I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 398: Docile capybara

  Chapter 402 The gentle capybara

Yingying's father recalled the content of the exhibition: "Because the longevity bird is very beautiful, many people wanted to raise it before, but it is one of the most difficult birds to raise. It has to eat live insects, moths, etc. I caught it for a few days and died."

   added: "In fact, our country allows very few birds as pets, only 9 species."

  Nine species are budgerigar, cockatiel, peach-faced peony parrot, colorful Munia, canary, zebra finch, long-tailed grass finch, white-rumped Munia and Javanese finch.

  Dad Dongdong said in surprise: "Nine kinds, are they so few? Parrots, thrushes, sparrows, starlings, larks, pigeons, etc., are there more than 9 kinds, right?"

  Yingying’s dad used to see Long-crowned starlings are white and beautiful. Yingying particularly likes it. He also asked the breeder if he could raise this kind of bird! Knowing that there are only 9 species of birds allowed to be raised, is the same surprise.

"Well, myna, lark, and thrush, although they are very common birds in the bird market, they are all illegal! Unless they have a breeding certificate. Because of cage capture, the number of these birds in the wild has dropped significantly. Pigeons should be poultry. , The same as chickens, ducks and geese."

  Dad Dongdong can’t help sighing: “It feels like many people don’t know it. You really have to keep learning.”

   Dongdong’s mother: "Hey, what's the situation in front, so lively?"

  The waterfall in the valley flows down, forming a small pond here!

  On the grass on the shore, there are two brown furs, more than one meter long, and look like big rabbit-like animals. One is in the pond and the other is lying on the rocks at the edge of the pond.

  This thing is naturally a capybara. After it was transported a year ago, it was placed in the bird house.

  A bunch of adults and children squatted around the capybara on the grass, and a keeper was presiding over the order: "Don’t all gather together, step back a little."

   Liu Xueqing curiously guessed: “What kind of animal is this, porcupine? But don’t porcupines have many spines on their backs?”

  Fangfang’s head and big nostrils, it looks a bit ugly at first glance, but it looks a bit cute again!

  Ugly cute and cute.

  The capybara is eating grass, eyes half-opened, as if just after a massage spa, it was so scented that it could fall asleep at any time.

  In fact, the capybara has such an expression most of the time. It feels like eating fast and reciting the Buddha, and it feels indifferent to the dust.

  Although he was surrounded by so many people, his expression was still very calm, and he didn't seem to be very scared.

The capybara in the pond is swimming slowly in the water. There are a few green parrots jumping up and down on the back of its head, chirping and having a good time, treating it as a piece of water in the water. Moving floating island.

  From time to time, he bowed his head and pecked the capybara's head, slapped its ears, and even daredly pecked its nose.

  The capybara only closes its eyelids and shakes its ears when the parrot pecks at its own eyes.

  A capybara lying on a rock, with a large macaw standing beside it.

   is Kim Martin. He gently patted the capybara on the head with his blue-green wings, with his mouth close to its ears, making the "tsk" sound that humans often use when attracting attention, and then said: "Hello?"

  The capybara closed its eyes and was taking a nap, not interested in taking care of it.

  Jin Martin raised his head, his eyes twitched, showing a sly look, not knowing what he was making.

   jumped to the other side, leaned close to its ear, and whispered softly: "My name is Martin Martin!"


  "The Yellow River flows into the ocean in the daytime!"

  "Happy New Year! Hi Pi Niuye!"

"wish you prosperity and all the best!"

   These two sentences are approaching the New Year, and the breeder teaches them Protestantly.

  The capybara wants to have a good night’s sleep and rest for a while, but being so harassed by Martin Martin, she keeps talking to her ears, it’s just a whisper of the devil!

  Even though Buddhism, I can’t help but feel a little depressed.

   Coming down from the rock, "pop" jumped into the pond and sank directly into the water.

  Jin Martin finished teasing the capybara, and he was very happy. He quacked twice, flapped his wings and flew, and the parrot brothers all followed it and flew away.

  But not long after, a few more birds flew down, chirping on top of the capybara.

  The breeder introduced: “Capybara is the largest rodent in the world. Although they are called dolphins, they are not relatives of pigs, but relatives of mice! The tail has degenerated, and there are only a few traces.

  They are a kind of semi-aquatic animals. They usually live near water. On land, capybaras run very fast and are very flexible in water. They will hide in water when they are in danger. In order to avoid predators, you can stay underwater for up to 5 minutes!

  Short, sturdy limbs, webbed toes, these characteristics make the capybara very good at swimming. Short and tough brown fur that can dry quickly after landing. You can even sleep in the bumpy water.

  Capybara is a very Buddhist animal! With a gentle personality, it is a social flower in the animal kingdom. It is loved by other animals and we can see that we get along well with these birds. "

  Dad Yingying saw it, and couldn’t help but vomit: “Are you sure it’s not the bird that is bullying it?”

  "My temper is really good! This bird won't move no matter how you peck it."

   "I heard that capybara and crocodiles can live in peace."

   "Really, this is the crocodile belly is not hungry."

   "Looks so good!"

   "A cute big mouse."

   "Like an old monk entering concentration, I look a little sleepy."

   "No wonder it's called a capybara. The more you look at it, the more it looks like a pig. It's chubby and walks slowly."

  The breeder smiled and said, "You can come up and touch it if you like."

  Some children heard the breeder's words and went up and poked them with their fingers, but the capybara did not respond. Suddenly walked forward two steps, but shocked the children, and hurried back to the parents: "It moved, it moved!"

The parent touched his head and comforted: "It's okay. It has a good temper and won't bite you~www.readwn.com~ Yingying took Liu Xueqing's arm and looked at the capybara carefully. It looked nervous and eager to move. I wanted to touch it. Looks like: "I want to touch it too! "

"go Go!"

  Yingying cautiously leaned over and squatted beside the capybara.

  Looking at it focusing on eating grass, with its mouth moving, put its hand on the capybara and stroke it gently.

  The fur of the capybara is actually not smooth and supple, but rough and a bit prickly, just like the pine needles of a pine tree.

   Watching the capybara squinting and grazing intently, and showing no response to her own strokes, Yingying is not so scared anymore, touching her **** from the head.

   "Wow, really good!"

   "So docile!"

   "Speaking of which, I used to know about capybara, but I didn't expect it to be so big. I thought it was about the size of a fox."

   "Come Yingying, you hold the capybara by the neck, I will take one for you!"

  Yingying's dad "KaKa" took a few photos.

  (End of this chapter)

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