Alonso stepped forward to Pierce’s body, and his figure of one meter and eight made him look down at the old fox in front of him.

Damn it….


Those elite agents around them were flushed and roaring inside, but the terrible heavy pressure was suppressed in the bodies of the people and could not even move.

Even the body is unconsciously shivering.

It is like the fear of the superior being carved into the soul.

“If you kill me, it can’t just be S.H.I.E.L.D., but also the United States…” Pierce also threatened with luck, and many thoughts crossed his mind.

Natasha and Barton frowned, both smart people, and the situation was no longer out of their control.

Pierce has a high status as a minister of the Security Council, but for this teenager, life and death are only a thought.

“You know what? With a sixth sense, I have some incredible abilities, and one of them is mind reading… ”



Alonso shook his head, coldly reached out and grabbed Pierce’s neck and lifted it up alive, completely indifferent to Pierce’s painful struggle, his pupils glowing with a holy golden glow, imprinted in Pierce’s frightened eyes, and the cold opening asked: “That is, you are in front of my eyes, there is no secret.” ”

“Whoever offends the Holy Land will eventually be judged, whoever it is, including the kingdom of the Rice in your mouth.”

With the slight force of his right hand, he saw that Pierce was like a cannonball shooting straight into the sky.


In the desperate and terrible scream, Pierce’s body, which was thrown into the air, seemed to be burned by the hot flames, and it was dissolved alive and instantly turned into ashes.


Everyone stared wide-eyed and inhaled a cool breath, looking at the indifferent teenager in shock, as if they were looking at a god of death.


It was even more indifferent than the agents who were accustomed to death, and they didn’t even see the slightest change in the teenager’s mood.

The point is that his own commander was killed in front of a group of agents, but there was nothing he could do, and it made everyone’s face extremely ugly.

This is a shame.

But what can be done?


In a very serious atmosphere, two figures stepped out of the headquarters building at this time, a one-eyed head wearing a black cloak and a short-haired female agent.

It was S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury and Hill.

“You shouldn’t have killed him so early, after all, Pierce, as a minister of the Security Council, his death is bound to cause great turmoil at the top… Fury ignored the agents who could not move at all, and also seemingly ignored the terrifying mountain of pressure, and walked to Alonso.

However, the trembling hand behind his back betrayed his current situation.

This terrible coercion is no longer something that ordinary people can resist, but also his strong physique and will can do it a little.

Looking amusedly at the pretend director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Arangso shook his head, “That’s your business, you can go to war with the Holy Land at any time, as long as you can bear the consequences.” ”

“I will suppress this matter as my kindness to Mr. Karen.”

After a moment of silence, Fury said, “Also, S.H.I.E.L.D. will give Mr. Karen an explanation, so far, you’ve killed enough people.” ”

“My mission is not yet complete, and the enemies of the Sacred Realm have not been destroyed. In addition, a reminder that some human beings can not touch the existence, less touch ~~~” Alonso’s face crossed a trace of deep meaning.

With his right foot lightly touching the ground, the whole moment turned into a beam of light straight into the sky.


With a muffled sound, the air wave burst out, and the figure disappeared into the sky.

Looking at the vanished figure, scanning all the agents who were relieved by the death god’s departure, Fury said expressionlessly, “Hill, call up the satellite immediately, I want to know where he really wants to go.” ”


“Also, S.H.I.E.L.D. is in alert mode.” After saying that, Hill turned and left, but his body seemed to be a little tense.

Natasha and Barton followed.

Some of the other agents shook their heads and immediately performed their duties, while the other agents looked at each other and asked a strong agent to shake his head indifferently.

An invisible storm slowly dissipated.


An hour later.

In the secret conference room of the headquarters building, Fury looked out the window at the crowded agents, one-eyed and emitting a cold cold light.

Behind them, it was Natasha and Barton.

Boom boom boom boom boom

The door opened, and a middle-aged agent in a suit came in, and hurriedly said, “Sir, they are nothing out of the ordinary, but our people are still watching.” ”

“Sir, I didn’t expect it to be so serious inside S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Natasha’s silver teeth clenched, her pretty face was full of frost, how could she have imagined that the S.H.I.E.L.D. that she had worked for many years had so many Hydra lurking, almost all of which could be called Snake Shield.

Especially this time the mission of infiltrating the Sacred Realm almost killed him.

With her character, if it weren’t for Fury’s pressure, she would have had to kill S.H.I.E.L.D. and snipe those damn Hydra one by one.

“I had noticed something unusual inside S.H.I.E.L.D. before, but after secret investigation I found nothing, and if it weren’t for this operation, these smashing pieces would still be lurking…

“It is imperative to purge the situation in Aegis… Natasha, I need you, and the only thing I can trust is you. ”

Fury propped his hands on the table and looked at the three people in front of him with glowing eyes.

“Sir, give the order.”

Barton’s muffled opening.

(Thank you very much for the VIP points tipped by the big guys of “Chaos Demon King”, and thank you for the monthly flower passes of the big guys.) )

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