“Damn, what the hell is going on here, why is there such a thing?”

“Calm down, there is no signal, there is no network, the outside world may not know what is happening here, we have to think of our own way.”

“But what else can I do, Evan, that damn monster is still outside the church, and if it weren’t for the crosses hanging on the church’s doorstep, they would have rushed in.”

“Now there is nothing we can do, according to previous experiments, guns and the like have no effect on those who smash, but they are afraid of this cross, and perhaps some power of this cross threatens them.”

The heads of the families gathered inside the church to discuss and analyze, but there was no accident, and all the people looked very ugly, even very anxious.

After all, they had seen the fate of the Johns and his wife before.

If there is no way to escape from here, then their families will do the same.

“If those smashing people are afraid of the cross, it is impossible to use the cross to kill them, and I don’t want to just sit here and wait for death.” One of the strong men with a tattoo engraved on the muscle of his right hand gritted his teeth.

“Perhaps, fortunately, there are several crosses in this church.”

“Hey, guys, I suddenly feel like those guys aren’t afraid of the cross anymore…” Suddenly Steven’s eyes suddenly looked at the church with the door closed, and he shouted.

After shouting, he rushed to the direction of his family.

His family was leaning against the gate.

Everyone was shocked to hear Steven’s almost hysterical shout, and all turned their heads to look in the direction of the church doorway, and everyone’s pupils shrank sharply.

Only to see that the originally closed door did not know when, suddenly knocked open by some force, outside the door, the darkness was full of gray fog, inexplicable whispers and the wailing of the undead were also transmitted.


“Damn, mommy.”

“Scot… Close the door and the others go and find the cross. ”

Everyone immediately panicked, and the men began to yell.

However, it was too late, and I saw a series of gray looming figures as if the ghosts of the dead were slowly floating from the fog, and the whole church seemed to have been eroded by some terrible force, and the walls, ceilings, and floors began to decay slowly.

A fierce evil force pervaded the entire church.

At this moment, everyone’s bodies seemed to be still, running, holding children, holding weapons and various postures.

Only the eyeballs can move, proving that consciousness still exists, but it is unable to control its own body.

Everyone was desperate, and could only watch as the ugly and evil spirits of the undead drifted in from the fog.

It’s over, it’s dead.

Just when everyone was so desperate, suddenly, a low, steady voice suddenly came from nowhere: “Like that guy, evil, decay… ”


A brilliant light fell from the sky in an instant, accompanied by a terrifying roar, smashed the ceiling of the church, fell on the floor of the church, and swept through the wilderness with a dazzling golden light.


The endless golden light shone like the scorching sun that melted away all darkness and evil, and at this moment, the terrible roar and wailing were transmitted to everyone’s ears.

Under the dazzling light, people couldn’t help but raise their hands in front of them and close their eyes to block, and they didn’t even realize that their bodies were already able to move.

I don’t know how long it has been.

The dazzling golden light slowly dissipated, and everyone opened their eyes and scanned the church in disbelief, and found that the church that was originally shrouded in fog and darkness had become brighter, and the original decaying walls and floors appeared so bright.

Exactly, what happened?

People subconsciously hugged their families and looked at each other, not knowing what was happening, but apparently they seemed to be saved.

Pedal ~ pedal ~ tread ~

At this time, the crisp footsteps came from the ears, which seemed so abrupt in the silent atmosphere.

It also shocked everyone.

All eyes were on the church gate, clinging to their wives and children, vigilant.

In the hundreds of pairs of sights, a handsome, handsome teenager in a blue jacket and jeans walked in with graceful steps.

“It looks like I’m not late…

“Did you just save us?” Steven, who was holding his wife and daughter at the front of the crowd, asked cautiously.

“Destroying evil is my task, don’t take it to heart…” The teenager smiled softly and shook his head darkly inside.

He was three months ago in the Indu River Plain cultivation Li Ang, Aries Golden Saint Seiya, on the way to feel the evil breath, after tracking down found that it was a priest wearing a priest’s robe, the soul revealed the incomparable evil and decaying breath, all the way to the killing, the other party did not seem to want to entangle with him, actually induced a large number of demons to stop him, came to the territory of the United States is directly disappeared.

This is obviously the result of the other party’s summoning.

(Thank you very much for the VIP points tipped by the three big guys of “Hungry Wolf”, “xwyhdc” and “Reincarnation: The Other Shore”, and thank you very much for the monthly pass sent by the big guys, thank you.) )

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