“What are those things?”

“Did you wipe out those damn things?”

The crowd also began to inquire that if the dirty things were still there, they would have to consider moving out of Bedington, and of course some people did not intend to stay here.


Before Li Ang could answer, he suddenly heard a crisp cry: “Dirty evil, accept the trial.” ”


Everyone subconsciously looked toward the already shattered ceiling, and saw a pillar of light in the sky running through the heavens and the earth, a wisp of electric arc winding, and terrible pressure and air waves swept through the eight wastes.

The vast and infinite power radiates unparalleled might.

“Very strong, very potential, but your entanglement has made me very impatient…

Along with that, a voice full of muffled voices relays to everyone’s mind.

Everyone heard the voices filled with terrible anger and resentment.

This is the light hearing this sound, and everyone else’s mind can’t help but sting, and even feel that their consciousness is blurred, as if the soul is about to be devoured.


The roar burst out, only to see a figure like a cannonball from the outside slammed into the open space outside the church, bursting out a huge roar, countless waves of air and gravel dust and smoke spread in all directions.

The ground also shook violently, making a group of people stand unsteadily.


Li Ang saw this look change, and before the others could react, his figure had already disappeared into the same place.

When he reappeared, Leon was already outside the church.


The next moment, a terrible wind erupted from the center of the dusty smoke, blowing away the dust and rubble in the sky, and a large pit had been smashed out of the original ground, and dense cracks covered the ground like a spider’s web.

In the deep pit, a tall girl with black hair and luxurious gold armor stood in the same place, her face full of cold color, and her beautiful eyes looked at the looming figure in the fog not far away with cold light and anger.

The jade hand flickered slightly, and a black thing with green smoke was thrown out.

Looking at it, it turned out to be a demon corpse that was already in tatters.

“How’s it going? Inna. Li Ang still wore a red jacket and walked to the front of the girl, and his eyes glared at the figure in the distance and gently opened his mouth to care.

“It’s all right, brother, be careful, that guy is evil, but he’s very powerful, and he’s very sinister, and he just accidentally calculated it.”

The girl’s crisp voice was angry and dignified.

Pedal ~ pedal ~ tread ~

With the sound of footsteps, I saw a middle-aged man wearing a blue priest’s robe slowly coming out of the fog in the distance, holding a chain lamp emitting blue glow in his right hand.

In the bright light, you can still faintly see many figures struggling and wailing

His bearded face is gentle as if he really resembles a priest, but his scarlet eyes are incomparably fierce and cunning, which is daunting.

The pastor’s grim gaze looked at the sneaky Badington residents in the church behind the two brothers and sisters, and a trace of cruelty was wiped from the corners of his mouth: “Along the way, your behavior has made me know one thing, that is, you, like the hypocritical guys, like to show your so-called compassion.” ”

Didn’t say much, but the Leon brothers and sisters already knew what the other party meant.

“You can try… Li Ang said coldly.

At the same time, a shining golden flame bloomed all over his body, only to see that the original red jacket had become a luxurious golden yellow armor, unlike the scorpion tail braided from the back of the head on the girl’s forehead, and the two huge horns of the white sheep protruding from the shoulders above the armor.

Combined with a white jade cloak and slender body, the brothers and sisters are as solemn as the entire set of holy garments displayed in the Greco-Roman style.

What originally looked like ordinary Asian teenagers became so noble.

In contrast to the appearance, the two brothers and sisters emitted a thick and heavy pressure, and the invisible momentum spread even so that the surrounding fog did not dare to approach, as if they were afraid.

“Oh, very gorgeous armor, I’m very interested in you, only sixteen years old, with powers that are very different from those hypocritical guys, and a set of gorgeous armor that reveals mysterious powers, what are your origins?”

The priest squinted his eyes and asked.

“There is so much nonsense, and for your kind of evil, there is only one result, and that is to be judged.” Scorpio has been interpreted by European astrological occult since ancient times as the most powerful sign representing judgment and death, and Li Yingna’s character is also the same, averse to all evil and evil.


The metal boots stepped on the ground, bursting with terrifying power, the ground suddenly cracked, and the figure suddenly disappeared into the same place.

The priest’s squinting eyes opened in an instant, and the scarlet eyes of terror were glowing with evil and murderous intent.

Behind him, he saw a tall figure appear, a jade leg wearing golden leg armor smashed down hard, and the terrifying power even exploded the air along the way.


In an instant, the ground shook violently like seven or eight levels, and the dust and smoke spread violently along with the terrible air waves.


At the same time, the endless dark clouds in the sky converged, thousands of undead shadows wailed and roared, and the terrible and ominous purple lightning bolts danced wildly in the clouds, surging wildly, and the power was amazing, as if this space had turned into hell.

“Well, my God…”

“Are we going to die?”

“Daddy, it’s so terrible, whining…

“Many, many devils…

“It’s okay, that brother and sister are very powerful, will protect us…”

“Fark Fak Fak Fak … Mommyfak. ”

(Thank you very much for the VIP points tipped by the “okjinok” gangster, thank you, and thank you for the monthly pass and flowers of the big guys, Mo Mo Da)


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