A scarlet mark loomed above his forehead.

For the huge skull with tens of millions of meters, this bald lady looked so small.

But the momentum of the whole body can be compared.

Because, she is the strongest mage who guards the earth, the Supreme Mage Gu Yi.

“Dormammu, don’t be delusional, I won’t let you devour this planet… Gu Yi smiled mildly, and his expression was filled with incomparable determination.

“Stubborn, the moment you die, no one can stop my coming, and at that time, everything will be swallowed up by me, and you, your soul, will suffer from darkness and suffer for tens of thousands of years.” 」

The huge skull composed of dark energy kept tumbling, his jaw opened and laughed, he saw the future, he knew the future of the other party, when Gu Yi died, there was no power to stop him from coming to this dimension.

“Oh? Is it?? ”


Just as Dormammu was laughing wildly, a cold voice suddenly came, accompanied by a terrifying and overwhelming pressure.

In front of the dimensional world, as if it had withstood a terrible force, it suddenly cracked, and countless dense cracks filled the entire dimensional world, and the terrifying and extremely powerful terrible momentum was like a supreme god, violently sweeping across the entire space, and a mighty terrifying momentum seemed to be brewing an infinite storm.

The space was shaking violently, and the boundless dark tide in the dimensional space had receded a lot, as if afraid of the coming existence.


The fear of the dark forces caused Dormammu to produce boundless anger, and a terrible roar resounded through the space, and the dark tide was also surging at this moment.

The Supreme Mage Gu Yi seemed to have expected it, and there was a smile in his eyes full of vicissitudes and wisdom.


With the fierce roar of terror, the dimensional space in front of the huge skull shattered, only to see a figure emitting boundless holiness and vast power suddenly appear.

Standing in this boundless void, the boundless rolling dark tide around it was unexpectedly excluded at the moment when this figure appeared.

Only to see a figure dressed in a luxurious white suit appear in the golden light of the sky.

As beautiful as the most perfect creation in the ancient Xi Yue Xi mythological collection, the jewel-like eyes portrayed with terrible indifference, the moment he saw this man, if the dark lord Dormammu was the supreme dark emperor, then this man was a god who looked down on the heavens.

He was none other than Karen.

“Dormammu… Jewel-like eyes emitting wisps of gold, Karen looked at the skull composed of dark forces in front of him and whispered, then looked at the bald woman in the yellow monk’s robe not far away, nodded and said with a little respect, “Ancient First Mage.” ”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lord of the Sacred Realm, Karen. Mr. York. ”

Gu Yi said with a smile.

Karen wasn’t surprised why Gu Yi knew him: “It seems that Gu Yi is concerned about the Sacred Realm. ”

“Of course, the day Mr. Karen appeared, history changed.”

“Really? So do you think it’s good or bad. ”

“I can’t see through Mr. Karen’s future, but the Sanctuary and your presence are a good thing for the world.”

“You guys… In the small talk between the two, Dormammu’s anger was already burning, in his eyes, Gu Yi and this guy who suddenly appeared were simply ignoring him, offending the Supreme Dark Lord, so what would happen to the guy who offended the Dark Lord??

“If you dare to ignore me, you two humble ants should be damned…”

The roar of the heavens resounded through the heavens, and in an instant, the terrible boundless dark forces formed a rolling wave towards the two of them, and the vast dark forces were filled with terrible evil and decay, almost collapsing the impact of this space.

“Ants?? The master who dominates the dark dimension is indeed terrifying, but now you are just a doppelganger… ”


The cold words were accompanied by a terrifying and monstrous will, only to see Karen raise his hands and cross, a vast small cosmic energy burst out, the boundless momentum was like a prison, and the dazzling golden holy light actually melted the nearby dark forces.

In the surrounding body, a huge galactic form composed of energy has even formed, which is beautiful.

Then a shocking scene happened.

Above Karen’s hands, the Extreme Universe formed two huge spheres of light like two planets.

The vast and surging energy contained in it made the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, who had always been indifferent, can’t help but glow with surprise in his eyes.

“Such a powerful energy, this kind of power is really terrible… This man. ”

“Damn, what kind of power is this???” Dormammu was even more shocked, it was simply unbelievable.

Before they could shock the two of them, they heard Karen coldly spit out a few words: “Listen to the sound of the stars of the Milky Way, the Milky Way Starburst… ”


The terrifying energy was released in an instant, and the two huge energy meteorites were forcibly compressed into one, turning into brilliant beams of light that pierced through the space and bombarded towards Dormammu, whistling, and everywhere they passed, all the space was destroyed and torn out of a long crack.

The space seems to have become somewhat unbearable.

(Thank you guys for the flowers and monthly passes, thank you very much for your support.) )

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