I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 383: The Giant Panda Pavilion is open

Before hanging up the phone, Fang's mother remembered something and asked: "By the way, isn't your zoo going to get souvenir clothes? How is it?"

Fang Ye said: "Well, the quality of the clothes has nothing to say! I like to wear our commemorative sweater when I go out now. It is comfortable and beautiful, and tourists like it. The sales are very good. Recently, I have made a few more styles."

The first batch of tiger sweaters and red panda sweaters sold quickly, and Fang Ye contacted Zhao Chan to find out several styles.

In addition to the yellow lion sweater, the red red fox sweater, and the giant panda sweater.

The panda sweater is divided into two styles, black and white background!

Orders were placed before the pandas came, and the merchandise could be displayed after the open tour.

Although the tickets are sold cheaply, you still have to make money if you want to make money.


Two days later, the physical examination results of the two giant pandas came out. They were all healthy and ready to enter the playground.

However, Yun Duo is still a bit uncomfortable with the new environment and cannot be exhibited immediately.

Therefore, Fang Ye would set aside one hour every day to take clouds around the indoor exhibition area and outdoor exhibition area, familiarize himself with the environment, and feed with the breeder to reduce its fear of strange breeders.

The potatoes for mom have also been sent home.

Fang's mother took two photos for Fang Ye and sent them. One was an open sack of light golden potatoes, and the other was potato fried meat on a plate.

A thumbs up: "It does grow naturally. A dish of fried dishes tastes good!"

Fang Ye: "/ Bare teeth, just delicious!"

A week passed quietly, and the light rain showed an abnormality.

The belly has enlarged a circle, appetite is obviously increased, and the amount of activity is also reduced.

According to the observation of the breeder, it can be seen digging grass and digging soil in the near future, and it seems that it wants to dig a cave out.

Obviously there are children!

After disinfecting the delivery room and spreading hay, it was taken directly to the delivery room, so as not to be disturbed by tourists and other wolves.

The gestation period of a wolf is generally 60 days, and it takes two months to give birth to cubs.

She wolf will show these abnormalities around 40-50 days of gestation.

In other words, in one or two weeks, the little wolf cubs will be born, and the little lion cubs will almost be born.

The belly of the wild boar Meimei is also a little bigger now, and the pigs have a longer gestation period. At about 4 months, it will probably give birth to piglets by the end of February or the beginning of spring in March.

The zoo is about to usher in many new lives, and the employees become busy.

Breeders are busy observing the conditions of the animals, adjusting the feed formula, and preparing for the birth of a new life. The publicity and education department must also prepare for the upcoming Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is coming in February, and after the Year of the Ox is the Year of the Tiger, Linhai Zoo is preparing to organize a science popularization event about tigers.

With Fang Ye's comfort, Yun Duo gradually adapted to life in Linhai Zoo and was ready for exhibition.

Taking into account the attractiveness of pandas, fearing that the crowded tourists will affect the visit experience, or that there will be safety accidents such as trampling when the scene is too hot, the Linhai Zoo public account has released the news at the same time, and opened the ticket reservation in advance.

"Long looking forward, the panda is finally going to be exhibited!"

"Hahaha, great!"

"I want to take a leave, and the whole family will come to see the panda!"

After receiving the news that the pandas were going to be exhibited, the tourists were so excited that the tickets for the first three days of the exhibition were quickly booked out.


Ma Tang was sitting in the vice seat, and seeing cars passing by, and children in the open window, she couldn't help but guess: "Is this all going to the zoo?"

Dad Tang, who was driving, sighed, "Isn't it? Usually there are not so many cars on this road!"

"Thanks to my daughter promptly reminding us to book tickets!"

"Hey, am I very witty?"

Tang Xiaoxin is wearing a light blue skirt today, sitting on the back seat, smiling and talking, too happy.

It's so cool to be able to see pandas during the holidays!

When I came to the zoo, although it was only 7 o'clock, the park has not yet opened, and you can see many tourists of different ages gathering at the gate of the zoo.

Tang Xiaoxin looked out of the car window and saw the crowded and bustling scene, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow, many people!"

Nearly half of the parking lot has been parked!

Dad Tang said with some rejoicing: "Fortunately, we came early, otherwise we won't have to stop when we get off."

The weather is a bit cold, with a bleak chill in the cold wind, but everyone's enthusiasm is like a stove.

Volunteers in green vests kept wiping the sweat from their foreheads, holding up loudspeakers and shouting, maintaining order at the door: "Don’t crowd! Don’t crowd! Line up, let’s go in in an orderly way. It’s much faster to squeeze in, and it’s also safer!"

"Open the door, open the door!"

"Look at the panda!"

Electronic gates have now been installed at the entrance of the zoo.

Tang's father and mother took out his mobile phone, scanned the gate with the QR code of the ticket, and went in.

Tang Xiaoxin has a new year card and walked through the artificial passage. The ticket inspector Cha Fei quickly scanned the photos and waved to indicate that he could pass.

When the family met in the park, Tang Xiaoxin volunteered: "I'll lead the way!"

She knew that the Giant Panda Pavilion was right next to the Red Panda Pavilion.

Father Tang chuckled and said, "It's still up to you to lead the way, to see if everyone is going there."

Tang Xiaoxin scratched her head and smiled embarrassedly: "Yes!"

The tourists are all here today rushing to the giant pandas!

Walking in the verdant bamboo forest, the clear stream around me meandered, and the sound of gurgling water came from my ears.

A gust of wind blew through the bamboo forest, blowing the bamboo leaves "rusty", a few bamboo leaves gently fell into the stream, and floated down with the current.

Tang Xiaoxin hadn't been to the zoo for a long time for the final exam, and smelled the fragrance of the bamboo forest intoxicated: "Ah, I'm back again!"

Dad Tang also felt that the exhaustion of working overtime had been relieved, and he couldn't help but nodded: "The environment in the zoo is indeed very healing."

Through the beautiful bamboo forest ~www.readwn.com~ I soon saw the Giant Panda Pavilion.

The wall is made into a side-by-side bamboo appearance, inlaid with a panda's black and white, simple and cute head.

Entering the exhibition hall, the crowd is crowded, clinging to the glass curtain wall and watching the situation inside, the excitement and noise are endless.

"Giant panda!"

"Wow, look, it's so cute! It's so fun!"

Tang Xiaoxin was itchy in her heart when she heard it, and she jumped for a while and was blocked from seeing it.

Hurriedly took the family's hand and walked forward for a while.

When I came to a piece of glass with fewer people, I could finally see what was inside.

I saw a giant panda, twisting its buttocks, walking in a horoscope on the grass.

The giant panda on this half of the playground is strong and strong. He just ate a lot of bamboo and stood up to prepare for an activity.

Come to a dangling tire!

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