“Great, we don’t have to die, hahahahaha….

The clamor of cheers and discussion relayed throughout the church and spread in all directions, as anyone who is born in a desperate situation.

When there are also many children who adore and look at the handsome brother and beautiful sister outside the church with a smile, wearing gorgeous golden armor, heroically fighting against evil, and finally defeating the evil undead and saving everyone, isn’t this exactly the plot in the story and the movie?

And whether it is the looks, armor, and moves, they all look so perfect, they are simply superheroes more than superheroes.

Even the adults can’t help but admire, not to mention the kids in the fantasy superhero grade.

Everyone surrounded the hero who saved them and excitedly expressed their heartfelt thanks.

“Thank you, thank you so much.”

“You are the best, you saved my wife, my children and my family.”

“Brother brother, how handsome are you.”

“Sister, you are so beautiful and powerful, Milu will become a superhero as powerful as her sister in the future.”

A word of thanks, even the children broke away from the arms of their parents and bouncing to pull the hands of the two brothers and sisters, touching the gorgeous armor with their small hands, and the big eyes all revealed the color of adoration, so that Li Ang’s two brothers and sisters looked at each other and smiled.

“Perhaps, in this moment, it is our easiest moment.”

“Ah, the Lord should be pleased with this moment as well.”

The two touched the small heads of the cute children around them, the corners of their mouths unconsciously outlined a trace of curvature, and their hearts became more and more firm in their faith, the two brothers and sisters liked such a scene, peaceful, peaceful.

“Brother and sister, your armor is so beautiful, I want to have one.”

“Yes, yes, when I grow up, I want to protect my parents like my brothers and sisters.”

After the boys worshipped, they looked at the gorgeous and handsome golden armor with envy and exclaimed.

Li Yingna’s mask disappeared, revealing the red hair that had been rendered, touched one of the boys, and said softly: “It is really a brave man, but if you want to become a Saint Seiya, it is very hard, and you must undergo extremely strict training.” ”

“Saint Seiya, sister, are you a Saint Seiya?”

“Well, we are the Saints, the Saints of Peace.”

“Then I must become a Saint Seiya like my sister in the future, and I will marry a Saint Seiya like my sister as a wife.”

“I’m the one, Simon, don’t rob me.”

“It must be me… Ahem~~”

“Hahahahaha… These two little devils… The others looked at each other and laughed happily.

“Well, if you want to marry your sister, go to the Holy Land and look for us.” Li Yingna was dumbfounded, she did not expect that she was only sixteen years old, she had a little fart to worry about, but she was not angry, but she was very gentle to give the little men a goal, she did not see that she would not hit the dream of a man.

“Okay, let’s go…”

Leon seemed to think of something and opened his mouth.

“Ah, let’s have a meal…

“Yes, yes, we should also be thankful.”

Hearing that the two brothers and sisters seemed to have the intention of leaving, the others immediately opened their mouths to stay, after all, for the life-saving benefactor, it was impossible to say without thanks, especially for people with their straight-forward personality.

“No, we still have something to do, if we have a chance later.”

Li Ang shook his head and refused, the matter was not over, he was very concerned about the last words after the pastor’s death, and he had to track it down.

“That brother and sister, I’ll think about you later.” The children are not willing, after all, this kind of good-looking brother and sister or fantasy superhero, can not see it.

“At night, listen to the sound of the stars and see the stars blooming in the sky, the brother is the white sheep, the sister is the scorpion.”

“Really? That’s great.. ”

Looking at the happy little faces of the little guys, the brothers and sisters looked at each other, nodded at the people, walked out of the crowd, waved at the back, the metal boots lightly touched the ground, and the two turned into a dazzling golden beam of light straight into the sky, accompanied by a dull roar, disappeared into the sky.

Left behind a group of people who were lost.

This night, they can never forget, Steven is even more secretly determined, he will write his own experience into the novel, the mysterious black fog, the mysterious whisper of the undead, and the two young girls in gorgeous armor like superheroes to save people in despair, the heroic posture of fighting evil, he must let everyone know.

(Thank you very much for the VIP points of the “shh**” big guy tip, thank you, and thank you for the flowers and monthly passes, really powerful.) )

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