When the two looked up, their eyes suddenly crossed a shock/glamour.

I saw a young man in armor standing on the high platform, but the armor was too gorgeous and noble.

The overall golden yellow, shoulders have a giant thorn shoulder armor.

The uniform scales before the moon are layered, refracting the light from different angles, and the whole looks so luxurious and exquisite. The moon Hun mouth is lying like a giant crab, and the first month of the Hun is set with a ruby.

The gold-patterned skirt armor protects the bladder, the feet are gold boots, the ankle part is pinned by two barbs, and the elbow and knee armor have raised spikes.

The whole golden yellow streamer is wanton, the most bizarre is the place with the mask, six spikes eerily rise from the edge of the mask, the streamer flickers, trance, as if you see a giant crab looking down on you, fierce and noble, it looks so contradictory.

A white jade cloak fluttered in the wind with the young man’s broken brown hair.

The tall figure and this golden armor complement each other, coupled with the domineering temperament and terrifying atmosphere emitted by the body, making the teenager look like a mortal god.

At least, the two couldn’t help but feel fear just by seeing those black eyes.

What a terrible guy, thinking of the two teenagers who could explode the air at any time just now, and the flight in front of them that burst into sonic booms, the two looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile darkly in their hearts.

What exactly is this place?

Is this the kingdom of the gods, otherwise any one person is a terrifying humanoid beast that transcends mortals, how to see a teenager here can hammer them with one hand.

I’m afraid this mission is not going to overturn.

As for the resistance, the two did not think at all, even in the terrorist base, the two did not panic at all, as for here, or forget it, they did not want to be hammered into meat paste by a fist.

“Even if you are wise, if it were not for Your Highness wanting to see you, the moment you step into the Sacred Realm you will become a corpse, Massiah, take two people to see Your Highness, and I will preside over the next selection.”

Godanwei looked at the two of them giving up their resistance and sneered, he didn’t have any good feelings for these unseemly organizations.

As a Cancer Golden Saint Seiya, he is extremely sensitive to the soul, and he can even see the dead souls around the two people, including many good people.

“Yes, Lord Godanwi.”

As if sensing that this demon-like teenager had no good feelings for him at all, the two did not dare to say anything more, but followed a strong man with a two-meter-high muscle explosion like a giant bear from the entrance.

The two agents who didn’t look at each other had a disdainful smile on the corner of Godanway’s mouth.

Did he really know what had been placed on the wall next to the female agent who ignored the traces before leaving?

“The selection has officially begun…

“Yes, Lord Godanwi.”

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

But after a while, the terrifying vibration and roar resounded through the air.


“Is this the Holy Land, the building as a whole in the ancient Heliphon style, and a fusion of many styles of ancient Roman and medieval castles, as well as the shadow of the towering walls of the Vatican City, this mountain trend single-handedly stepped through many palaces, twelve in all, according to the style of architectural construction, is the zodiac named after the twelve stars?”

“Yes, it is not difficult to analyze that the teenager in the golden armor is a Cancer, and from the suppressed breath when he stepped into other palaces, there are eleven or more terrible guys of this level.”

In the roar and vibration, the three people slowly walked in the Sacred Domain, and the delicate female agent secretly wrote down the distribution of the building when he came, but without analysis, the brain shell hurt at the beginning of the analysis, and the heart became heavier.

Sure enough, Fury was right, the “city” that began construction five years ago was not at all what others thought.

Rather, it has a bigger secret.

With different thoughts, the three finally stepped forward to the magnificent temple of Athena, and in front of the huge temple square there is a sculpture of the goddess Athena that is 70 or 80 meters high.

“Is it the Lord God Athena who believes in it?”

The two thought to themselves.

Looking at the solemn and solemn temple of Athena in front of him, he suddenly felt a palpitating breath, this terrible breath was not obvious, but it was very real around the hearts of the two people.

This is the perception of danger that the two have cultivated on the verge of death for many years.

This breath of death is even more terrifying than the breath of the two people who have entered the zodiac.

“Your Highness is inside, go inside.”

In front of the temple, the bear-like strong man Messiah first gave a respectful salute to the temple before turning to the two urns and opening his mouth, and then turning to leave.


Watching the departure of the strong man, the solemn atmosphere of the temple made the two people who had experienced hundreds of battles involuntarily swallow and spit involuntarily.

Step up the stairs and walk step by step towards the temple.

(Please ask for flowers and tickets, thank you guys.) )

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