was only transplanted to the emperor by Xianglong after it was ruined...

   doesn't seem to have a deep relationship with the emperor. "

   Kixia thought of this.

   My mind gradually calmed down.

   "For the current Tai Cang, there is no need to worry about these."

   Ji Xia carried her hands on her back, disappeared into the void, and came to the Secret Realm of Choking.

   in the secret realm.

   Except for the absence of many powerful people in the Heavenly Palace of Thunder Law.

   Other Tai Cang cultivators are diligently practicing to improve their strength.

More than 500 years have passed since the establishment of the Yuan Ding Year.

   Jixia came to Tai Cang, and it has been five hundred and forty years.

   Count the age of Shang Jixia's predecessor.

   Ji Xia's body is already five hundred and sixty years old.

   More than five hundred years of time passed in a flash, giving Ji Xia a rather unreal feeling.

  "For more than five hundred years, including the years spent in the secret world of Choking, I am afraid it has been thousands of years.

   But it doesn’t seem to be a short while. "

   Soon Ji Xia thought of Tai Cang's development.

   suddenly felt that Tai Cang seemed to have gone through tens of thousands of years.

   Ordinary countries, even if they are born with extremely powerful racial domination, cannot develop to such a degree in such a short period of time.

   "The great road is still long."

   Ji Xia sighed with emotion, "the deceased is like this", her eyes gradually cold.

   He returned to Shanggan Palace and sat on the throne.

   His consciousness moved slightly.

   Bai Qi, Six Sorrows Canglong, Wei Chang, Yu Zao Qian, Yang Ren, Shi Yang, Abandoned Lord... came one after another and gathered in the Palace of Heaven.

   Jixia's eyes lit up slightly.

   looked at Xin Ya who hurried over.

   Xinya saluted respectfully, and then gently brushed his sleeves, a black jade slip appeared in his hand.

   As the jade slip opened, scenes after scenes suddenly appeared before everyone.

   I saw these sights, roughly from two very glorious imperial dynasties.

   are the two imperial dynasties of "No Sun" and "Chiyun".

   These two imperial dynasties possessed extremely extraordinary power in the vast Jiezu Mountain.

   controls countless dynasties.

   The territory is vast and endless, even better than the Omoyue Empire.

   And the scene in the light curtain is exactly the capital of these two imperial dynasties.

   Wuridu and Chiyun were both magnificent and magnificent compared to Tai Cang Tai Du.

   No Sun Emperor Dynasty, the reason why it is called No Sun.

  The reason is that the entire place where the imperial clan of the sunless dynasty is located is covered by a dense dark cloud, and the sky is not visible at all.

   Sunless emperors love darkness and don’t like sunlight.

   Therefore, the strong emperors used two-sided large flags to cover a wide area so that the sun could not shine.

   Without a Japanese capital, it is like an endless abyss.

   In the abyss, there are more than ten stars, repeating constantly.

   These stars are connected by very magnificent bridges.

   looks dark and mysterious. ????

   Above every star, there is a moon exuding black aura, shining a hazy light.

   Sunless emperors don’t need light.

   But in this sunless imperial capital, there are still many sunless family members who serve these emperor nobles.

   The population in the imperial capital has even reached trillions.

   And in the abyss below these stars.

   The black river that originally flowed has been cut off.

   sorted out a huge Hirakawa.

  Above the Pingchuan River, there are many buildings that are constantly being built.

  Countless strong men guard this Pingchuan, so that the creatures on Pingchuan will not be disturbed by the beasts of the abyss and the killing of many demons.

   "It seems that Sunless and Chiyun are really terrified of today's Tai Cang."

   Qiyin Lord still wrapped his body in a black cloak.

   He sneered: "I don't hesitate to cut off the river, I don't hesitate to send many strong men to guard the human race, and to spend a lot of spiritual resources, so that many human races have a place to stay.

   It seems that the emperor’s imperial edict really played a huge role. "

   horned face with dry wormwood, his eyes calm and indifferent: "In the boundless wilderness, powerful strength is the core of everything.

