Looking at Karen’s departure, Zhuo Lu frowned and said to Alonso, “You take these two people away now, and this time I have a premonition, you should have another change in your action this time, don’t return too early, Alonso, you are the smallest, and you rarely leave the Holy Domain, the least experience, this time count you an experience.” ”

The gentle sound makes people feel like a spring breeze.

As a Virgo, Zoro himself is very sensitive to some kind of cause and effect, which also makes Alonso pay attention to this departure.

“Then you…

Looking at Alonso’s expression of wanting to stop talking, the strong Benson waved his hand generously: “Eh, rest assured, Your Highness’s strength is unfathomable, nothing will happen, and if things change, we will gather other gold to go out.” ”

The other gold also nodded.

“Okay, then here we go.”

Alonso tapped his jaw, and without hesitation, he grabbed it with both hands, and his feet lightly stepped on it, and in an instant, accompanied by a golden pillar of light, the three of them turned into a golden beam of light and flew into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in a short while.

“I don’t know what that breath is, it’s so big, it’s so evil.” Watching the three disappear into the sky, Pisces gold, with a blue hair, immediately looked up at the sky, his face was full of solemnity and concern, and he paused slightly and then said: “I don’t know Your Highness him.” ”

“Rest assured, Your Highness’s strength has already reached the seventh sense, and with the protection of divine power, it will be all right.”

“Yeah, it’s just that the smell is disgusting.”

“In any case, Your Highness has already given his instructions and performed his duties, and the others are still guarding the zodiac, and the boundary of the Sacred Realm has been reopened.”


“Got it.”


After a short conversation, I saw several golden streams of light passing from the top floor of the temple towards the Zodiac.


Thirty kilometers away from Antonia Island, in the sky, a Kun fighter plane was completely immersed in the blue sky and white clouds, and no one could see it.

“What’s that??”

Honk! Honk!

The driver waiting for the answer was bored waiting for the news, but suddenly, a siren sounded.

“What’s that??”

The pilot’s eyes widened suddenly, and when he looked out of the cockpit window, he actually saw a golden beam of light flying at a very terrifying speed towards the Kun fighter at a very high speed.

“It’s not good…

Realizing that something was wrong, the pilot showed his ace flying skills and quickly operated to fly the Kun fighter to dodge.

I don’t know what it is, but once it hits, it is obvious that there will be no good results.

However, just as he was dodging, he was shocked to find that the inverted beam had actually turned a corner, and the target was still the Kun fighter.


The driver immediately wanted to cry without tears, the speed of this beam was too terrifying, and he could only watch the other party get closer and closer.

Kilometers, 100 meters, 10 meters…

Eventually, the beam of light collided with the Kun fighter.


With the brilliant golden light, the driver could only close his eyes in despair and secretly curse the mother in his heart.

Finally going to die? What a stroke of luck…

After a while, the driver suddenly realized that something was wrong, opened his eyes and touched his body.


How come I’m not dead yet??

In confusion, a laugh came from behind: “Where did you find such a stupid guy?” ”

The driver’s pupils shrank slightly, his body stiffened, and he slowly turned his head to look behind him.

I saw that there were suddenly three more people in the fighter, two of whom were the ace agents who transported the mission this time, but who was the other teenager who looked like a young man??

And, how could it suddenly appear here?

At this time, Alonso, who had changed his golden holy clothes, looked at this hooded guy with a blank face, was this really a secret agent? It doesn’t seem to be the same as what you see in the movie.

Weak and stupid.

“This kind of thing is not something strange that everyone can accept, well, Severus, it’s time to go.” Tidying up the hair that had been blown up due to high-speed flight, Natasha seemed to explain indifferently.

Really think of the agent as you guys who have changed their ways.

Natasha and Barton roared inwardly.

“Oh, Ok, ok…


In outer space, a dimension unrelated to the real world, vast, decaying, evil, and incomparably dark energy has completely infected the dimensional world.

A hoarse roar of terror resounded throughout the space: “Gu Yi, you who absorb the power of darkness, sooner or later you will become my slave, give up your ridiculous persistence, and become my slave, I will give you the power of eternal life and supremacy.” ”

In the wave of rolling dark energy, a huge skull tens of millions of kilometers in size emerged.

The terror of terror pervaded the entire dark space, and with the boundless wave of darkness, it seemed like a supreme dark lord.

If you are an ordinary person, you are afraid that in an instant, you will be read into meat foam.

However, in front of this huge skull, it was indeed a middle-aged bald woman wearing a yellow monk bubble, and her not beautiful face looked unfazed in the face of this vast boundless dark energy magic, and her eyes were full of wisdom to see through everything.

(Thank you for the flowers, thank you for the monthly passes….) )

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