I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 396: kungfu Panda!

  Chapter 400 Kung Fu Panda!

   Yingying laughed happily: "Panda! Panda!"

   Dongdong clapped his hands excitedly: "Panda! Panda!"

  Liu Xueqing looked at Zhuangzhuang’s innocent and lovely behavior, and couldn’t help covering her mouth and laughed: “Haha! It’s so fun!”

  Dad Yingying also smiled and shook his head: "Happy to look like a bear!"

  "Happy big baby! Zhuangzhuang really likes snow."

   "This is happy, I walk with jumps."

  "Hahahaha, how come the panda is the inner character."

   "Lively and cute."

   "This panda is a human being! Take off the leather case!"

   "It's so cute, it should be the first time I saw snow, and I walked out of the southern footsteps."

  Two couples looking like college students are holding hands. The boy is tall and burly, with a height of 1.8 meters, and the girl is 1.6 meters tall!

  The two talked quietly.

  "Hey, isn't your hometown in the dark province? Does it snow every winter, so you can make snowmen and have snowball fights?"

   "Yeah, not only can you have snowball fights, but the snow is still sweet, cherry-flavored, and even the railings are sweet."

   "Well, then I must try it."

  Zhuangzhuang climbed onto the perch again!

  Climbed from the first floor to the second floor platform, excitedly propped the umbrella-shaped wooden roof with his arms!

  Look at me tearing down the roof!

  There is a fluffy sack on the second-story wooden platform. This is also a very common enrichment item. It is filled with animal food, so that the animal can take a lot of effort and tear it before it can be eaten.

  Zhuangzhuang put the sack in his mouth, his head shook left and right, and his two paws slapped.

  Rua! The power of the bear!

  Without a bite in his mouth, the sack was flung to the ground!

Um? Want to escape? Where did you go?

  Zhuangzhuang lay on the platform on the second floor, with his head half stretched out, his head probed for the sacks, and he ran and jumped from the perch back to the snow.

   Biting the sack and pressing it in the snow, shaking his head and shaking his head, his arms waved on his head, raising large swaths of snowflakes.

  Even afterimages appeared, and I couldn't tell whether I was hitting the sacks or hitting myself.

   Euler Euler Euler Euler!

   "Wow, this panda can do kung fu!"

   "Happy like a two hundred catties child!"

  "Fully reflects the excitement of demolition express!"

  "The doctor is coming, there is a bear crazy here!"

   "It feels like practicing hunting."

   "What are you hunting, do you hunt bamboo?"

  “Pandas can also eat meat! Occasionally they will eat them when they encounter carrion. They will eat some small animals like bird eggs and bamboo rat rabbits, and they will go to the village to catch sheep and eat them.”

   "Wow, so cruel? I wanted to touch it..."

  "Well, the instructor said, don’t look at pandas' simple and cute appearance, you think they are harmless to humans and animals, and you want to sneak into the progress area for a close encounter. In fact, pandas are very fierce and dangerous! Black and white are like bears."

  A fluffy snowflake was raised, and he hit the sack with excitement, as if he had caught a very fat and strong fish, and was fighting fiercely.

  Let’s play and vent their full energy.

  After hitting the sack two hundred times, the bag was smashed, and the bamboo leaves filled in it were scattered all over the floor.

  I have no interest in cooking for the time being.

   Lie down and stretched under the wooden ladder of the perch, put two paws on both sides of his head, and his swollen belly straightened.

  Looking at this posture, I plan to do another two hundred sit-ups!

  ...This belly is too round to be done!

   tried it, and got up from the ground again, shaking his head quickly, and threw the snowflakes down.

   Standing boldly on the ground with his limbs, arched his back, turned into a heavy armored basalt, and looked around with his head.

Who else! Who dares to fight with me!

  The momentum is like a lofty mountain, honest and mighty.

   Seeing no one challenged, he rolled in the snow again.

   Lie forward, the body becomes a round black and white ball, and the bones roll again and again.

   Pushing her feet, twisting on the ground happily.

   Turned over and got up, suddenly seemed to have found something interesting, shook his head and shook his head away from his limbs and ran fast, like a drunk car galloping past.

   "Fuck, start the catapult!"

   "So fast!"

   "Have a good time!"

   "This is being possessed by a husky, right!"

  Today tourists can say that they are feasting their eyes, and pandas are much more active than usual.

  Liu Xueqing After watching Zhuangzhuang in amazement, they turned to the cloud again.

  Compared with the strong and strong, clouds appear to be a lot of ladies!

  If Zhuang Zhuang is Sa Huan, Yun Duo is cute.

  Holding a square piece of snow in her arms, like a little girl holding her beloved doll.

   Rolling slowly on the snow slope, rolling very round and standard, head lowered, body leaning forward, and a light kick on the back foot.

  After rolling down from the snow slope, she sat quietly on the ground, with a layer of snowflakes on her body, which seemed to be evenly coated with frosting.

   went back to the snow **** again, this time thinking of a new way to play, spread out the limbs and lie flat, revealing the white belly.

  The two diverged, gently pulled their paws, and then slowly slid down the slope.

   "Haha, so cute!"

"That's so cute!"

   "Awei is dead!"

   "Ahhhh, frosting sugar balls!"

   "Clouds are so good!"

   "Still holding a snow ball!"

   "Hey, hey, hey!"

  A young man wearing a down jacket looked at the clouds, his feet could not help but stood on his tip, his chin slightly raised his neck, as if this kind of action could make him see more clearly, showing a smile like a tram idiot.

  Clouds walked slowly in the exhibition area again, seemingly enjoying the feeling of snowing.

  Leave a string of panda footprints behind him.

   Stopped from time to time, suddenly attracted interest by a bush.

  Walking to the side, curiously pressed his paws on the branches, a fluffy snowflake suddenly fell on the leaves.

  Yun Duo's ears trembled, and his paws grasped the slender branches, lying down in the snow.

   He shook his arm, and suddenly another puff of snow fell and shook happily.

  In the snowy venues, everything is fresh and there are many places to explore!

  The tourists yelled "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

   "The panda playing in the snow is so cute!"

   "Awei is dead!"

   "Awei passed away repeatedly!"

   "So cute!"

  "Let go of that little sapling~www.readwn.com~Come on me!"

  "In the next life, I would like to be a tree in the panda house and let it tickle!"

   "The panda is so cute!"

   "No wonder Chi You lost the battle riding this thing!"

   "Damn, you didn't see the panda over there, so fierce as a **** of war."

   "Does the panda feel cold?"

  Two commentators took leave to go home during the Chinese New Year, so there is only one person today.

   smiled and explained to the tourists: "Some friends worry that pandas will be cold, but pandas are not afraid of cold.

  They are alpine and hardy animals. The average hair thickness is 5cm, and the thickest part can reach 10cm. The heat preservation effect is very good! It's like a thick sweater.

  So pandas are very active in winter, especially when it snows, their favorite thing is to roll in the snow.

  But they are afraid of heat! Air-conditioning and ice cubes should be prepared in the summer. "

  (End of this chapter)

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