In just a short moment, a brilliant light burst out on the huge skull of Dormammu.

It was like boiling water boiling pot, and like thunder sweeping through the entire space, the sound was huge and intimidating.

The fierce light formed a whirlpool form of the Milky Way, which appeared so beautiful and shining.

However, this beautiful galactic star was so dangerous that it eventually exploded.


With the earth-shaking roar, like a cosmic explosion, the terrifying force swept through everything, shredded everything, and under this mighty and matchless force, everything seemed extremely fragile, and everything was annihilated and disappeared under this supreme power.

Space shook violently, and the boundless tide of darkness was swallowed up by this terrifying explosion.

It’s like a doomsday catastrophe, it’s shocking!

“Roar ~~~~ Damn the ants, I will come back, when I come here, you will all become my slaves, I will devour everything, no one can survive and in the darkness.” 」

A terrible roar resounded in all directions, and Dormammu could only be completely destroyed by despair under this mighty supreme power.

“No matter how many times, you have only one result…

Karen was still wearing a white suit, holy and immaculate, standing above the void, with the indifference of looking down on the heavens, looking at the space that had completely no trace of darkness, at this moment, he was domineering like the supreme god king who dominated the heavens.

“Very strange power, Mr. Karen, vast, the potential is endless.”

Gu Yi’s mage eyes glazed over Karen with a look of shock and said gently, this kind of power, she had never seen before, was not only powerful, but most importantly, she saw the endless potential of this power.

I believe that if the man in front of him is growing, then he may be able to surpass everything.

Even, the real gods.

“Thanks for the compliment, mage, you don’t seem to be in a good situation…” Karen turned to look at the supreme mage who had guarded the earth for hundreds of years, frowning his sword eyebrows.

The huge perception allowed him to see the thick breath of death in the mage’s body.

Sure enough, it may not be long before the mage dies.

“People will always die, and so will the mage, Mr. Karen…”

“It seems that Master Gu Yi wants to talk to me?”

“Yes, the king sent me some tea a few days ago, can you please ask Mr. Karen to taste it?”

“It’s an honor, Master Gu Yi.”

Gu Yi heard this and waved his hand lightly with a smile.


With the sound of the mirror cracking, this dimensional space collapsed, and Gu Yi and Karen disappeared into this space.


It’s Sunday.

Maine is dominated by maple leaves, and thus set off a warm color of warmth, the city’s autumn color is more composed of golden and sky blue this group of extremely bright harmonious colors, so it is more rich in a luxurious atmosphere, the sun shimmers with golden elm leaves, lining the blue background, beautiful.

The Stevens settled in Bedington, Maine.

Steven, as the head of the family, as the author of a slightly famous horror novel, is extremely good for this well-known horror state.

Generally speaking, when writing horror novels, as an author consults many little-known mysterious sources, you will be somewhat in awe of these gods and ghosts.

But Steven is not, he is a cheerful and optimistic man, as a staunch scientist, he does not believe this, and writing horror novels is only his profession.

However, since moving to this house, all perceptions have been broken.

Since three days ago, Bedington had been in a panic, and the sparse Beddington had been quiet and peaceful, but just three days ago, something strange had happened, and the dark fog did not know when it had filled the whole of Bedington, and the fog spread to cover the whole of Bedington.

I thought it wasn’t much of a deal.

But on the first night, something happened to the Johns family, who lived a little farther away.

The next day, when neighbors in the neighborhood greeted each other, they found that Mr. and Mrs. John and their teenage son had become dry corpses, and the death was extremely terrible.

In the next two days, seven families have died mysteriously.

Even the local police department couldn’t find any reason, let alone the murderer.

Everyone began to panic and wanted to flee, but just at the thought, they suddenly fainted with white eyes.

Even more frightening, it will continue to emit harsh and inexplicable murmurs, as if warning something.

There was one count, all of them, and all of them understood, that there was a strange force stopping them, that the signal was cut off, that there was no network, and that it could be said that Beddington had completely lost touch with the outside world.

And the most terrifying thing is that when night falls, the fog will be completely shrouded, and in the fog there is something terrible that is constantly hunting the remaining people.

On this night, the remaining people dragged their families and took refuge in a church that was about to be abandoned to warm up the group.

But even so, the emotion of fear pervades people’s hearts.

Steven’s wife, eldest son, and two daughters comforted each other in chairs near the church door carrying packages that knocked on food and water sources.

“Mommy, is there a big monster out there who wants to eat us?” Steven’s five-year-old cute and innocent daughter innocently whispered to Steven.

“No, Xiaomilu, we’re playing games.”

Steven’s wife held her young daughter and comforted.

“Oh, really, people still cry and be ashamed when they play games.” Milu has a cute smile on her face and despises the aunts and uncles who like to cry.

“Oh… The wife stroked Milu’s little head and looked worriedly at her husband who was discussing something with the men inside the church.

Let’s hope the horrors pass quickly.

(Thank you very much for the VIP points tipped by the three big guys of “Hungry Wolf”, “xwyhdc” and “Reincarnation: The Other Shore”, and thank you very much for the monthly pass sent by the big guys, thank you.) )

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