   Tai Cang was able to suppress the six secret realms of the Xixuan Saint Court, and the two kingdoms of Sunless and Chiyun could only bow their heads sadly. "

   Shi Yang grinned: "Maybe the two emperors have secretly communicated with the Xixuan Sacred Court, wanting to annihilate Tai Cang in one fell swoop.

   But on the bright side, they can only obey the imperial edict and dare not resist any.


   "Because if they don't follow, then there will be two more imperial dynasties in Jiezu Mountain, and they will disappear since then."

Bai Qi took Shi Yang’s words and added: “The most ridiculous thing is that after the Tai Cang Tian edict was issued, the two imperial dynasties once sent a letter to Tai Cang, wanting the emperor to make the appointment with Lu Father, otherwise they would not Obey the Supreme Emperor..."

   Tamazou was very curious and asked, "How did the emperor answer them?"

   Baiqi smiled gently, and said: "The emperor only returned them a jade slip.

   The jade slip records the dilapidated scenes of the six secret realms of Xixuan. "

   The Six Sorrows Canglong snorted coldly, "Later, this matter was left over.

   Sunless and Chiyun Kingdoms have also begun to treat many human beings kindly. "

   Ji Xia took a sip of spiritual tea, and said with a serious face: "In each of the two countries, there are hundreds of billions of human beings.

  There are so many human subjects who have been imprisoned in Chiyun and Wuri, which is no way.

   The reason why I called you to come today is already known to you. "

   Shiyang stood up immediately, his body became more burly, and his spirit became more and more prosperous.

   As the Lord of the Eucharist, and the background of General Zhansi, coupled with the unique conditions of cultivation.

   Shiyang's cultivation speed is leaps and bounds.

   Although it is not as good as a few gods, it is also very extraordinary.

   "In this case, I would like to ask the emperor to give an order. With Taicang's current strength, it is not too difficult to push the two imperial dynasties of Wuri and Chiyun horizontally."

   Shiyang, please fight.

   Bai Qi said, "Of course it is not difficult for Tai Cang to destroy these two kingdoms.

   are just these two imperial dynasties, in the place where the human races in their territories inhabited, they laid out a lot of killing arrays.

  Once there is a storm in the sky, I am afraid that the lives of these fellow humans will be threatened. "

  The Six Sorrows Canglong also nodded and said, "Now, Lei Bu has gone to the Phoenix Secret Realm, and the Seven Stars of Great Cang, the righteous god, is also moving towards the Phoenix Secret Realm.

  Unless the Seven Stars of Tai Cang are summoned to return again.

   Otherwise, Tai Cang might not be able to smooth the two imperial dynasties silently. "

   "That's the case." Xin Ya said: "The strength of these two imperial dynasties is stronger than that of the Omoyue imperial dynasty.

   The upper levels of the two countries add up, and I am afraid that there are more than three gods on the bridge.

   There are more than ten people on the bright side.

   If too Cang Lei Law Heaven Palace, and the Seven Stars of the Cang Cang Zheng Shen will not take action.

   Even if Tai Cang can win, it cannot guarantee the safety of the human beings. "

   Zhang Jiao sighed and said, "Too pale is too young, and it never took too long to develop.

   Otherwise, another three to five hundred barren years will pass.

   I and many other beings can also climb the bridge of God. "


   "Strength growth cannot be achieved overnight, and there is no need to be too anxious."

   Just as everyone was discussing, Ji Xia finally spoke: "Now the Xixuan Saint Court ruler is in retreat, and the Saint Court powerhouse must still be connected to the vast wilderness and many hostile holy courts and imperial dynasties.

   How vast is the vast wilderness? It takes a long time to coordinate the army and unite the vertical and even horizontally.

   Waiting for them to gather enough time to come to Tai Cang, I am afraid that they have already spent three to five hundred years.

   With these three to five hundred years of breathing time, everyone present may be able to achieve the **** bridge. "????

   Practice together, the higher the level, the slower.


