I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 393: Go home for the new year

   Chapter 397

  On the 30th of the year, 9 o'clock in the morning.

   "Get up, get up!"

  The bedroom door was knocked, Fang Ye hugged the quilt and fell asleep. He was called by a familiar voice, but the bed was so warm and comfortable. He didn't want to get up, so he turned over again.

  He came back by plane yesterday afternoon.

   said in a daze: "Don't call me, I'll start later..."

   "Get up and paste the couplet! You don't want to paste it and wait for us to paste it, hurry up and pack up, and I will go to your grandpa's house later."

   Fang’s mother unceremoniously opened the curtains, the bedroom was suddenly illuminated, and she went out again.

  Fang Ye rubbed his eyes, sat up reluctantly, yawned and muttered: "Oh, I'm so sleepy..."

   Picked up the phone and checked the time. It was indeed late at 9 o'clock!

  There are still a lot of things to be busy during the New Year. Open the quilt and get out of bed.

  Went to the bathroom to wash and brush her teeth, and cold water was poured on her face. Suddenly, she felt aroused, and most of her sleepiness was swept away.

  This water is so cold!

  The temperature difference between the north and the south is too big. His home is more than ten degrees below zero. After coming back, he is very uncomfortable.

  Although I prepared a down jacket, he was still cold enough when he first got off the plane. Fortunately, the heating at home was very strong.

   came to the living room, the house was clean and clean.

   On the brown wooden table of the TV, there is a pot of eucalyptus with oval leaves. It is a very common potted plant, but the leaves of this eucalyptus seem to be a bit awkward. Mom is checking the status.

  Dad sitting on the sofa, holding the sweeping robot, and studying the instructions.

   Fang Ye saw this, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "How about it? You can always try it out."

  Fang's father muttered, "It's useless."

  Mom Fang turned her head, and gave Dad Fang a straight eyebrow. Dad Fang nodded quickly: "Yeah! Good, good, good stuff!"

   Fang’s mother said again, “Go down and have breakfast by yourself, and hurry to the couplet after eating. The couplet is on the shoe cabinet. There is a red envelope on it for you to put in your pocket, and you will send a red envelope to your younger brother and sister!”

   "Oh! Actually, I also prepared a red envelope for them."

   Fang Ye promised: "Mom, let me water it."

  When watering, drop a pinch of spiritual soil in the flower pot by the way.


  After finishing the family affairs, he came to Fang Ye's grandfather's house again.

  Fuhe couplets have been posted at the door, and people on both sides of the door warmly greeted them.

   "Go in, go in, go in!"

  "Happy New Year! Happy New Year!"

   "Oh, you guys have already arrived!"

"is not it!"

  "Happy New Year! Yo, Fang Ye is back too!"

  The second aunt wearing an apron ran out of the kitchen, pulled Fang Ye enthusiastically, and looked at it, "Is it a little fatter?"

  The third aunt knocked the seeds: "Well, it seems to be a little fatter!"

  Fang Ye, as a tool man, carried the gift, found a place to put it down, and promised with a smile: "Well, it's okay."

  There are more than 20 people in the family, which is still very lively.

  Fang Ye went to his grandfather’s house first and said hello. Grandpa lay on the bed with his eyes closed and listened to the radio. He was not very well when he was old, and his arms and faces were covered with age spots.

  Looking at Fang Ye coming over, greeted him, took his hand and asked briefly, Fang Ye also squatted down and greeted the old man’s physical condition, so that the old man should eat well and dress well and take care of his body.

  Go to the kitchen again and say hello to the dumpling-making grandma.

  Back to the living room, the eldest uncle was sitting at the table playing cards, and the younger uncle was sitting on the sofa and chatting. The little girl from the fourth aunt's family looked upset, and she didn't know why she was being dragged into the corner by the fourth aunt to reprimand.

  The third aunt pulled Fang Ye to sit down and asked enthusiastically: "Fang Ye, how about it, do you have a girlfriend now? Do you want to introduce one to you?"

   "Ahem, there is it!"

  The third aunt curiously asked: "Talk to the third aunt?"

  Fang Ye was a little entangled, and his uncle smiled and said: "It's people's own business to fall in love, Fang Ye, my uncle will give you a red envelope!"

  My uncle has always been particularly fond of Fang Ye!

  Fang Ye remembered that there was a Chinese New Year when he was a child, and his younger brother gave him a set of very awesome Lego. He was so happy that his nose and blisters popped up.

   somewhat embarrassed and said: "Ah, do I need red envelopes when I am so old?"

   Auntie smiled and said, "If you are not married, you are a child!"

  While taking out the red envelope from his pocket, Fang Ye did not refuse, but accepted it: "Okay, thank you Sanyi!"

  Received the uncle's red envelope.

  My little uncle said gratified: “It’s nice to have a girlfriend, eh, I’ve talked about it this year and divided it up, and I can’t get along with my personality.”

   Shaking his head coolly.

   After chatting with the adults for a while, Fang Ye greeted her sister who was in junior high school at Siyi’s home, took her to the balcony, and said with a smile, "I haven’t seen you for a long time, and it’s not happy to see my brother?"

  Sister Fang pursed her mouth and said: "People just want to sleep more in the morning, so they will be talked about. I also think I don’t clean, and talk about it, which is annoying."

   "Okay, okay, little things, don't be unhappy. Come and give you a red envelope."

  Fang Ye took out two red envelopes, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "This is my mother's, this one is mine! I'm short of money and tell my brother that my brother will support you."

  Sister Fang took the red envelope, and she was a little surprised and said: "Wow, brother, so generous!"

   smiled happily: "Thank you brother! By the way, brother, what are you doing now, I heard that you opened a zoo?"

   "Yes, you can come to my side to have fun during the holidays..."

  The younger brother of the second uncle’s family, this will lie on a remote sofa alone, holding his mobile phone for a little bit.

   Fang Ye looked up and said, "Where is the glory of the king?"

  Fang brother’s eyes lit up and said, “Hey, are you playing too? Let’s go black?”

   "Hehe, I won't play this...Come on, send you a red envelope!"

  The scent radiated from the kitchen, and the second aunt carried a plate of dumplings and put it on the table in the living room: "Come on, eat dumplings!"


  The sky is getting darker!

  Everyone ate almost, some adults chatted while drinking, some played cards.

   Fang’s mother was at the poker table, looking at the cards in her hand: "Right six!"

Uncle    pushed the card, haha ​​said with a smile: "I won! Oh, don’t play anymore, Fang Ye, would you like to play?"

   Fang Ye Tan Tan Shou: "No!"

  He never understands how adults play cards~www.readwn.com~ and he has no interest in understanding.

  I’m sitting on the sofa with my mobile phone on, and interested programs raise their eyelids to take a look.

  Many people will send holiday greetings during the Spring Festival. In addition to their former classmates and friends, there are also various bigwigs in the animal field, and they often ask people for professional knowledge.

  I also received new year greetings from friends and employees, and they all responded one by one.

  Fang Ye doesn’t like group messaging. The group messaging feels not sincere enough. Although it is troublesome, it happens only once a year.

  Blue Carp sent a selfie of herself, followed by a splendid firework.

   then made a voice, and could hear the fireworks crackling and exploding in the background, and the cheers of the surrounding people: "Our house is out to see the fireworks! Isn't it beautiful?"

  The voice was lowered, and she said shyly: "I really want to watch it with you."

   Fang Ye thought of Blue Carp's blushing shyly when he spoke, his heartbeat speeded up uncontrollably, took a deep breath, and whispered: "Me too."

  (End of this chapter)

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