There are countless stone pillars around the tens of thousands of meters of training ground, full of this ancient Xi Yue Xi style, from a circular training ground with a hard bluestone floor, and a staircase where people can rest, to the highest steps of tens of meters, layer by layer, like an enlarged version of the gladiatorial arena.

On the lively training ground, hundreds of young boys and girls are playing and laughing with each other.

From five years ago, they were taken to the Sacred Realm, and from that day on, they were trained in cruel times, cruel environments, and cruel competitions, which also made them more and more mature.

However, the friendship between young girls is more sincere.

Even if it’s competition.

“Little John, why are you still so thin, I have a meter and eight.”

“Damn Miguo, I’ll have to teach you a good lesson when I wait for the selection exam.”

“Come on now, little John.”

“Yes, yes, we must teach this damn blue, every time we meet, we know to laugh at others, hahahahaha…”

“Little John, come on, I support you in teaching Bru.”

“That’s enough to choke, Blue’s physical quality is really strong, I don’t know if I understand the sixth sense, in addition to those twelve, there is really no one who can be stronger than him, little John has good qualifications, but he should not have understood the sixth sense.”

“Well, that’s a change that has become a Golden Saint Seiya, and we’re still trying to get the Bronze Sacred Cloak.”

“Haha, anyway, come on little John beat him…

“Well, come on Bru, let me teach you a hard lesson, knowing that the effort of the past year is to surpass you…”

“Yo yeah, little John so arrogant?? It seems that there is a lot of progress, let Lord Bru love you well. Hey. ”

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Immediately on the training ground, I saw two teenagers start fighting under the influence of a group of “kind” friends, and the originally seemingly immature teenagers suddenly turned into two terrifying beasts in the battle, and every punch and every foot was mixed with a huge force of ten thousand tons, tearing up the air, and under the terrible bombardment, even burst out a matchless wave of air.

The hard ground even began to crack layer by layer.

The hundreds of young girls on the side were holding Yue Hun in their hands as bystanders, and even began to discuss, as if they did not take into account the wild wind and waves that were enough to throw the cars in their eyes, calmly.


At the entrance of the tens of meters high steps of the training ground, the two people blocked their arms in front of them, and they looked at the shocking battle picture of the training ground below, even if the two people who had experienced hundreds of battles could not help but exclaim.

Even buy karma… This, what is this???

“My God, this, this…

The face of the man with shrunken pupils, wearing a black combat suit and carrying a black metal longbow on his back, thought that this mission was simple, just an infiltration operation to obtain intelligence, but no one told him that there were two beasts here, even, more terrifying than the beasts.

What did he see?

Basically, as an ace agent, his dynamic vision was extremely terrifying, and he couldn’t even understand the movements of those two teenagers.

Every time the two teenagers threw their fists at each collision, they were able to blast out a wave of air that could lift the car away…

Is this still human??

“Hawkeye Boy, I feel that something is wrong, we should retreat… Shocked, he suddenly heard a slightly hoarse magnetic voice, which was his partner.

Before he could react, a terrifying pressure suddenly descended.


Accompanied by a dull sonic boom, the two subconsciously looked up at the sky, and saw a golden stream of light in the sky tearing through the air, and suddenly landed on the highest platform of a training ground not far from the two people.

Rumble ~~~

A terrible wave of air swept through the wilderness, accompanied by a voice like a god.

“Well, my dear brothers, your warm-up exercise can be over.”


As the sound fell, I saw all the teenagers present kneeling on one knee, even the two teenagers who were still fighting, all of them looked up at the golden yellow god-like figure on the high platform, roaring in unison, and the terrifying sound wave rushed straight into the sky.

“Yes, Lord Godanwi.”

When the two ace agents were still shaking this unbelievable scene, they suddenly found that a pair of eyes looked at it like this, and in an instant, a terrifying and terrifying breath swept towards the two people, and the terror of the pervasive pressure was like a hell like a demon god, making the two feel as if they were in the cold winter, and they couldn’t help but shiver.

It was a feeling of being stared dead by a ferocious bloodthirsty beast.

It is also a kind of suppression from the life level.

A strong fear of death pervades the mind.

Just when the two couldn’t help but want to take out their weapons, they heard a slightly childish and arrogant voice coming from the high platform: “Give up that stupid idea, in front of the Saint Seiya, the weak you are not worth mentioning at all.” ”

Saint Seiya?

Their hearts moved.

The woman with burgundy hair and a black combat uniform raised her feminine face and looked up at the owner of the voice, and a slightly hoarse magnetic voice said, “Maybe, it seems that you don’t want to kill us.” ”

(Ask for tickets and flowers… )

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