I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 382: Delicious green pepper and potato shreds!

In Old Zhang's hand, a big iron pan was swaying up and down, and the tongue of fire licked the bottom of the pan, inspiring a charming fragrance.

Replied: "Green pepper and potato shreds, ready soon!"

Lin Ying hadn't planned to eat right away, so she sat and chatted for a while, but she felt hungry when she smelled the scent.

Don't go back, just wait at the window and wait for it to be done!

The staff in the canteen couldn't wait to line up and said, "Oh, why is it so fragrant."

"My stomach is already groaning!"

"I was very full just after eating, but I have an appetite again..."

Stir-fried potato shreds should be fried quickly, not for too long, it will become sticky after a long time, without the crunchy feeling.

Therefore, after the potato shreds were fragrant, Lao Zhang added the prepared green pepper shreds and fry it quickly, pour the vinegar on the side of the pan and shook the pan. As the vinegar is stimulated by the heat, the mixed aroma suddenly becomes more charming and makes people feel Increased appetite.

Put it out of the pot, it's done!

"Give me a slice of green pepper and potato shreds!"

"Give me a copy too!"

Back to the seats with the dinner plate, everyone couldn't wait to taste it.

The potato shreds just out of the pot are still steaming, the green pepper is emerald green, and the potato shreds are beautiful golden yellow.

The aroma is slightly reduced than when it is fried, but it is more intoxicating, as if you can smell the fresh rain and dew.

Lin Ying's mouth was drooling. Although she wanted to smell it a few more times, she didn't hesitate to start. She took a chopstick and ate it in her mouth. The potato shreds were bitten by her teeth, and she made a small, crisp sound.

The slightly spicy of hot pepper, the salty aroma of potatoes, and a little vinegar taste. After a bite, the taste is fresh and crisp, as if you have come to Hawaii, blowing the breeze on the beach, and there are beautiful women playing and surfing beside you. Sublimated.

Lin Ying quickly finished eating, with an urge to cry, feeling that she had eaten all the potato shreds before.

Subconsciously licked the chopsticks, and said very impersonally: "Why can it be so delicious!"

Guan Shan nodded vigorously in agreement: "It's so delicious, this is the best dish I have ever eaten! If it is put together with the barbecue in the Lion Restaurant, I will definitely choose this!"

"Lao Zhang, have another one!"

"I was full just now, but now I feel appetite. I can eat ten more bowls of rice!"

"Damn, after eating this, I won't be able to eat any other shredded potatoes!"

"Lao Zhang, your cooking skills are advancing by leaps and bounds!"

In the cafeteria, exclamation and admiration came one after another.

Someone asked curiously: "Lao Zhang, what's the matter? Why are today's potatoes so delicious?"

Although Lao Zhang usually cooks delicious food, today it is obviously several levels higher than usual, which is not so delicious.

It feels like that for Michelin restaurants, right?

Lao Zhang was praised. He smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, and said while serving the dishes: "Hi, this is not my credit. The potatoes used today are not ordinary potatoes, they are organic potatoes grown by the garden director. Used pesticides."

"It turns out to be organic potatoes, no wonder they are so delicious." Everyone nodded suddenly.

Although I haven't eaten organic vegetables very often, I have eaten some local chickens and dumb chickens.

Naturally hatched, walking on the pasture every day, eating insects and grains, and growing up with native chickens, and machine-hatched, eating chicken feed every day, and factory chickens that have been slaughtered for three months have a different taste.

The mouth can't deceive people, the meat of the local chicken is tender, smooth and firm, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes.

If it's used to make soup, it doesn't need too many seasonings. Simply add a little salt and it's very delicious.

The factory chicken always feels a fishy smell in the soup, and the meat is awful.

At this time, Fang Ye and Lan Lei came to the cafeteria, they couldn't help sniffing as soon as they entered the door: "Wow, it smells good!"

Lin Ying's eyes lit up, and she immediately greeted and asked: "President, how many potatoes do you grow! I want to eat potatoes every day!"

"Eat potatoes every day +1! Let's have a beef stew with potatoes tomorrow!"

Fang Ye smiled and said, “I’m definitely tired of eating every day, and I don’t grow that much! I’m still groping for farming methods. I plan to buy a farm in a while so that our employees, animals, and tourists can eat organic products.

The strawberries that are planted in one month are almost ready to be harvested, and I will give you some at that time. "


"The principal is so handsome! I love you, principal!"

The crowd applauded warmly, thinking of the sweet and delicious organic strawberries, their saliva would flow down.

After Fang Ye ate the potato shreds, he couldn't help being stunned by the crisp taste.

I wondered, if the Panda Restaurant serves such a dish, how much should it be priced?


Back in the house, I made a call: "Hey, Mom!"

Fang's mother sounded good: "It's rare to call me. What's wrong?"

Fang Ye smiled and said, "I planted some potatoes in the yard. Organic potatoes are delicious and healthy. I will post them to you. Today, the canteen used my potatoes and fried potato shreds with green peppers. They are so delicious. Swept away."

Fang's mother was surprised: "When have you learned how to grow vegetables? Life is really good, but if it's delicious, let's stay and eat for yourself. Mom has received it with her heart."

The picture in Fang's mind: a potato sprout produces a dozen potatoes. The big fist is big, and the small one is similar to the cap of a coin bottle. They add up to a meal. In a small yard, even if all potatoes are planted, they will be gone after a few days.

Actually: The potato takes a lot of effort to pull out. There are 20 or 30 in the following bunch, each of which is at least the size of a fist and contains dozens of sacks.

"Mom, I told you that I have a special way of growing vegetables, a good harvest, we have more than enough to eat here. Leave it alone, send me the address, and be sure to send you some to taste."

Fang's mother was still a little touched~www.readwn.com~ helplessly said: "Okay, okay, then try the potatoes you grow."

Then he asked gossiping: "Hey, are you and that little girl called Koi or Koi? Oh, red carp, right? How is the progress? Would you like your mother to fund you love?"

Fang Ye kept laughing: "All the carp has come out, it's called the blue carp! Oh, we are all right..."

Talked to my mom about the interesting things that happened in the zoo recently!

The lioness is about to give birth, the giant panda is coming or something.

"Awesome, you have giant pandas in your zoo!"

"Yes, pandas are very cute..."

Fang Ye used to call home when he was in college, and his life was monotonous and his relationship with his family was rigid. After the routine greetings, there was nothing to say, so Fang's mother took the initiative to say a few words.

Now I am engaged in a career I like, and my life is much richer than that of my parents. The relationship has also improved. I can talk about all kinds of things. After talking for more than an hour, the middle father also came over to say hello and listened with gusto.

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