I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 392: New Year's preparations

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining spiritual soil!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the guardian potion!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining spiritual water!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the dragon essence and tiger pill!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a bag of golden glutinous rice seeds!"

Muppet badges are directly ignored, except that the panda puppet is the first time it was released, and the system prompts it. There are only hints for special props that are left for 100 consecutive draws.

Looking at the various puppet props in the system space, Fang Ye took a long breath, showing a very satisfied expression on his face.

It's cool to draw all the popularity value of more than 1000w in one breath!

It will be the New Year soon, and there must be many tourists visiting the zoo. There are definitely a lot of tourists this holiday, which can bring him a lot of popularity.

In fact, the puppets are nothing more than to sell more money, mainly props!

Spring is the season for planting in March. After the Chinese New Year is over, he is ready to buy a field for the zoo's organic crop planting base. The more spiritual soil you can draw, the better.

Looking through it, it looks like the props, in addition to the previously drawn, there are some more peculiar things.

Golden glutinous rice seeds: special varieties, half the yield of ordinary glutinous rice, but with excellent taste.

Remarks: It can only be planted in the selected one acre of land, and it will become normal quality after being out of the range.

This is a good thing.

Glutinous rice can be made into glutinous rice **** and zongzi! It can also be used to make wine.

Although the output is low, isn't there still a spiritual land?

The ability to extract props such as spiritual soil and seeds shows that the system believes that farming is also part of the zoo.

After all, animal manure is made into organic fertilizer, and then vegetables and fruits are grown to feed back the animals, which can be self-produced and sold, achieving a natural and harmonious cycle, which is very environmentally friendly.


Not only the volunteers, but the keepers are busy, but the civilian staff in the zoo are also very busy!

In order to greet the upcoming Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, a cultural exhibition of the tiger and the zodiac in the Year of the Tiger will be held and various activities have been prepared.

First of all, of course, it is about science popularization of tigers. A science exhibition board about tigers will be placed next to the zoo square.

Then there is the knowledge contest with prizes, which is the same as the previous National Day activities, but this time the question and answer are all about tigers, and there will be small rewards such as badges and stickers for correct answers.

Speaking of which, the zoo has specially prepared cultural and creative products for the Year of the Tiger!

The tiger-patterned eco-friendly canvas tote bag. The illustration was drawn by an animal illustrator named "Xiao Xiaoxu" that Fang Ye met in the "Zoo Dry Goods Group" and asked him to draw it.

Why not invite Zhuang Xiaobai to paint, because Zhuang Xiaobai's painting style is realistic.

The tiger pattern on the canvas tote bag is a cartoon type, with a large head proportion. The tiger's body is chubby and round and looks very funny. It can be used as an emoticon bag when taken out.

There are also desk calendars. The pictures are not limited to tigers, including animals in various exhibition areas of the zoo.

There is an uncle in his forties and fifty who likes photography very much. He has money and free time, and he buys professional equipment. When you come to the zoo to take pictures, you need to bring several lenses, the exhibition area should be super wide, the ones in the exhibition tank should be macro, and the ones outdoors should be super long guns.

Because I often visit the zoo, I came and went and Fang Ye added a WeChat account.

Fang Ye saw the beautiful photos taken in the circle of uncle's friends, and he couldn't help thinking of making a cultural and creative product, a desk calendar or something.

After talking to the uncle, the uncle carefully selected a number of photos that he took better and sent it over.

I’m not sure how the sales volume is. Although the photos are pretty, few people use this thing now. Fang Ye contacted the manufacturer to produce 2,000 desk calendars and 500 calendars.

Another activity is paper-cutting, mainly for children.

Come to the zoo to celebrate the New Year, by the way, you can get in touch with the content of folk culture.

The children are given simple paper-cuts, the paper is relatively large, with clear lines drawn on it, and you can cut out patterns such as tiger lanterns by cutting it against it.

Of course, you have to pay for paper-cutting. The goods purchased on Taobao cost 10 yuan a piece, and you can take it home after you have cut it.


In the canteen, Fang Ye and Lan Lei sat down in their fixed positions.

Fang Ye looked at the menu and ordered a bowl of porridge and a steamed bun with a braised pork and green pepper potato shreds.

The red meat is rosy in color, fat but not greasy, the meat has a hint of sweetness, and the potato shreds are full of aroma, fresh and refreshing.

"Ah, it's delicious!"

Fang Ye took a bite of potato shreds and another bite of braised pork, showing an expression of happiness and enjoyment.

It's worthy of being a potato planted with spiritual soil and spiritual water.

Looking at Fang Ye's appearance, Blue Carp couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "By the way, the principal, what do your parents like?"

"Huh?" Fang Ye was a little surprised.

"I want to buy some presents for my uncles and aunts! You bring them back during the Chinese New Year."

The time for the two to fall in love is relatively short, and Blue Carp is not as embarrassed to tell the parents.

One reason is shy, and the other is that Fang Ye’s conditions are too good. His parents can’t accept it. They just hinted it when the parents asked if they had a boyfriend. Seeing that the parents are not mature enough, they will go back to their homes this year.

"Oh, this..." Fang Ye scratched his head, he didn't even think of this. "They don't have any special hobbies, either, just forget it, just feel it."

All he could think of was tea and wine, but there were a pile of them at home, and most of the gifts that others sent could not be used, and my parents basically sent them out again.

"It's still very important to buy a gift!" Blue Carp thought about it seriously, his eyes lit up, "Do you have a sweeping robot in your house?"

Fang Ye thought for a while: "This, shouldn't it? I haven't been home for a while, but my parents are not so fashionable."

"Well, then I'll buy a sweeping robot. Buy a gift box of cookies or something."

Fang Ye asked, "Then what do your parents like? What should I buy for them~www.readwn.com~Would you like to buy tea and wine?"

Although he thinks the best gift is fairy beans, it's better than any health care products advertised on TV, and it has a heart, but it feels a bit ludicrous as a first-time gift.

Think of the blue carp when he comes home: "The gift my boyfriend gave you, the potatoes he grew himself! Organic potatoes, super delicious!"

It's better to give me a traditional point honestly.

Blue Carp also decided to have a showdown with his parents when he went home this time: "Take tea, my dad prefers tea!"

"What about the aunt?"

The two whispered and discussed, picking a gift is a big deal, and I can't take care of the delicious meal.

After eating in a hurry, they returned home and sat on the sofa together, and opened Taobao to choose.

I picked a tea leaf for the blue carp's father, and my mother picked a dress.

Well, you can prepare to go back to the New Year!

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