   Many Tai Cang gods have already stood on the peak of Shangqiang.

   constructed a dome of seven layers or more.

   The combat power of the Six Sorrows Canglong cannot be measured by its realm itself.

   Bai Qi, Yang Ren, and Qiyin masters have the **** moon, purple electric gun, and Jiuqi Gongque in the hands of Profound Saint Extreme Soldiers, whose strength is unprecedented and tyrannical.

   Zhang Jiao's personal combat power, although not better than these few.

   But his peaceful secret method is extremely weird, and it can play an unparalleled role on the battlefield.

   As for Yuzao, after this battle, the nine-tailed puppets she refined have reached eight.

   Eight puppets on the top of the dome, plus her own power.

   The combat power is extremely powerful.

   Among the Taicang Gods, the weakest is also Uncle Chaolong.

   It's not that Uncle Chao Long's qualifications are not good, but because Uncle Chao Long went out of the Emperor Tianqi Dynasty, a lot of time was lost.

   Later, Ji Xia had to enshrine Emperor Chaolong as the Great God of Tai Cang Xuan Mountain, dominate the many mountain gods of Tai Cang, and received incense from the people to make up for the problem that his cultivation could not keep up.

   After all, Uncle Chaolong’s combat power and talent are not just a sacred body, it can be compared.

   So only a few decades have passed.

   Chaolongbo has already achieved Shangqiong, but he has never reached the peak.

   This kind of power, coupled with the great army.

   If Tai Cang just wants to equalize the two imperial dynasties, it is not difficult.

   But if you want to disintegrate many large formations silently, save countless human races, and then suppress two imperial dynasties...

   This kind of difficulty is indeed higher.

   But Ji Xia's face was very calm from beginning to end.

   Immediately behind him, a ray of light emerged, digging a channel in the void!

   Everyone's eyes condensed.

   From that passage, I saw a god-man who exuded the breath of endless avenues.

   This palm **** has a burly face, and various visions emerge behind him.

   seems to be a human righteous god, but when you look closely, it seems to be a world-famous beast.

  'S awe-inspiring awe-inspiring spirit, a series of galaxies running behind him, and powerful power constantly rising from him.

   Let this man of God exude a mighty power.

   This god-man is Da Huangluo.

   "The emperor."

   Dahuangluo's true body came and saluted Ji Xia.

   There seemed to be two stars in his eyes that were constantly rotating, shining bright and fierce rays of light reflecting the galaxy.

   Many too strong people, all their eyes condensed.

   There was a clearly visible color of surprise in his eyes.

   "Is this Tai Sui Da Huang Luo?" Six Scourges Canglong pondered in his heart.

   Bai Qi thought to himself: "When I am waiting for the expedition~www.ltnovel.com~ Pan Yan, the second strongest in Xixuan, will come to Tai Cang.

   was defeated by a supreme **** under the supreme emperor, if there is no Xixuan ruler phantom coming, I am afraid that he will die.

  Furthermore, Pan Yan still holds Xixuan’s emperor soldiers...

  Thinking about it this way, this Tai Sui succumbed to a great waste, I am afraid that the combat power has already been in the realm of God! "

   Ji Xia nodded slightly, and said, "Dahuangluo will accompany you to the two kingdoms of Sunless and Chiyun.

   The lower emperors of these two kingdoms were all slaughtered, and the bones were cast to sacrifice the city, offering sacrifices to the dead human beings.

  The upper emperor clan, all rushed to Tai Cang...

   I want to entertain many emperors of the dynasty, and many holy court masters, to come and observe the ceremony. "

   Ji Xia's eyes flashed coldly: "We want the entire Jiezu Mountain and even the surrounding imperial forces to be clear...

   Today's Tai Cang can stand proudly in the boundless wilderness, not relying on the tolerance of many imperial dynasties! "

   Jixia said this, stood up, and thought to herself: "I hope I can find the old thief Xixuan's retreat before watching the ceremony..."

   "His head is much more precious than the heads of the two emperors of Wuri and Chiyun..."



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