I have a paradise

Chapter 251 Yu Fengzhai

Time always flies quickly when he is busy, until a message alert sounded from his mobile phone, Wang Yi put down the many files. After moving his body, he put down the processed files, and reached out to pick up the bodyguard. I took a sip of the tea that I brought, and picked up the phone to read the message.

"Are you still busy? Did you forget something today?"

Seeing the news from Fu Yue, Wang Yi couldn't help but chuckled softly. It seemed that his charm was too strong, and the girl was already anxious.

To be honest, Wang Yi is not disgusted with Fu Yue's little tricks. After all, this society is so realistic and cruel, especially for ordinary people. In his opinion, this is a young man who works hard for his dream. Wang Yi is willing to give her such an opportunity.

Of course, this kind of opportunity is not available to everyone. At least you have to let people see your strengths. Of course, many of the strengths can only be discovered after some understanding, and some can be seen at a glance, such as Fu Yue, her advantages are obvious, and she surpasses most people. Wang Yi is very optimistic about her, rationally use her own advantages, and then achieve success through her own efforts. Isn't this behavior normal?Why bother to think of others' abilities as filthy?

"Go right now!" Wang Yi typed a line quickly, then stood up, went to the cloakroom, put on his clothes, tidyed it up, and made himself look more handsome.

Sitting in a Maybach with the same model as Jack Ma, the car quickly left the villa and drove towards Zhongyuan University. The place agreed by Wang Yi and Fu Yue was in a shop next to Zhongyuan University.Fu Yue, who had received the information in advance when Wang Yi arrived, also opened the door and walked out at this time.

It can be said that women basically do not distinguish between spring, summer, autumn and winter for beauty. Although the weather in Central Plains is very good these days, it is already winter. Fu Yue actually wore a beige cashmere trench coat with a slim dress and legs. Wearing flesh-colored warm silk stockings and stepping on a pair of five-point-high black leather boots, Wang Yi was also stunned by this dress. His dark and smooth hair was meticulously tied up, and he pulled up a beautiful bun with facial features. Exquisite and tall, the whole person looks like a beautiful landscape.

When Wang Yi came to the front, Wang Yi discovered that the dress in it had outlined her graceful figure in a conspicuous manner. I have to say that Fu Yue perfectly showed her advantages.People who saw her couldn't help but speed up.

The movements of walking are so soothing and light, a pair of eyes smile before a word, giving people a scene where a hundred flowers are in full bloom in an instant. When they come closer, they naturally take Wang Yi's arm, watery eyes and Wang Yi looked at each other and said softly: "Let's go!"

When Wang Yi looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, he also secretly sighed that this moment was truly outstanding.

"Please get in the car." Wang Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled and helped her open the car door.

Sitting in the warm carriage, Fu Yue also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She had secretly rehearsed several times for today's encounter. In addition, she was not cold enough to wear such a thin dress, but she saw Wang Yi's reaction. , She felt it was worth it.

When the car started, Fu Yue looked at the interior of the car curiously, rubbed her palms on the seats, blinked at Wang Yi and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Hehe, it's noon, let's go have a meal first. I remember that there is a restaurant here that tastes good. This time you accompany me to taste it." Wang Yi said with a smile.

"Okay." Hearing Wang Yi's words, Fu Yue nodded in agreement. With a pair of eyes looking at Wang Yi, Wang Yi held her in his arms as soon as he stretched out his hand.

The car quickly stopped in front of a restaurant, the two got off the car, and walked into the restaurant. Before Wang Yi came, he had asked the bodyguard to call the restaurant to make a reservation, and called for their chef to cook in person. The chef is very famous and used to be the fifth generation descendant of Yufengzhai.

Although Yufengzhai is not a big hotel, his seniority is not low at all. In the memory of the older generation, Yufengzhai is the leader of the catering industry in the capital of Central Plains Province. At the beginning of the establishment of China, the senior officials at the time personally hosted Next, opened a restaurant dedicated to receiving foreign guests.

It is the third-generation descendant of Yufengzhai who really carry forward this Yufengzhai, but he is already old and has long retired. Now the chef of Yufengzhai is the sixth-generation descendant, and the chef of this restaurant The chef is the fifth generation descendant of Yufengzhai.This restaurant is said to have been opened by him and others. The average price per person for a meal here is between 8,000 and 10,000, which is not much different from the Tanjia cuisine in the capital.

A lobby manager led two people inside. The private rooms in this restaurant are a bit different. They are divided into small restaurants. The private rooms are actually very spacious. They use traditional Chinese palace decoration. The small restaurant that people come to is at least one hundred square meters, facing a mahogany rack with various porcelain artworks.

Because of collection reasons, Wang Yi has also studied antiques during this period. The shelves in front of him are not like those modern decorations, they are not fashion goods. On the shelves, Wang Yi saw a few very unique. The cup body looks like pottery, but also a little like ironware. There are blue feathers on the inside, and the light shines like a galaxy, shining brightly.

Seeing this cup, I seemed to have seen a similar one a few days ago. After thinking for a while, he said, "This is Jianzhan?"

"Mr. Wang has good eyesight." The lobby manager said with some compliments: "But this is a modern high imitation." Then he added: "Some time ago, a guest broke one during a meal, and the boss said all those precious antiques. It was replaced with a high-definition product, but even if it was an imitation product, it was made by a master, and this tea set is one of the finest products."

Jianzhan is a kind of porcelain produced by Hu Jian. The most famous one is Rabbit Haozhan. Although these are not rabbit Haozhan, they are indeed fine products.

Going further, Wang Yi saw a lot of precious porcelains, one-to-one tall Jun kiln porcelain vases. The biggest feature of Jun kiln is the kiln change. Although the use of modern technology makes the kiln change controllable, it is such a big one. The high-quality goods are still very valuable, a rough estimate is at least 300,000.

Qing Dynasty gold flower and bird general jar, Qing Xuantong official kiln sky blue glaze three-hole gourd vase, Qing Qianlong multicolored plum vase, etc., these are all genuine products, and the value is between hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands, not to mention other decorations. The value of these porcelains alone is millions.

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