The sky streaked through two golden streamers.

“Brother, do you still care about the last words of the pastor?”

“He won’t be untargeted, and I’m sure you feel it…”

“Well, when there is a war, there are always people snooping, very hidden, very dangerous.”

“Yes, if what the pastor said is true, I am afraid that the storm is coming.”

“So where do we go now?”

“Don’t be in a hurry, since you are here, look around, since you want to harm the human world, there will inevitably be news, and someone will contact us at that time.”


A plane landed at an airport in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident.

“Is this S.H.I.E.L.D.?” Looks pretty good… “Alonso is not wearing a golden holy coat, but wearing a black coat with exquisite and expensive materials, after all, as a golden holy seiya, so there will be a shortage of money? Of course, I don’t care too much about money.

Turning his head to look left and right, he found that the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters seemed to be OK.

Stepping out of the airport, the buildings full of modern technology models, the trees and flowers are arranged in an orderly manner, and many agents who come and go are in good spirits, but they are not the same as the style of architecture and life in the past of the Western Moon.

However, it was only a little interested, after all, he basically did not leave the Sacred Realm very much, and he would always be curious about the outside world.

Then the huge perception spread, there were not many special threats here, and most of the people seemed to be just ordinary people.

The strongest ones can’t even compare with their younger siblings who have been training for a year, and they are suddenly not interested.

However, the eyes fluctuated slightly, and they were fleeting.

“Of course, compared to the Sacred Domain, it is not particularly outstanding, and the architecture of the Sacred Domain that is full of ancient Xi Yue style is even more desirable…” Natasha smiled and said that along the way she had been talking to the teenager with the power of heaven, constantly analyzing.

This Golden Saint Seiya was more mature and stable than his peers, and had no special interest in ordinary things.

At best, a little curious, but also more arrogant, this is also easy to understand, there is a body of power to destroy the world, no eyes above the top is good.

During the conversation, everyone had already walked to the door of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters Building.

Barton frowned and looked left and right, silent without a word.

Suddenly, Alonso took a step, frowned, and looked up at the sky, his eyes glowing with cold light.

This action immediately shocked Natasha and Barton.

Before he could say anything, he suddenly found that the agents who seemed to be walking and talking normally nearby were all armed and armed with weapons aimed at Alonso.

In the sky, I don’t know when countless Kun-style fighters will appear.

More agents in the distance were already surrounding.

It actually formed a circle of heavenly nets.

“Still can’t help it?” I’m in a hurry more than I thought… Alonso completely ignored the densely pointed muzzle of the gun and said coldly to Natasha.

Natasha was shocked and had been analyzing the other person’s behavioral personality, but ignoring the strange things nearby.

On the contrary, Barton had already sensed it and smiled bitterly.

He didn’t know what the bureau chief was doing, why he was doing this, didn’t he know that if he accidentally provoked this teenager, not to mention the mysterious Sacred Domain, this teenager alone was no match for human beings.

Pedal ~ pedal ~ tread ~

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn, and at this moment, the crisp footsteps came, and everyone looked and saw an old man in a suit with good spirit walking over, followed by a group of elite ace agents dressed in special uniforms and heavily armed.

“I’m sorry, sir, that you are a great threat to the United States, and I hope you will give up your resistance and accept the investigation of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

The old man seemed to know something, and stopped thirty meters away from Alonso.

The elite agents behind them were even more eye-catching, afraid that this seemingly harmless teenager would burst into trouble.

“Secretary Pierce???”

Natasha and Barton exclaimed.

It turned out that the old man was the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the current Minister of the Security Council, Alexander. Pierce.

“You don’t seem to want to investigate, how did I feel a ridiculous killing intent in you people?” Alonso laughed disdainfully, he almost wanted to laugh, this group of weak guys in front of him actually had the intention of killing him?

Want to laugh him to death?

Killing intent?

Pierce wants to kill Alonso?

Natasha and Barton are confused, and even more puzzled, how come Nick Fury has not appeared so far?

“Okay, I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you, Grandpa John’s message to me is indeed correct, since you are the one behind the various accidents of the York family five years ago, do you think about how you died?”

Looking at the black hand behind the scenes, Alonso’s eyes glowed with terrible killing intent.

Damn, actually found out? So is my identity also?

When Pierce heard this, his thoughts turned sharply, but a terrifying pressure suddenly came, so that he did not have time to think about anything, looking at the teenager who was filled with a terrible atmosphere, Pierce quickly roared: “Resist the S.H.I.E.L.D. investigation, shoot and kill immediately, and all armed forces immediately aim at the target.” ”


Yikes! Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!

The bullets poured down like a torrential rain on Alonso and Natasha Barton, without the slightest regard for the existence of their own people.

Natasha and Barton’s pupils shrank violently.

(Thank you for your support, thank you for the flowers and monthly passes sent by the big guys, Mo Mo Da)


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