I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 397: Passiflora

  Chapter 401 Longevity Bird

  Dad Yingying took pictures of the pandas playing in the snow, but also did not forget to take a picture of the children.

   "Yingying, come and compare!"

  Yingying turned his head and watched his father stick out his tongue and laughed happily: (^-^)V

  Walking out of the panda house, Dongdong’s mother held a balloon and asked with a smile, “How about it, is the panda cute?”

  The tiger head nodded: "Yeah!"

  After entering the Panda Pavilion, the balloon was picked up by the adult, otherwise the children would be squeezed.

After visiting the Panda House, Yingying walked lightly in front, while taking a bubble blowing toy, blowing out soap bubbles one by one, Dongdong excitedly chased after him, waving his hands and touching. Bubbles, adults smiling and chatting.

  Dad Yingying: "Good luck today! I saw a panda playing in the snow. I just watched it go to sleep when I came the other day."

Dad Dongdong: "I haven't seen pandas for a long time. The last time I saw pandas was when I was in college. It seems that I was sleeping too, I can't remember. Don't say, this panda house is pretty beautiful! So did pandas before. It's kept in a concrete cage."

Dongdong’s mother nodded: “Now the zoo is different from before. Not only is the environment beautiful, but there are also people specializing in popular science. I used to think that pandas are very cute and gentle, just like cats, but they are quite ferocious. ."

  Dongdong’s mother used to have a lot of opinions on the zoo!

The zoo I saw was all negative news. The picture was a cold iron cage with dark red rust stains on the railings, large dark green stains on the concrete floor, and plastic bottles and other garbage inside. It was so rotten. The same as the Maokeng.

  The animals are locked in such a small place, skinny and bald, and biting themselves to bloodshed. It is simply the cruelest and worst place in the world.

  Thinking that you must not take children to this kind of place, which is not conducive to cultivating love and awe of life in nature.

  Why lock up animals and restrict their freedom, so cruel.

  Even if the zoo environment looks brighter now, maybe the animals are still tortured?

It was also when Liu Xueqing was chatting with Dongdong’s mother that she often recommended Amway, saying that Linhai Zoo’s attitude towards animals was completely different from what she thought, and talked about the enrichment that she saw for animals, Dongdong Mom's impression has only changed little by little, and she is willing to come and have a fun during the New Year.

  Now seeing the animals here, it is indeed a good time!

   is a place where people can be heartily happy and have a smile on their faces.

  Yingying’s dad said: “Our Linhai Zoo is doing very well, but not all zoos are like this. The zoo in my hometown is the same, and it hasn’t made any progress after so many years.”

  Liu Xueqing covered her mouth and chuckled, patted Lele’s mother: “So if your baby is older, you can often come and have fun with it.”

  At this time, a girl in a bright red Hanfu, holding a fan in her hand, with long and smooth black hair floating behind her, walked lightly, as if she had come from ancient times.

  The bright red Hanfu suits the New Year’s atmosphere quite well, and the return rate is unusually high.

  Adults waited for the girls to pass for a while, and couldn’t help sighing: “Yeah, it’s so beautiful!”

   "This walk is quite aura!"

After the last joint event between the zoo and "Shining Sunny", Linhai Zoo has also become a place for some Hanfu fans to check in. From time to time, beautiful young ladies in Hanfu come over, which also adds a special beauty to the zoo. landscape.

  Red Panda House.

  The red pandas no longer have the excitement they had when it snowed, and they have adapted a lot to the snow.

  A bunch of fresh bamboo leaves were inserted on the perch, Lingling leaned over, and started to eat.

The bamboo leaves were not firmly inserted. After a few bites, they fell to the ground. Lingling glanced down and slowly walked up the balance beam. The thick tail was swaying, and he climbed down from the perch. .

  Walking a few steps in the snow, holding bamboo leaves in his paws, rolling his tongue into his mouth, and chewing constantly. The white beard and the lovely fluff under the ears also moved, and his eyes narrowed comfortably.

   With a gentle and calm appearance, watching the red panda eat bamboo leaves, there is a feeling of being healed.

  Red beans are very lively today, jumping like a silly rabbit in the snow, and every time they fall, they are deeply buried in the snow.

   Seeing that Lingling was eating bamboo, she slowed down, her body lowered and approached behind her, as if she wanted to scare her!

   Lingling felt the movement behind her, suddenly twisted her body, stood up with her hind legs, revealing her black belly, and raised both hands in a threatening posture.

  Red Bean didn't scare the little panda successfully, instead, she was taken aback and jumped away without looking back.

  Lingling raised her hand and fell down again, continuing to calmly eat the bamboo.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   "This turning around is so cute!"

   "I will really be scared!"


  Bird House.

  Gah! Huh!



   Stepping into the Bird House seems to have entered a different world, surrounded by dense green trees, the air is fresh and humid, and there is a refreshing fragrance of leaves.

  Singing and chirping of various birds came from all directions, as well as the sound of gurgling water.

  The temperature is also much higher than outside.

   Liu Xueqing walked for a while, feeling a little sweaty in his head, opened the zipper of the clothes, and shouted to Yingying: "Baby, is it hot? Take off the scarf when it's hot and give it to mom!"

  It's still quite warm inside.

  Yingying had this intention, and ran over and handed her the scarf.

   ran forward for a while and came to a place where the trees were relatively sparse. The various areas in the bird house are not exactly the same, some are dense, some are sparse, and there are grasslands, allowing different birds to choose their favorite environment.

   suddenly shouted: "Mama! Look at this bird, the tail is so long!"

Liu Xueqing followed the direction of Yingying's fingers ~www.readwn.com~ and saw a very beautiful bird standing on the treetop. It felt a little bigger than a sparrow. The most conspicuous feature was the two slender chestnut tail feathers and the body. It's almost long, like two streamers.

  The feathers on the chest and abdomen are gray, the head and neck are dark blue, and the mouth and eyes are like sapphires, shining with a beautiful blue glow.

   "叽, 咴咴咴咴~"

   uttered a melodious singing sound like playing a flute. With the loud singing, a cluster of crown feathers on his head also stood up.

  It seems that someone was observing himself, flapping his wings and flying to a tree a little further away. When flying, he spread his wings and spread his tail, and the ribbon-like slender tail feathers fluttered behind him, looking beautiful and eye-catching.

   Liu Xueqing couldn’t help but curiously asked, “What kind of bird is this?”

   Yingying father said: "It should be a longevity bird! And it's still a male bird. The female bird's tail is only half the length of the male bird."

  Although it is possible, the tone is quite certain.

  After visiting a few times, although these birds have not been recognized, some birds are very characteristic. When I saw the sign, I made a note of them, such as long-crowned starlings and longevity birds.

  (End of this chapter)

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